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Latest revision as of 18:15, 26 November 2019

It Came from Space
Date of Scene: 24 November 2019
Location: Movie Cineplex 12, West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: The movie isn't that great, and Conner is a popcorn hog.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Girl, Superboy

Wonder Girl has posed:
There are new movies out, sure. But after much discussion, a surprising choice was made to instead opt for a sort of mini-festival that was being held where two older black and white sci-fi movies were being shown.

The first? It Came From Outer Space! "So I've never seen this one before." Cassie points out after they've gotten the required popcorn and drinks and are waiting to be let into the theater itself.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is easygoing enough that almost anything works for him. Except maybe the deep meaning movies that no one really understands. But hey, when compared with most young guys he will go to almost anywhere.

"Don't ask me," he notes with a grin. "I never got the time to see many movies, and lately I had little reason to catch up. It looks old, maybe it is one of those great classics I keep hearing about." He checks the tickets, "oh, and we got good seats, I guess not many people will be there."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"It's supposed to be a classic, not sure about //great// though." Cassie replies dubiously, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn off the top to shove into her mouth. She's not talking with a full mouth, at least, but she drops a few pieces of popcorn, still.

Once the theater has been cleaned and opened she nods towards the door, "I know the second feature is truly a classic. It's about a war...of the worlds." It's spoken with faked drama, and full of amusement.

Superboy has posed:
Conner catches a couple pieces of popcorn falling down, munching them down quickly. "Oh yeah, two movies," he considers, "we will be here all the afternoon and most of the evening." So if it is not good he might end up a bit disappointed.

War of the Worlds does ring a bell. He would say he had enough of alien invasion with Apokolips one a couple years ago, but two years is enough time to give some distance. So the most important thing: "Do we have enough popcorn?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"I think there's a break between the movies for getting more." Cassie looks uncertain, but she holds up the large popcorn, "Free refills." She adds, just so that he doesn't think she's trying to make him spend a fortune on terrible movies and popcorn.

Inside the theater the seats are found and she drops down into one of them, promptly propping her feet up on the back of the seat in front of her, "I think altogether it's like...four and a half hours? Maybe five..." She pauses, a flicker of worry crossing her face, "You didn't have somewhere to be after, did you?"

Superboy has posed:
Free refills? Conner feels they have swindled the theater now. But hey, they are selling overpriced tickets for flicks they could find in the Internet. So no mercy.

So Conner grins, and grabs some more popcorn. "Me? Nah, I got all the evening for you, Cassie. What about you? Five hours too long we can stop after the first movie and do something else. We still have about two years of stuff to catch up."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Two years." It's a life time, for some people. Even ones that weren't practically born yesterday two years can be a life time. She shakes her head, though, answering the question, "I don't have anything else planned. I mean.." She gestures towards the theater and the popcorn, "I'm here until you're tired of me, or the movies are over and they kick us out."

Another handful of the popcorn is grabbed before she shifts so that she can face him, ignoring the flickering images on the screen warning against talking and advising turning phones off. "So what is the best thing that's happened in the last two years?"

Superboy has posed:
Oh yeah, the phones. Conner goes to turn it off, but first checks the messages. The turns it off reluctantly. "I... hmm..." that is a very tricky question. "I don't even know where to start. New York is great. I still visit Hawaii, but I don't want to get back. I mostly miss the people. What about you? Anything really amazing that has happened to you the last couple years?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie doesn't turn her phone off, because she is THAT person. There's a look at his phone, then his face when she notes the reluctance, "You okay?" It's worry. Actual DATE jitters. New territory.

What isn't, though, is the fact that she has questions to answer as well. "Went to China with mom for a month last summer. That was exciting...She wanted to go see the Great Wall and stuff."

Superboy has posed:
"That sounds great," agrees Conner. "I went to a tropical jungle in the south pole once. There were dinosaurs. It was great until I found kryptonite, hungry dinosaurs and there was not enough sunlight because it was summer and always kind of dark."

Otherwise it was a great place to spend some vacation days. In retrospective.

"Hey, movie is starting," he looks around. As he suspected there is no one else in the place. Classics. But it is good, more space for them.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"A jungle."

"In the SOUTH Pole?" Cassie looks like he might just have sprouted two heads and started talking gibberish. But it is Conner, so despite how out of this world it sounds, she believes him anyways. "So how come you were in a jungle with dinosaurs?"

But then he mentions the movie and she glances around, noting that they are the only ones there. "I guess that means we can talk through the movie."

