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Jason Drops By
Date of Scene: 07 November 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Jason drops in on Babs, Kate shows up and secrets are shared and plans are made
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Red Hood, Batwoman

Oracle has posed:
It's just a smidge to early for Patrols, but there's a lot of work that goes into one. Babs is down in the frabrication shop on the third floor of the Clocktower with music blaring over the hidden speaker systems with her black canvas style jacket laid out on one of the work stations. She's wearing an industrial strength respirator and has the big suction fans on, but her Prometheus (likely the most advanced phone in all of Gotham thank yoooou) is near to hand to alert her to any security or communications.

In one hand there's a spray nosal hooked up to a canister of ballistics solvant, spraying a layer of oily coat over her jacket. Her helmet, the Oracle cowl, has been seperated from her blast plate armor to upgrade some of the software. It's hooked up to a laptop running a diagnostic... and behind her the 3D printer is fabricating a digital green, light weight, heavy pistol taser gun.

All while Lisa Loeb 'Stay' is playing because that's amusing.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's preparation for patrol is already done (and people say insomnia wasn't good for anything), with the light fading in the west though, he has a bit of time to kill before he goes out into the field, so riding on his bike, minus the guns, helmet or even his domino mask, Jason winds his way through the Gotham streets towards the Clocktower.

Parking on the curb outside, Jason pulls out his phone and fires off a quick message to Babs. He knew he was welcome but this was Babs they were talking about, he'd put good money on there being 30 new security upgrades since the last time he visited and he didn't want to fall afoul of any of them.

Jay >> Heya Barbie, safe to come up? I'm outside.

Oracle has posed:
Sixty actually. Including signature scans a block out from the Clocktower. She had drones stationed all over the city for when she did most of her work behind the computer screen, now they're acting as mobile security monitors feeding data back to the Oracle Array up on the top level, which in turn, routed down to her hyper powered phone.

The chirp from the speakers draws her attention down to the screen near her hand and she reaches out for it after putting down the spray nozzle (I hate words). Seeing the message brings out the very best of laughs and a quickly returned text.

Babs >>Security disengaged. I'm on the third floor

Respirator slipped back over her face to finish the job coating her jacket and then the process of putting everything back where it belongs. Headed to the small fridge to grab a water bottle after hanging the breathing mask on a hook beneath the table.

Red Hood has posed:
Jay >> Great.

Tucking his motorcycle helmet under his arm he heads inside the Clocktower and hops in the elevator to the third floor. He's dressed casually for a change, proving at least the Red Hood get up wasn't actually a second skin, even if his 'casual' clothes, did consist of a leather jacket, cargos and combat boots just like his costume.

Regardless when he's deposited on the third floor, he wanders a bit taking in the place, it really had been awhile since he'd been by, before making his way to the fabrication shop by following the sounds of 'Stay'.

"Is this place new?" Jason asks as slips into the shop and flashes Babs a grin. "Or just new equipment."

Oracle has posed:
Babs is dressed like she's going to bed, at least once she takes off the heavy leather apron that kept her t-shirt from getting covered by the solvant:

She's wearing Nightmare on Elmstreet pajama pants, bunny slippers, and a purple t-shirt with a big arching rainbow colored male-symbol, circled with a line through it that proudly states: Testosterone is a poison.

So, the ush..

"New-ish.. it was here, I just never used it." Glancing around at the shop, "I installed most of the equipment months ago before I decided to hang up the Batgirl skirt-" No small amount of disdain for that damned thing, "-then didn't have a use for it until a couple weeks ago." After a gulp of water, she holds it out to point around while swallowing.

"Everything I can possibly need at the push of a button.. technology is the dopest, isn't it?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's brows raise at Bab's outfit, especially the shirt, "They spelled 'fucking rad' wrong," he points out nodding at the garment with amusement glinting in his eyes.

A hand is pushed through his hair as he looks around, "The absolute dopest," he agrees whole-heartedly. "So, what can you make here? Or is it just easier to say what you can't?" he wanders over to take a look at the current project but clearly knows enough not to touch it. "Ballistics solvent?" he asks with a glance over at Babs as he makes his way over to Babs finally, flinching a touch inwardly, as a sign, yes, hugs are okay.

"And don't knock the skirt, we loved that thing," meaning the Robins... well maybe not Damian. "Besides it a family right of passage, crappy leg wear."

Oracle has posed:
"Fucking Rad-iation..." Babs quips back at Jason with a twinkling eyed smirk, arms folded across her chest just beneath her breasts and a biohazard no bad circle.

Another glance around as Jason approaches, wrapping him in a tight hug as soon as she gets the unspoken opening for one, "To some degree or another, anything, yeah. All of my drones, at least the casings, are built over there." There are actually four 3D printers, one specifically dedicated to a task so she doesn't have to do a lot of blueprint changing.

Besides, she's filthy rich. Might as well waste it on neato toys!

