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Digital Clocktower
Date of Scene: 06 November 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Babs invites Kate over for ice cream and there is all kinds of talk.. most of which is about pajamas. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Batwoman

Oracle has posed:
It's well past the patroling hour and Barbara Gordon is still up after hers. It hadn't been terribly eventful, all things considered, but Gotham is waking up a little in the absence of the Batman who seems to be everywhere at once... and now confines himself mostly to a single area. People can say what they want, but criminals aren't stupid when it comes to the fear he creates.

The short lived season of the Digital Batman ended abruptly upon Dick's return, but that hasn't stopped Babs from donning the digital green mantle she'd worn under the cowl as her own, manipulating it into The Oracle. Now on the training floor of the Clocktower, sucking water from a container, pouring sweat... she kind of wonders why she didn't stay retired.

The dangerously upgraded Wayne Tech Prometheus phone sits against her hip clad in work out pants and her long red hair is coiled up into something messy, just to keep it out of her face. It's easier to deal with all the snakes when they're hidden in their layers.. our just punch the shit out of them on the foam dummy standing a few feet away. After another long drink of water, Babs quickly unwraps the gloves from both hands and grabs her phone, shooting off an encrypted text to Kate.

Hey you want Ice cream? I need ice cream.

Batwoman has posed:
Barbara isn't the only one stepping up patrols in Gotham. Batwoman has been given freedom to roam the city, and while she casts her net wide she does tend to look for more specific kinds of fish. She's on her souped-up red and black bike exceeding the speed limit, shifting her attention away from the docks towards downtown when the text flickers across her HUD.

Speech-to-text is a marvelous feature, right up there with wind-filtered microphones. Especially when both hands are very occupied.

*Copy that. And that's a strong affirmative on my end. I'm about 10 minutes out. 5 if I break a few more traffic laws. Need me to make a stop or do you have excess inventory?*

Oracle has posed:
The alacrity of the reply actually bring a smile to Babs face and she finishes her drink of water to retake the heavy looking phone back up. The phone generation are all going to have excessively big thumbs. This is the takeaway from tonights entertainment. The redheads work expertly over the screens shatter proof glass face.

Only if you want something boring like vanilla or chocolate. I have a 15 year old, there is plenty of ice cream... remind me to tell you about my 15 year old.

With the message sent, the phone is tucked into the strap of her sports bra on the way to the elevator, a shower and pajama pants are require to continue this adventure. It doesn't matter what her armor looks like, once she's home, Babs gets right back in the She-ra jamjams.

Because she's a dork.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate smiles as the message flickers across her HUD, and twists the throttle to accelerate. Barbara has a 15-year old? Hmm. Well that's not at all weird. There's definitely a story involved, from the sounds of it. And probably a bottle of wine after the ice cream. It's been a while since the only two estrogen-rich members of the Bat-squad sat down for a girl-chat.

*Roger. Heading for direct rendezvous. ETA 6 minutes plus.*

Kate's black and red Ducati rolls into the Clocktower's discreet parking garage exactly 6 minutes and 24 seconds later. A couple minutes afterward, Batwoman steps off the elevator into the Clocktower's upper floors. Still wearing the cowl and wig, there's something about the costume that puts more confidence into Kate's stride. And it's almost possible to still -smell- the wind in her cape as she moves.

Oracle has posed:
It takes every second of those extra minutes for Babs to finish her shower and step out of her bedroom wearing something that resembles a childrens birthday party sleep over rather than a vigilante living in the most expensive Clocktower this side of Old Ben. "Hey, Babe." Rubbing her thick towel into poofy hair as she pads barefoot towards the kitchen, "I'm not going to beat around the bush with the Ice cream.. I'm going straight for triple fudge chunky roads... I /know/..." Turning a little to stress the last word, "It's been /that/ kind of month."

Two bowls, two spoons, one expensive bottle of wine and double the glasses. "How you doing, anyhow?" Glancing back and around the wall seperating kitchen from common area. "Feels like I haven't seen you in forever.. but I guess all this shit has you busy too."

