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Latest revision as of 18:16, 26 November 2019

The Club VIP Experience
Date of Scene: 23 November 2019
Location: 10160 Brazil
Synopsis: 10160 Roberto takes Lorna to a nightclub and Blink arrives for a visit!
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Polaris, Blink

Sunspot has posed:
Come the weekend and Roberto made good his promise to show Lorna the city. Up and including the 'creepy' statue of Christ. Truth is it is a bit like Lady Liberty in New York. Slightly smaller, but on the top of a small mountain overlooking the city. The view is really good.

The Lagoon was also nice. Crowded with tourists, but all in all not worse than New York. Similar in size, but some areas are definitely poorer. Roberto won't take Lorna there unless she asks him.

It has been a full day, but as night settles, people stay in the streets, which seem just as crowded, with the added advantage of less heat. So time to hit the clubs, as Roberto promised, and the first one is just a few blocks from the hotel. It is big, it is crowded, and the whole ceiling seem to be made of a million lightbubs of changing colors. Much of the crowd seems to still be wearing their swimsuits and little else. Roberto himself has ditched his business suit for a red t-shirt and jeans.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had loved being on high for the visit to the Statue, for all that she'd complained about how creepy it looked, she had only seen it in pictures and in documentaries. In person the whole sweeping view was beautiful, and she'd hung on Roberto's arm in delighted excitement. She had enjoyed the Lagoon, but it was clear that hemmed in by boats as they were that she wanted to go //faster///. She wanted to feel the boat crest waves and speed over the water with the wind in her hair. The highly populated Lagoon was decidedly not the true highlight of her day.

To say that their relationship had gone from zero to one hundred was an understatement for the green haired mutant. It was as if Roberto had flipped a switch somewhere in the Princess of Genosha as the day went on. Her mood lifted as she kept moving, kept exploring. The nightclub was something that earned an even more curious consideration. As did the the fact that the bouncer let them both skip the line to enter at their leisure. Red ropes cut off the dance floor to a few sets of stairs, which led to the VIP rooms above. And though Lorna had definitely pre-gramed, she looked curiously all around her. She had never been to a club after all.

She wore a strapless black dress and pair of high heels with ribbon ties that looped up the curve of her calf. A simple golden necklace hung around her neck, and her hair freely in curls around her shoulders.

"Wasn't sure what I was expecting.. but today has been great." She all but shouted over the music.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto laughs, "I am glad to see you happy again." He loves Rio, of course. Even admitting it does fall short compared to the glory of New York, and it is not half as impressive as shinning Metropolis. But it has some good parts too, like fair weather all the year. And better night life (arguably!).

He has no idea Lorna has never been in a club. That is not normal for a twenty five year old American girl. "Do you want a drink or do we go straight into the dancing?" He asks, leaning towards her so he doesn't have to shout.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned toward Roberto, keeping him close as she swept her gaze, and her senses about the club before them in interest. And no small hint of caution. She wasn't used to being in a darker place with thumping music and quite so many people. Her focus shifted toward the bar, lit up along the bar-top with LED fixtures. "A drink sounds good actually." She grinned, hoping it might loosen the knot of worry that she was feeling at the thought of dancing in this place.

The Princess might have said she wanted to go to the club, and but.. now she wasn't quite so sure.

Sunspot has posed:
"Yes, I think you need to relax," surely crowds don't scare the Mistress of Magnetism! But Roberto is keeping an eye on her, since her mood has been so negative lately. Today was good, but he suspects she needs many good days to leave her depression behind.

"Come," he says, taking her hand a squeezing encouragingly. "Today you are not a mutant princess, but just a beautiful woman looking for a fun night." Getting to the bar is a slow process, but the people around them are smiling, dancing and generally having fun. No one is paying much attention to Lorna except perhaps a few young men.

Polaris has posed:
A few young men that were dancing rather close and should Roberto have not plucked up her hand to lead her through the crowd toward the bar.. would likely have tried to close the gap of a few feet. Though they didn't truly back off all the way, even as the couple came up to the bar, the gazes followed. Lorna bumped against Roberto's shoulder as the crowd danced away, and she smiled faintly as she kept his hand firmly in her grip.