"Weapons-" Another, "Gadgets-" another, "The last is open, but I've got an idea for it in the future." Grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah, Ballistics solvent. Kate gave me some for my jacket.. means I can lighten my armor plating and get a little bit more mobility."

The armor Bruce gave her when he told her to be Batman has gone through a lot of changes since that one night she wore it. Barely even looks like Batman anymore at all. It's its own thing now. "Small arms fire mostly, but I did some live fire tests earlier and it's pretty impressive. Just has to be reapplied every night, which is a pain in the ass, but worth it in the long run."

She side eyes him at the mention of
we loving it. "Yeah, I bet you were all just a barrel of giggles over it. I don't see Stephanie having to chew glass in that God awful thing, though.."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's grin is wide and toothy, saying, "Damn right. It gives you super powers." He missed having a decent sparring partner for this sort of thing.

The hug is endured, and okay, because they weren't at the Cave, returned, he knew nobody was watching and getting any ideas /they/ could hug him.

"Damn," he says as she lays out all the things this place could make, though the mystery printer gets his eyebrows raising as he looks over to Babs. "Do I want to know what that idea is?" with Babs it could be just about anything. "And are you taking orders? I'm good on gear for now, but in the future, might be good to have a connect." Meaning whenever things with he and the family blew up again. It was always only a matter of time.

He nods about the spray, "The smell... is distinctive..." he says of how he figured it out. "And yeah, saw that on Kate's armour, thinking of doing that myself, at least for the pants and jacket. The helmet and his vest could deal with small arms as they were.

The changes to the armour is noted, "At least one of you realized they don't have to be Mini-Bruce," he says. "I don't know if you've seen Dick in his suit yet, but he's really trying to channel Bruce. I get it, but it's still funny," he says with a shake of his head. "As if Dick wasn't annyoing enough."

"A barrel of something anyhow," Jason says and giving a smirk to Babs. "Shocked you didn't haze her with it," not really though Babs was all about giving women their shot minus the bullshit like that skirt.

Oracle has posed:
"Super powers is a strange way of saying, douches." Babs pats Jason's cheek, knowing full well she's one of maybe a half handful of people who could get away with it without losing a finger or breaking an elbow.. "I miss this." She teases, stepping over to hang the heavy apron up on the hook near the fridge. "Want some water? I think there's a redbull in there too."

The fabricators are given another glance around like a parent might their very special little baby who learned to talk before any of the other neighbor kids, but they're all dumb asses with dumb ass parents... that analogy got oddly specific. "Sure, you know you're always welcome here." Bruce's money may have funded most of this, but she's given a lot of leeway now. She turned investiment in her security firm into a bankable business that nets decent profit.. that some of that goes to Wayne Tech Shareholders only works in her favor, since she IS a shareholder.

They say Tim is the smart one.

"Yeah, it does have an odor doesn't it? I had to fabreeze the shit out of my couch, but I'm not complaining." Hands up, patting the air, grinning at the opening which she wholeheartedly dives into, "Which reminds me, what the fuck with going to stay at Kate's? Not even a text? No phone call? Hey big sis, what's up on a couch?" Scoffs, playfully so, with her hands on her hips.

She has not seen Dick, much less seen Dick in his Batsuit. "Oh, he's not that bad..." The same consideration she gives Jason, she gives all the brothers. It's a multi directional street with Barbara at the crossroads. "To be fair, he's probably the best one at it. Even Damian with his voice mimicry can't get the demeanor right..." She holds up a hand to just below her belly button, likely indicating because he is a pint sized kidlet.

"More of a Darkwing Duck than a Dark Knight, amirite?"

A barrel of something, "Nah, I would never willfully do that to another woman out of spite." She knows that he knows that and grins as she tucks loose strands of fiery red hair behind her ears. The rest is twisted up in a sloppy bun, "Besides, she'd kill the skirt and I'd get jealous as fuck."

Red Hood has posed:
"I thought douching was your guy's thing," Jason replies feining confusion, before he grins at the cheek pat. Babs was right, she was about the only one who could get away with that shit and still use their hand. 'Cool big sis' privledges and all of that. There's a moment of deliberation before Jason replies with the obvious: "Red Bull if it's there," he could sleep when he was dead, which would be soon with all junk he manages to eat and drink in a day.

There's a shake of his head at that proud look Babs gives the machines, he pulls out his phone and waggles it, "If you want I can snap a family picture," he offers wryly already preparing to duck out of the way of any sort of swat. Jason definitely missed the boat on the saavy investing side of things, he had his brownstone, his mostly front security consultancy but the most of his income came out of the pockets of the crooks he took down stashed in go-bags in various spots around the world. What could he say? He was old school.

Jason blinks, "Your couch? What she crash here the other night?" he had noticed Kate hadn't been around the other night, he just figured she'd scored and didn't drag the lucky lady back to apartment. The interogation is met with a laugh, "Hey she offered the day before Dick came back, it just worked out. Besides didn't know where you were at with guests, on account of the kid, who is awesome by the way, see why you like her."

