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Latest revision as of 07:02, 24 November 2019

Dragging Nathaniel XMas Shopping at the mall.
Date of Scene: 24 November 2019
Location: Mall - Salem Center
Synopsis: Christmas shopping in Salem Center.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Hindsight, Samuel Morgan, Icarus

Rage has posed:
With her temporary assigned bodyguard, Jeremy, parking the armored SUV and escorting them through the mall, Andrea seems to be a bit lighter on her feet than she has the last few days. Today she is dressed in a hits at the knee white and orange floral printed sun dress, warm jeggings with a pair of fuzzy boots on. She had a parka on but left it in the vehicle, opting for a military jacket instead to finish off her fashion.

"Thanks for coming out with me, Nathan. The school was feeling a bit stuffy and I still have things to pick up for some friends of mine. OH! I never got a chance to follow up with you about BTS if you were interested."

Hindsight has posed:
    "How could I say no?" Nathanial quips, hopping out of the armored vehicle. One, because Andrea is a famous pop starlet and who could turn down an offer like that? Two, because he's new and not in the position to be turning down offers of friendship, period. He's dressed in jeans, a white tee, and a light blue jean jacket over that with the sleeves folded near his elbow. "Thanks for the invite. And I don't know. You sure it's not too weird?"

    "Christmas shopping?" He guesses and shoves gloved hands in his pockets and follows Andrea into the shopping center. "This isn't really incognito. People will notice the bodyguard," He smiles. "If they don't notice you first."

Rage has posed:
"What is not too weird? Asking them for an autograph for a friend? Not at all. They do it with me all the time. Koreans /love/ me overseas. Americans are morons with their perceptions on mutants. But over in Asia? I'm in every magazine, poster, commercial, billboard. They love mutants." Andrea says with a grin to him.

"I always get noticed, but the days of mobs coming up to me is long gone at least. But kids do come over for pictures and autographs which I always oblige. Jeremy will keep us safe." She assures him with a grin. "My usual bodyguard, James, is sick with the flu right now, but he assured me that Jeremy will be fine."

Hindsight has posed:
"I didn't know that. I've never actually been. To Korea, I mean," Nathaniel explains, with a shrug. "I would really like to visit one day, though." His birth mother never had the money, and his father the interest. "Okay, then. If it isn't too much of a hassle, then that'd be the best thing ever or close to it."

    Combing a hand through his hair, he smirks, "I wasn't worried about a mob. I figure if any weirdos get too close, you can just hulk out and scare them away. What are we here for?" asks Nathaniel, as they approach.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's been a long time since Bean has been out and about. After the quick interlude in the music center earlier, he figured he would try his luck and go to a more densely packed area. It's a matter of boundaries and goal posts... he might not be able to get there, but he can push his own limits back slowly. And, it can't be denied, while Bear is with him things aren't nearly as bad. For one thing, most people give him some space, misinterpreting the service dog on a leash as being held by someone that is visually impaired. With that bubble of personal space, he can observe the world and not feel too crowded.

    Bear is on his game today, and readily sniffs out familiar scents through even the dense crowd of the mall, guiding Bean unerringly towards familiar beacons in the the sea of chaotic humanity. That means that a teenager and a German Shepherd in a high visibility jacket begin to bear down on Andrea and Nathaniel.

Rage has posed:
"I've been a few times while on tour and it's exciting. Everyone is so nice there." Andrea says as she pulls out her phone to launch her shopping list for her friends. "I don't hulk out in public. Not unless our lives were in extreme danger. It would be a major PR nightmare and I'm sure would give the mutie haters more ammunition."

"I have a list! So, it's a lot of everything really. I want to get my dad some sweaters and ties, and then maybe get the both of them a bo-flex total gym workout situation for their new house. My mother is a health nut, even with the missing leg. She has a prosthetic. One of those really nice ones, all carbon fibery."

The sight of Sam and his companion catches her attention after awhile and she lifts up a hand, smiling. "Hey, Bean."

Hindsight has posed:
     If permitted, Nathaniel will take a glance at the list. "So it is Christmas shopping. I usually put it off until a few weeks before when the panic settles in. Then the mad hunt begins. Procrastination's a bitch. I can help you look. Sporty people like smart watches, right?" suggests Nat, glancing at a electronic store.

