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Latest revision as of 18:11, 26 November 2019

Kings Plaza Wrestling Ring
Date of Scene: 25 November 2019
Location: Queens Center Mall, Jackson Heights
Synopsis: Steve briefly attends a wresting event including Katsumi at Queens Centers Mall.
Cast of Characters: Bakeneko, Captain America

Bakeneko has posed:
The advertising campaign has been pretty relentless. Nothing new for New York City, granted - the residents are used to being inundated by ads and gimmicks vying for their attention. It is perhaps a little unusual to see a show receive so much publicity outside of main thoroughfares, however.

That said, this isn't any Broadway show. This is the greatest sports entertainment event of all time(!!!, according to the posters). No, professional wrestling rarely generates high-brow enthusiasm or intrigue from tourists. But there is a definite demographic for it; a huge one. It can be most easily captured in a glimpse within Kings Plaza. Near a clothing outlet, the open floor is dominated by bodies belonging to two crowds: those terribly excited for what's to come, and those terribly curious on what all the fuss is about.

At the central focal point resides a stage, whereupon a suited man with a microphone hawks the upcoming event. Arranged about are a series of covered tables. Four of which are used by very distinct athletes, each of varying build, shape, size - and perhaps most importantly for this event - ethnicity. Their respective territory's flag is perched behind each one, and it should be fairly easy to tell who is who from that alone: Japan is represented here, as is Russia, the United Kingdom, and naturally, the United States of America. Another couple tables are selling merchandise and giving away swag, while another is selling what remains of the tickets. A number of black-dressed crewfolk weave through the crowd, identified easily by their headsets, but eager to answer questions and direct traffic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't you miss it for anything!," continues the man on stage, wearing a plaid suit that seems more at home on a used car salesman. But his confidence is downright unshakable. "A once-in-a-lifetime event! The Four Corners of the World international professional wrestling extravaganza! Four proud and distinctive styles, four of the best representatives each country has to offer, all competing for who among them can claim to be the /best/, worldwide, when it comes to the ring!"

Among those tending Japan's table is Katsumi Oshiro. An odd choice, some might say, given her impish nature that would seem to fly in the face of Japanese sensibilities. Yet, when the NLF was chosen as Japan's representative federation, the general manager added her to the list. She greets fans and curious folk alike with the same energetic zeal blended with wry, teasing mirth - but what she gives them is leagues tamer than her in-ring banter.

Captain America has posed:
Unable to confirm any appearance until this early afternoon to the promoter reaching out to him, Steve elects to make a brief showing at the event. He has a meeting with Stark later in the afternoon as is and then dinner with his lady -- this location has yet to be decided, though he defers to her taste in matters.

As such, Steve is in civilian get-up when he arrives at the event. The only give-away as to his presence, other than the fact that no baseball cap grants him anonymity, is the slate-blue long-sleeved t-shirt with his emblem upon it: a white star surrounded by rings of red and darker blue. This beneath a leather motorcycle jacket and dark jeans with combat boots has the Captain comfortable in the cooler weather. He seeks out Delaney and offers a curt wave to him from beyond the ropes of the ring.

"Mister Delaney? Captain Rogers."

Bakeneko has posed:
The fact that he's the First Avenger certainly helps; that carries a certain weight, a level of notoriety. And as he steps up to the platform, heads are turning. When he introduces himself, word spreads like wildfire.

On-stage, the man in the suit smiles brightly. "What's this!," he declares into the microphone, straightening his posture to address the crowd. "Captain Rogers /himself/ has come to see what all the buzz is about!"

Amidst raucous cheer from more or less every spectator, the man leans over to offer Steve a hand up onto the stage. "Vance, Vance Delaney," he says off-mic. "Promoter of this little event here, and real glad you could make it, real glad! This is gonna be huge for us. I know it's putting you on the spot, but don't worry, these are good people." He wishes he had more time to prepare his celebrity guest, but... well, the Cap has fought wars and other unimaginable horrors. This should be easy! Right?

Once upright again, Delaney resumes the presentation. "Now, Captain, what we have here is a competition to see which country is the best in the great and electrifying sport of professional wrestling. Over there, we have Russia - they're just chomping at the bit to get at the title of the best. We have our longstanding allies over there, the United Kingdom. On that side, we have the proud country of Japan, known for their strong style..."

As he gestures to each of the tables and reaches Japan, Katsumi is sat there, staring, agape. It's not her best look.

"...but we can't count out our homegrown team from the United States!," finishes Delaney, motioning to the final table. That table couldn't be louder in their support of Mr. Rogers. "What do you think, Captain? Who're you favoring here?," asks Delaney. He tilts the microphone over towards Steve, that smile never faltering.

Captain America has posed:
Steve humors the promoter and takes his hand to slip up into the ring. Once there, he pastes on his usual polite social smile and lifts a hand in greeting to the crowd -- can't go wrong with the Good Ol' Home-Grown Brooklynite air. He then stands, thumbs in his pockets, as he looks between each group set to rumble once the referee says so.

The question is given some thought and he eventually glances over to Delaney.

His voice is calm and collected in the mic. "'m set to favor whomever gives it their best effort. Can't pick favorites without seeing this." Anyone aware of his history in the War will know about how stubborn and scrappy the Captain can be.

Bakeneko has posed:
"Really!," says Delaney, eyebrows raised. He actually expected some support for Team America there, but it looks like Steve is going the classy and ambassadorial route. No one could fault him for it. "Well, there you have it! The Captain himself is- wha-"

A seat at Japan's table has gone vacant. Katsumi has crept around the stage and snuck on, only to now make her presence known at Delaney's side, opposite Steve. With her near-trademarked cocky smirk, she snatches the microphone from the promoter to stare up at Steve. "You know, Delaney, I think Rogers here is holding out," she starts. Of note, her English is essentially flawless with only the faintest lilt of a Japanese accent coloring it. "I think he knows America doesn't have what it takes!"