"Not that I said it, but yeah, it had to be him to be convincing and he does a good job, I just like talking shit about him," he says with a bit of a shrug for chuckling and nodding, "Yeah, having to look down to see Batman sort of ruins the effect, but now that you put that image in my head, I am so getting Damian the hat," he says meaning the Darkwing Duck one of course.

There's a snort for the idea of Steph as he pauses a minute as if he was trying to envision it to compare with his memories of Babs in the skirt, whatever he decided he opts to only to say, "No comment."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane is already out on patrol tonight, actually. The expensive mic filters out the wind and almost all of the road noise, but the high-pitched whine of the Ducati engine is unmistakable in the background. <Oracle, this is Batwoman. I'm currently inbound and requesting entry. Over.> It's not like everything has suddenly dried up with the rumors of Batman's return, not by a long shot. But quite a few of the cockroaches HAVE scurried back to their usual holes as a result.

Oracle has posed:
"Oh you mother fucker..." Babs almost does throw something at Jason, but it isn't for the 'family photo' comment, but rather the douching one, "You know that gives yeast infections, right? Soap and water, Jason.. I don't know what kind of lowtide lady you're shacking up with, if any, but you definitely need to tell her that douching went out in the late 90s when cover the scent of rotten asshole was replaced with proper hygene..."

It has its uses, she'll admit, but this conversation is definitely one that could get long winded.

Babs rolls her eyes instead, arms still crossed.

"Kind of." She says of Kate crashing here, but whatever she might have added is stalled with a hand up and a glance down at the phone tucked up beneath her arm, "Hah.. well that's just creepily good timing.." A jerk of wrist turns the device sideways so she can thumb up a response.

Babs >>Come on in, you're added to the locks. On the third floor with Jason.

Phone held up, "Kate." Indicative, disappearing the device into the pockets of her pajama pants, with a smirk at the mention of Charlie being awesome. "She is right? I need to talk to my lawyer about getting the papers drawn up for adoption.. with everything-" Flick wristing out towards the wall and Gotham beyond it, "-I just haven't had time.. probably should at least talk to her about it first, too. She's a mite skitish with the whole family talk, but she fits in with you turds, so..." Hands up, big shrug.

"Especially the small one." Damian, "I... amd definitely getting him Darkwing Duck pajama pants for Christmas."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason laughs and ducks away taking a couple of steps back. "First off, gross, I think that's the very definition of too much information," he says as Babs goes into the short version of what appears to a longer and grosser conversation. "And second, I'll let you win if we never speak of this again. I'll leave your hygene mysteries to you ladies."

Intended or not there's no better way to win a fight with a guy than getting into the nitty gritty of female hygene. It's like their kryptonite.

His brows raise at the remark about the call, "Kate?" he asks before Babs confirms it. "Wow that is creepy, maybe she left a bug in here," he jokes with a shake of his head.

The bit about Misfit gets a nod, "Yeah, I'd talk to her about it, I mean you're already channeling Bruce by taking in a kid, better not to go all the way and just do it without talking to them first." Okay maybe Bruce did talk to the various Robins before adpotion but there was plenty he'd done unilaterally besides. "And really can you blame us for being skittish? Especially Damian."

A beat.,

"Nice, it'll go great with his hat."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane's bike rolls into the hidden garage and she heads for the elevator. Third floor it is. The door opens and Batwoman steps out, with long strides and flowing cape. The full attitude. Comes with the costume. "Evening, Red. Didn't know we were having a family reunion." she offers, pausing to peel off the cowl and wig. "Hi Jason."

Nostrils flare and she takes a sniff or two. "I see you're putting that coating to good use as well." Pause. "And sorry for not leaving at least a text the other night, Jason." The night she didn't return to the apartment. Kate smiles, the expression a whole lot less creepy without the mask and cowl.

"Are we discussing Halloween costumes now? I do hope I'm not interrupting."

Oracle has posed:
Babs doesn't actually raise her fists in victory, but it is definitely implied by her shit eating grin. A little neck wiggle indicating she knows she's the victor long before the white flag appears above the trench, "Never get into a fight with a girl when hygene is on the line.. classic male blunder." She muses absently, already up nodding at his name question.

"Most likely, but I'd have sniffed out a bug like a bloodhound." She's joking, but then again she's probably not joking. This place is a fortress and for good reason. Take a bullet to the spine by a crazy clown and see how far up the list security goes... Jason gets it.

She winks at him and turns towards the opening elevators after her phone indicates Kate's arrival in the garage with a little deet deet from her pocket. "Game faces." Hers is cross eyed. Staring at the opening elevator with her tongue lulling out the side of her mouth when the deliberate stride of the Batwoman brings her into the fabrication room of the Clocktower.

It stinks of solvent.

