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Latest revision as of 04:43, 30 November 2019

=Post-Thanksgiving Food Coma
Date of Scene: 30 November 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Gwendolyn and Andrea, in a food coma, discuss christmas, going to club Evo, and boys.
Cast of Characters: Dragonfly (Armenteros), Rage

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Thanksgiving has come and gone.

Good food, good friends, and good times were had by all. The dining room had been turned into a crazy mismatch of Fall and Thanksgiving decorations with food as far as far as the eye could see. Those buffet tables and decorations have started to be taken down in preparation for the inevitable onslaught of Christmas decorations that were to be put up this weekend. At least that was something Gwen could agree with - Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving, not before, as some of the major stores had started to. Thank goodness for the Goth kids and Halloween, holding the line against the inevitable tide of Christmas leaking into October.

Gwendolyn is sitting on the couch in front of the TV, working on something. In her lap is a bowl of yarn of a multitude of different colors, all combining with expertly knitted knots into a scarf. It started mostly in gray and black, but about halfway through the scarf started to develop a riot of primary colors, transforming from bland blocky black and gray to swirls of colors, twisting around themselves, lines turning into something completly different than what they were. It could be she ran out of black and gray but, more than likely, there's a metaphor to be had.

The steady clicking of knitting needles are interspersed with the commercials of a day-after-Thanksgiving football game. Some nameless team is playing another, equally nameless team for some important win that would vault them into a slightly better bowl game or something. It's mainly noise in the background.

Every once in a while, Gwendolyn takes a sip from a glass of tea on the table, going back to knitting. Enjoying herself.

Rage has posed:
After shopping in Gotham earlier in the day and bringing home a couple of gifts for wrapping, Andrea now heads into the Rec Room. She is dressed in some light weight pajama pants and a simple gray sweater. "Hey Gwen." She calls over as she lifts a hand up, carrying a mug of hot cocoa with peanutbutter cup creamer in it.

Sliding down next to her, she leans in to bump her shoulder. "Whatcha making? Socks? Scarves? Underwear?" She asks nosily as she nudge nudge nudges her a few times.

"I got a bunch of shopping done. I goooot you something."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn looks up from her spot on the couch, her knitting needles slowing for a second as she recognizes and waves to her friend, scooting to the side to make room for her, crossing her legs beneath her. Dressed in a pair of pajama pants, socks, and a button down pajama top, Gwen is perfectly presentable for the weather, as long as she doesn't head outside in the cold.

"Hey Andrea." Gwendolyn says with a grin, holding up her knitting. "Scarf. Making a scarf for Christmas. I don't have a lot of money, so I tend to make the gifts I give." She holds it up - a long scarf, tilting her head to look towards Andrea. "What'cha get me?"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"I'll make you a bikini for summer if you want, though." Gwendolyn teases.

Rage has posed:
"I can't tell you! It's for Christmas." Andrea says with a giggle. "But I think you will like it." She gives a long stretch of her body outwards, then sputters out a laugh at her suggestion. "What?!" She looks at her with wide eyes. "I don't think a yarn bikini will be ... uh... fashionable."

"I also don't know if Jay would be into it." She says with a teasing, thoughtful look. She tips a wink at her.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn figured it'd be something like that, but doesn't say anything, smiling and sitting back, her knitting needles starting again with soft clicks as she knots the next row of color on the scarf. "I'm working on something for you, too. For Christmas." she clarifies, leaning over to take a sip of her drink. "I hope you like it."

Jay not liking the bikini gets a giggle. "Well, I suppose it all depends on how much it covers and how tight my stitching is. Something with a pattern like this scarf, I think, would do well as far as coverage goes. Nothing coming out between the threads or anything." She passes over the end of the scarf and, if Andrea feels, she'll notice that it's tight and hard to get a fingertip through. "Make it in Red and white or something like that. Enough to be decent, but showing enough to keep his interest."

Rage has posed:
Looking amused, Andrea bonks her shoulder with hers. "I can just get my own bikini. Maybe I'll see if he'll pick one out for me." She drawls in an amused voice as she reaches for the remote. She flicks the TV on, tapping away through the channels until she finds the news, then watches the local highlights to see what has been going on in the world.

"So, weekend is here. Whatcha wanna do tomorrow? I was thinking of getting out of the house and snagging fresh air. Maybe go clubbing. Jay works at night, but he goes dancing with me on his lunch break. You wanna come with? I think it'd be fun to hang out and putz about."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn laughs, rocking from the shoulder-bump, her knitting stopping for a second or two as she re-orients herself and then starting again. It's almost like meditiation for her, doing this, but meditation that allows conversation to be had at the same time. "I know you can get your own. You could also probably get someone to make you one of your own, from france or something, out of cotton from that one special cotton plant that's special, or something." She's trying to come up with something epic sounding and failing utterly. "Getting Jay to help you pick it out...that's a bold move. Think he's ready for something like that?"

Tomorrow? The thought causes Gwen's needles to slow. "I...I really don't know. It's a long weekend, a Saturday, so...I don't know. I mean, wherever we go, it'd have to be cheap because my funds are fairly limited, even with the allowance coming from the school. Clubbing?" She gives Andrea a look like a deer caught in headlights. "Aren't we too young to get into a club?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh, most likely he's not ready for something like that, but if I ask him, I'll get to see him blush, and he's super cute when he does it." Andrea says with a gleeful grin on her face. "I'm kinda picky about my bikinis to be honest. I'll probably just end up buying one. Make sure I have the proper coverage and all. Dumb scars."

