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Latest revision as of 19:12, 20 November 2019

Oh look, its you!
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Teacher's Lounge, Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue and Carol meet up to talk about some future team-up plans!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Rogue has posed:
Evening at Xavier's School. Rogue had gotten her dinner down in the dining hall but she'd wanted some time away from the kids that were dining in said hall. So she took her plate and drink on a tray up the stairs and into the teacher's lounge. It had been a balancing act, so rather than walk she'd floated through the air up and into the second floor, dodging past other students that were running this way and that... but they usually veer wide from Rogue anyway. Not only do they know she's a life sucking soul eater, but running into her is like running into a brick wall... well sorta, a flesh brick wall that is soft depending on -- never mind.

Anyway. Rogue is in the Teacher's lounge sitting at one of the sofa chairs with her tray on her lap and the television is on. She's watching some random spy versus spy show and forking at her pasta and sipping from a glass of respberry lemonade. Super casual mode!

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol never needs much of an excuse to go basically anywhere on the continent. The furthest trip is something in the realm of an hour and considering just how much she loves to fly it never feels like a chore. That said, she doesn't visit the School all that often. Not so much because it houses bad memories - on the contrary, it houses several very pleasant ones - but more because it's, well, a school. They're teaching children there. They don't need an Avenger traipsing in just to say hi and shoot the breeze.

But sometimes it's nice to get away and be around the people who not only are just as different as you but aren't constantly swamped by the very big lives they lead. The people who can be normal and around whom you can be normal, too.

There's not much of a sound as she lands on the balcony outside, clad in the red and blue that is her Captain Marvel uniform with her sash trailing out behind her. She checks the balcony door, grateful to find it unlocked (careless teachers!) and opening it onto the Teacher's Lounge. Well, at least it wasn't someone's bedroom.

She spies (ha!) Rogue watching television and eating her dinner, and pauses a moment in the doorway to fold her arms low across her torso and shoot the mutant a faint smile: "Hey, Trouble."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes are on the television, watching the spies dueling in a gunfight on the television on rooftops at night when the balcony door opens and Carol sweeps in. This draws the younger woman's attention of course and she looks over to see the fancy outfit and the woman wearing it, instantly recognizing her before she even looked.

A big grin, Rogue takes a second to prepare herself and then nods and is about to speak but she coughs, which requires her to take a sip from her drink then she laughs and tries again.

"Hey." She states, now clearing her throat.

"Ya surprised me." She adds, still smiling though. "What'n the heck are you doin' here?" She asks then. "Finally come t'shut this place down? You're lookin' bangin' in that suit, been awhile since I seen ya in it in person."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You think?" Carol asks when Rogue compliments the suit, turning around in it slightly and looking back over her shoulder, "You can thank Janet for it. Her design, same as ever."

The Aviatrix Avenger plants her palms on her hips, still standing with her back to Rogue for a moment and her head turned. But then the 'pose' ends as quick as it begun, and she strides across the room to bomb out on the couch near the young woman with whom she shares more than she does with anyone else on the planet. Her red booted feet cross at the ankle, resting over the arm so as to not tread dirt - even if she hasn't set foot on the ground in a couple hours.

"Some squid thing came outta Peach Lake - don't ask, I don't have a clue how it got there - anyway, it ended up exploding so I thought I'd swing by. We didn't get to talk much at the bar, and I realised that's kind of been the state of things for a while."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had mostly finished her dinner by the time Carol arrived anyway so she takes the wooden tray off of her lap and sets it over onto the table beside her chair, not even needing two hands to move the nice wooden tray with all the stuff ontop of it because well... like Carol everything weighs about as much as a roll of toilet paper.

Rogue looks back to Carol after the woman in blue red and gold had crashed out on the sofa and she grins at the blond. "Janet made that? Shit, I didn't know that. I designed my green'n'gold one visually and just had it made up off of the machine downstairs. I miss the one I wore back with the Avengers, but... well... it was a bit more formal feelin' than I like'em ultimately."