They're not actually She-ra jams, she has those though, they're Power Puff Girls with a Mojo Jojo t-shirt.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane spots the vintage PJ's and smirks, tilting her head to pull of the cowl/wig headgear. Tossing it carefully onto a chair, Kate tousles out her crimson pixie-cut hair and saunters closer to the kitchen. "Busy like everyone else, I suppose." she offers. "Triple fudge chunky road? Wow. Can I get mine with a couple shots of tequila?" she adds with a smirk. "Unless you have wine." Which she does.

The cape is carefully removed next and draped over the back of the same chair, which leaves Kate in the close-fitting batsuit. "So I've recently picked up a roommate myself." she offers, following the prospect of ice cream into the kitchen. "Jason's been staying with me ever since Dick's return. Oil and water, those two. But he's a decent cook at least."

Giving the cartoon PJ's another looking-over, Kate grins broadly. "I feel overdressed."

Oracle has posed:
Babs fiery red head pops back around the wall to look at Kate, "I have tequila.... No, it's too early for tequila." Waving the thought away, both hands, they will be required for carrying of things. Two bowls, one big pint of ice cream, a bottle of wine and two glasses! Clearly she's waitressed before...

"It's not /that/ bad." Perking out her shoulder a little so Kate can take the bottle of wine from under her arm once she's joined the other nearer the couch infront of the super tv. "Just... you know mostly bad with some good sprinkles.. like ice cream, only not nearly as full of carbs."

When Kate delivers 'that' bombshell, however.

"Huh.. Jason sleeps? I thought he, like Bruce, hung upside down in a cave system by his clawed toes." Glancing down and away for a second, letting that mental image build traction. "I was worried that might happen when or if Dick came back around. I'm glad you where there to keep him on his feet, the alternative is he ran off again... or worse. You know how it is with Jason, it can always get worse."

Bowls and ice cream are set down on the long glass table infront of the couch.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane steps closer. "Here, let me help with..." In contrast to Barbara's waitressing experience, Kate has ordered room service before. (In all fairness, she's done her fair share of KP duty at West Point as well.) She does pluck the bottle of wine from its precarious perch and start the opening process.

"I can only assume that he sleeps, at least. He's in one of the spare rooms. And I can't vouch for clawed toes, either." The cork pops and she splashes wine into both glasses. No standing on formality tonight. "But Jason is a remarkably civil roommate, actually. Apparently he saves his angst for special occasions."

Kate settles carefully then, and stretches out her long legs. "So I'm assuming you were out patrolling tonight, although my ego would love to hear that you showered and dressed up special just for me."

Oracle has posed:
Without the bottle, everything is a lot more managable. Babs drops down into the cushions with a sigh of contented relief after having been on her feet for most of the night and leans forward to start the scooping process after gulping down a couple mouth fulls of wine because formality is gone.. there is no formality here.

It's never been much of a secret that Babs holds Jason in a lot higher regard than do the rest of the bats, generally. She tries to see the forest for the trees and has always accepted him despite his angst, so it's with a good natured smile that she nods agreement with Kate as one of the two bowls is held out in the other womans direction. "I'm surprised he didn't ask me... kind of hurt, honestly.." Not super hurt.

Just kind of.

"We're both picking up strays, though. I've got Charlie living upstairs in the loft." Nodding backwards as her glasses are settled onto the bridge of her nose. "Remember that kid we ran into a few months back that called herself Batgirl? She's staying with me... I think I'm going to officially adopt her, but I haven't really talked to her about it yet." Regardless, glancing down at her bowl settled into the curve of folded legs, "I've got her going to school, at least. Good kid, you'd like her.. Foul mouth, which I don't think I can break."

What with her colorful language and all.

