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Deep Dish
Date of Scene: 08 November 2019
Location: Pizza Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: Kitty and Rogue get pizza. Kitty mentions Lorna's recent revelations and that she could use their support.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is in mood for pizza with her bestie. Rogue will know what the means. Deep dish, the girl is from near Chicago after all, and meat lovers with extra sauce. It's a pizza that Lockheed would appreciate, though the dragon can't really go out to the restaurant like this.

Kitty shows up at the appointed time, coming inside in a pair of jeans and a sweater, with a leather jacket overtop. She removes her gloves and jacket and stamps her feet a bit to warm them in their boots. Kitty pulls out her phone, sends off a text message and then looks about her Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue happened to be in Salem Center already, she was at the Music Center where that collection of her party-friends are always at, hanging at their family's store. So when she got the text to come down the block to the pizza place, she grabbed her jacket and hat and set on out.

Kitty will likely see her as she strides down the sidewalk outside of the front window of the pizza joint, wearing her warm dark charcoal hued Navy peacoat, a matching wool cap over her moderately messy hair, Rogue throws the front door open and strides on inside, rubbing gloved hands together as its pretty damn cold out tonight.

Once she's inside though she feels the wash of warm hair so she swipes her hat off with a hand and then walks toward where Kitty is, grinning at her. "You're gonna get that gut blaster meat bomb pie again aren't ya?" She says, in good spirits, while her eyes scan around the rest of the restaurant and she settles in for a seat with Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
There are some things that lift one's spirits. The sun coming out from behind the clouds. The sight of the roads ahead of you opening up clear of traffic. Looking at the calendar and seeing that the weekend is coming.

Rogue arriving to join Kitty is one of those. Her face lights up and she moves to give her friend a quick, skinless hug of greeting. "Oh you know it. If it's not bacon but once moved of its own power, it's going on it," she says. She likes vegetables too, but thinks, "There should be a Constitutional amendment against non-meat toppings on pizza," she says, taking after her father on that.

Kitty looks around the place, more traditional restaurant than pizza parlor. "You know I always wondered about the name," she says. She picks out a table over near a window where they look out at the wintry weather. "It snowed on the drive over," she says excitedly. "There was a light dusting on some of the roofs. Winter's finally here." She takes a seat at the table.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had returned the hug, but once they'd exchanged it she started to remove her jacket because its rather warm in this place that has baking ovens in the back cooking up pizza pies all day. Beneath her jacket she has on a green sweater that is baggy over her fit form beneath it. She lays her jacket over the back of her chair and just grins across the table to Kitty.

"I like a mixture, bacon'n pineapple. Mmmmm." She knows that'd likely weird some people out, but hey, Rogue is a Waffles and Chicken kinda gal.

A breath is taken in then through the southern belle's pink hued lips and she glances toward the front of the store, then back to her friend. "The good part'a winter is I can keep my gloves on and not get stared at. The bad part is I can't fly home anymore. Too damn cold." Not that she feels pain from cold, it just chills her to the point where she slows down and gets stiff, severe temperatures could still freeze and kill her like pretty much most other people, might take a little longer but it'd still do the job.

"Where's Pete?" Rogue asks then of Kitty's beau.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hangs her leather jacket over the back of the chair. Her sweater has thick fringes on the sleeves and neck and hem, looking like something appropriate for a ski lodge. "I'm not sure if he's prepping the labs or grading papers," or web-slinging around Queens, "or something else," she says.

Her phone chirps as if knowing the coincidence of it. Kitty pulls it out to glance at it. "Or, he's catching up on Queery Eye," she says with a laugh and shake of her head. "Which could mean he is or he's just being funny."

The communique from him puts an even warmer smile on Kitty's face than she had before. "How are things? Were you hanging at the music store?" she asks. Kitty pulls out the menu, glancing it over but knowing what she'll order. "So half meats, half bacon and pineapple?" she asks. "Or do you want to go the personal pizza route?"

Rogue has posed:

"I'm supposed to be doing that." Rogue says about grading papers, showing a little grin to Kitty then as she pulls her phone out of her jeans and drops it on the table with a little clatter. She glances down at it, but looks back to Kitty a second later. "Yeah, I was at the store. They're gonna be supplyin' a big concert in Manhattan this weekend, they want t'borrow my van, so I brought it down for'em. Said they could use if I get preferential entry inta the event."

Rogue's elbows go to the edge of the table, either of her hands go to her chin where she rests it on the pads of her palms, while her fingers tap against her cheekbones and she just smiles over the table at Ski-Kitty. "Personal pizza is fine for me. I know you like left overs more'n I do, so you can take your big box of'em home with ya." She grins while tapping her fingertips against the sides of her face.

"Truth is, I was hoppy t'have an excuse t'get outta the school for a bit." Rogue states then.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Rogue. Kitty does love her leftovers. Plus Lockheed and Peter will probably get some of them. Though not Jester, he's only getting small amounts of people food. Unless Peter is spoiling the puppy. Which he probably is.

