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Latest revision as of 17:38, 12 November 2019

Knightfall: There's Hope
Date of Scene: 04 November 2019
Location: Lobby, Hall of Justice
Synopsis: Dick, as Batman, meets with Diana about the current state of the JLA.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Wonder Woman
Tinyplot: Knightfall

Nightwing has posed:
The Hall of Justice has many sections to it that the public has access to. The museum, library, and observation deck.

The museum has had extreme activity since the passing of Superman: the whole of it has been decorated with devotions and memorials, letters and appreciation. The Hall has been open to anyone that wishes to spend time looking at the items within, and videos (of certain excerpts) from the funeral are shown there alongside different other incidents of heroism.

The library has had some visitors though not an unusual amount.

The observation deck has been all but dead space. There isn't anyone to observe, is the main reason. For mixed reasons, perhaps: the heroes are so busy handling the aftermath that they aren't visible. That could be a problem for multiple reasons.

"Guys! Guys. //Batman// is in observation!" yells a patron of the hall loudly, gaining a lot of interest from those in the other areas to come over and take a look into the observation area. Phones come out, pictures quickly snapped. They aren't wrong; one of the observation zones looks into an area restricted from public foot traffic, but not from their view: a section that looks down into a darkened computer area, that reveals the Dark Knight there, using a terminal. Only the light off the terminal illuminates him, but he is definitely there. Batman does lift his gaze towards the observation window, as if waiting for something. Or someone.

Wonder Woman has posed:
As scuttlebutt tends to do, word of the Batman's presence within the Hall spread to where Diana was. So she excused herself to go and see for herself. She knew what Bruce's condition was, so she assumed it was one of the other Bat-family people being mistakenly identified as Batman himself.

But upon coming to see him softly illuminated in the terminal's glow, she - at least for a moment - thought it was him as well. But there's noticeable differences that she's able to pick up on, being one of Bruce's oldest friends around here... she can tell.

Diana makes her way to where he is and approaches him with soft footfalls from behind. It has been a long time since she'd interacted with Dick Grayson, they'd fought together on an out of control sky train in Gotham two years ago...

"You've taken up the mantle, I see." Diana says quietly to him as she comes to a stop and places her half gloved hands together in front of her lap, wearing her Eagle Armor and a red scarf that is draped over her shoulders and dangling down behind her.

Nightwing has posed:
Close examination does reveal differences. This wearer doesn't have the same bulky build, and moves with a quicker style of footfall: both signatures more of Nightwing. However, the suit itself isn't a knockoff by any means; there isn't any reason to say that this isn't Batman. Batman has changed his suit a number of times, with various updates or adjustments, and this one fits like a glove. It's a leaner suit with a nod towards stealth more than other areas. Because the current wearer wanted it that way. Is it Batman? Yes.

But it isn't /Bruce/.

"For now," Batman answers Diana, with a firm incline of head. The voice modulator picks up everything else verbally, into the usual growl of gravel when the Bat cowl is worn. His manner is a strong mimic of Bruce's style: he could fool someone that isn't a close friend. Fool Diana? No. And he's not trying. He's doing the part for those observing.

He extracts the data device he had plugged in and moves one hand over the console to close it, prioritizing talking to her. He's aware the public can't hear them. "Wonder woman," Batman begins respectfully, greeting her. "'He' has asked me to request a visit from you," he continues, offering one hand to her with a stern body language. "Sooner may be better. A boost of hope beyond what I can do could help a lot, right now."

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the Batman does turn around to look at her and speak to her, she keeps her eyes on his and she tilts her head ever so slightly as she stares at him, studying how the suit looks on him one might guess... after all its something she's thought about. Bruce is aging ever older toward a day where he wouldn't, or couldn't, continue to do the job of the Batman.

After listening to him she offers a soft smile. "I will go and see him tonight." She replies, then reaches out to accept the offered hand. "The suit looks good on you." She says with that soft smile remaining.