    Bean and Bear's presence is met with a wide grin. "Sammy boy! Join us. We're shopping for gifts a month early, like responsible people."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A hand is lifted in greeting a little way away, Bean having been aware of the other two for some time. After everything that happened to Andrea during her concerts, he's also keeping an eye on her security at the same time, and estimating how long it took before Jeremy was aware of him walking an intercept course. It's a subject he's raised before, and it's unlikely the kid is any happier about her security now than he was when the Friends of Humanity decided to go after her.

    "Don't mind if I do." he mentions once actually close enough to have a conversation at a sensible volume. "Not sure anyone ever accused me of being sensible, but I can carry stuff."

Rage has posed:
"My mother has a smart watch, so does my dad. I spoil the heck out of them. On my list I do have a few things for some of the teachers. I want to get Mister Guthrie a new jacket, sweater and a tie. Something for his date nights so that he cleans up a bit nicer." Andrea grins at Nathaniel as she passes the phone over to him. It's in a hot pink bedazzled Dazzler case. She's one of those fans.

"I figured it would be nice to kill an evening." She says to Sam with a grin, wiggling her fingers towards Bear for a salutations. "Whatcha up to? Shopping for yourself?"

Jeremy sticks close, but not 'too' close as he follows after the group. He seems competent enough, though hardly the hawk that James is when it comes to the small details.

Hindsight has posed:
"Perfect. Now, you have eyes and arms, Andrea," Nathaniel chirps, as if he has done a great deed in recruiting Bean for their Merry task. "Right, duh." Of course, the celebrity's mother would have a smart watch. He makes a thinking face, "How about something homemade? To show them that you care without throwing money at it." That might spoil this trip to the mall, though.

The white-haired mutant opens his mouth, but Andrea fires off the questions first, so he just flashes her a smile and awaits Bean's answer. "Browsing for a wardrobe change, perhaps? Not that you don't rock the 'boot camp kid' look. You do. But it's never too late to diversify."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Just out walking." It's said with a smile, but Andrea might be aware just how much of a leap that is for Bean. Considering there doesn't seem to be a disturbance anywhere, and the kid is relaxed might be said to be amazing progress. Probably due to Bear, who studiously ignores all distractions for now. For his part, Bean doesn't look towards Jeremy either, knowing that the man is doing a job and doing it at the best of his ability. It's just that he's being critiqued by a professional from a completely different school of training while he's doing it. "But I've got time, I'll join you if you don't mind." This does, of course, actually increase the average threat level to the group as a whole.

    Another sign of progress? Someone just called him 'Sammy Boy' and he's still smiling. The 'boot camp kid' remark? That one goes home.

    "Didn't think I was that out of style."

Rage has posed:
"Unless you're Beyonce, everyone is out of style." Andrea says as she gives a long stretch of her body, then smooths down her dress a bit to make sure it covers her knees. "Mom really wanted a bo-flex machine so it's what I'm snagging her." She says to Nate with a giggle. "And she lost a limb for our country, so I kinda have to get it for her. She'll guilt trip me and leave her leg on the table during dinner if I don't otherwise." She says jokingly.

"Bean, are you coming to the concert in a few weeks? I'm having Dazzler come out during my 'encore' to do a few of her songs also. It's a secret. Should make the crowd go insane."

Hindsight has posed:
    "She -wouldn't-," says Nathaniel, cackling madly. "Bowflex machine, it is. Give the fans what they, right? And it sounds like you're mama's your biggest fan." He's envious of that positive parent-child relationship but hides it well in his easy smile. "As strong as I'm sure Bean is, he might have some trouble walking out of here with that thing." He adds, teasing.

    "It's a style," He offers. "We can work on it, or not. Your choice."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Beyonce does rock everything, it's true." Bean admits, with an easy smile. Some things are universal truth. "And hey, anyone that sacrifices that much for freedom deserves at least the fitness machine they want. Still haven't met her, by the way, still very much looking forward to it."