As for dolling up? Babs smirks and glances over her shoulder, "You're more than welcome to throw on some PJs I've got about a million pairs.. all of my security firm money goes to sleep wear." Callback! "And if it helps, /at all/ I probably would have showered much later if you weren't coming by, so, in theory, I /did/ kind of, distantly, indirectly, shower for your ego."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane accepts the offered bowl eagerly, but at least her hands aren't shaking like some sort of chocolate junkie. Digging in deeply, she scoops out a spoonful and has it in her mouth when Babs mentions Charlie. Kate nods a couple of times, slowly extracting the spoon from her red lips. It's a few moments before she can speak again, naturally.

"Charlie. Right! The teleporter? And don't take it pesonally about Jason. I'd just run into him in the Batcave like the day before, so the invitation was still fresh."

Kate chuckles at the mention of Charlie's foul mouth, then. "Likes to swear, hmm? How very un-Batgirl-like of her. Perhaps with my military background I can expand her horizons a bit."

"Pajama party? Honey, I may be the -second- hottest redhead in the room, but right now I'm more of a hot mess. I'm trying not to smear this ballistic gel coating all over your upholstery, much less sweating in your vintage PJ's." She licks the spoon, then. "But my ego thanks you both for the thought as well as the invitation to the pajama party." Leaning over, Kate presses an cold ice-cream kiss on Barbara's cheek.

Oracle has posed:
"Only a little personally." Babs teases, winking at Kate at the redress about Jason, "I'm just glad he ended up somewhere other than... wherever the fuck he goes when he's not in Gotham. I like having him around... especially during the hollidays, as weird as /that/ shit is." No, not very Batgirl-like-at all.

"It was only a matter of time before one Bruce's brood started adopting every kid with no place to go.. but I really thought it would be Dick, if I'm being perfectly honest. He's got that golden heart thing going on.." Is there a world where Babs would let a strong young woman go without proper education in how to be a ball buster, though?

There is no such world.

The comments about pajama parties and then the kiss on her cheek stall out any further comment in favor shoving ice cream in her open mouth. "Ugh.. man, I'm just glad to have company. Last time anyone came to visit it was..." Thinking back, and her expression drops like a toilet seat. Following in kind, her eyes fall down into the bowl, "Kara. Like a month ago or something, I think, maybe.. I don't know. Balistics gel, hmm? I could use some of that for my jacket." There is a swift subject change in there.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane continues digging into the chocolate catastrophe, taking big spoonfuls. "Well really, I think you're much more qualified to be an adoptive parent than Dick will ever be. And I'm probably the worst..." Her voice trails off as Barbara's expression suddenly shifts.

Kate manages not to spit-take the decadent dessert, but she grins all the same.

And she goes with the subject change. "It actually comes in a spray form and you have to re-apply it regularly. Nasty stuff. Respirator and good ventilation are required, but I can loan you a can if you want to try it out. Really good against 9mm slugs."

Kate takes another big spoonful, then, toying with it as she casually shifts the subject. "Funny, though. I would've never picked up as someone with an eye for blondes..."

Oracle has posed:
There's a jump off point for a grin there at Kate's mentioning her being better suited for parenting than Dick.. it is virtually impossible that Babs will every have any of her own, for a variety of reasons, but one of them is definitely the bullet she took through the spine several years ago.. So the next best thing?

Charlie is that.

She bobs her head into a slow nod at the offer of lent can of bullet raid, "I'd dig that. I've got a floor dedicated to fabricating and workshop.. 3D printer, heavily ventilated room with those big ass industrial suction fans?" Smug nod. Some people buy Ducati's (and in fairness, Babs is one of them with her 2025 black Ducati down in the garage), and some people build industry standard production equipment for churning out bat-gear like a programmed robotics facility.

The redhead was just taking a spoonful of ice cream when Kate jumps back to the abandoned subject like a ninja with a sword. Chunks of the chocolate may have found their way into her sinus' in that snort laugh.. Spoon clattering to the bowl, "I'm not, not usually anyways.. burnettes... but have you seen the legs on those Danver girls?" Low whistle, mostly in jest, side eyeing Kate around the frames of her glasses.