Having forgotten to do so earlier, and with a lull, Babs dips down and takes out the redbull she promised and over hand tosses it at Jay Jay, "Hey, Kate. You look dashing as usual." Interrupting? She shakes her head, "Nah, right on time actually. We're discussing children the legality and logistics of child acquisition. What to weigh in?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason mimes 'booing' at Babs' victory dance, but he laughs all the same. "Yeah, yeah, yuk it up," he grumbles the laughter still plain in his eyes.

"Well yeah, you're you," Jason admits of her sniffing it out. Yeah, he definitely gets it, which is why when it comes to the zombie apocolypse, which was a lot more far-fetched a couple of weeks ago, Babs' was Jason number one pick for a hide out.

It takes a second to get what Babs meant by game faces, he's mean mugging at first then realizes part way through and tries to correct to something silly, the end result is he looks like he's having a seizure as Kate walks through the door. Real smooth Jason, real smooth.

Jason snags the Red Bull out of the air and shrugs about the text, "Hey, you don't have to check in, you're a big girl, figured you were out getting laid."

"Yeah, you know Babs picked up Bruce's child endangerment habit? I was thinking of staging an intervention, but Misfit turned out to be cool so I'm going to let it slide," he says with a stern frace to Babs that turns into a grin, "What's her real name anyhow, I think you told me but I blanked on it. With a C right?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Dashing? Me? It's the red 'swoosh' across the chest." Kate replies wryly. Looking from one to the other, then, she chuckles. "He really went down the path of discussing feminine hygiene?" Jason gets a sympathetic look as well as a couple of tsk-tsks. A crimson brow lifts at their game-faces, and Kate just shakes her head all the same.

"You figured I was out getting laid, hmm? Nice to know you always think the best of me." Striding over in Barbara's general direction, she asks. "Got anything without a toxic dose of caffeine? And as if so happens, Jason, I -did- spend the evening with a hottie. We stayed up late discussing pajamas and pajama-related activities."

Whatever THAT means.

Kate shrugs, then, on the subject of children. "You want to acquire a child? I'd offer a list of possible acquision options, but many of those are still on my 'to be beaten later' list."

Oracle has posed:
"He 'did'." Barbara says of poor sweet Jason's unfortunate meandering into the forbidden realms of the mysteries reside a womans pants, "The poor fool." Said with about as much affection as there can be when calling someone foolish.

For his part, Jason's game face has Babs snort laughing, "You're an idiot.. don't ever change." Also a kiss on his cheek because he had a seizure and big sister kisses fix seizures. Medically proven fact.

"Ayup." A water, straight from the small fridge, held out to Kate as she approachs with a wry grin at her explanation of where she'd actually been, "Oh, it was very riviting stuff too.. vintage, hard to find pajamas being a speciality of said hottie." Shoulder nudging the other woman with a smirk.

"Charlie." To Jason, and Kate, "I've been hesitant to mention it because she gets flighty whenever I bring up her family-" Which she absolutely understands, "-And I don't want her to think I'm trying to replace them." Mouth tucking off to the side, eyes turning down behind her red framed glasses. "I don't want to kidnap her with my affection or anything, I just feel like I she deserves a a fair shot in life... and running around without an adult isn't how you get that."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason cracks his Red Bull pausing half-way to his lips to says, "Shut up, she tricked me into it," he says and takes a sip letting the sweet, sweet caffine hit his system. "Yep, that's totally what happened," he says nodding sagely.

The kiss on the cheek has Jason making a much less contorted face but a face all the same. "I hope you had your cooties shot," Jason says in deadpan, before rubbing his cheek and laughing.

"What? That is thinking the best of you? You're hot, rich and decently cool, I have faith in you," Jason assures her with a smirk before snorting and shaking his head. "Nice try, knew you spent the night on Babs' couch, so yeah, Babs is hot, but not what I was talking about."

Yep. He hasn't quite gotten to where they're leading yet. To his mind it's all hanging out and maybe ice cream, I mean that's what girls did when they hung out, right?

"Well if she was out on the street as Store Brand Batgirl, I can't imagine her homelife was stellar," Jason says. "My advice? Give her time, just let her get to know you, figure out you're cool and you don't have an agenda before you spring bringing her into the Gordon family on her," he gives it a second thought. "That is unless CPS is getting on you about it, then you should probably move on it before she ends up in a group home." Jason knows how that goes.

There's a smirk about Kate's list of kids that need to be beaten later, "If Damian's on that list, watch out, he's tougher than he looks and has a dragon."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate beams at Barbara's shoulder nudge, returning it with one of her own. And a knowing look. She takes the water and twists off the cap, slugging back a good drink of it. "You neglected to mention ice cream and wine and girl-talk." she offers, pointing a finger at Jason.

Crossing her arms, Kate leans against something and listens for a moment. "If Charlie's been out on the streets for so long she's going to be naturally distrustful. Besides, the words 'skittish' and 'teleporter' in the same sentence really don't make for a happy ending. I have to agree with Jason on this one. Take your time. Let her get comfortable before springing adoption papers on her."