    As for the concert? That actually gets a deeper smile. "Yeah, I'll be there. Still working through the set up, but I'll keep that stage properly lit. Have to anyway, need a few lighting tricks for Shannon. I kind of promised her." The further they walk, the more Bean casts glances around. He does not like crowds...

    "Eh, can't do any harm to look at options I suppose. As long as I can move in it, that's important." That's an olive branch right there. "Guess I've gotten used to dressing a certain way."

Rage has posed:
"Oh, she would, and she has. My mother on April Fool's once put her leg in my bed so when I woke up, I was just staring at it. Freaked me out." Andrea giggles as she brushes some hair back behind her ear.

"My parents will be at the concert so you can meet them then. They are really excited and can't wait to meet all of my friends. It's been almost two years since they visited the school during orientation, and since they are now moving to California, they want to have one last big hang out before I head to college."

"You also got a smoking bod, Sam. I'm sure we can find something for you to wear that will make you pop. I'd say go with black muscle shirts, maybe some relaxed flex jeans with some destroy and maybe some button down hoodies."

Hindsight has posed:
    "What a woman," Nathaniel laughs. "I have decided just now that I must meet her too. Is the concert open to all students? I would love to see you live. Dazzler's, of course, a nice touch.""

    "Fashion is suffering, Samuel," Nathaniel turns his arms over. He's wearing a jean jacket, but the sleeves have been pushed to his elbows. "You'd think with my ability, I would keep my skin covered, but some sacrifices are necessary. Buuuut I take it skinny jeans are a non-starter," Nathanial quirks a brow, then nudges Andrea and winks conspiratorially. "Are we dressing up Samuel? Is that our new mission?

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Long sleeved. Absolutely has to be long sleeved." Bean adds to the list of requirements for his wardrobe, since this is now apparently a thing they are discussing. Not that he seems to mind, but he has reasons not to want to show his arms.

    "I'll make a point to pop out from back stage or the lighting booth to come say hello then." College. Time flies. So much, in fact, that it was summer when Bean came to the school and now it's nearly Christmas. Case in point, the many and myriad decorations they are passing.

    He smiles over to Nathan. "Mister Guthrie, the other Sam, owns the club. You can bet there's going to be a lot of students there. Some of them even working, some of them on stage. If you want to come, I'd be surprised if there wasn't going to be a Xavier shuttle running of some description." 'Some description' doesn't necessarily mean road transport.

    Bean does go quiet at the suggestion of dressing him up. /Very/ quiet. Eyes very steadily looking anywhere but the faces of his companions.

Rage has posed:
"Long sleeved black muscle shirt then." Andrea says as she pauses in front of a woman's lingerie store, staring through the window at a few outfits. She has a thoughtful look on her face for a moment before she glances over her shoulder to the pair of boys. "You can come of course. I have a VIP section for the students who are attending."

"I'm fine in finding something for myself to wear as well, so let's all pick out an outfit or two for the holidays. Oh! Nate, I'm also doing a charity dinner at the homeless shelter in Mutant Town and I'm hoping to feed about a hundred families if you are interested in pitching in."

"Also, Bean, James is retiring as my bodyguard after I graduate. So, if you were still interested in helping me out, I'd be open to the idea now."

Hindsight has posed:
    'Some description' is vague, and Nathaniel's brows come together, like he's trying to work that one out. "Like a portal to Havana?" He says, remembering how easily Illyana acquired Cuban coffee for Gwendolyn. "Cool. Hopefully, I'm caught up on everything and settled in by then. If I am, you can bet your mom's good leg, I'll be there."

    As Andrea focuses on Victora's Secret, Nathaniel rolls his eyes and drops a step to match pace with Samuel. 'You okay?' he mouths, from beside him, looking somewhat concerned. Back to Andrea, "I guess, sure," He's never done community work before, but who says he can't start now? New beginnings and such.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It would be a natural reaction for men to look away from such a store, but Bean it seems is entirely unselfconscious about such things. But in his case he's not looking through the window, he's looking at the window. More accurately, the reflections of the people behind them and the periphery of his vision. Looking to see who is glancing at them more openly now that their backs are clearly turned. "Black is a color that I can get behind." And then comes the question. Ah.