Rogue leans back in the chair she's seated in then and crosses her legs at the knee, she's just wearing jeans and a simple shirt, no gloves at the moment as they're draped over the arm of her chair on her left. "Yeah, we haven't talked much this past year. Guessin' we've been busy, both've us. Plus, I'm not in Manhattan as much as I used'ta be." She draws in a breath then. "Did ya beat the tar outta that Squid thing for me? Explode'em with your fists?' Rogue asks with a grin.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Well, Janet designed it," Carol answers, "I guess I made it, seeing as I pretty much conjure it into existence when I need it. But credit where credit's due."

Carol lounges on her back, reaching to pick up a cushion and hugging it to her chest for a moment. As Rogue speaks, she tosses it into the air, letting it turn and sometimes even bump the ceiling before it falls back down to be caught once again. She laughs lightly at the talking of the exploding squid.

"I did, actually. Or I think I did. It just kind of blew up at the end, there. I heard there are deep sea fish that do that. Not sure what to make of it in a lake, though. I somehow doubt a twenty-foot-tall squid monster is native to the freshwater bodies of upstate New York."

She nods her head slightly, her expression softening as she hugs the pillow once again and turns her face to look at Rogue: "I guess we've been busy, yeah, but I could've made the time. Should have, anyway. How are you? They treating you good here? Don't have you scrubbing floors while refusing to let you go to the ball?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue eyes the pillow as it gets tossed up into the air like a pizza dough in some chef's hands. She grins at the other and just leans over in the chair to shake her head. "Sorta like those goats that feint when they're scared?" She asks. "I seen those on the internet and they have gotta be the cutest things in the world... Course, explodin' squids don't really seem t'qualify in that same category, but hey, ya know, whatever."

Her hand raises the glass of lemonade up for another sip and she then laughs at the question about how she's being treated around here. "Nah, I'm all good here. Its casual mode when you're not a highschool student. There's not a lotta've us College level students here so the work load is dealt with pretty casually. Which is entirely my kinda way'a learning. Way better than the stress and politics at NYU. I'm really sick'a that kinda school environment, I think it needs t'die off, personally. School needs t'be more fun than those kinda places are. I hate this idea that learning has t'be... I dunno, just, boring. Its bullshit." Rogue grins then sips her lemonade once more there after.

"I wanna punch squids with ya sometime." She then adds. "Ya gotta invite me along on those kindsa things. We'd be like that video game, Smash Bros... except, ya know, Chicks."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol can't help but smile as she listens to Rogue talk. While it's true their relationship started in perhaps the roughest way possible short of their actually killing one another, it's grown into something else. Rogue feels, in a lot of ways, almost like family. They share a lot, after all. Powers, knowledge, and memories.

"You're one of those students who wants to sit under a tree and debate the meaning of life with some aging hippie, huh? You'll get no sympathy from me, lady - I went to college at the Air Force Academy. Until you're falling out of bed for reveille, I've got no sympathy for you."

Still, she says it all with a grin and nods her head enthusiastically: "I'd love to have you along. In fact, I wanted to ask you something - something kind of big."

Rogue has posed:
What if it was Mystique's plan all along to make Rogue have a sister-like person in her life through Carol. Through attacking Carol and absorbing her, it would somehow lead to this inevitable end of being close like this? Can Mystique play that kind of '4d chess'?

Probably not. She's just a crazy lady.

Rogue laughs softly and shakes her head, her white bangs waving against the sides of her face as she does it. "I grew up... at least six years'a growin' up on... on a hippie commune, ya know? Whatever lead my family t'live there, there's some'a that inside'a me still. Even if there's some'a what you went through too. Honestly, I think that sorta plays inta my desires for non traditional education. I think it makes me wanna try'n...." Change the world? Kids her age generally do want to try do that. "I don't know. Nevermind." She just grins softly.