"As for my list of who needs to be beaten, Damian's not on it. At least not yet. And you should know me well enough by now that I have contingencies for pretty much anyone." Yep, if you're on the list then you're on the list, no matter what your powers happen to be.

Oracle has posed:
Babs smirks at Kate, but mostly because Jason isn't catching the trout line they're laying out for him. Far be it from her to pull the reveal too soon though, oh no, she was trained by the best mystery magician on the planet.

"Oh, yeah.. double chocolate chunky road and red wine.. mmMmm.." She murmurs the last with a knowing wink and grin that slowly fades, "Yeah.. I'm not going to hamfist her or anything. I got her in school, I feel like that's a good start."

Besides, with the information she has on what actually happened to Charlie's family, it's a surprise she was willing to stick around at all.

"She hasn't met June yet, though.. that'll be interesting." Speaking of adoption, anyways.

"Don't beat on Damian.. he's a biter. Little tiny ankle biting yapping puppy, that one. Like the little dog bouncing around Bruno." She waves her fists in pantomime and hops from foot to foot. "Am I on the list?" It's good to know these things, even if she's fairly certain she's not.

As for Jason's description of Kate, Babs tilts her head back and to one side to get a better look at the other woman, "By Jimminy, he's right! You are hot... and decently cool.. hot damn."

Red Hood has posed:
The shoulder nudges and that knowing look are noticed and Jason narrows his eyes, "What?" he asks them. "And ice cream goes with wine?" he asks, see he's learning all sorts of girl mysteries today. It's educational!

"What she said," Jason says as they move on to Charlie, pointing at Kate. "I mean imagine what it would have been like if I had powers when I first came to Bruce's? Not a good mix." He'd been the same sort of skittish they were talking about, somehow sure all of it was a trick and at the same time hoping to hell it wasn't. "School's a good step, but make sure she's actually going, gotta figure truency and teleportation goes hand in hand," Jason says before frowning and asking. "And just how far can she teleport anyhow? I spoke to her, but we didn't really have time to get into details about ourselves."

There's a nod about the papers, too.

"Wait, yeah am I on that list? I am sort of curious about the contingencies, I mean beyond discussing female hygene obviously." He'd already given away that weakness.

"Right? See Babs agrees," Jason tells Kate.

Batwoman has posed:
"I'd say Babs is the hottest piece of ass in the room, here, but we all know my tastes are quite preferential." Kate offers. "The only redhead who's hotter would be, like, Jessica Rabbit or somebody." she adds with a casual gesture of the bottle.

"Being a parent is a delicate balance, whether legal or no. You need to provide structure without being too confining, allow freedom to make mistakes but also be there to help with a bail-out at least five minutes ahead of the police."

That sounds a bit too specific, perhaps. Especially the latter.

Kate chuckles, then. "And no, neither of you are on my list, so just relax." Damian? Well the silence could speak for itself.

Oracle has posed:
"Awww..." Babs says in response to Kate's compliment, "See, Jason? That's how you treat a lady..." There is no end to the dripping sarcasm, but there's a smirk hidden in there at the mention of Jessica Rabbit, "With her ol unpreportional, giving young girls shit body image, fucking but really foxy red headed, ass..."

It is not an easy transition, but Babs manages to go from smirkling about cartoon hotties to talking about being a responsible parent fairly effortlessly. Gotham, amirite? "Okay, let's be honest with ourselves..." Hands up, pointing one at each of Kate and Jason, "Show of hands who has the entire city wired to record facial recognition and can monitor, without interrupting, most things with the simple click of a keystroke?" Babs has her hand up, anyone else?

"I'm not saying Im spying on her, I'm saying that she knows I can if I wanted to... we made a deal, first night.. she gets to train here, she gets access to equipment and mentoring with a paramilitary vigilante group whose members include top tier names like Batman, Nightwing, and Robin-" She deliberately left Red Hood off the list, she even tilts her head all crazy person like at Jason, "-All she has to do is pass classes.. Pass.. that's it. I hope, at some point in passing classes, she figures out something that she enjoys.. acting, fucking chess club, building houses.. I don't give a crap so long as she's passionate about it.."

To that, Babs shrugs, "If she can do that, I wont hack the cell tower and go through her text messages remotely. I'm the digital equivilant of the big bad wolf.. and I didn't have to huff, puff, or blow anyones house down. I laid out facts, I showed her what I could do if I wanted to do it, and we came to an understanding. I feel like, given my upbringing as a Cops daughter and the kinda sorta parentage that is Bruce Wayne, I'm fucking killing it."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason rolls his eyes at the little love fest going on between Kate and Babs, "Jeeze, you'd think the two of you were hooking up the way you're carrying on," he says, honestly he's not dense, he just doesn't know Babs swings that way.

"Why does that police thing sound like personal experience?" Jason asks Kate with a grin, though he nods in support of her statement. "She's right, for all the shit I give him Bruce did let me fall on my ass when I needed to so I could learn not to do it and to pick myself up."

