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Latest revision as of 21:42, 18 November 2019

Business negotiations
Date of Scene: 18 November 2019
Location: Tagger-7 Mining Complex.
Synopsis: Blackjack and Grail discuss business opportunities.
Cast of Characters: 7665, Grail

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    Tagger-7 was a shit hole from day one, and over the course of it's thirty something years of operation it never stopped being a shit hole. It was a small city built under the soil of a shitty moon in a backwater solar system, the sort've thing built on a budget by contractors who clearly didn't care. Ugly yellows and green, which doesn't do much to liven the place up with half the colony's power on the fritz. It's on the fritz due to the fires, and the explosions still rocking the joint.

    It's going to hell because people struck rich, got unreasonable and that predatory entity known as "Corporate greed" reacted with characteristic malice. They hired a Brigade of the best Mercenaries money could buy, which has gone over as well as you could imagine. Gunfire fills the enclosed city space, cutting through the screaming and shouting. In the dark the bunnies ply their trade, rushing through alleyways and down side streets in search of the rebels taking up arms.

    Blackjack pauses amongst, cigar clamped in the corner of his mouth. Bending down to delicately pluck an actual paper tome from the ground, before reverently brushing filth from it's jacket. Satisfied with his examination he steps off the street and eases towards the broken front window of what was a book store, and there on the smashed sill he delicately rests the book. Just another day at the office...

Grail has posed:
Well, the work day is not really over. Something begins to happen that will likely get the attention of at least one Bunny within a very short period of time. The wind picks up a little, lights begin to flicker and then the tell tale boom of the boom tube bursts open as the loud wind begins whipping around. Then a foot steps to the center of the tube with a thud as if it were solid ground. Slowly, the being known as Grail starts walking down the tube as if it were more than simple swirling light and sound.

As she steps on to the floor of the area, she pushes back the hood of her cloak and her eyes land upon a passing bunny before her hand slips down to touch lightly to the handle of a folded up Scythe, considering who is here and where. Wondering just who is in charge of this pile of furballs.

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    The Rabbit does not say so much as a word, he immediately dives for cover before getting himself into a defensible position. Without so much as a word, the telltale glow of those cherry red Photo-receptors begin to emerge from the darkness on all sides, and there they hold for the moment. The information courses through the rabbit to rabbit network at light speed, and before long it filters up to Blackjack.

    He gives a leap, lights the thruster on his pack and makes his way yonder in record time. Those mechanical legs hitting the ground with a clatter, before slowly rising to his full height. That Sleek Prdo blaster Carbine cradled casually in his arms, cigar still a smolder because of course it is. "A thousand apologies Ma'am, however the colony of Tagger Seven is currently closed. As security operations are currently under way, I would respectfully suggest ya'll head back the way you came. Very sorry for any inconvience, of course."

Grail has posed:
A gesture with her right hand and the portal closes. She notes the red eyes glowing in the dark and the haft of that scythe slides free in her hand and she looks then to the incoming supposed leader. She flicks her left arm and the blade flicks free from the weapon with incredible ease. She looks her red eyes at Blackjack and she smiles slightly, her teeth having a slight glint and point to them as she lifts her head up and back a little, standing at her full height, "Seems my portal closed. Might take a minute to get a new one open." She idly lifts her hand up slowly, deliberately, the scythe coming up into a readied position. That brutal, thick blade with multiple points aimed outward from herself.

"I assume you are the leader of this bunch?" She asks and then tilts her head, "I suggest you all stand down for the moment and instead of fighting we talk." She grins a little wider, "I doubt you'll offer as much resistance as the Daxamites I had the pleasure of killing recently."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Lady I'm Blackjack O'hare, and we're the Black Bunny Brigade. We're on bonded contract to pacify this colony, and it's inhabitants by any and all means necessary."The bunny shifts minutely, sliding that carbine under his arm comfortably. "Now you can put'cher blade away and we can prattle on, until you're able to depart. Alternatively if you came here just to get rowdy, we can attend to that too. Either way I'd appreciate a decision in a timely manner, as we are sort've in the middle of something here."

    Bunnies seemingly flood the area from the dark, those red photoreceptors filling the shadows until in perfect unison every single pair of photo-receptors just winks out. "If this is some beef with the Tagger Mining company, I'd suggest you take it up with management. We're just contractors, and they didn't pay us a credit to cover their backsides."

Grail has posed:
A grin a little and she looks over at the darkness where the red eyes were. She flicks her hand again and the blade folds up. She then slides it away and considers, "Honestly...the blade is just for my own amusement." She shrugs, "Not really necessary if I want to get, how did you put it, rowdy?" She idly closes her hand a little before asking, "So, I heard correctly? You are a group that works for pay and isn't afraid of anything it seems...that or not knowledgable enough to know to be afraid."

She laughs a little to herself and then looks off to the right before looking back toward Blackjack and hmming, "Either way, I do need some help." She nods her head, "After all, I can't watch my own back." She shakes her head, "And I need information that can only be found in a dnagerous place."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    Without so much as a word spoken, the bunnies emerge from their hidden places in perfect unison and get after it. Rushing off towards the sounds of gunfire, leaving just Blackjack and maybe one or two more behind. Can't fault them for their team work, right?
    "We're the best outfit on the open market, and we've got the work history to back those words up. "Our favorite Bunny pauses to take another slow draw of his cigar, ever casual. "We don't do much intelligence work however, we're primarily counter revolutionaries, Colonial pacification and some conventional light infantry work. Not saying no to a contract offer I ain't heard you mind, just don't care to waste nobodies time. That'd be downright unprofessional."

