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Heard In Passing
Date of Scene: 01 December 2019
Location: Stephanie Brown's Apartment, South Point
Synopsis: Alfred sends Jason with Stephanie's Thanksgiving leftovers, and Carrie brings cookies as a thank you gift. Jason is robbed by that darn Russian judge
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Red Hood, Carrie Kelley

Spoiler has posed:
The day after Thanksgiving, the manor is back to the normal crew who are living there, or at least staying there some of the time. Morning comes, a nice sunny day out, if cold enough to need a jacket.

Down in the kitchen, Alfred has a typical Wayne family breakfast going. An assortment of choices that can be whipped up quickly as people come in, whether pancakes, eggs, omelets or what have you.

He takes a moment to have a bite of an English muffin for himself as he goes over to open up the fridge and take a look inside. He pulls out a few tupperware containers and gives a frown. "Miss Stephanie did not make it back last night to pick up her food," he says. "I knew I should have sent it with her. It probably would have been fine sitting in the cold in her car even if she was there late," he says with a shake of his head.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason had crashed at the manor due to the post dinner food coma that made the idea of driving back to the cave or the brownstone seem like an impossible task.

Jason looks up from his pancakes and coffee eyeing the container, "Yeah?" he asks not sounding exactly worried, because this was Carrie's parents she had been tailing not some dangerous thugs, but he still says, "Well I am going to have to drive out her way today," he didn't. "I can drop it off. Especially if there's a turkey sandwich in it for me." He offers Alfred his 'hopeful and innocent' smile like he used to give as a kid, the effect diminished somewhat by there being pancakes in his mouth.

Spoiler has posed:
Alfred can't help but give a warm chuckle. Even if Jason was rough around the edges, Alfred had approved of the opportunity that came to him when Bruce took him in. And that has not lessened over the years. If anything the feeling only grew with things that transpired in between.

"I believe I could make sure there is a turkey sandwich included. Swiss, mustard, and a pickle on the side? Or do you want this one covered in gravy from last night?" he asks as the butler moves to begin making the sandwich. He uses a big sub bun, which is going to make it more like two sandwiches after he's cut it in half.

Alfred makes the sandwich to Jason's specifications and then wraps it up. Preferring gold old fashioned paper wrap to Tupperware for such a thing. He brings the sandwich over to add it on top of the small stack of containers meant for Stephanie.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason always loved Alfred for that acceptance. He took Jason for who he was, not who Alfred wanted him to be and never compared him to Dick or any of the other Robins.

"As the meme goes, why not both?" Jason asks. "Growing boy and all of that," he says patting the flat lines of his stomach as if he were sporting a beer belly, then punctuates it with a big bite of the last of his pancakes. "Plus even with what we gave the Kelleys we've got leftovers enough to feed a couple of armies."

He picks up his plate and cutlery and takes it to the sink to get it rinsed and into the dishwasher while Alfred was busy with the sandwiches.

Spoiler has posed:
Alfred gives a soft chuckle and a shake of his head, but when Jason is done with his plate and silverware, there are two wrapped sandwiches, each more than a foot long, waiting for him atop the plastic containers.

"Now there are two sandwiches, so I expect at least half of the food to actually make it to Miss Stephanie," Alfred says in a mock solemn tone. He puts the ingredients he used in the sandwiches away. "It has been good having you around the manor more often, Master Jason," he says. "Good for everyone, I think," he says, before departing the kitchen to go and attend to any of the hundred things that he does in a day.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason grins at the sandwiches, "You're a master Alfred, a cullinary Michaelangelo," he grins at the man as he takes the sandwiches and the food for Steph as well. "And you have my solemn oath that fifty percent of this food will make it to Steph, maybe even fifty-one, if I'm feeling generous."

He chuckles but grows a little more serious when Alfred says what he says next. Jason smiles a little, "Thank you," he tells the man. Can't promise I'll always be around this much, but it's been nice."

Then as Alfred takes his leave Jason does as well, taking the food and whistling tunelessly down to the car...

30min later...