Superboy has posed:
"I got dragged there by..." Conner hesitates. "A girl, Rose, to look for treasures. We didn't find much of those." He shrugs. Surely a jungle with dinosaurs in the South Pole is not the strangest place they have been. But it might make it to the top three, now he thinks about it.

Also, he wanted to watch the movie. Well, mostly. They can probably talk while they watch. "Did you get to see the Great Wall?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"A girl named Rose." Cassie repeats that before she nods, "Seems like a reasonable place to hunt for treasure, depending on what you were looking for." She shifts so that she can turn her attention towards the screen, watching as the opening few scenes unfold on it.

"We did! It was a Wall...and there was a bunch of tourists. It wasn't like some of the other places that we'd been before, it was neat though. But no digging, and no sand in awkward places." Cassie replies with a smile, "Want to see it some time?"

Superboy has posed:
"Of course I do," replies Conner. 'It was a Wall', he is sure, is not a good description of something like the Great Wall of China. Even if there are many tourists. He laughs quietly at the 'no sand in awkward places' bit, though.

Meanwhile in the big screen there is a story about a meteorite that is a spaceship with aliens. It is like a Tuesday for young superheroes. Although there is a certain lack of super-heroes checking the meteorite. "This is a bit too unbeliable. There were some supers in the fifties, I am sure."

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Captain America?" Cassie suggests after a moment, clearly failing on her super hero history courses. "I'm sure there were, though. But maybe they were hiding still?"

A few more pieces of popcorn are picked up and tossed into her mouth, "It is pretty unbelievable, though."

Superboy has posed:
"Wasn't he frozen?" Replies Conner. Being Tim's friend means he got a ton of stuff to read about superheroes. And well, he is a fanboy. "Maybe Thor and Wonder Woman, they are immortal, right?" Cassie is the expert in godlings, so he asks.

Mostly a rhetoric question. Old movies aren't very realistic anyway.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Yeah...but I don't know if either were around to check on meteorites. Or..." Cassia pauses to think about it, trying to remember whatever she can before shaking her head, "Both of them might have been still hiding from the public eye, or back home."

Expert in godlings she might be, she doesn't seem to know their exact timelines. After serious though, though, she shrugs her shoulders, "You know, we could go see the Great Wall sometime soon."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods, leaning back. "Yes, next weekend," he decides It will be better than this movie. They can fly there... well, he can fly there in a couple hours. He is not sure about Cassie, but he can carry her. Would she allow? Would the Chinese shot them down with an anti-air missile? Very likely!

They are almost out of popcorn. Mostly because Conner kept reaching for a handful every time Cassie talked. Well, at least now he has to settle down.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Next weekend?" Cassie glances over at him with a bit of surprise that he means to go that soon, but a pleased look crosses her face before she looks back at the screen. And the not so great movie.

"Maybe this time I'll pick you up..." It's spoken off-handedly, and jokingly. Then she reaches for the popcorn, finding that they've almost eaten it all. "Did you want to do dinner after this?"

Superboy has posed:
"We could do that," replies Conner, who is rarely averse to going for food despite needing very little. Next weekend sounded good, why would they wait longer... unless Cassie had previous plans. "As for the trip, I suppose we can talk about it during the week?"

He looks at the small blonde and grins, then taking her hand into his own. They are out of popcorn and this (bad) movie is just halfway. "Want me to go for a refill?" He offers.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Pizza?" Since they did Chinese last time, seems only fair that they do pizza this time. There is an easy shrug at the matter of talking about it during the week, "Sure."

It's an agreeable agreement, easy. When he takes her hand there is a moment where she just sits there, like a fish suddenly flopped on the dock. Then slowly her fingers squeeze his hand before she shakes her head, "No, it's fine." Bad movie, no popcorn, and hand-holding. There's a natural progression for some normal twenty-somethings, and teenagers, and Cassie takes the leap by leaning over suddenly to try and kiss him.

Superboy has posed:
They are not teenagers anymore, are they? But some things don't change much. Hand-holding was almost instinctive, and the kissing is... well, not a surprise. It was a possibility in a date. Conner feels her coming and turns to receive the girl, reaching for her cheek with his free hand and meeting her lips with his own. There is bond to be salt in their lips after so much popcorn, but he barely notices.

Wonder Girl has posed:
It's a very natural progression considering the date aspect of things. It'd be awkward if it wasn't a date. In fact, it's sort of awkward as it is, and Cassie looks like she might retreat fairly fast until she feels his hand on her face.

It's a clear sign that she didn't overstep, and it seems to relax her some so that she doesn't retreat from the kiss. Overly salty lips or not she actually ventures into deepening the kiss after a moment.