"Are you here for assistance beyond just that?" She then asks, glancing toward the terminal and then back to him. "You have a big job ahead of you now, wearing those boots. But, of course, I can think of no one better for said job. I will gladly help you with it as well, should you need it."

Nightwing has posed:
There's a soft flinch in the eyes there, very very minor, but lady Diana will likely see it, as she brings up that the suit looks good. There is no pride to answer her statement, there's some kind of dismay or humility. He controls his expression otherwise, though: he keeps his expression dark. He knows what is necessary, right now, to maintain Batman. "I appreciate that. Don't make me smile," Dick replies, with a tone Batman never, ever uses. It breaks character, at least verbally, immediately. Because he's teasing. Still, he sobers up quickly.

He then moves into her other questions. "I'm here to aid on this end," the younger Bat answers. "We cannot just fold in on ourselves in Gotham: I know much needs attention here. Batman needs to guard more than just Gotham. I'm here to do that. I'll gladly accept your help in getting up to speed on any Justice League business or current problems."

A gesture of hand moves to indicate a more private area where they aren't being stared at. "Though I'd rather do that without an audience. I am still getting used to the other parts of the role," Dick says, with a genuine honesty that the voice modulator doesn't entirely destroy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When he requests that she not make him smile, she herself then smiles big and brightly as she glances away from him and then looks back again. Her slim pointed chin gently lowers down while her dark eyebrows lift up a little higher. "You know that only makes me want to even more, yes?" She teases him back in response before she clears her expression and tries to maintain her composure. Now and then Diana can, and enjoys, being a little silly after all.

When the matters move on to more serious subjects, and the onlookers, Diana looks to them, then turns to that more private local he'd gestured at. "Yes, I imagine there will be some adjustment time for you to get into the proper mode with this kind of change." She states as their backs are to the onlookers now and she walks with him where he leads.

A glance over to him then on her left side. "The League is still strong in the absence of Superman. But more help is always appreciated. Making appearances in and around Metropolis will bolster morale for some of the citizens still though. To see the Batman in Metropolis will help the city feel less... as though it has lost its icon." The three of them have always had their cities. Superman Metropolis, Batman Gotham and Diana living and primarily watching over Manhattan.

Nightwing has posed:
"Yes, I'm learning that," Batman replies overly dourly to her immediate desire to tease him more. If he's thinking about dead kittens, parents, or perhaps punishing the Joker - whatever it is keeps him from smiling, but it's a struggle. There's reasons that Grayson is oft considered a light to Batman's dark. And here he is, in the dark.

The Bat turns on a heel and leads into private zone, much to the displeasure of those in the observation deck that were, in fact, being bolstered, as Diana observed would happen. Still.

"Good. I was concerned about it's state, without Superman," says Dick tactfully. "And where blame might fall, related to that." There is no anger in the bat's tone, only a smooth diplomacy. That's an even bigger hint that this isn't Batman than a stray tease! "We have no looming disasters, otherwise, then, at the moment? Gotham has exploded with a variety of crime, following the rumors of the downed Batman. I expected similar here."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana walks calmly at his side with pace geared toward their casual banter in the moment. She look ahead of them and then over to him to respond. "It seems to have had somewhat of an opposite effect in Metropolis. It seems to be uniting the citizens of Metropolis to inspire... more neighborhood watches, working with Law Enforcement more openly and the powered super heroes to be 'here' to help fill in where Superman's void is felt most."

She glances away then and softly sighs. "But there are always the villainous.. in their belief of opportunistic gains, they do strike. A gang of burglars with teleportation devices have been playing the financial and garment districts, for instance. Coming and going with the use of a transportation system that we do not fully understand yet. It makes it... quite a challenge to predict where they will strike next."

Diana's right hand rises up to adjust that dark red scarf around her shoulders while she looks back to Dick in his new guise. "Efforts are being made, however. I am also planning a trip to Europe that will have me away for a few days, to keep up our presence in other nations as well. 'American Bias' is something we have to ever battle as well..."