"How long is this damn thing going to take?" Jason growls at nobody in particular in the lobby of Steph's apartment building. He's no longer whistling, but he does have the food still, all of it, and he's standing infront of the building's elevator for the last five eternities. "Even the elevator at the brownstone is faster than this..." he grumbles having a 1% moment, one that makes him snort at himself.

"Just for that I'm taking the stairs," he says as he abandons the elevator and shoulders through the door into the stairs, heading on up to the top floor.

Spoiler has posed:
There are eight flights of stairs to take to get to the top floor where Stephanie's apartment lies. Of course she got an apartment that would give her the easiest, and least conspicuous route to and from the roof. The building itself is all students, emptying out partially in the summer only to refill with the coming school year. On the weekend nights there are usually no fewer than three parties going, somewhere in the building. Though it's approaching noon so the building is fairly quiet.

The thick metal firedoor on the top stairwell landing is in need of a coat of paint, but it opens, depositing Jason at the end of a hallway. The window at that end has the shade drawn, leaving the area a little darker than the rest of the hall. The elevators are at the opposite end of the hall, while Stephanie's room is somewhere in the middle, if closer to the elevators.

About the time Jason is noting the lay of the land, or building, a door opens up and a tall, college-aged Latino male steps out into the hallway onto the old orange and green carpeting. He turns back towards the room he exited to face Stephanie Brown, who moves to lean on the door frame, arms crossed.

The Latino, a fairly rugged looking sort, and handsome says, "Steph, thanks for letting me come by like this," he tells her. He's got a book bag that he slings over one shoulder as Stephanie gives a little shrug and says, "Hey it's ok. Anytime. I owe you for the notes from Philosophy still, right?" she tells him.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's still got a bounce in his step when he reaches the eighth floor, and he steps easily into the darkened hallway beyond only to stumble a little on a shoelace. He frowns looking down at the offending length of string and setting down the food he bends to re-tie it as the Latino man steps out of Steph's room.

He pays the man no mind at first, but when he hears Stephanie's voice, he looks up, shuffling a little further into the shadows by the wall, listening in with a smirk on his lips.

Spoiler has posed:
The Latino stands with one hand hooked in the shoulder strap of his book bag in that classic student posture. He runs a hand through his thick head of hair as he gives a little shake of his head. "I hope it wasn't too big of an imposition on you," he tells Stephanie.

The blue-eyed girl gives a wave of her hand. She's wearing a sweatshirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, and a pair of shorts, as if she's compromising between wanting to wear shorts, but it being winter out. "Really it's ok. Was great seeing you, Francisco. With Thanksgiving break on, so many people are gone," she says to him.

Francisco smiles back to her. "Yeah, I was glad to find someone was still around," he says, as if he'd tried to get ahold of others before Stephanie. And maybe it creeps into his head that it could be taken that way.

"Not that I looked around much," he says quickly. "Just, I'm so confused over what to do with Jordanna. I really needed to talk to someone. I know we don't really talk that much, so, meant a lot you were here for me. You're really great to talk to. Real easy, like you're just another one of the guys," he tells her with a grateful smile. "Well, I should get going, see ya, and thanks again," he says with a wave, turning to head down the hallway the opposite direction as Jason, towards the elevators.

Stephanie waves, and stands in the doorway watching Francisco depart. She lets out a bit of a sigh, her expression just looking a little downcast. "Just another one of the guys," she repeats to herself in a wry tone, quietly enough the retreating Francisco won't catch it. "Suppose that's a step up," she adds to herself as she steps back inside her apartment and closes the door.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason bites his lip to keep from sayig 'ouch' outloud as Francisco decalres Stephanie 'one of the guys', though as Francisco turns for the elevators Jason stands up and gathers up the food before heading down the hallway, giving the guy an upnod when he the elevator arrives promptly and Francisco steps inside.

"Oh of course it comes for Ray Charles there," Jason grumbles, you know because Francisco must be blind.

Reaching Steph's door Jason knocks, "Miss, this is the GCPD, we're here to investigate a murder," he says with a grin on his face.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie moves over and peeks through the peephole, which darkens just a bit so Jason will be able to see she's doing so. "Seriously, it was self-defense. If you knew the guy you'd agree with me," she says, undoing her locks and opening up the door to gives Jason Todd a big smile. She motions towards the door. "No fatal traps," she whispers.