"It didn't last long and she was quitsville."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane continues eating her own ice-cream, toying with the spoonful of stuff and now delicately picking out the chunks with her teeth. Her expression is playful and the showing is not -quite- lewd. "Don't think I haven't noticed. Bare legs are nice, but there's nothing like a skin-tight kevlar-nomex weave to completely distract."

Kate makes a twirling motion with her spoon, then. "With a shorty cape to flip around and catch attention, too? That's definitely more my speed." She adds a wink, too.

"Oh hell, baby. If Kara's gonna pass up a sexy, smart redhead that just tells me there must've been a shortage of common sense in the Kryptonian gene pool somewhere."

Oracle has posed:
Babs snorts into a laugh and rolls her eyes at Kate's not quite' lewd display, "Careful, Kate Kane..." Pointing a spoon of chunky road double chocolate in the other womans direction, "You're on dangerous ice." It's all very good natured, really. If there's hard feelings there, at least so far as Kara and Babs go, it slipped away shortly after the awkward commment.

"We weren't right for each other, it was as much my decision as hers. Nice while it lasted, but not destined for much." Grinning around that same pointed spoon shoved into her open mouth with an expressive sound like a mom feeding her child peas by pretending they're a dinosaur.

"But I'm taking the complement anyways. It's mine now, Kate..." Head lulling, big grin eyes wide and crazy looking, "I took it."

Already miss Halloween. Sad.

"But yeah... What about you? What chapter are we on in the Kane love affair romance novel?"

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane tilts her head at that, finishing her lewd display by licking the spoon clean. Slowly. She chuckles at the question. "What chapter? Well first of all, thank you for not jumping to the usually-obvious conclusion about my new roomie. No, I haven't changed teams."

"As for the latest chapter in the Kane romance novel? The tabloids have been terribly quiet about me lately, haven't they? Let's just say that there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that I'm currently between romantic tragedies. The good news is that I won't be screwing up some pretty young socialite's life. At least not immediately."

Kate's tabloid reputation is quite sordid, although there is some speculation in the Bat-community that she stages it. Much like Bruce.

"Why are you asking, though? Know some cheerleader from school that you'd like to get even with by fixing her up with me or something?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs actually laughs, like she laughs out loud, at the thought of Kate 'switching teams', "Yeah, the thought never even came close to the border of where it might cross my mind... But Jason does look good in drag, if that's your thing... Dick and I were terrible to him when we were younger, okay?" Whether it's true or not. She's got that little glassy eyed sparkle in her green gaze again. Absently picking at her ice cream with the end of the spoon.

She takes one last big mound into her mouth and clatters the utensil down into the mush, and the bowl down on the table. Turning a little to rest up against the arm of the couch with her legs pulled up and her arms around her knees. "Becky Havingston, that cunt." The Redhead says with the air of believablity that can only be acquired by years of character acting and training by the Batman.

"No, I'm kidding." Grinning too, chin resting on her knees. Notoriously open mic when it comes to her feelings on a things, the redhead just goes with it, "Want to go out sometime? I'm not a pretty young socialite, but on the plus side I don't have a life for you to ruin."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane lets out a sound that's somewhere between a giggle and a snort at the thought of Jason in drag. But again, ice cream is preserved in the process. Then Babs drops the 'C' word and all of Kate's careful work goes completely awry.

She laughs loudly and spits chocolate goo all over her pretty red Bat-logo. "Cunt, is it? Barbara Gordon, I should wash your-..." Still in partial shock at Barbara's choice of words on the subject of Becky Havingston, Kate has to mentally replay the next part of the conversation.

For a moment Kate's wry smile remains, blue eyes looking over her pajama-clad partner in crime-fighting. She sets her own ice cream bowl aside, then turns to face Babs more directly. Leaning in... very... close... Barbara can smell the chocolate on Kate's breath and noses almost touch. "I'd love to." she murmurs. Then the smile becomes playful again.