Babs question, earns a smirk from Jason and he halfway raises his hand before lowering it again, "Look at Babs with the nerd flex," he says with a grin for Kate. The lack of Red Hood in the list gets a roll of Jason's eyes, "What? No Red Hood and Batwoman?" he looks to Kate. "Think it's the gun thing? I think it's the gun thing."

At the end he has no choice but to surrender the field, "Okay, yeah, sounds like you've got this shit on lock," he admits as he leans over to give Babs a kiss on the cheek in return (or revenge) for the one she gave him early. "I now dub you super-mom."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane chuckles at Barbara's response, taking another slug from the water bottle. Then comes the show of hands challenge, and Kate keeps hers down. Arms fold over her chest as she sees where Babs is going with this.

And Kate nods in agreement with Jason. "Yes, it's definitely the gun thing." The smirk returns. "Could definitely be worse, however. When I came back from West Point I got my own penthouse, a Maserati, and a six-figure monthly stipend. Where could that go wrong? But I also know that I'm no role model. If you want punish Charlie sometime, send her my way and I'll train her as a cadet."

"And Jason, if I wasn't playing for the 'other team' I would've already hit on you. You're probably the hottest one of the bunch, in that rugged-and-irresponsible sort of way."

Taking another slug of water, she stage-whispers to Babs as she points towards Jason. <Definitely not role-model material either...>

Oracle has posed:
"God damned right I'm super-mom. Beating down the Batman of poor parenting." Babs runs her tongue along the inside of her bottom lip, "Is it too soon for us to make jokes about this? It is right? That felt way too soon.." One hand falls down from the crossing and lands upon her atomach, the other adjusts her glasses on the bridge of her nose after the revenge kiss on her cheek, "Besides, have you seen the gaming resolution on a forty million dollar super computer?"

Too far with the nerding.

"Okay, I'm done."


"I have access to satellites. Okay, NOW I'm done."

All this could be some lucky gals for the low low price of embarassing your ass at parties with tech talk.

"What she said." About Kate, other teams, and hitting on Jason. "That and you're like a brother I never knew I needed, barely wanted, and am now stuck with." She's kidding, obviously. Leaning towards Kate when she stage whispers, <Oh god, I know, right?> Hand up to 'shield' their 'very private' conversation.

Red Hood has posed:
"It's always the gun thing, it's like we don't even live in America," Jason quips, crossing his arms as he keeps in a chuckle.

"You got a Maserati? All I got was weapons and martial arts training with a side of more daddy issues," Jason confides to Kate about their 'welcome' gifts, hers from the Kanes and his from Bruce.

Babs' comment earns a smirk, "Cold Barbie, cold and that's coming from me," he says about the joke. Though really he's made worse.

As for the sudden love thrown his way, "Likewise Kate and..." then it hits. "Wait, which team are you playing for Babs?" his eyes dart between her and Kate the pieces coming together.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane laughs, watching Jason's rising confusion with open amusement. Finishing the bottle, she crunches it up and tosses it into an appropriate recepticle. "Okay, kids, the bad guys aren't going to beat up themselves." she offers, stepping over to scoop up her headgear.

"I will officially say 'no comment', Jason." she offers, kissing his other cheek. The one that Babs missed. "Be good Jason. And yes, it was a Maserati. I ran over six utility poles with it on my first drunken bender."

Pulling on the cowl and the wig, she turns towards Babs next. The kiss cleanly misses the cheek, head tilted to allow for the nosepiece of the mask. It takes... an uncomfortably long time. And before Kate pulls away there's a gloved hand on Barbara's backside. Squeezing. "Don't rely too much on that special coating, Jessica Rabbit."

As cool and collected as Kate can be, it's still a good thing that her mask covers any blush. Turning with a whirl of the red and black cape, Batwoman is in the elevator as she tosses out a parting remark. "And watch the doorknob, Jason!" The elevator closes before any reply.

Oracle has posed:
Babs was going to answer Jason's question, she absolutely was. Once he out right asked, the game was no longer in session, so it was only fair to reward him with solved mysteries of Babs sexuality, but Kate comes in like a wrecking ball and hits Jay Jay over the head with it like a clue by four.

The kiss. She sees it coming and grins devilishly as Kate comes in, tilting her own head a little so there's no pokey cowl parts jabbing into an eye or something. It is.. not short. It isn't grotesquely long, of course, but definitely not short, and it involves squeezing butts.

Which is fun.

Butts are nice.

Then Kate is gone, Babs is blushing, and glancing at Jason with a sardonic, amused, but not even slightly embarassed, grin. "Her team.. Specifically, her."

Red Hood has posed:
It all goes blank. What they were talking about, the kiss on his cheek from Kate, heck even what he'd just worked out about the two of them, all of it, when that conclusion is definitively demonstrated for him.

