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Fashion Crash-In
Date of Scene: 17 November 2019
Location: JVD Corporate, New York
Synopsis: Grail comes to Janet van Dyne looking for some information about Superman, but the fashionista is unable to help her.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Grail

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet van Dyne's fashion label has a few different faces. The most prominent of them, the ones that are seen on the backs of celebrities and socialites, include the JVD retail store on 5th Avenue across from Sak's. A small business nestled in a large townhouse-style building. This is where people come to shop.

For people who wish to see Janet herself, the JVD Fashion House in Chelsea is a loosely-kept secret. The only sign on the building is a stylized JVD on the Northwest and Southeast corners, and the boxy design of the building certainly isn't going to win a lot of architectural awards. The top floor is mostly glass-paneled; sometimes Janet herself can be seen looking out of the windows there. An attached building that looks like a repurposed warehouse is exactly that: the warehouse for storage and shipping for the most valuable of JVD custom goods.

Grail has posed:
Having missed the opportunity to see the woman at the party in private, Grail was not at all pleased by the fact that she had been shown up. Something about humans needing sleep after partying or some such. That party was fun but the drinks weren't even strong enough to maek her feel a twitch of a tingle of tipsy. Sometimes she is curious how such creatures could produce such powerful beings on this world. All the same, she has found this building to be the most likely location of the woman known as Janet Van Dyne and without much thought she simply walks through the front door, looking for the nearest person and approaching them.

"You, I am here to see Janet van Dyne. Direct me to her."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
As it happens, the person is one of the front-end attendants, and Grail's premptory attitude actually gives the man pause. Were she to equivocate or act uncertainly, it's no doubt she'd be politely refused or shown the door. Just because Janet's offices are here doesn't mean anyone's welcome to drop in on her.

But there's enough authority in her voice that the receptionist guesses Grail's not inquiring for casual reasons. "Uh... one moment," he requests. "Please sign in here, and I'll see if she's available. Name? And what is the visti regarding?"

After Grail goes through some obligatory hoops, the receptionist has a muttered phone conversation with Janet's assistant. Finally he ends the call and nods at Grail. "Here's a visitor's pass," he says, and hands her a lanyard to clip to her clothing somewhere. It's yellow, but similar in design to the green one he wears. "Please take the elevator to the 5th floor and Ms. van Dyne's assistant will take over from there."

The elevator is called remotely and bears Grail up to Janet's offices. Moments later, Janet's assistant is opening the doors to the fashionista's offices and inviting Grail in.

"I'm in the back, give me a minute!" Janet calls from somewhere on the other side of the room. It's a *big* room, no walls and only a few support pillars. The floors and ceiling are painted white, including the old lumber crossbeams and the ventilation ducts. The space itself is a curious contrast; on the right is a minimalist aesthetic of white with soft gold and blue accents. Even the desk and the decor are white, to the pens on the desk in a stand and the computer monitor facing the chair.

On the left is a cavalcade of riotous, barely-organized color and chaos. A dais with three mirrors around it serves as a fitting stand. Rolls of fabric are intermixed with partially finished clothing, some draped over mannequins and clearly in process. A paint-colored drafting table contains dozen of sketches and colored artwork along with lots of art supplies for fueling Janet's craetive outlet.

Grail has posed:
The way that people move to help her get to where she is going is enough to stun her into filling out the paperwork. At least a little bit. She was not exactly pleased about all these hoops but they were helping her get to her goal and not stopping her. It's...odd to her. Most places are all like 'You can't come in here!' or 'Stop that this instant' or 'Oh god oh god, my arm doesn't bend that way, stop please AAUUGGH!' when it ocmes to these things. Now, she is being shown the way.

Once the elevator opens, she looks over at the lady assistant before blinking as she is ushered into this large room. Her eyes scan the room though it is often hard to tell exactly where those large red eyes are looking. She starts over toward one of the mannequins and looks at the clothing there, narrowing her eyes and letting out a hmm before shaking her head a little.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Not your taste?" Janet emerges from the stacks of fabric and flashes a smile at Grail. She's not dressed like an artist; more like the CEO and socialite she is. Her knee-length black pencil skirt clings a little too tight to be properly decent, and she's sporting an off-the-shoulder sleeveless red top. Both complement expensive black stilettos that are definitely not office casual attire; black Ferragamos with red soles. Aside from two diamond studs in her ears, the only jewelry she's sporting is a pendant around her neck in the shape of a tiny star-spangled shield.

"It's... Grail, right?" Janet asks. "I thought the name was familiar. You were at my Halloween party. You're not here looking for a missing purse or something, are you?" she jokes.

Grail has posed:
A look over at Janet and she blinks. She wasn't sure what she was expecting of this woman but then again she is rarely sure of what she is expecting from any human. She is still dressed in her usual attire, not really having a ton of other fashion options nor really wanting any. She walks over toward Janet when she reveals herself. She shakes her head, "I am not looking for any form of purse. I had requested an audience with you in private at your party but never got one." She states and crosses her arms, "I had wished to speak with you about something apparently important to your people." She nods her head.

"The body of the one you call Superman. The one named Kal-El." She nods her head as she looks around the room again, "And it's actual whereabouts."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"...Ah." Janet's Polite Smile disappears to something a bit more professional. Even her posture changes slightly, as if transitioning from fashionista to superheroine extaordinaire. "Well, you can't blame me for forgetting what happened at the party. After that much rum it's all just a blur of hot dancing and great drugs."

"I'm... well, I'm afraid you're talking to the least knowledgeable person regarding Superman," Janet confesses. She gestures at a little seating area and invites Grail to sit, then takes her own seat. Her legs fold over one another with an effortless grace and she rests her hands in her lap. "That's something I imagine the government's managing, if the Justice League didn't do something about it themselves. What's your concern?"