As far as getting into a club, she gives Gwen a knowing look, brows lifting. "/Celebrity/. But also, Club Evo is underage most nights and they put a band on your wrist to show you're a minor. Whatever. Drinking is overrated anyways. So, you wanna come or what? We can pick out a hot dress for you, or you can wear one of mine. I'm thinking of maybe this little neat gold number I have with silver flecks. It'll look freaking hot."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Scars? Don't you own a private island or something, like all celebrities do according to the tabloids? You know, the ones out in the middle of the ocean with nothing on them but a private resort for you and your closest friends, where you can be yourself and not worry about paparazzi? Or has the Inquisitor /lied/ to me all these years?" How much of that is serious and how much is a joke is hard to tell, Gwen is so serious when she says it but she does start cracking up at the end, just a little. So it's all a joke.

Gwen turns to seriousness now. "Just feel him out. Take him shopping sometime because you want his opinion. You'll get a lot of 'those look fine' and 'Well, you pick' but if it's clear you want this to look good /for/ him, I think he'll be more into it. Then bring up the bikini as something you'll wear just for him and see how red his ears get." That part she's not kidding about, apparently.

The magical 'celebrity' explanation gets an 'oh' and a nod of her head, Gwen smiling a little. "Yeah, forgot that part, surprisingly. I've never been to a club. Is Club Evo somewhere I'd be expected to let my freak flag fly, or would it be okay if I wore the imager just to be myself for a little while?"

Rage has posed:
Laughing hard, Andrea says, "No! I don't have a private island. I have a condo in the city that's like on the sixteenth floor or something. I haven't been there in forever and I'm actually selling it. Going to get a new one that hopefully won't get leaked to the Internet and have weirdos show up. I'm rich, I'm not like Jay-Z rich."

"Club Evo is the place that Sam owns, remember? I'm holding my final concert there with guest star Dazzler. It's a openly mutant club. Humans go also, but they gotta be chill with us freaky dinks and not start shit. So far it's been a great experience. I get a /lot/ of dancing in." Mostly with Jay.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwen reaches down to feel her wrist where, normally, a chunky imager rests when she goes out into the world. "I remember him mentioning it a couple of times, but I've never thought about going out there. It just seems so far away, you know?" She goes quiet, looking up at the TV screen, reporting the weather for the weekend - potential inches of snow on Sunday, meaning Saturday might be the best day to give this a try.

"I'll...think about it. The gold dress, sure. Assuming it fits and everything and I've got the underwear to make it work. Going out into the world with eyes and antenna and wings." Gwendolyn looks over at Andrea, thinking for a second. "I bet my wings would look neat in the lights of the dance floor, though. Maybe I'll see if Brad would like to come. A dance floor might be too much for him, though."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, probably will be a lot for him. Especially if he can't see, and lights hurt him when he tries to go visible." Andrea admits. "But I'm hoping soon as he gets better control, that will be a good trip for him. He seems like the type that would go out and enjoy a night getting wild." She gives her a brighter smile. "Jay wears his wings out when he works there. I think it gets him more tips. All the girls swoon over him when he struts around picking up dishes and stuff. He looks so cute. All rugged."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"He said he's getting better at it. He can go visible, every once in a while, without the backpack, and his eyes are starting to work a little better. So it's working." Not instantaneous, as he was probably hoping, but fast enough to show progress. Two years without sight is almost certainly damaging to the eyes but, hopefully, it's something that'll correct itself in time.

"Jay works there? I could see him wearing a tight pair of pants and just attracting all the girls and some guys, too. His wings are more traditional, though. I'd have to...gauge the room. To see if it's okay for me. I wouldn't want to freak people out."

Rage has posed:
Giggling, Andrea says, "He actually wears loose cargo pants and a tank top with his wings out. He used to hide them, buuuut I convinced him to take them out." She beams with a proud look upon her face. "It's how TMZ got photos of us and posted them all over the Internet that one time we were grooving together."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"I remember seeing that on the cover of a tabloid a few months ago at a grocery store. Something about 'mysterious winged boy seduced by wild woman Andrea Jackson.'" Gwendolyn giggles. "And here I know both of them, and know that they're dating. Sorta."

Rage has posed:
"Ha! I saw them all. Andrea Jackson dances with mystery angel at Club Evo!" Andrea rolls her eyes upwards and to the side. "And I am hardly a 'wild' woman. Hmf. Feral is more like it." She explains in a jesting manner. She gives her feet a bit of a wiggle, toes curling about. "I'm thinking of snagging some left over pie and then head upstairs to my room. Promised I'd meet up with Jay before bed."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Tell him I said hi." Gwendolyn says, tapping the remote to turn it to some cheap sci-fi show with some talking robots in the bottom corner making fun of it. "There's blueberry and key lime, if I remember. The pumpkin pie got decimated and there might be some apple left, if you're lucky."

Rage has posed:
"Hmm.. maybe I'll just grab the can of whip cream and chug it. Love you!" Andrea calls out to her gal pal as she heads off, giving another long stretch to work the joints free in her back.