The kiss is not short, and during it's course, Jason's expression slowly shifts from shocked to grinning ear to ear.

When it's done and the two aren't sucking face and grabbing butts, Jason has only one thing to say: "Hawt."

Though as Kate leaves he says, "Later Kate, thanks for the show," shaking his head and turning to Babs and smiling, "As teams go, you can't do much better," he assures. "So guessing this a new thing, you guys were definitely giving off the new couple vibes with that kiss. You know that early passion where everything is fucking awesome."

Oracle has posed:
Babs' little moment of exuberance passes relatively quickly. Not that she's less so, but she's a jaded ol sea dog who has no time for blushing! At least that's what shes telling herself. Certainly it has nothing to do with not liking to look vulnerable.. Never that.

She does nod at it being hot, "Steamy like a shower." She agrees, distantly, arms once more crossing over her t-shirt clad chest. "Ehhh newish, yeah. Officially just yesterday, but I've been crushing on Kate for months." If Jason were any other brother there is no way this conversation would be allowed to continue.

It would have been snuffed out like coals after lifting camp.

Dead before the first ember hit the dirt.

"It is pretty fucking awesome, though. Now we just wait out the nuclear meltdown that is our lives colliding like two astroids on a collision course, but whatever, it'll be a fun ride..

"And I'll be singing Aerosmith the whole time."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason knows what it's like not to want to feel vulnerable, and where he might have raked another of his bat-sibs over the coals and make them squirm for his own amusement Babs gets a pass.

"You're telling me," Jason says of the steaminess. "You guys are hot together and I would't worry about the lives colliding, I mean, really do either of you have lives besides the job?" okay he's teasing a little. "So, you should be totally safe."

He chuckles and takes a long pull from his almost forgotten Red Bull.

"So, probably don't need to say it, but you can count on me to keep my mouth shut until you two want to take things public," he volunteers. "Besides what's one more secret."

Oracle has posed:
Babs inclines her head at Jason's restraint because there isn't any ribbing and that says a lot. Not that she couldn't weather that storm, but some things are 'kind of' sacred. Barbara Gordon doesn't share a whole lot about her personal life with very many people, afterall.

Even her family, maybe even especially her family.

"I hope not, anyways. I'm still getting a feel for where she's at with it.." Hand wiggling, sucking down a bit more of her long forgotten water, as well. "Not like I have a wealth of experience to bank on, you know? I'm everyones sister and nobodies girlfriend. This is my status quo." Self deprication is a mandatory element of being bat-fam.

"I appreciate that. I'm not ashamed, I want to tell literaly everybody, but I know that's probably unwise at this fledgling hour.. the giggling idiot in me, though.. that bitch needs to get her shit together before she gets voted off the emotional island." Smirking at him with a long blown out sigh.

"Anyhow. Speaking of 'the job', I got some intel for you." Nodding to her laptop hooked up to her helmet. The diagnostics are long run so she unhooks the cables and brings up a prompt to access files from the main HUB server upstairs. "Notice how the police have stopped reporting murders? Or rather, calling them fakes? I went fishing to see if I could find any links to that might shed some light on why.." The laptop is turned, showing Jason the screen.

All recent cases of missing persons in the Narrows/Coventry have the same four detectives working the case. "Definite change in behavior for them too.. was thinking of sending someone to go take a peek at what they're up to."

Red Hood has posed:
For all that he's a grade-A asshole, Jason does have some retraint, and so this rare moment of openess is off-limits to his usual brand of teasing and snark.

Jason settles in against the table nodding, "I don't think any of in the family have a ton of experience when it comes to relationships," Jason points out. Their night jobs and secret identities made it hard to bring people in really make it work. He takes a moment to think about it, "God, I think I might be the last one of us to have had a steady girlfriend," he says a little surprised. "Anyhow, still not a good one for advice there, I just winged it until I managed to fuck things up."

"And hey if you asked me out when I started as Robin I would have said yes," Jason jokes about her being always the sister. Of course at the time Jason was thirteen and Babs was eighteen. "Now though, you're sort of right, you're my favourite sib. So, thank goodness Kate took that bullet for me," he teases. "Anyhow you'll do fine, experience or not. Kate's cool, you're cool, and I'm here to smack the both of you if you guys start being dumb. You're set."

"And figured you weren't ashamed, but also figured you'd want a little time to get a feel for each other and where things are going before we threw the attention of the family on things," he says though there's a smirk for that bit about wanting to tell everyone. "Annoying right?"

Then it's on to business. "Yeah, I'd noticed the murders kept going after they brought in 'The Bleeder'," he does the air quotes for the name. "Just didn't get any ink. I can be that somebody if you don't have someone else in mind. Dealt with some of the demons last night, and I figure that's what those four detectives must be by now, and I'm game for a rematch."

Oracle has posed:
"Aren't you just a sweetheart, so full of regard for other peoples emotional well being." Babs teases Jason, but she only does so because he can both handle it and she appreciates it. "Seriously, Thanks Jay Jay." Arms open for a hug while the rare moment of sharing is still out on the floor for review.

