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Latest revision as of 06:02, 17 November 2019

So. Are we complicated
Date of Scene: 17 November 2019
Location: Andrea's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: One step forward, two steps back. Opposite of a Paula Abdul song.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus

Rage has posed:
It's evening now, creeping towards eleven at night but it's the weekend, so there is no need to crawl into bed and get ready for an early morning. Sprawled out on top of her bed in pajama shorts and a baggy top is Andrea, who is tapping along the glass of her phone with her thumbs. She's sent Jay a few texts throughout the day, telling him that he can stop over when he gets off work. She may have sent a few selfies of herself at different angles, in different outfits, asking for feedback. She's just being a girl.

Icarus has posed:
Honestly, Jay has no idea why she keeps sending him clothes pictures. His answers were always the same. That looks nice or Sure, that's pretty. Because really, he did not get it. Why change clothes dozens of times? Just wear what she had on and that was that.

Girls were so weird.

There was a knock on her bedroom door to announce his arrival then he stood there holding two Dairy Queen blizzards in his hands and waiting patiently.

Rage has posed:
Because she has to update her social media sites! She needs honest feedback from someone before she uploads it. But girls are also so weird.

Hopping off the bed, Andrea makes her way to the door and grins. "Two Blizzards, huh? You are that hungry?" She says as she lets him in, then closes the door behind him, then locks it. "How was work?"

Icarus has posed:
"Well, if you don't like them, I'll definitely eat both. Not worried about my girlish figure. One of the perks of my powers seems to be keeping no extra fat on my body," Jay says with a grin as he comes in and sits on the side of the bed, setting the ice cream confections aside for a moment. "Did you finally figure out an outfit?"

Rage has posed:
"I did. I went with the fifth one I sent you. The purple top with the black jeans." Andrea says as she sits next to him, picking up a Blizzard when she sees her flavor that he knows by now. She leans in against his shoulder, taking a bite happily. "You definitely don't have any fat on your body. You literally have the most amazing abs." She gives a few flutters of her eyes up at him. "Brad and I got back on the same page and even sang some songs together in the music room. I feel better about that. I'm glad he does too."

Icarus has posed:
"He mentioned he played guitar a little when you was a kid. That he moved on to drums though. We even jokingly were talking about making a band called Second Chances. He came up with it. But good name really," Jay says as he picks up his own treat and scoops up some of the Oreo goodness.

"Although he said you shifted in the room with him the other day. What's up with that? I mean, he isn't even officially a student. I don't think he would but he could've just gone on his way from here and ended up telling your secret."

Rage has posed:
"I was just joking about when we were all talking about our powers. I made a mistake and I apologized to him for it. We're good now." Andrea says as she scoops the spoon into the cup again. "Besides, we are /obviously/ going to make him a student here. He's homeless, invisible and blind. He's literally the definition of what this school was made for. Doctor McCoy will have a field day learning how to fix him so that he can be awesome again."

Bumping her shoulder against his, she tilts her chin up at him. "That's a good band name. Second Chances. Maybe you two can perform that song we kinda co-wrote together. That would be a good single for you two I think."

Icarus has posed:
"I didn't think you did it to scare him. But I just am curious why you were so open about it. You've seemed uncomfortable about showing your powers in the past. Or did I read that wrong?" Jay asks curiously. He's not being accusatory, just curious.

"I have no idea what we would or wouldn't do. Just was an idea. Since I miss my old band back home."

Rage has posed:
Shrugging her shoulders upwards, Andrea says, "I am uncomfortable about showing off my powers. It's a total freakshow. But I'm also tired of hiding who I am. Maybe I'm not ready to show the world, but this school .. I shouldn't hide who I am to those under this roof." She takes another bite of her ice cream.

"So, he asked me if we were dating." She cuts her eyes upwards at him.

Icarus has posed:
"Oh? And what did you tell him? Cause I know what I told him which is that things were complicated. Due to the whole liking you but me having issues." Jay is comfortable discussing, not bothered by saying it outloud to her. After all, the two of them know where they stand.

"I didn't explain the issues to him about me really. Not all of them. Not quite ready for that step."

Rage has posed:
Shrugging her shoulders upwards, Andrea says, "I told him that things are complicated because you have an ex-girlfriend issue and you're working through it." She stirs the spoon about in her cup.

"But, I think we both know the truth, Jay. I don't think it's that complicated. We're obviously dating, without dating. You brought me a Blizzard. May as well be a ring and a proposal since you got me extra peanutbutter cups in here." She takes another bite, then swallows it down quickly.

"We like each other. We're just dragging this out and making each other both miserable in the process. You can't keep magnets from each other."

Icarus has posed:
That earns a bit of a frown from Jay. "Yeah, my best friend at home liked Snickers with chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla. We hung out every day. Don't think we were dating. I consider you and I as friends. Great friends but friends for now. If...when I get through things? Then it might become the dating thing. I'm sorry if that's a problem."

Rage has posed:
Shrugging her shoulders, Andrea scoots back on the bed and puts the dessert to the side, then sprawls out so that her head flops on her pillows. She nudges his leg with her bare foot, toes wiggling.

"Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it, happens all the time."

"It's a quarter after One, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now."

As she sings, her fingers lightly tap on the top of her knee, staring up at the ceiling, her voice taking on that beautiful lift when she has the chance to sing without her studio or computer.

Icarus has posed:
It's a song he is familiar with. Then next verse would be the male vocal. But to sing that song with her would be potentially sending the signal that is more than he is ready for. Jay listens but he continues eating his ice cream. He doesn't join in but he is listening to her voice. After all, she is an amazing singer.

Rage has posed:
There is a bit of a pause, as if Andrea was hesitating, waiting for his voice to join hers. When it doesn't come, she just sings his part anyways, lifting up her free hand to tap at the air with her fingers.

When the song comes to an end, she lets out a soft breath, glancing off to the side a bit.

Icarus has posed:
"Beautiful as always. Sometimes I think the music really takes away from what you can do. When it is too loud and overwhelms." Jay sticks his spoon down into is ice cream then rises to his feet. "It's getting late. I work tomorrow again so need to get some sleep before the drive into town."

Rage has posed:
Rolling over to face him, Andrea slides to her feet and pushes herself up. "Well.. okay.. if you need to go." She says as she rubs the bask of her neck. "Do you want me to stop by tomorrow and see you?"

Icarus has posed:
"If you want to, certainly," Jay says as he heads for the door with his ice cream. "If you opt not to, I'll text as much as I can. Even if you opt to change clothes fifteen times again," he adds with a teasing tone as he heads for the door. A quick unlocking of it then pulling it open.

Rage has posed:
"Well, it's the weekend and I want to see you of course." Andrea says as she follows him to the door, reaching out to slide her hand around his hip as she looks to lean into him a bit. "You're my favorite dance partner and I look forward to it. Do you want to get breakfast at least tomorrow before you go? We can head into Salem and go to a cafe."

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah, that sounds good. Pick a good spot. I'll text when I wake up." Which being a weekend might be a bit late. Got to take advantage of no class days for things like that. He does put his arm around her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze as his wings follow suit and close around her for a moment. Then they part, flip to his back and he turns to head out.