"Will you dress up like Supergirl for me?"

Oracle has posed:
"Don't joke about that." Babs says with a voice that is entirely too serious at the mention of dressing like Supergirl, leaning right back in towards Kate. This is the beauty of fresh showers and recent teeth brushing, the redhead smells like Herbal Essence, because it smells good, fite me.

"I'm pretty sure I can, but I'm like nine full inches taller than her and built like a brick shit house... if you want skinny alien blonde, you're barking up the wrong bat-tree." Grinning, almost like an idiot.. just shy of idiocy.. at Kate's answer.

Considering, long considerations.

"Will you dress like Batgirl if I do?"

Batwoman has posed:
    Kate has no problem with being so close to Barbara, of course. From the way her nostrils flare and her lashes lower, one could make a very strong case that she enjoys it. For her part, Kate smells like sweat and the wind of Gotham's dockside district. But in some circles that's certainly attractive.

The backs of her fingers brush lightly along Barbara's cheek and Kate never once breaks eye contact, not even at the comparison of Babs to Kara. "I'll take the curvy redhead, please." she murmurs. Fingers drag lightly from the cheek down to Barbara's lap, palm settling casually upon the other redhead's hip.

"Pretty sure I wouldn't fill it out as well as the -real- Batgirl, but I'll try my best." Her own grin would match Barbara's, and for a moment she just lingers there in awkward silence. Noses brush, then lips. Light and lingering. A test-kiss, as it were.

"Barbara Gordon you are fucking crazy, you know. And now I've got ice cream on my logo, so my crime fighting is over for the evening." Because no one would take Batwoman seriously with chocolate ice cream on her suit.

Oracle has posed:
"What an odd pair we'll make." Babs says with a smirk at the mental image of Kate in a saggy Batgirl costume and Babs stretching Supergirls, "Definitely C list cosplay." Her voice has gotten a little quiet, not necessarily a whisper, but not much above one either.

There's a flutter of lashes over green eyes at the touch of fingers against her cheek, then her own hand trails down to lay atop Kate's on her hip. If she said her heart didn't flutter a little at the test-kiss, she'd be lying, but it might as easily be because of nose brushing... people are into that as much as dockside marsh smell.

Regardless, the redhead clearly doesn't mind.

She does take off her glasses though, and even shakes her fiery mane of red hair out in a puffy mess of mostly dry, not all the way dry, bees nest. "Oh, I'd take you very seriously if you showed up wearing ice cream on your logo.." With her hair loose, her hand moves, right up along side Batwoman's side, resting just above her holster. "Nothing says I'm tired of your shit, Gotham Scum like showing up with barbeque stains and ice cream on your lips."

"I am pretty crazy, but I doubt this is why."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate chuckles softly and shifts, half-turning to face Barbara more fully. She leans back a little to take in the full effect of the hair-fluffing, grinning at both the process and the result. And she gives a little shimmy as the hand moves from her hip to her holster. Her thumb lightly brushes the hollow of Barbara's hip, and the stupid-happy grin returns.

"You think that adds to the look, then?" she quips back, reaching her other hand up to run fingers through Barbara's crimson mane. "So what if I showed up in your apartment wearing nothing -but- ice cream? Would you do me like a spoon, baby?" Kate's suit doesn't feel exactly sticky, but there's a definite 'tack' to the rubberized coating. "And mmm, what big, green eyes you have. Although the glasses look hot on you as well. I'm a big sucker for the 'sexy librarian' look, y'know."

Oracle has posed:
"Reading is fundamental." Babs quips at the sexy librarian comment, grinning nearly ear to ear at Kate brushing fingers in her hair. There's something about that gesture, it's always done a number on her... Redheads get no love, no matter how hot in pinskirts that might be!

For her part, Babs brushes her hand up the side of the other womans armored flank, "Girl, I'd like you like an egg beater after baking pies on Thanksgiving." Sheepish she is not. Searching green eyes, all big and round, float around Kate's face for a half count. Clearly in no hurry to break eye contact or the silliness that is two hardasses being giggle happy.