The sight of the food in his arms makes the girl's blue eyes go wider and she grins. "Oh, you're an absolute angel. I'm sorry I murdered you now," she tells him. Stephanie reaches out to take some of the containers to lighten Jason's load, and gives him a little head nod for him to follow her inside.

"So nice of you to bring this by," she says brightly. She'll wait for Jason to come in and then lock back up the door. "Get you something to drink? There's a couple of sodas. Might be a beer. Some juice. I'm out of milk," she says, moving over into the kitchen, though her eyes on Jason, and a soft smile on her face.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason grins as Steph whispers the bit about no fatal traps, "I can set some up if you like, maybe even have them voice activated by key phrases, like, 'just like one of the guys'," he says as he hands over the goods and then steps inside. "Sort of caught the end of that conversation and ouch... sorry Steph."

"Anyhow, a guy that clueless? You could do better," Jason offers as he nods about the soda, "Sure thing," he says. "And you're welcome, Alfred mentioned you hadn't been back since last night so figured I'd check in and deliver the ambrosia from the gods," he glances at the tupperware, "Which may actually be true if Diana brought any of this stuff."

"So how'd things go last night?"

Spoiler has posed:
The offer to create some traps gets a soft laugh from Stephanie, before she finds out where Jason is taking the comment. When she hears his idea of a passcode, Stephanie lets out a groan, moving her hand to cover her face for a moment as she hangs her head.

She looks back up to him and goes over to the freezer, reaching inside for something. Just an ice cube which she brings over to offers towards Jason. "So, does this count as close enough to an ice rink for that to fall under the Vegas Accords?" she asks him hopefully.

Stephanie goes back to the fridge, pulling out two sodas and offering one over to Jason. "It's ok. I entertained ideas of maybe going out with Francisco back when we were freshman," says the girl who is currently a junior by year. She gives a little shake and her expression has no heat to it, as if it's long in the past. "There's this girl, Jordanna. And... well. Let's just say college is a lot like high school," Stephanie says, shrugging.

Jason's comment she can do better gets a soft scoff of disbelief from Stephanie and a shrug before she shakes her head. "It was nice of you to bring it. Stay for lunch and help me make a dent in it?" she asks.

Stephanie lets out a breath about last night. "Well. It was a good thing to do. Her parents stayed about 45 minutes and then skipped out when my back was turned though. I stayed on. The people at the shelter kind of looked at me in my dress with a bit of a look of... consternation? Turns out, showing that much leg in a place like that isn't exactly the recommended dress code."

Red Hood has posed:
You had to give it to Steph she comitted to her gags, with props even! He grins, "Yes, your ice cube trays are covered by the Vegas Accords," Jason declares all official like, grinning while he does.

"Kinda got that vibe," Jason says of Steph having some sort of attraction to Francisco, "Really nice of you to take pity on the clueless like that, they're an underserved minority," he says, before smirking about Jordanna. "Is that the girl I offered to disappear? Let me guess, he's dating Frank there?"

"Well... I am full of Alfred's pancakes but you're on, we can crack those sandwiches, one's got a pickle, one's drowned with gravy," given how much gravy was on Jason's meal last night, it's an easy guess to which one he wants. He takes the soda and cracks it open.

"I bet, that was a killer dress though," Jason says before taking a sip of his drink.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gives a little shrug and shakes of her head about the vibe Jason got. "Once upon a time, but not anymore. You know, that boat has sailed. That... ship has left the docks. That car has... ah... gone in for it's 60k tune up?" she says, meandering a bit by the end of it.

Stephanie gives Jason a double finger gun on Jordanna being the one he offered to disappear. "That'd be her. Francisco is confused by her. One minute seems to be after him, the next is cool. I think she just likes to mess with people and get attention. I don't even know if he likes her, he just doesn't get what's going on."