She wasn't even certain that the bartender would speak English, and so, more or less bit her tongue as they waited to get the bartender's attention. The place was crowded and people wanted drinks almost as surely as they wanted to dance.

"At least it's pretty dark in here." She offered, leaning close so she didn't have to shout over the thumping bass.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto wraps an arm around Lorna's waist when she bumps on him, pulling her close. He addresses one of the bartenders in Portuguese, but Lorna can hear many of the clubbers here speak English (some with rather bad accents). "What do you want?" He asks quickly, translating and ordering the drink for her.

He is asking for a mojito himself. Drinking age in Brazil is eighteen, but Lorna can also see no one is carded here, even if a few of the people here looks too young. Some laws are not taken very seriously in Brazil.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Roberto a grin as he wrapped an arm around her waist, and a few of the rather trailing gazes went elsewhere for women that weren't attached quite so visibly to someone. At least, for now anyways. She was doing her best to keep her magnetic fields wrapped around tightly, internalizing as much as she could while she touched him in public. It wouldn't do to light up the whole room with a localized aurora after all.

She shrugged as he asked what she wanted, "Eh get me one of the pink looking martinis. I dunno what it is. Looks pretty cool though." She glanced around at the bar's patrons curiously, noting the younger ages and not really investing much in terms of complain. Genosha, much like a lot of Europe and other countries on that side of the world, had a lower drinking age than the US too. Which had proven interesting with mutant powers and teenage refugees that came from America and suddenly could legally drink.

Sunspot has posed:
To be honest Roberto wasn't thinking about the aurora lights. Although under the flashing neon lights of the club it wouldn't have been too noticeable. He still lets Lorna go when he seems some suspicious illumination. "Public displays of affection are going to be a bit of a problem for us, hmm?" He seems more amused than worried, though. It will keep his hands to himself more than he likes, but there are more important things.

The bartender is very quick with the mojito and the pink martini, quite the artists at handling so many bottles and so many drinks that fast, but this is one of the best clubs of Rio, he must be paid quite well.

Polaris has posed:
Part of Lorna wasn't used to having someone pay for her drinks or to take her out. She had her own admittedly inherited funds and money.. but since the incident with her memories had happened.. she had shied away from using anything of Magneto's. Not that it felt much better allowing Roberto to drop the cash, but she didn't necessarily argue either. She smiled as he let his hands drop when a slight glow twinkled to life under his hands.

"I'm trying to keep my fields under wraps. It's really the interaction between my electrons and yours." She drawled. An odd conversation to be having in the middle of a nightclub, but nothing to turn heads anyway.

As the drinks came out, Lorna picked hers up and immediately took a sip. "It's pretty good!" She smiled, and glanced around at the packed club.

Decidedly the non-VIP chairs that lined the edges of the club were already heavily occupied. Sometimes by multiple people sprawled out on the black leather chairs.

Sunspot has posed:
There are also stools at the bar, but they are likewise in high demand. But hey, they are young and can stay standing for a while, right? In a club like this no one is a princess or a billionaire. Exclusivity has no place.

Some members of the one percent can't stand the idea, but Roberto likes the anonymity and be one of the crowd of ravers. "Relax, please. We came to dance, remember?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sipped at her drink, her gaze swinging back to Roberto as he tried to tell her to relax again. "I'm sorry, I'm trying. Really." She smiled, but this time there was a faint strain to it. As if she was over doing it. She wanted to relax, but she kept finding that she couldn't not really. There were too many people there, too much noise with the blaring speakers, and it was all just too much for her to let her guard down completely.

At least, that's what she told herself.

"How many times have you come here before?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto offers a lopsided smile and sips from his drink. "You have never been in a large club, have you?" He asks, finally catching up. "I have been here about... maybe twelve times in the last three or four years. It is one of my favorite clubs, although I don't have a lot of time for clubbing. And rarely did I have someone special to bring with me."