The irony of it is intoxicatingly delicious.

"If you intend to show up in ice cream, we'll need a safe word. I'm not ready to explain my strange proclivities to Charlie." Teasing, but in a serious teasing way. "My goto is Pineapple, but it feels overused and under bat themed for this situation."

Batwoman has posed:
Batwoman rises a little, shifting her hips to sit crossways on Barbara's lap now. Kate doesn't have Barbara's curves, but there's no denying her own, lithe athleticism. Well-manicured fingers still comb through the long, crimson locks while they talk and flirt. And flirt some more.

"Merangue." she declares, quite seriously.

Noses brush and she kisses Barbara again, the press of lips lingering more than a few heartbeats now. "Jason knows the rules; if there's a bra hung on the doorknob then the master bedroom's off-limits." Her gaze lowers, fixing just a little bit north of Mojo Jojo's eyes on the t-shirt. "You -do- own a bra, don't you?" she replies wryly. Of course with some of the gowns she wears to formal functions, the tabloids would set the odds for Kate to be somewhere around 50-50.

"So tell me, Miss Pineapple, why haven't we done this before?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs leans back just a little to provide the space necessary for Kate to get in the otherwise unobstructed lap. It provides the perfect oppertunity to incircle arms around the armored waist now dreadfully, unwholesomely, close to her. "I should probably establish ground rules for Charlie too... obviously she is never allowed to have anyone in her room without the door open and I can do whatever I want because I'm a fucking adult."

This is said just before that lingering kiss, which comes with a few extra thuds of her heart and butterflies in her stomach. "Do I own a bra? No, sorry, I burned them all at the last womens rally." She jests, but the tabloids have suspected that might not be far off the mark.

She is the commissioners daughter afterall.. she's seen her face on the pages once or twice.

"I.. don't know. I wanted to." She admits, looking down between them, then back up at Kate. Lavishing in the attention her mess of hair is receiving with a grinning sigh, "Remember when you were rubbing my feet? Yeah, I do if you don't... I wanted to then. I was just chicken shit."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate laughs at the rather skewed rules Barbara sets out for her guest. "See? You've got great parenting instincts, I knew it." she offers. "And yes, of course I remember the foot rub. You were about five seconds away from that getting waaay out of control, if you didn't know."

There's a wink, followed by another lingering, teasing, nose-brush.

Kate draws a deep breath and exhales slowly, blue eyes gazing into green. Of the two of them, Kate is definitely the more likely to go bra-less without significant inconvenience. Hips rock and she crosses her booted feet, stretching her legs out along the sofa.

Fingers continue combing and tousling Barbara's hair, tucking it back behind one ear experimentally. "Every time I see you I reconsider growing out my hair." she declares. "So... is the offer of the loaner-pajamas still good?"

Oracle has posed:
"I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop." Babs tosses out there, "See it's funny because we're talking about foot rubs." It isn't funny Babs and even less funny now too because she had to explain it.

"I like to think that my father gave me a strong foundation in what is good for children, even if they don't know it.. I turned out well adjusted, all things considered. Feminist, gay, and beat people up at night?" She quirks her lips to the side, half grinning through an attempt to look contemplative.

"Okay so two out of three.. I still think I deserve a poster."

She is definitely, probably, wearing a bra. There is no denying that she was not born to be a skinny girl. Big she is not, but full of curves? Ayup. Bras are basically a must in the Gordon household.

"I'd offer to carry you in the room, but I've been working out for the last two hours and my arms feel like wet noodles..." Pause, "Fuck't." Grunting, the redhead gives it her best attempt, but the standing up while lifting the armored woman is proving understandably complicated. "Of /course/ you can borrow pajamas. I get to pick them though... and you have to take a shower first. I spent a fortune on some of them... PJmaster66 tried outbid me on a pair of Betty Boop jimjams once.. so I ruined his credit score."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate smirks, but gives Barbara a light dig in the ribs at the foot-pun all the same. "I'll show YOU the real use of a 'safeword', Miss Pineapple, and I'm detecting a very strong foot-fetish here. How're you with toes, hmm? Maybe we could-..." And then Barbara tries to stand and lift Kate at the same time.