Kitty grins and says, "If it's anyone good, see if you can get two tickets," she says. The waitress comes over and Kitty gets a medium and a glass of iced tea. She waits for the waitress to take care of Rogue and then turns back to her friend.

"So... had a thing with Lorna and Emma. Kind of Lorna's thing to tell, but involved Emma doing her thing," Kitty says, wiggling a finger towards her head and making a whirring noise. "Lorna might be kind of emotional with things she found out. If you get a chance to be there for her, it would be good if a couple of us can keep checking in on her. Make sure she's ok," Kitty suggests.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at the ticket thing. "Its some indie stuff. Irish folk punk stuff, I'm not sure t'call it actually. I mean, I call it 'Loud Boston Music' cause they're comin' in from Boston. I like it, bagpipes'n drums, shoutin' and all that stuff. Its fun music, though the crowds get a bit crazy if ya haven't ever seen this kinda thing before. I usually just find a good perch t'sneak up on and sit'n drink'n watch. Don't wanna rub up against someone in those damn elbow t'elbow crowds."

The part about Lorna just makes Rogue grin again and look away. "Remember those movie pictures ya helped me buy and setup for Lorna's sister's birthday? Yeah... they kinda upset Lorna. I'm not sure she's talkin' t'me right now. She might be, but I've just been givin' her space." Rogue starts to pull her gloves off now and drape them over her lap, so she can have some dexterity to her fingers while they eat. "What the hell did she do now though? I swear that girl is about t'explode from stress management issues. I've tried my best t'help her unwind, but she just gets tighter'n tighter wound up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles to the waitress as she brings their drinks, then retreats to let them talk in private. "Irish folk punk stuff. Now I'm picturing Brad Pitt in Snatch. Not that he was Irish, but like him with an Irish brogue," Kitty says with a warm chuckle.

The warm expression turns a little more serious. "She decided to get answers to some questions that has troubled her for a long time. She got them and... well, trust me she can probably use a friend. And drunk videos or not, you're a good friend," Kitty says, giving Rogue a look that says she shares that sentiment about the Mississippi belle.

Kitty taps her fingers on the table. "Asked me to be there because she wasn't as comfortable with Emma providing the help. Figured she could trust me to keep an eye on things." Kitty's jaw shows a bit of tension, and the fingers she's tapping tap a little faster. "I'm still a bit off-center about Emma. I give Erik more of a second chance than I do her. And, frankly he's been far nearer to killing me than she was. Yet... it's a struggle for me, with her.'

Rogue has posed:
"I haven't seen that movie." Rogue says with a sly grin and a thank you to the server who brought them the drinks. She gathers hers up and raises it up for a sip from beyond its brim. Her eyes flicker around the restaurant then return to Kitty as she sets the drink down again.

"I love Lorna, like a sister really, but sometimes when I talk t'her it feels like she isn't listenin' to anything I say..." She trails off there for a second and has a frustrated look on her face before she motions over the table to Kitty. "Like you, if I told you 'Hey, we should go do this concert thing t'gether this weekend, relax, have some drinks, maybe flirt with some guys.' You'd pretty much play along an' be a good sport about it, maybe even have a good time. But Lorna?" Rogue just exhales and winces. "I don't know, feels like she'd just tell me how she can't do that, would never do that, could never do it, and how it'd ruin her life if she did."

She then shakes her head, shrugs her shoulders and reaches her left hand up to brush some of her white bangs off of her cheek as she takes another sip from her cup. "I just wanna see her smile an' have fun, but she seems like thats impossible." Rogue flashes a grin. "Less she's shit faced, as ya saw. She was havin' fun then, but sadly can't remember it..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hrms quietly and gives a little nod. "A lot of us end up having some kind of messed up things happen in our lives," Kitty says thoughtfully. "A lot it happens only after we get our powers. But Lorna was dealing with stuff from before she can even remember."

Kitty grabs a packet of sugar, thwapping the top of it to settle the grains into the bottom of the packet before tearing it open. "I can only imagine going through that, there's got to be all kind of things someone has to get through," Kitty says. She adds half the packet to her iced tea and stirs it.

"Someone going through stuff like that, I can see them finding something that fills their needs. Someone with familial troubles might fixate when they find their have connections to others that make them feel connected. Or someone who felt alone might find having a nation looking to them for help to fill a void, a need," Kitty says quietly. "And focus on that so much, things like just having fun and finding and being herself, become secondary."