In come the boos.

"And he's scared, Delaney! Scared he's gonna back a bunch'a losers and look bad! So he's gonna play nice with everyone and pull a /Switzerland/!"

The boos intensify. Delaney is staring at her. After a beat, he takes the microphone from her and turns to Steve, nonplussed. "Your response, Captain?"

All the while, Katsumi has stepped forward a couple paces, arms raised to either side, nodding at the audience's jeers.

Captain America has posed:
Katsumi gets a patient, quiet look from around Delaney. Steve's expression doesn't change, nor does his poise. He simply lifts his eyebrows a marginal amount.

"Not gonna change my stance on things. Got nothing to prove anyways," he replies in the same diplomatic vein. "May the team with the gumption win."

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro turns to Steve at his response and gives an animated laugh, her hands propping to her knees. The audience is mixed between booing her sass and shouting their support for Steve and his sportsmanship. She steps up to Delaney, motioning for the microphone. "Gimme. Okay. So you hear that, people?!," she calls out to the audience with a quarter spin. "The guy who's supposed to be /super/ patriotic isn't giving the home team even one of those upnods! Aww!" She tucks the microphone under her right arm and pouts her lips at Team America's table, making a <3 with her hands only to let it fall to halves. Then the microphone is raised again. "Sucks for /you/, huh?," she jeers.

Team America has joined in the energetic booing.

Turning again to Delaney and Steve, Katsumi approaches with a girlish sashay to her hips. "I'd really hate to be your home team tonight. Forget about the night of the event, they're gonna be crying themselves to sleep. But that really just means you made the right call, not supporting'em. I mean, how weak is /that/?"

She offers the microphone back, Delaney takes it with a bewildered look, and offers it again to Steve. Katsumi is staring up at the Captain with that same look of arrogant satisfaction - but with a subtle, possibly encouraging little perk of an eyebrow.

Captain America has posed:
"Given what I've stood for since the States fought for its freedom hasn't changed, my support for the home team'll always be there. That'll never change." Steve's broad shoulders lift and fall in a shrug. "If anybody thinks I need to say it for it to be a known factor, they'll want to sit 'nd think about it."

He scans the crowd, now looking vaguely disappointed. "Think there's some stalling going on anyways. Nerves are normal, have some myself now 'nd then. Better get things going, hmm?" He looks expectantly back at the wrestlers.

Bakeneko has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro blinks at that. Did Steve just encourage a brawl? Holy crap, that's not /quite/ what she was shooting for!

Delaney takes it a little differently with a goodnatured laugh, "I think we /all/ know where the Captain's loyalties lie, right!?" The audience gives an enthusiastic cheer, along with Team America, who seem completely fired up at this point. "And I couldn't agree more! So don't miss the event, ladies and gentlemen, at Madison Square! Get your tickets now while they last! And maybe we'll even see the Captain himself out there in the crowd, pulling for the best of the best!"

Katsumi exhales a breath she didn't realize she was holding. It was a risky move, peacocking at Captain America, but instigating an impromptu fight in a mall might've had some real backlash. As it is, however, she can be satisfied with how things went. More than satisfied, really. She didn't get decked by a superhero. That's a new precedent for having a good day she didn't even know existed.

"Miss Oshiro, I think you have some fans waiting for you back at your table. And maybe some haters to endure now...," Delaney chides.

Katsumi turns on heel. "Whatev'!" And she begins a perky strut back off the stage, hands raised and outturned as if to simultaneously acknowledge and block out all the 'nobodies' booing her. Soon, she'll be resuming her seat.

Delaney tilts the microphone away and gives a helpless laugh. "Sorry about that. I hope you didn't take anything personal. She's.. uh, well, that's just her. Makes for a great show, a lot of built up heat, you know? Makes the clash explosive. Dynamite. You think you can make it? I could even maybe get you on the commentator's table, or a special guest referee moment. Oh!" His eyes light up. "No one is more impartial than Captain America!"

Captain America has posed:
Given the Captain has zero interest in joining any form of brawling here whatsoever, he simply watches her return to her table, eyebrows still lifted in that sardonic moue of patience.

Delaney gets another idle glance. "Depends on the day, the schedule's pretty booked. I'd recommend reaching out to the Stark Relief Foundation or other charities, see about giving a cut of the proceeds to a group of your choice this holidays. Lots of people who can use the help who can't attend the show."

Bakeneko has posed:
Delaney, sly promoter that he is, all but visibly files away the Captain's suggestion to put his own personal spin on it. Cogs are turning. It'll come down to timing and, as Rogers mentioned, availability. But this is set aside for now, as the focus is put more directly on the Cap, bright smile returning. "Well, it was a real honor meeting you! Huge fan. Both of what you do, and the fact that what you do keeps fellas like me alive! Hah!" He offers his hand out for a shake.

Of note, some onlookers have begun crowding around the stage to offer up their own forms of appreciation and cheer for Rogers. He may not technically be part of the show, but he's definitely drawing a bigger crowd.

Captain America has posed:
Steve returns the handshake offered to him by Delaney, the polite smile now back on his face.

"Nice to have been able to attend briefly. Good luck to all participating," and the Captain nods to each table in turn, equally courteous in the manner of the motion. "Reach out to those charities," he adds towards the promoter with a prompting lift of brows again, apparently utterly serious about the concept.

With that, he excuses himself from the ring and after spending a few minutes shaking hands and autographing various pieces of paraphernalia, the man departs for his meeting at Stark Tower.