Kate lets out a loud gasp and both arms wrap tightly around Barbara's neck. "Are you crazy? Last thing we need is for you to throw your back out. Here, let me shed about 20 pounds." One hand lowers to her waist, then Kate drops her utility belt with a loud series of thumps.

"And of -course- I'll take a shower first. But if you wanted me as Betty Boop I should've brought my false eyelashes." Kate's arm hooked around Barbara's neck is strong, and she knows to lean in as much as she can to keep her weight centered.

"Seriously, though, I'm perfectly capable of walking. Romantic gestures aside."

Oracle has posed:
"That'd be amusing, right? Batman- by the way I was Batman for like a week -threw her back out doing hopelessly romantic things with beautiful, but dangerous Batwoman." Babs does not attempt to lift Kate again. Not because it is impossible, but because she actually -is- sore from patrol and working out afterwards.

"Pop up." Jutting hips towards Kate, "I'm right behind you with the wine." Because there's still mostly full bottle of very expensive wine to contend with.

As for feet!

"Everyone has a foot fetish when they're getting a foot rub.. and it depends on the toes.." Squinty eyes at Kate, "And how recently they've been washed... I wear boots, I know what a night of patrol does to a girls feet... and I've burned shoes for less." Mostly teasing, it's Babs' turn to lean in for a kiss, which is largely been the perview of Kate to initiate. "No fake lashes?! We'll save Boop for another time because I've the perfect pair for you."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane rises smoothly to her feet with a chuckle. Half-turning towards Barbara, she is starting to reach down to her boots when she's kissed. So she stops to enjoy that instead. One hand finds Barbara's hip along the way, and it's a few moments before she can reply.

"Mmmm. Nothing fake for -you-, babe! You get the full-on, all-natural me. Like it or not."

Letting her fingers trail down over Barbara's own, natural curve, Kate grins wryly and lifts one foot to remove the boot. The other follows. "Just point the way towards the shower, and I'm going to steal some of your shampoo. It smells wonderful."
Starting in the direction of the bathroom, she adds. "And don't start on the wine without me!"

Oracle has posed:
There's nothing at all indicating Babs does not, herself, enjoy the moment of kissing, nor the moment of watching Kate remove her boots. "Oh yeeeeaaah.." Doing her best Koolaid man impression at the all natural Kate, she slips her hand up and around the other womans waist, then turns and shoves her playfully in the direction of the bedroom. "Straight through there. Can't miss it." She's grinning as she scoops up the wine and their glasses, clutching one of the stims between each set of fingers. A little skip turn and she too is headed for the bedroom... totally to pick out a pair of pajamas, nothing at all unwholesome about this scenary change.

One does not pick out PJs without wine, however. This is serious business.

Babs is all about her jim jams, okay?

"The expensive stuff is in the cabinet beneath the sink. Charlie likes to sneak in and use my sixty dollar shampoo to make bubbles..." Voice raised just enough to be heard, but it's only the next room over!

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane finds the bedroom and attached bath readily enough, and she even leaves Barbara a trail to follow. The utility belt, cape, and boots are in the living room along with cowl and wig. By the time Babs reaches the bedroom there's an empty Batwoman suit in the middle of the floor, ice-cream side up.

The sounds of the shower starting up are heard through the open door and Kate's voice calls out from beyond. "Sixty dollar shampoo for a bubble bath? That girl needs a proper education!" Meanwhile Kate is picking out the best-smelling shampoo for herself. And she's not looking at the price tag.

The shower door closes, then Kate calls out immediately. "FUCK!" Pause.

"I forgot to grab a towel."