    "When you're on tour or doing a show? Yes. But day to day? When you're graduating I'll still be studying for my Masters, possibly my PhD. At least I'll be more inconspicuous than the guy you have with you now. Where'd you get him, goons-r-us?" Yes, he can see him, and Jeremy is actually doing a pretty good job keeping situational awareness without crowding in, but his opinion of private security is understandably low... and it would never do to compliment another professional. There's a code... "I've actually been considering going into personal security after I graduate."

    He's not too surprised by the question from Nathaniel, and replies in as nonchalant a tone as he's able to fake. "Yeah, don't worry about me. It's a long story, and some day I'll tell it."

Rage has posed:
As she stares at some of the outfits through the window, Andrea hesitates, then brushes a hand across her stomach as she scrunches her face up. Turning around, she follows after the pair of boys. "We have a contract through my label. I don't technically 'need' a security guard but in the case that something does happen, it doesn't hurt. I also like their suits. It's professional." Her grin tugs upwards.

"But once I go to college, I won't have them anymore. I'll be really busy at NYU in the performing arts program."

"If you want to get into that field though, Bean, I can pass along some information for the place we contract through. Also, we don't really have to go clothes shopping if you aren't interested. I never need a reason to spend money on my friends."

Icarus has posed:
From the opposite direction, there is a familiar figure strolling along and looking in windows of various shops. Jay is dressed as he prefers which means he is in oversized clothing so he can hide his wings. Unlike many with the large appendages growing out of their backs, he has learned to flatten his wings against his back and down his legs, allowing him to hide them under bulky clothes. In this case, baggy jeans and a sweatshirt with a heavier jacket worn over the top of them all. He has a small backpack with him, slung haphazardly over one shoulder.

Spotting the trio, two of which he knows, he gives a wave and speeds up his step to join them. "Hey, was hoping to catch up without resorting to Marco Polo. Andrea texted me you all were here."

Hindsight has posed:
    Smiling, Nathaniel accepts Bean's assurance without any extra prying. He knows that long story, or ones like them. They are rarely pleasant, and his experiences with them are overwhelming and never by choice - for both the narrator and him, the audience. "Okay. Don't worry, we don't plan on turning you into our personal Ken doll."

    "Yeah, we did officially come here for Christmas shopping," Nathaniel agrees. "...but I never need an excuse to buy new clothes. This mall is more high end than the thrift stores I'm used to. Not letting you pay for me, Andrea." They'd only just met, after all. Plus, he had the means to pay for whatever he needed.

    He waves back to Jay, "Hey. I'm Nathaniel."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Not gonna lie, I look awesome in a good suit." That's one qualification out of the way then. Bean is trying to keep the tone light, giving Andrea a grateful smile. "Besides, no need for a contract anyway. If you want me to tag along and keep you safe, all you have to do is ask. You know I hate those Friends as much as you do."

    But back to topic! Shopping! "Consider this. All the clothes I have right now are those I got through the school. Except for a ball cap and one second hand jacket I got from a second hand shop somewhere in New York. If you're offering to update my look a bit, I'm not going to refuse. But let's first get those presents you're after."

    A hand is raised to Jay as he approaches. "Hi Jay. Meet Nathaniel, our newest student. Nathaniel, this is Jay Guthrie, wicked singer, awesome guitar player and refreshment replenishment technician at Club Evolution. Also Sam's brother, but that's a technicality, I'm sure."

Rage has posed:
The attitude of Andrea changes immediately when she spies Jay's approach. She practically glows like a sun in the summertime. A hundred degrees and counting. "Hey, Jay." She says as she tucks some loose hair back behind her ear. "I'm buying some sweaters and a jacket for your brother for Christmas. Maybe you can help me pick something out." Once she comes up to him, she slides her hand out, looking to brush it against his and take it of allowed.

"I'm not too afraid of the Friends these days. I was thinking maybe when I go back on tour, you could help provide some feedback on keeping the venue safe. I was hoping you could walk Club Evo with my security team to go over some things with them. There will be a lot of mutants there, including Dazzler and I don't want a single thing to go wrong and it'd mean a lot to me if you just walked it and talked to them. In return, I'll hook you up with a few outfits tonight?" Fair trade.