He leaves the drink on the table, taking Lorna's hand again. No matter the light show. "Do you want to dance here, or should we find a quieter place?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, shaking her head. "No, I haven't. Genosha doesn't have anything like this and in New York, I kind of play it safe." She blushed faintly, but it was dark enough inside the club that it wasn't truly visible anyways. Her green hair even was a darker hue, allowing her to blend in all the more with the colorful chaos that was the club's patrons.

She kept her drink n hand, even as Roberto took her other one in his grip. "Maybe somewhere quieter? I wasn't.. well, I didn't really think it through when I said I wanted to go out." Her voice pitched to be heard, even as she leaned toward him.

Sunspot has posed:
"No worries," replies Roberto, raising her hand and kissing it. "But if Genosha has no places like this... ah, my businessmen sense is telling me someone needs to open a few." And he can't be the one, it goes against the DCI rules. Damn.

Still, he will guide Lorna out of the club as soon as she has finished with her drink. The streets outside are still a bit crowded, and noisy, but compared with the club main room it feels quiet and empty.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, amusement in her gaze as Roberto commented on Genosh's lack of nightclubs being a business opportunity. She arched a brow, but she wasn't entirely sure what he'd even meant by it. Business and Genosha were tricky things, and the //only// business to openly operate in Genosha had been Lex corp for the past few years. And it was a never ending point of frustration to the green haired Princess.

Still, she smiled as she finished off her drink and the two exited the club and spilled out into the populated streets of Rio. There she could hear, and it felt like a ghost of the bass thumping in the building they had left continued in her ears. "Oh this is so much better." She sighed as they stepped out, her voice a little too loud, as if she hadn't quite recovered from the sounds of the club. "I wonder if that's how Logan always feels..." She mused.

Sunspot has posed:
"Well, look," replies Roberto, flashing a smile. "You need some practice, because there is going to be a concert at Evolutions soon and I want to bring you there," he explains. Not that Evolutions is a third the size of that particular club, but the mutant crowd is arguably louder!

And they will go nuts if/when Dazzler shows up.

"Come, lets get back to the hotel," he adds, going pitch black and hovering up. "We can make better plans for tomorrow, it is quite late anyway. And we have been walking or flying all the day."

Blink has posed:
Not that Blink has been in Brazil yet, or hadn't been (one more country to cross of the list!), but after a thorough study of some photos of the place, along with Google's aid she is able to find juuuussttt where she will be dropping in. And that is right in front of Roberto's penthouse. By coincidence, when the duo is arriving, there is that familiar sound of a blink that both Roberto and Lorna would be used to now, coming from a sidestreet, and then the purple-haired one steps out. Ears are covered by her hair and she wears her contacts so her eyes appear a simple normal green.

She is dressed for the local weather, just a t-shirt, loose jeans and snickers, hands in her pockets and starts heading to the main street to get closer to the penthouse, perhaps even running straight into them!

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow, "A concert? I dunno, when is it? If I ever get over this and go back to my so called 'royal duties' I'll have to schedule things..." She sighed heavily, even with a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. She leaned toward Roberto, which is when he started to hover midair and spoke of heading back to the penthouse suite. She arched a brow, tilting her head.

But anything further, teasing remark or not, ended as the tell tale purple-magenta colored portal swept into view at the base of the hotel, none too far from the couple. Lorna winced, and cursed under her breath. "Uhh, you might want to hold that thought." She murmured, stepping past Roberto and his hovering figure to head toward Blink's figure. The woman had been Lorna's bodyguard on and off for the past year, along with various others, and was by far one of her favored companions... But Clarice still represented something Lorna had been avoiding for the past few weeks. Responsibilities.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto chuckles, "I forgot you aren't checking your email. Pretty sure you go the invitation," or else he will have to talk with Sam. But his smile fades when Lorna turn serious. His eyes find the purple-haired woman, which is obviously a mutant despite the casual attire.

Roberto fails to recognize Blink, since she is not a common sight at Xaviers and he is not much at the school anymore. So he follows Lorna with a frown and a wary stance.