Kitty takes a sip of the sweeter iced tea. Then she chuckles. "Wow listen to me. Starting to sound like a guidance counselor. When truth is I haven't had any training in this stuff at all."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sips her tea straight without any added sweetness to it, something about it as is feels good in this moment. She listens to Kitty's response and it sobers her a bit, makes her see things in a different light. So she yields. "Yeah, I guess." She says softly. "Maybe I've not been understandin' enough toward her. Its just, her problems are beyond me. Like they're on anothe'ah level. A whole new country t'worry about? I can't process that, I couldn't even come close t'it. Like if my father had come back and said 'Hey, Pumpkin. We got a society to rule over.' I'd probably be like... laughin' in his face and tellin' him t'get lost."

Another breath is taken and Rogue sits back in her chair as her phone buzzes and she gathers it up to look at a message sent to her. She taps a quick response and then sets it down again. "I'll try t'talk to her though, if she wants t'talk to me. But yeah, I seem t'just make her more angry when I try though. I should probably stop teasin' her though, about her dad havin' the hots for me, and well... the birthday gifts showin' off her drunken party girl side."

Rogue hisses out a breath and raises her right hand up to ruffle it through her mane of multi-colored hair. "I'm not made for this kinda stuff either, Kitty. I'm too crazy, too 'wild' or some shit, I dunno."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a smile over to Rogue, one that hopefully will have her friend feeling better about it. "Wild and crazy gal!" Kitty says, all SNL-esque. "She likes being around ya a lot. The stuff about Erik... eh, yeah, that might be worth letting go. I mean it's funny, but I'm not sure she'd ever be able to appreciate that particular bit of humor, and hard to blame her there with her family history."

The conversation is interrupted with the arrival of the food. Kitty gets herself a slice of the deep dish pizza, sucking a bit of sauce from her fingers. "But hey, it's good to have friends joking with her, I figure. I mean, when it's the good sort. We wouldn't joke with her if we didn't love her. Not in that way at least."

Kitty takes a bite of her pizza. "Oh gawd that's so good," she says, drumming her heels briefly. "So everything else been good with you?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flashes a small and amused grin at just about everything Kitty says. "I can't help it if men'a all ages find me to be delectable, Kitty, ya know this. This is why ya don't let me go around your father, just admit it, its fiiiine." She shows her friend a big grin before she just takes another sip of her tea. "I'll ease off'a her though, as much as I can. Sometimes her stress just makes me feel stressed which makes me crazier'n more wild though, it ain't easy..."

An inhale is had and Rogue's forearms fold atop one another on the top. "I'm right as rain. Got everythin' I could ever want, for the most part. Good health, good job, good grades, good fun an' good times. I mean, I could find stuff t'complain about, but whats the damn point? I'd rather focus on the good'n happy stuff, let the other junk get the cold shoulder treatment from me." She smirks then at herself.

"Almost a year now since I dropped out the Avengerin'. I do miss some'a that life, admittedly. It was pretty fun t'be a 'registered super hero' even if that term is pretty damn cheesy."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty seems surprised at the Avenger comment but it's because, "Has it only been a year? I'd have thought it was longer now. Though, that's when I was over in the UK so it was mainly hearing about in texts. And you're not exactly the clearest when it comes to texting your happenings," Kitty teases. "In your defense, they just don't have a cat meme for 'dropped out of the Avengers'."

Kitty works her way slowly through her slice of pizza. "Hey are you involved with that radio transmission thing? I got wind of it but haven't been able to check up on what's happening," Kitty says of the surprisingly old radio message received from an AIM research facility.

"There's some other stuff I'm looking into. There's a possibility I might call on you at some point to help deliver an ass-kicking. Kind of not my call, but, just giving you a heads up. Someone I'm helping," Kitty says. She kind of kicks herself mentally. Rogue not knowing about Peter's identity means she has to be vague far more than she likes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just smirks at the first part of what Kitty says and shakes her head gently while she reaches for some of her own food. "Nah, it was around Christmas last year that I sent Tony my resignation message. Since then I've seen him a couple times, but he's never spoken to me again. I mean, its Stark, he's busy, but... I think I disappointed him, which probably means 'you're dead to me' in Stark's world." She seems bothered by it, but she shakes her head and moves on.

After enjoying a bit of her own food, Rogue dabs at her lips with a napkin and takes another sip of her drink. "Radio transmission thing? Nah... haven't heard nothin' about it. Nobody tells me shit." She states grimly those last few words before glancing down and then up again. "I'm happy t'help if i can though, ass-kickins' are my specialty, as ya know!"

Shadowcat has posed:
The pair eat together, conversation turning to lighter fare. The concert that Rogue is trying to get into, gossip about her friends at the music store. Kitty's talk of her work at Stark, and giving some status updates on Jester. The pup has been happy and healthy, and Kitty indicates he's been a boon to have in their lives.

Eventually it's time to get the rest of her pizza in a to go box. "Going to get this back to the boys," she says of the pizza. "Glad we were able to meet up," Kitty says, giving Rogue a quick side hug once they are both up and heading for the door. "Check on Lorna if you get time, I'm hoping to do the same," she reminds before they both head out.