"What about you, Jay? What am I getting you for Christmas? Let's fastforward the part where you tell me I don't have to, and then I insist and bat my eyes and wear you down." She says teasingly.

Icarus has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Nathaniel. Always nice to get a new student at the school. Helps move me further and further out of the new guy spot," Jay teases as he feels Andrea's hand brush against his. Automatically his hand is turned backwards to grip her hand, his to the front because then her hand is protected from running into anything. Or something like that. It just felt weird if her hand was in the front. "Although I really spend my time bussing tables at the club. Not old enough to serve anything alcoholic so I'm limited on what I can serve at the tables. I do help where I can though."

He hears mention of Andrea buying stuff and gives the two guys a sympathetic nod. "Just agree to let her buy you stuff. She doesn't get that whole concept of not wanting to be beholden to someone." It's the way Ma would've phrased it. "And it just makes her happy. She smiles more when she can buy stuff for folks. Take it as a present and just plan on giving her something back when it works out."

At her question, he looked over at Andrea and couldn't help a chuckle. "See?" he says to the guys before speaking to Andrea. "Fine. There's a leather jacket that I like down at this shop. Was actually considering getting one of them for Sam, different style of course. Can't be matching my brother. Ugh."

Hindsight has posed:
"Wow. I hope one day I earn an introductory title that stylish," Nathaniel teases Bean, since 'our newest student' leaves much to be desired. He grins, at Andrea's reaction to Jay's appearance. Suddenly, he is immensely grateful for Samuel's presence. Third-wheeling can be awkward. "Sounds fair to me," He comments on Andrea's offer. "Long sleeves, dark colors, high mobility, any other requirements for your fashionista?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I believe we have a deal." Bean smiles to Andrea and then lets the entire topic drop. Besides, he'd already done a few CQR's of the club anyway, so looking it over with a few fresh sets of eyes should be fairly straightforward. Bear shuffles a bit closer with so many people around, just to delineate his personal space, but otherwise doing a very effective job of keeping people from running into him.

    "So, Nathaniel, where are you spending the holidays? There's a group of us that's staying put in the school, and I think Shannon and Gwen want to cook some kind of amazing meal. We can fit in someone else, easily, if you don't fancy going ... you know... if you don't feel like spending the holidays somewhere you'll be uncomfortable."

Rage has posed:
As their hands wind together, Andrea leans in against Jay's shoulder as they walk through the mall once more. "Sure! Leather jackets it is. Snag the one you want, and help me find Sam's and I should be good there. Then get the Bo-Flex for my mother. I have to order that. Get the sweaters for my dad. Outfits for Nate and Beany. Um..."

"What should I get for Shannon? She's kinda all over the place in regards to interests. Bean, you know her best, what do you think? I'm also trying to figure out what Gwen may like. Maybe some cool new steampunk goggles that she fit with her special lens. That would be cool."

Icarus has posed:
Jay just follows along with the group, not listening the the many questions and thoughts flying around. He hadn't realized Shannon and Gwen were planned on doing a big thing for the holidays. Then there were the gift thoughts for the fellow students. To be honest, he hadn't really planned ahead on stuff yet, generally going by the seat of his pants. When he saw the right gift, he'd know it.

Hindsight has posed:
    "I'm probably spending Thanksgiving break at the school. I talked to my dad about it yesterday, and he said he thinks it's best that I don't come home so quickly. 'To better habituate to the school's unique culture' or whatever the fuck," Nathaniel's smile has been pretty strong this entire time, but that topic is evidently touchy. He frowns, drags a hand through white locks, and shrugs. "So yeah. I'll be around. Count me in."

    So Andrea's decided she's buying Nathaniel stuff, anyway? Well, he tried. Jay gets a knowing look. "I don't know either of them, at all, so I can't really say. Steampunk goggles sound awesome, though."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    First and foremost, Nathaniel gets a hearty pat on the shoulder, and an understanding look from Bean. "Seriously, fuck 'em. I know they're your folks, but they seriously need to grow the fuck up. Always room at our table man."