Grail has posed:
Walking over to that area, Grail settles into a seat and looks down at the seat as if expecting it not to be able to handle her. She then looks up to Janet and states, "I don't need you to be knowledgable about it. I need you to let others know or at least help me find out where it is." She states and nods her head, "He invited me to this world." Grail states plainly and then gestures at Janet, "And now your world has some strange dark skinned man with an eey patch arguing with some large dark skinned woman about some kind of strange inter-agency disagreement over where his body really is."

She hmms and looks back around the room, looking over various things, "They say his body is under a statue in his honor but that is not even remotely true and further, others have stated he may yet be alive." She turns her gaze back to Janet, "I have two strangely dressed Earthlings looking into this who claim they are both named Robin, as strange as that is, but I wish to work with someone less...hidden."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I have /no/ idea to whom you're referring," Janet assures Grail with a wry tone. "I'm sorry your sponsor is dead. I really am," she says, and it sounds sincerely empathetic. "Superman was one of the greatest heroes on Earth. Him and Steve Rogers have the biggest hearts I've ever seen. Steve maybe a /bit/ more, but I'm biased." A ghost of a smile crosses her face; unconsciously, it seems, she plays with the shield hanging below the hollow of her throat.

"But again, Superman's not-- I mean, he's Justice League. I'm an Avenger. We've got different areas of responsibility and a polite agreement not to get our chocolate in their peanut butter. I wouldn't even know whom to talk to-- the Department of Extranormal Affairs? SHIELD?" she hazards.

"And don't mind the Robins," she asides. "I can't keep track of them and I don't think Batman can, either." She holds a theatric hand aside her mouth. "Means you only need to remember one code name."

Grail has posed:
"I do not know much about your chocolate and peanut butter agreement but SHIELD was mentioned by another." She ocnsiders, "All the same, I thought perhaps you would want to know about the dead man who was so loved that is not dead." She shakes her head, "Of that I am sure. As far is it goes, I just want more information on this...strange pair who spoke about his body." She clenches her fists, "He knows something. Possibly about my father and if he is alive, I would know what he knows."

She then sighs and shakes her head as she stands up, "This is getting me no where." She looks back at Janet a moment and hten looks around this room again, "It is clear to me that you have your own priorities."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet presses her lips into a resigned line and nods. Hands lift and clasp again. "Not to be blunt about it, but, yes. I've met Superman like, two or three times. Ever. He's a swell guy but he's on space patrol and off-planet a lot. Was," she amends. "I'm sad he's gone but no one's done much to convince me he's otherwise in good health. SHIELD or the League is going to be your best bet. I wish I could do more, but..." She shrugs. It's not quite an apology.

"Is it possible that... maybe, just hear me out-- this is some grief?" Janet ventures. "I know when my mo-- mother died, I struggled with it for a long time. I wanted to believe she was still alive, somewhere. And the truth was, she wasn't coming back, and that was that."

Grail has posed:
A look over at Janet and she glares a moment, her eyes glowing red for a moment before she sucks in a breath. Her right foot grinds into the floor ever so slightly as she clenches a fist and then states, "I know you attempt to be...helpful." She states and nods her head, "Pehraps sympathize with me. However, I do not have grief." She states, "I know my father is out there...and when I find him, I will kill him!" She states and then takes a step toward Janet, "And the universe will be better off knowing that he is well and truly dead."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Ah," Janet says. It's as much consensus as trying to buy some time. Something in her posture changes subtly as Grail starts growling and stepping closer. Relaxing, as if fighting the urge to tense up in a way that'll slow her reactions. "Sorry honey, I am not that kind of girlfriend. I'll go shopping with ya or talk about boys, but I don't deal in the whole family drama thing," she says with a dismissive flicker of her fingers in the air over her wrist. "Don't know who your daddy is but if you'll take some free advice? That's the sort of thing you really should see a therapist about. Otherwise you end up like me, with an ecstasy habit and then getting married at nineteen just to spite daddy."

Grail has posed:
A blink at that and she shakes her head, "I don't plan to spite him. I plan to kill him." She states, "Your planet has seen him before. I doubt you'd mind much." She then shakes her head and idly looks at her wrist and the gauntlet there before she considers it a moment, "I will have to find these SHIELD People and ask them more." She looks back at Janet, "Maybe they'll be more helpful. If you learn anything about Superman or about my father, be sure to try and let me know." She nods her head, "Though I imagine Darkseid appears on this world again...I'll hear about it." She then pushes something on her wrist and there's a snapping, a wind and then a boom as a portal begins to open before her.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet backpedals out of her seat quite quickly, despite those four-inch pumps, and reflexively puts the chair between her and Grail. A laughable barrier, useful as tissue paper, but it's reflex making her respond to a sudden *portal* opening in her offices. Papers and sketches blow off her desk; JAnet ignores them for the moment, eyes wide with alarm.

"...Oh. You're, uh... Darkseid's daughter." Some things click into place for Janet.

"Yeah, I don't think he's coming here on a discreet tourist vista," Janet agrees. "But um... yeah. I'm afraid you're just barking up the wrong tree here. But SHIELD's good people. For being a bunch of narcs," she amends. "If anyone can help you, they can."

Grail has posed:
A smirk as she watches Janet react, chuckling a little, "Seems so." She then turns and walks toward the portal and states, "Oh, and Janet." She smirks a little and nods, "It was a nice party. I did enjoy myself despite your strange customs." She then walks up on to the portal and waves her hand once before suddenly the portal snaps closed and the wind whips one last time and then dies down, leaving Janet alone with her thoughts.