Pending hug approval...

"Yeah, I should have put eyes on The Bleeder, but other things caught my attention.. not too late, obviously, just wish I had something offer up in that direction." She does agree in him fronting this investigation into the detectives, "I'll suit up as well, if needed, but demon or not, they're wearing GCPD faces.. so we can't go kick in their door." She points at one of the profile pictures pulled directly off the mainframe at GCPD headquarters. "he has a family.."

Not that it ultimately matters if they're infested with evil juju, but...

"Feels like mom is setting up a franchise. Learning as she goes... caught our attention, but now she knows what kind of headache that brings... we need to shut this bitch down. If she gets her fingers into city officials, or... my dad?" That thought actually makes her stomach turn. "Yeah, it's time to move on her hard."

Red Hood has posed:
"What I am absoultely a caring guy," Jason drawls with a chuckle that turns into a sigh as she offers him another hug. He accepts and hugs her back, "You're getting laid, I figure that's a rare enough occurance to warrant a second hug," he informs her the chuckle returning.

Then it's all business, Jason pushes his hand through his hair, "I'll be happy for the back up," he says. "Also, we have a new wrinkle to watch out for, they can possess cars, so if you've got any kit to help disable them, you should probably bring it with us."

"Shit," he says about the cop with the family. "These demons are all about new recruits and I don't think they care how old, someone should check on them, and if they aren't possesed get them the hell out of there."

There's a nod for Mom's plan. "Yeah, she's all about expansion, and shit didn't think about your dad, any way to get him out of town for a few days? I don't want one of these guys cornering him before we can take out Mom. Hell if we need to, the Red Hood can kidnap him." After all it wasn't like Jim Gordon was ever going to take a break of his own free will.

Oracle has posed:
"Possess cars?" Barbara asks with a slack jawed stare at Jason, "Well, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, but damn... That's a hell of a revelation." Hand comes up to rub at the small tufts of hair beneath her messy bun, "Yeah, I've got a few tricks that will work on cars, but it's a last resort. It'll kill anything electronic for a block that doesn't have some kind of pulse protection.. not very small, though so we'd have to set it up before hand." Musing with a little frown, "I'll see if I can't miniturize it."

A project! This is why she went so long being single.

"Heh, dad? Leave Gotham? For any reason? What so ever? Man, when he dies, he's going to refuse to be buried until the murder rate is down... he's a stubborn mule." She genuinely considers the idea of letting Jason kidnap her father, but then shakes her head. "Too much heat and I feel like there's already going to be a lot of blow back on the Bats once this is over anyways." She takes in a long breath and lets it loose from her nostrils.

"We can send Tim or Damian to check on the officers families, make sure they haven't been compromised.. I know they've been keeping their distance from their kids, so that's a small bit of comfort, for now."

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah, I've been trying to work out if it's more Christine or Maximum Overdrive all day," Jason says about the possessed car thing, because clearly finding the right pop culture analogy is the important thing here. "But yeah, cars, unless I grossly misunderstood what happened, not sure about other tech, so, be careful," he says though there's a nod for what he assumes is the EMP device. "Actually that might be a good idea, Zach Zatara was telling the reason tasers are so effective is the current distrupts whatever ju ju that lets the demons control the bodies, wonder if that might do the same. Basically a demon neutron bomb, kill the enemy leave the infrastructure, reasonably, intact."

He recognizes the signs of a new Babs project, "Shall I give Kate your apologies?" he asks her with a grin. "Or just send her over with Chinese food in about eighteen hours?"

"They could bury him under his desk, that might be a loophole," Jason offers before he nods. "Cool, well I am sure you've always got your eye on him anyhow, if those detectives get close to him we can jump in and save the day." Which would likely bring its own heat, 'Batfamily beats up cops in front of comisissioner' would make a great headline.

Jason seems honestly relieved about the kids, "Sure, that'd work," he says about sending Tim or Damian to check on them.

Oracle has posed:
"Ice cream." Babs corrects Jason about how and what to send Kate with, "Tell her Babs said you can bring the ice cream." Definitely not some kind of horrible coded note being passed back and forth that indirectly puts Jason into the middle of the weird lesbian affair. No, not ever that.

"I should have something managable by the morning, at least." She's already checking out as she goes over a mental checklist of things she's going to need. Foremost is her computer, obviously. That's a lot of computation needs doing and even her spot on memory can't do major equations in her head like that. At least not that we're aware of!

"Heh! Here lies Jim Gordon.. he was buried with his mustache waxed facing the crime riddled streets of Gotham." That small diversion actually bring a grin to her face that rivals the one given to Kate... "I should probably call him... tomorrow. I've got shit to work on tonight."

A glance up at Jay, "You're welcome to stay, but it's going to get boring as shit." Thumbing towards the elevator, where she's back pedaling.