"Something big?" She perks up then, sitting up a little higher in her chair too. "I'm down. What is it? Sentinels? Is it more kille'ah robots? I love punchin' them like nobody's business..."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I think you can change the world," Carol says earnestly, no trace of jest in her voice, "And if you're not going to invent a new kind of toaster, then at least you're going to make it a better place. Don't pretend I don't see read those articles about you swooping in to save the day - I'd make a scrapbook if it wasn't all digital. Can you make a scrapbook on a computer? Maybe ask Kitty for me?"

When asked to account for the something big, Carol takes a bit of a deep breath: "Now, I know how you feel about it and you're perfectly entitled to say no. But there's ... stuff going on. Out there," she gestures airily towards the sky, "And I guess part of being the Avenger that can actually travel through space without too much hassle means I ought to go and have a look. I wanted to see if you felt like coming with me? Just a road trip. We'll have an actual, you know, shuttle. You don't need to wear an oxygen mask or anything. I just figured it might be fun to spend some time together."

Rogue has posed:
The first part makes Rogue laugh softly. "You absolutely can make a scrapbook on a computer. I guess thats sorta what Facebook is, in fact... ya could say anyway. Or Instagram. Instagram makes more sense, actually and is less of a shit hole than Facebook. I pust pics and videos on Instagram all the time, love all the crazy ass responses I got. Some of'em are just down right dirty as hell, and it just entertains the ever livin' hell outta me. But... yeah, anyway..."

Rogue's eyes light up though when Carol mentions a space adventure. "With you? Space isn't a big deal. Not as scary. With anyone else? No thanks. They'll fuck it up -" She pauses then. "Language, I know. I'm sorry. I don't like usin' that word either, but in this case it is warranted t'emphasize my point."

A big smile then as she takes a second to consider Carol's offer. "I'm down for it though, whenever ya feel its an appropriate time. I could probably get a hold on some'a my work and school here just cause its kind've a rare opportunity, right?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Instagram, huh? I was getting a lecture a while back about how I need to up my social media presence. I guess I can do that. I'm just concerned I'm going to be like someone's eighty-year-old grandmother trying to write you letters through the Google search bar or something. Kree weaponry? No problem, I can pull it apart in my sleep and reassemble it for breakfast. Yet somehow I fall down with this stuff."

Carol sighs airily, waving a hand through the air and flipping the pillow up once more for another idle toss, "I'll probably be heading out in a few days - maybe a week? Once I've tied things up with the Avengers and got Alpha Flight's ducks all in a row."

She rises to her feet, using the fact that gravity doesn't apply to her to easily move from lying down to standing. Something Rogue does quite a bit of herself, truth be told. She doesn't wander over, knowing better than to make any contact as much as she'd like to, but she does smile.

"We'll work it out. Truth be told, I just think we oughta spend more time together and none of my Avenger friends have quite the nose for trouble you do."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just laughs lightly at Carol's troubles with social media on Earth. "Ya know why ya struggle with it?" She asks then. "Its cause you're not a social butterfly. You're tough and strong and ya don't really care what other people think've ya. Social Media is built on 'what do other people thinka me?' mentality. Thats why ya can't be bothered t'figure it out, cause it doesn't really mean nothin' to ya." She shrugs her shoulders lightly. "Least thats my take on it. Happy t'help ya out, its pretty damn easy with a smart phone these days."

Rogue moves to stand up then and pick up her tray, she has to take it back downstairs or suffer the wrath of Scott, or Jean, or Ororo or god knows who else...

"Hey, just gimme'a shout whenever ya wanna go. Phone or come by'n just stuff me inta the ship. Not like ya don't know where t'find me. I'm eager t'do this, furthest I've gone out there was the Moon so far, and well... an ice planet somewhere... but I really don't have any idea where that was as it was reached via some kinda spell that Wanda Maximoff performed. But yeah." She grins then at Carol and in a saucy voice she adds. "My body is ready, sugah."

With that said, Rogue starts toward the doorway with her tray and glass. "You hanging out here or what?" She asks, assuming Carol's either gonna follow her or head out the way she'd come in.