Nightwing has posed:
Once they've moved into a different space, more comfortable, Dick seems to relax a little bit: trusting that his behavior while wearing the suit will not cause Diana stress to observe. For some, it is very important to have Batman be Batman. He's listening alertly to what she has to say: full attention is on that, not on his perfect acting.

"Teleportation devices? All right. I'll take a look through the evidence, and see what I can make of their patterns," Dick determines. The voice modulator helps add more weight to an already weighty promise. He lifts a hand to rub his palm against the side of his chin, a thoughtful gesture, focused. "That's excellent to hear otherwise, of the denizens of Metropolis. Coming together now." He nods once. Relief there.

"I think Gotham will come back into line soon enough. As much as it ever is." A rueful smile shows. "Do you need another for this overseas trip? I cannot devote several days, but I could give one."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows the new Bat a soft and subtle grin. "The offer is appreciated, but you should be here now and focused on settling into this new role. You do not need to be off in a new part of the world when you are... taking on all of this." She states, motioning over to him and indicating the suit he's donning now of course.

"That being said, it sounds like these thieves may have stolen these devices and utilizing them for their wildest crime fantasies. Our people say that if they have such a device, it cannot possibly take them very far, distance wise, due to power limitations for such a technology. So there is a good chance they are going near to the stores that they are robbing, then 'hopping' into them. But, we've little information to go off of yet other than it being four men, all in their twenties or early thirties."

She glances away again, ahead of them. "How are the rest of your people doing? Are spirits high as can be, I hope?" She's speaking of the Bat-family of course.

Nightwing has posed:
"Well, if being overseas is part of this, then I do," Dick answers, as she gestures over the Bat suit he's wearing, but does tip his head forward. He did hear and accept her point, he isn't going to be stubborn about it. "I'll trust your judgment that I'm not needed there, though."

"No leads from them selling the stolen goods?" Dick asks. "I would imagine they have to transport the items in a normal way, as well, and their vehicles will be seen, and can be tracked," continues the detective.

The diversion to the bat-clan causes a slow breath to be released, and Dick crosses his arms over his chest. "They are staying busy. There's a lot of concern, a lot of distraction, a lot of anger." He closes his eyes for a second, and shakes his head. "It is not easy right now. But there's hope. And I'm working to remind them of it as much as I can."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Oh, make no mistake." Diana says with regard to the Batman being a visible presence in Europe. "You are an adored icon there as well. Why the last time I was in Paris I saw many young people wearing 'bat logo' paraphernalia at the public event we hosted." She grins to him then. "But this will be a smaller visit than that one was."

"And no, no leads on selling of the items yet." Diana replies. "Some believe they're avoiding street detection by using the under city tunnels." Sewers Diana, they're called sewers. "But... well... we shall see. It is being monitored, at least they have not been harming anyone at these locations that they've hit. Not yet, anyway..."

Diana shows a smile toward the topic of Hope amongst the Bat-family members. "I am glad they see the hope that there is. I wish to interact with them more. Perhaps I'll see some of them when I come to speak to him again."

Diana is approached then by a JL Assistant who takes a moment to request Diana's presence for a newly arrived high profile individual. The Princess looks to the Batman then and offers him a soft smile. "I better go tend to this. Please, reach out to me if you need my help. I am glad you are doing this..." She nods softly to him.

Nightwing has posed:
There's some doubt showing on Batman's face when he is informed that he is an adored icon. Or perhaps discomfort with the role: Dick looks down but smiles briefly, an honest humility there that he doesn't show as Nightwing. But he won't take credit when the credit isn't //his//.

"Tunnels? Well. I am in the mood for sewers. We have Killer Croc, one of our Gotham rogues, active in sewers. So I will be well practiced," Dick says dryly, but without dismay. He's game to sewer-hunt if necessary.

The assistant's arrival pulls Dick back into full 'character', earning a serious stare from Batman as they speak to Diana. His arms are still crossed, and he waits with infinite patience for the assistant to leave.

"It has to be done," Batman answers, coolly, by way of a farewell. The next time she looks away, he's gone.