Blink has posed:
There are things which do not change, and that is Blink's intuition and that devotion to keep the Royals safe, eyes turning here and there briefly as if to check for danger before her focus comes to finally be on the two figures. Lips part into an easy smile and she approaches, one hand leaving her pocket to wave her greeting. "Hey..." she doesn't seem to recognize Roberto either but eyes him briefly and introduces herself. "I am Clarice."

Though she does recognize that expression on Lorna's face and shakes her head, "I am not here to blink you away. Just thought about visiting, see if you might need anything." she says tentatively then her brows furrow, "Perhaps I should had called first.." mostly said as an afterthought.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna slowed her pace, some of the tension that Roberto had been working so very hard to soothe away returning to her shoulders. It was in the way her posture changed, the way she stepped, the way she tilted her chin. This wasn't just Lorna, the young mutant Roberto had been spirited away with to Rio.. but the Princess of Genosha that was weighed down with those responsibilities. "I didn't bring my phone with me. So that wouldn't have worked out too well. Father already showed up and told me to return to Genosha." He had also cursed Roberto and his whole family, and destroyed somethings on his way out.

"I'm always happy to see you Clarice, but I was trying not to be found.." She murmured, glancing back to Roberto with a faint grimace on her lips.

"Roberto, Clarice or Blink here has been my bodyguard on Genosha for the past few years. She's saved my life a few times."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto studies Clarice exotic features for a few seconds, glancing at Lorna when she says the young woman is one of her bodyguards. "Ah, good to meet you, Blink," he greets the girl. "Roberto Da Costa, I invited Lorna to have a... few days vacations here. It looked as if she needed some time off."

Which is not to say Clarice is spoiling it, but Lorna reaction had not been the best. Still... "ah, so it is not an official Genoshan visit, just a friend dropping by?" He smiles at Lorna. "Friends get worried when one vanishes. I did try it once myself. Warlock was on me in a minute."

Blink has posed:
A bit of a grimace comes to Clarice's expression as well, knowing well that difference, and the weight that a Royal has to bear on their shoulders. Both her hands come up a little and she begins, "I apologize, perhaps..." but trails off when Lorna says of Magneto having been here. She knows how that normally goes! An understanding nod is given but she then continues. "The others were worried, Kitty told me something had happened but no details. Not that I am here asking for them." she speaks it in a bit of an awkward manner. She's always had a bit of a weird relationship with the Royals, serving their vision but also attempting to gain their friendship.

Eyes turn to Roberto then and she nods, "Yes, that's right. No fanfare behind me or the royal guard just behind the corner to drag Lorna away. Just a friend dropping by." her smile returning again.

Polaris has posed:
Some of the tension in Lorna's frame left as Clarice spoke, a long exhale following as she did so. "I know," She murmured in response to Roberto's words about friends being worried. She had half way been aware that Roberto had been in contact with Kitty at least.. even then, part of her itched to just up and fly away. Away from everything, to ignore the word for a little while longer.. but she knew that it wouldn't last. That she couldn't avoid her duties and responsibilities forever. Eventually it would eat away at her until she went back anyways.

"Something did happen.. not physically. I'm fine. I'll.. I'll be fine. Roberto has been making sure of that." She murmured, reaching back to steal his hand with one of her own.

"You're welcome to stop by ...as a friend." She added, her voice soft.

Sunspot has posed:
"Kitty had this address, yes," explains Roberto. Once Magneto showed up he thought prudent to tell the X-Men where Lorna was hiding. Also asked them to wait a little half-expecting they would come to visit. Clarice is a surprise, though.

"Although actually Lorna is staying on the twelfth floor," he glances up. "Penthouse apartment, we should go there to chat. Will you stay for dinner, Clarice?"

Blink has posed:
Clarice dips her head understandingly at Lorna's sparse explanation and certainly doesn't ask for more, seeming to just take it as it is, knowing well how sometimes one just needs to be alone with their own thoughts. It's easier for her too, being able to find refuge all over the world. Her smile deepens when she notices the two of them taking hands and she offers them a thumbs-up. "I am glad for the two of you, and that he has your back, Lorna. That means I am good with him as well." she seeming to very easily accept Roberto as a friend.