    It's perhaps not the most inspiring speech, but it's the best he has right now. It's easier to tackle than the other question. The one that's momentarily taking up quite a bit of cogitation in Bean's head, and still coming up with an inconclusive answer. "Shannon? Receiving gifts? Why didn't you ask for something simple, like the meaning of life?" 42 "She's insisting on getting me something, and I've been trying to find something for her. But you know her, if she'd be here, she'd tell you to do something nice for someone else. More stubborn than I am, and don't tell her I said that."

    Some more pondering. "My best guess? Do something nice for her parents. Or some kind of fancy sewing machine that does those impossible pattern things so she can make even nicer stuff for everyone else."

Rage has posed:
Sliding her other hand around Jay's arm, Andrea gives him a bit of a squeeze, her fingers tightening over his. "I'm staying at the school for the holidays. So, we'll be your family for the end of the year. We'll have a lot of fun."

"I'm sure I can come up with something for Shannon. Maybe I can find some fancy feather conditioner that smells pretty and can keep her wings nice and soft or something. Is that a thing for bird owners?"

As they find one of the stores on her list, that of which has all the men apparel, and high end apparel at that, she gives a tug of Jay's hand as she leads them in. "Here we go, boys! Go crazy. You and me are going to track down those leather jackets while they pick out some new threads."

Icarus has posed:
"It's strange. She and I both have wings but we're very different. I don't have all the problems she does with them," Jay muses as he turns into the store, guiding Andrea in the direction of the jackets toward the back. "I do have an idea for what I'm getting her though. Strangely, she was one of the easiest ones for me. I just have no idea if she's going to like it."

He isn't aware of Nathaniel's story so the words about his parents are surprising yet he doesn't ask or pry. He can respect privacy, understanding quite well that there are some things everyone doesn't need to know.

Hindsight has posed:
    "Yeah, well. I'm hoping they do that growing up before Christmas," Nathaniel says lamely. It's not the ideal home situation, but it's his, and he will, at the very least, miss his half-siblings. His shoulders slump under Samuel's touch, like he knows how pathetic that sounds. He puts on a smile for Andrea and Jay, and lightly pushes Sam towards the first black thing he spots. Focus on the clothes, Nate.

    "Dude, you have wings too?" The white-haired mutant calls after Jay, as the four of them split off slightly. "Damn. I needa get me some wings."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Don't wish too hard man. You don't want to know how many Roombas I've had to repair. Feathers get everywhere." Yup, keep it light. Bean doesn't have a great store of small talk, so he's having to rely more and more on the more recent training sessions. At least clothes are fairly neutral as a topic. Well...

    He waits until he's a bit away from Jay and Andrea, and then lowers his voice to talk to Nathaniel, a bit urgently. "Look ehm... I've never actually had any clothes that didn't get issued from a quartermaster or were available as a uniform option, except for covert stuff... This stuff is... I mean... where do I even start?" Bear, picking up on the mounting distress of his human, starts to lean against his leg, getting an automatic pat in response. Solid, secure presence... "There's no manual for this stuff."

Rage has posed:
"I don't have wings either!" Andrea calls out to Bean and Nathaniel with a smile before she heads off towards the wall of leather jackets. She stars to pick through them, eyes half lidded in thought, then plucks one off with her free hand to examine it, the other slowly untangling from Jay's almost reluctantly.

Throwing it over her person, she gives herself a look in the mirror, leather jacket and a sundress as she turns side to side. "What do you think?" She asks as she gives a glance back to him with a grin. "Pick yours out, then help me find one for Sam.. Think Bean would like one too?"

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah. Wings and a few other odds and ends thrown in." Jay doesn't elaborate. It's better not to at this point. Besides, they could be overheard since they are about to move apart and thus he drops it and follows Andrea.

"I think it looks good on you, despite being a guy's jacket. Something not right about that," Jay teases. He pulls out one of the jackets he had been eyeing earlier. It was a more retro look, black leather with silver zippers here and there. Almost an homage to the 50s biker look. "Figure it'll go with his Lila concert clothes." Which is generally black leather with spikes.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel 'whurfs' in response to Andrea's comment. Much like a wolf. Or Bear. He chuckles, then refocuses on Sam. Quartermaster? Covert? He leans in close then, suddenly deathly serious, to whisper discreetly. "...did you used to be a spy?" He can't hold the look for long, lips spreading into an amused smirk. "I got you."