Grail has posed:
A smirk, "Oh, I mean, intelligence is what I'm after but if you are saying you don't do things that don't involve a fight than...this will involve a fight." She laughs a little and nods her head as she considers, "You see...I am of two worlds. One of my two homeworlds has information on it I want." She nods her head, "I am thinking about going and getting it." She nods her head, "I'm not good at sneaking into places so I'm just going to go in the front door, so to speak." She shrugs and nods her head.

"And for that, I need someone working with me or I'll just spend all day fighting. Sounds fun but not very productive." She shrugs her shoulders, "From what I can tell, when it comes to fighting and causing havok, you lot can do that."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Alright, I'm potentially interested in the contract. So lets get down to the details here Ma'am, which world are we talking about and what information are you looking for?"Theres a pause there, as Blackjack finally removes his cigar and holds it out to the side. Swiftly his apparent second slips up to snag the cigar, snuffing it out in a little box which he closes up. Littering is unprofessional, or something right?"As we're entering into formal negiotiations, I'll remind you under the Mercenary Guild Charter? All these discussions are strictly confidential, and that goes both ways."

    "I'd be upset if our prices got leaked to another outfit, would really break my black heart for sure."And well Blackjack folds his carbine across his chest oncemore, before casually strolling foreward. "So talk to me, and maybe we can come to some sort've accord here yeah?"

Grail has posed:
"The information is something I'm not fully aware of." She nods her haed, "I know generally what I wish to know but I don't know for certain." She states simply enough, "I am seeking to know more about what is happening on Apocalypse." She nods her head and then tilts her head, "And I want to get the information from the mouth of those that would be most likely to know."

She then looks at him and then looks to the noise of fighting in the distance, "I imagine it won't be easy but then things involve Apocalypse rarely are easy."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    The mention of Apocalypse draws a low whistle. "Last crew I know of who did contract work out there, had the goon squad on their door step within the week. Thats not fair play in the Mercenary world, and that creates a lot of problems for us."Blackjack ponders for a moment, lifting a hand to delicately straighten his whiskers.
    "We'd need twenty five million for a basic contract, plus two point five per soul. Expect we'd need eleven, plus myself. With expenses, I reckon that'd put us around eighty five Million credits upfront, Another twenty five Million mission complete bonus. So call it one fifteen, off the top of my head."Theres a faint little shrug at that. "If you need a discount we can discuss retribution fees as an alternative."

Grail has posed:
A hmm and she nods her head, "I'll have to see about getting that kind of money." She states simply, "Though, I don't think it is totally out of the realm of possibility." She nods her head, "As for them coming after you? I doubt they'll care much about you once they see who is on their doorstep." She grins a little and leans down toward him, "You see, My Dad has gone missing and when Daddy's little girl shows up on their doorstep looking for answers...they'll likely be very interested in me." SHe chuckles and shrugs, "So, I doubt you'll have to worry much about anyone coming after you."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Lady, we ain't got no home planet. We got civilian populations exposed, if the possibility of a revenge exists it has to be taken seriously. You and I can agree on what they should do, or are likely to do. However we're talking about a planet full of power hungry dickbags who're dramatically more dangerous than the galactic standard, you feel me?"He ain't saying no of course, which is probably a good sign right? "We've taken plenty of would be gods, sure. We did it with blood and hard work though, neither of which are cheap."

Grail has posed:
A hmm and she nods, "Well, that I understand. However, my father is Darkseid and he's not on Apocalypse right now." She nods her head, "And I wanna know where he might be and what htey are up to." She nods her head, "I imagine they won't want me to leave but I intend to." She nods her head, "So, I'll see about getting credits for you. You see about being ready for adventure."

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Ma'am, an adventure is when I walk into my favorite tea shop after six months in the deep black. What you're proposing is work, which I'm always ready for. Get your credits together, give us a ring and we'll try to figure out a time frame which won't jam us up."And with a snap of the fingers, hey how about that an honest to god paper business card! He offers the thing over with a nod. "Until we've got credits in hand, we have no contract. Once we begin, we're there until the end."

Grail has posed:
Reaching out, she takes the card and smirks before shaking her head, "Well, at least you're honest and straight forward with your wants and needs." She laughs a little and Grail then turns and gestures with her right hand. She clenches her fist and a boom tube opens up. The sounds bursts as the wind opens up with the hole in time and space bursting wide. She walks over to it and looks back, "Oh and before I go." She looks past Blackjack and focuses. Her eyes glow bright red and then energy shoots out at amazing speed. It turns suddenly at an impossible angle and then turns again, creating odd vectors as it seeks out the target and then in the distance a man can be heard screaming. She smirks as the energy vanishes and hten she looks to Blackjack, "Sorry, I saw someone aiming a gun in this direction...I don't like being shot at by peons." And then she walks through the portal.

Blackjack O'hare (7665) has posed:
    "Of course Ma'am, I'm a professional. I look foreward to working with you."The eye beams, well that gets a lift of the ears as he grinds to a halt for just a tick. Then his gaze swings yonder, and well he offers a sage little nod. "Oh they're probably aiming at me, I'm villian of the week right now apparently. Anyway, safe travels Ma'am."