Being asked for dinner makes her bob her head twice in acceptance. "I will, if you will have me. I have never had any brazilian food before." one step closer to her secret goal of tasting at least once food from every corner of the world.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced side long at Roberto as he offered up the tidbit that Kitty did know the address. Her lips pursed together slightly, unhappy but not too troubled by it. She exhaled a breath though, and nodded to the building. "C'mon, I'll show you around the hotel at least. Though mostly I've spent time with the pool." She murmured. A glance spaced back to Roberto and she colored faintly as Clarice approved him.

"Well that's one point in our favor. Someone else from Genosha likes you Roberto."

Sunspot has posed:
"Good, then it is settled," he leans to kiss Lorna's cheek, "I am eminently likeable, hmm? Anyway, go ahead, menina, and take Blink upstairs. I will check by the restaurant and order a proper Brazilian dinner. I will join you in say, fifteen minutes?" Some time to catchup some and maybe deliver sekrit Brotherhood messages. He trusts Lorna won't let herself be kidnapped by fellow exotic-haired mutants.

Blink has posed:
"That's a good plan to me." Blink is of agreement with it and then begins on her way to the hotel, or at least following Lorna since she will be the one knowing the way. Hands have gone back to her pockets and those eyes can't help but look around once they are indoors, always checking for threats. It is her job afterall. "So, at the pool. Now I am jealous." she lets out a brief chuckle, shaking her head to herself. "I have been hanging at Xavier's school last few days. They had .., I think it was 40 cm of snow a couple of days ago." she then rolling her eyes, "Ororo." as if that explained much.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flushed slightly as Roberto leaned in to kiss her cheek, and she swatted at him half heartedly as he ducked away to put in orders for dinner for their little group. She smiled reflexively though, at the pet name he used and turned her focus back to Clarice instead. A sheepish look crossing her features. Out of her family, Lorna hadn't really dated much if at all in the past few years. (At least not compared to Pietro or Wanda) She hadn't had a serious relationship since she'd moved to Genosha. Attempts had been made here or there, but all had failed rather quickly and without much preamble.

The green haired woman reached up to push her hair back from her face, and the hotel doors swung open as she led them both to the elevators which took them up to the private penthouse suite.

"Yeah, the pool is a sky pool, it looks like it floats off into the ocean below. Really trippy if you're not expecting it." She murmured as the elevator doors swung shut behind the two of them.

"Has the school been good to you?"

Blink has posed:
"This seems more serious than the other ones.." Clarice notes now that they are alone and she is able to speak (more) freely, eyes now staying on the other mutant. There is an easy smile on her lips, one that seems happy for her friend. "It is good for you, it makes me happy."

Now that they are finally up in the private suite that means she can take out those pesky lenses, which she does, then ruffling her hair so her ears show. It's known she doesn't like hiding her mutant heritage but she makes these sacrifices when they need to go out in public. Privately though...

"I have seen those in pictures. Some in Dubai... I have been tempted to go to one but it'd be awkward someone just popping out of nowhere." Clarice grins a bit at the thought but then the question on the school makes her sober up. "They have.., very welcoming actually. They are very much like a .., family. It's hard to explain."

Polaris has posed:
The elevator dinged quickly, without any other stops on the private elevator, they made it to the top floor fast. Lorna stepped out, wearing what she had from the club still, and Clarice was greeted to the long glass encased, open concept private suite. There was a full bar and kitchen to one side. Another a seating area, and leather couch. To yet another, a section of glass further separated a bedroom area.

But beyond all the glass was the sweeping view of the ocean and the bay. A pool, lit up from beneath the water, reflected out a pristine surface. Without anyone else to disturb the peace.

"Roberto convinced me to not drive off to Texas.. and well... I ended up here. I dunno.. I don't know him as well as I did Bobby or Alex.. and I didn't think of him this way at all before. I thought he couldn't stand me to be honest." She murmured.

"Anyways.. welcome to the suite. It's where I've been hiding to avoid the world for the past week or so."

Blink has posed:
"This is all very open.." Clarice murmurs, clearly not too used to these open-space concepts. She peers here and there, curious as is her usual, head poking into the various places but eventually she comes to stay near the glass that gives view to the ocean below. "Beautiful.." she murmurs, large green eyes watching it but that is when Texas is mentioned and she wrinkles her nose. "There isn't much to be found in Texas, trust me."