    "A lot of this is going to be finding what works for you. I'm guessing by your usual attire and the way you've been eyeing anyone that breathes in our direction, that you don't like standing out too much. That's fine," He assures, touching a pair of ripped jeans. "Just make sure everything matches. Let's start with some casual clothing," He gestures to a mannequin dressed in blue jeans and a sweater. "Or we can look at the athleisure section if you're into that. For me, that's the closest I ever get to 'work out' clothes."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a direct question. The look Bean shoots back is one halfway between 'not so loud!' and 'if you keep asking, I may have to lie'. But neither is he refuting the allegation. Just giving a far firmer stroke of Bear's fur, the Shepherd having gone into full on protective mode, practically sitting on his well polished boots.

    And then Nathaniel mentions not having work out clothes. "But... what do you wear at the gym, or during PT?" Does not compute. Someone who doesn't work out? And the ripped jeans get a very critical look. "Why are they selling those when they clearly have holes in them?" Yup. Bean's not just at sea, he's far from land, the topmasts have blown down, the rigging's all ahoo, the sky is black on the horizon and an albatross is circling the ship. "Just... something comfortable and warm, that's not too tight... enough space to fight in, and hide two knives and a pistol."

Rage has posed:
"I like it, and I'm buying it for myself. And that one works for Sam." Andrea says with a smile as she gives a glance over towards the rack of jackets. "Now it's your turn to pick one out." She gives a twirl on one foot, catching glances of herself in the mirror with the jacket and dress. "I really like this, it goes well together. Kinda a bad girl meets good girl mashup."

Stealing a look across the store towards the other two boys, a smile touches along her lips, then leans in to wrap her arms about Jay, drawing herself in for a firm hug. She props her chin against his chest for a moment, then lets him go as she starts off down the aisles again.

Icarus has posed:
"I think it looks amazing on you," Jay agrees as she does her little spin. When Andrea slips in, Jay automatically wraps his arms around her for a hug. There is a faint rustle sound from his back and he has to chuckle. "Sorry, almost forgot myself there for a minute." Thankfully the wings stay firmly hidden away. Then she's moving away and he motions to a rack to her left.

"Over here." He moves that direction and there is a brown bomber style jacket in a soft leather that has been worked so it looks older instead of brand new. "That's the one I was thinking about." He pulls the one in his size off a hanger then realizes that was a bad plan. It is hung up againg as he slips off his outer jacket and sort of drops it on the floor by his feet. Then he puts on the new one, checking the sleeves to be sure they aren't too long or short.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel can't help but burst into a brief fit of laughter, "The only time I gym is when required. For school. Most of them supply uniforms. I was on my school's track team back in Texas, though. Does PT stand for Power Training?" His head tilts, "Physical therapy? Pizza time? Am I warm or cold? Trust me, I can keep going."

    "Don't knock them until try them, Sammy," He says about the ripped jeans. "They're -stylish-." He will move on to racks full of non-ripped denim in a variety of different shades. "Heroes are fashionable," He gestures to a long-sleeved shirt with a Captain American emblem. "And sports jerseys too, even if I don't understand their appeal. You can also wear longer shirt underneath if that's an issue."

    Nathaniel actually gets for real serious and looks at Bean, with furrowed brows. "Please tell me you don't carry a gun in school."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Personal training." is Bean's no-nonsense reply to the question about PT. Whatever the cause for his anxiety, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Certainly not at the sight of a Captain America symbol. As much as he likes the man, right now was not a good time to see that. "Verdammt nochmal..."

    There's a clear attempt at pulling himself together, trying to answer what he can. "No, I don't. Trust me when I say that at first they didn't even trust me to be in the kitchen, Nathaniel. It's better now. But that's my standard for clothing." He looks at the jeans, frowning a bit. "Not nearly enough pockets. Look, this is probably a very bad idea, some things shouldn't be attempted without preparation..." Spontaneous. Be spontaneous. That's what the therapist keeps saying. "Tell you what. Surprise me. You know more about style than I do, so that makes you the local specialist. That means I'll take your recommendation."