Though her eyes then go back to Lorna, watching her, "Why so? Because of who you are?" her expression turning a bit more sober.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged and watched Clarice take her time to inspect the place. It was clean, neat, very minimalist, and was clearly made with the most expensively designed materials. Roberto had money, and it was reflected in the suite. At the sight of the view beyond the glass, Lorna smiled, moving to the switch and flicking on the outside lights. The first switch she flicked on cast the area in a warm, soft, light. One that wouldn't completely destroy their night vision of the view beyond.

"If you want to go in, you could get a swimsuit.." She murmured, and shrugged.

But as Clarice waved off Texas, Lorna exhaled a breath. "I know, that's why I wanted to go there. I figured if I kept moving, I could avoid everyone.. my father included." She murmured, leaning against the glass.

"Why I thought Roberto couldn't stand me or why I wanted to avoid everything?" She murmured, arching a brow as her gaze swung back to Clarice.

Blink has posed:
"Why you thought Roberto couldn't stand you." Blink clarifies, looking up at the lights when they are lit and then back to the bay, placing her fingers against the glass and continues to look out for the moment. The offer to swim makes her ponder then she says, "Roberto should be back soon but ..., I will take your offer perhaps after dinner, I won't leave without having a swim in there." she grins lightly, words easy to come but it's visible she is aware of Lorna's state, her tone supportive.

"Lord Magneto can be very .., focused on what is best for everyone, specially his daughters. I saw Wanda at the school too by the way, she misses you." head turning to the side so she looks at Lorna, "You don't have to feel pressed to return. Take your time, we will be welcoming you when you are ready. Even your father, no matter what he says."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled faintly, "Because when he started up financing for X-Corp and went to the school to drum up interest among alumni and the alike.. he refused to take anything or work with Genosha. He said my father was a dictator and a tyrant and that he refused to work with us." She murmured, looking down as she crossed her arms, thoughtful.

"We got into full on arguments, really heated. Eventually the Professor convinced him to try working in round about ways, but that mutants need to help one another. We started to talk a bit more after that.. Less heated arguments." She reached up, dragging a hand through her hair.

"My father still hates Roberto for refusing Genosha's offer, he was about ready to try to kill the man for making advances on me." She arched a brow, glancing back to Clarice. Magneto was very protective over his daughters, but Lorna was his youngest.. and more over his heir. She was the one he was closest to.

"I hope she's doing well.." She added, regarding Wanda. "I miss her too."

Blink has posed:
Those words, so direct about Magneto, make Blink's expression subtly shift. It is known she is a believer on Genosha's vision, on what Magneto, Lorna and the others are wishing to accomplish, shoulders tightening just so. Perhaps it's good Roberto isn't here right now! But she nods her head, continuing to listen and eventually she beginning to relax, "And now you have heated arguments of another type." an attempt to lighten the mood, she even offering a brief wink.

But it's short lived when she listens about Magneto wanting to kill Roberto, saying. "I can imagine it wasn't a great talk with your father, specially if Roberto was here. But Professor is right, we can only survive if we work together. Mutants against each other..." she shakes her head, "That is not how it should be. I believe we will and can be better. As for Wanda, well, yes. They were doing a spell to protect Xavier's school from intruders, it had some complications but all is well now..." she doesn't mention the demons and the portals.., no need for that!

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled faintly, her cheeks coloring with a faint dusting of pink. "Roberto has been exceedingly gentle with me, and my piss poor attitude. I've been all over the place emotionally, and he still wanted to give this thing a go." She murmured, reaching up to rub the bridge of her nose with her index finger. Her gaze swung back toward Clarice and she pushed off from the glass.

"Roberto wasn't here, luckily. It would have ended very differently if he was, I think." She kept her voice soft, and finally to take off her high heeled shoes and the accessories she'd donned for the nightclub.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, I'd told Wanda I would be.. but my head hasn't been in it. It was likely for the better I wasn't around for anything important."