Stephanie takes a breath. "ANYWAY... enough Gotham U soap digest. Let's eat," she says with a smile, taking the sandwich Jason doesn't choose. She opens it up, and glances over to him, looking down and getting a soft, pretty smile. "I liked how I looked in it," she concedes with a shrug. "But I'd have really liked to be at the manor for the whole night. I don't have any regrets. I saw how they were treating Carrie. And she comes first. But it really meant a lot, being invited to it," Stephanie tells him.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason chuckles, "Get a little lost there by the end?" he asks as Stephanie waxes poetical about her and Francisco being old news.

"Yeah, she's definitely basking in all the attention without risking the whole romance thing by the sound of it, I'd say the guy was even stupider than I thought, but, hey, if this Jordanna chick is hot enough, then he gets a pass. Hot does strange things to the male brain," he says as though speaking from experience.

Jason nods and takes half of his sandwich and wraps the other half, he /did/ have a bunch of pancakes after all. "Yeah, how they were treating her was bullshit, my folks were like the ghetto version of them, it pisses me off, and why wouldn't you be invited your Bat family, you get to go to all the swanky parties."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
With the events of the other night it made sense that Carrie ought to come visit Steph. She'd never been to her apartment before, but being who she was and the access to the computers she had, it was easy enough to find out where Stephanie was staying. Which is precisely why around this point a knock comes to her door as Carrie stands there with a covered plate in hand. Perhaps Alfred had sent her along as well, or maybe this was her own doing, but whatever it was? There were cookies under that plate. Lots of cookies.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gets a sheepish grin as Jason makes note of her wandering delivery. "Yeah, well, you have me work without a teleprompter and that happens sometimes," she says, looking up and flashing him a little grin.

She squashes down the sandwich a bit and then takes a bite of it. She ends up with mustard at both corners of her lips. "Mmmmm," she says, keeping her mouth closed while she chews, but making that appreciative sound. "Alfred. So good," she says, wiping one corner of her mouth on a finger and sucking the spicy mustard off, but missing the other.

Stephanie gives a soft groan though. "Yeah, you'd probably say she's kind of crazy hot. I don't know if she had work done, but if so it was good work," she says, looking like it pains her to admit it. "And kind of rich too to boot, judging by her clothes and car."

Stephanie looks up and over to Jason. She points at his brain, like it's a warning. "Maybe good thing I didn't let you disappear her. She might, you know," Steph says, and holds up her little finger and makes a motion like winding something around it.

Jason. He'd be the something.

Stephanie gives a little shrug about the family gatherings. "I just, still, you know," she says, not trying to elaborate. THe knock comes at the door a moment later, and Stephanie drops the sandwich and wipes her fingers on a paper towel, and her mouth, getting the remaining mustard as she goes over to it. "Carrie!" she says brightly as she opens the door. "No fatal traps, with cruel and unusual passwords. YOu are safe to enter," she says with a grin, waving Carrie in and closing up behind her. She doesn't ask about the plate, though Stephanie eyes it with curiosity.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a chuckle about the teleprompter thing and Jason takes a sip of his soda.

He takes a bite of his half sandwich and mmms similarly, "Yeah, he's awesome. Seriously this food, I think it counts as a super power. And Steph," he gestures at the other corner of Steph's mouth with the sandwich.

"Probably had work done," Jason says cattily. "Isn't that what rich girls do? I dunno, mostly just see them on TV." Even as a Bruce's ward, Jason tried to skip as many society events as he could manage.

"And please, she wishes I were that easy," he says before the topic turns to dinners and Carrie is ushered in. "Heya Carrie," Jason waves from where he's standing with his sandwich. "And, no, no, 'you're just like one of the guys' isn't the password, it's a verbal trigger for the trap," he corrects Steph with a smile, before his eyes fall on the plate Carrie has. "Wait, did Alfred send /more/ food?" he asks suddenly curious, somewhat full or not... Alfred cookies.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley leans in to give Stephanie a quick one-armed hug taking care to keep from tipping the plate in a potentially dangerous way. Her eyebrows rise when she realizes Jason is here, but it only earns a grin in response at his reaction, too. "Well I'm glad that I don't have to worry about boobytraps... And, ugh, 'one of the guys' sounds like my mantra at school." Her tongue sticks out with an upward roll of her eyes.

"No, Alfred didn't send more food... he sent food?" A shrug is given. "This is me. I figured that after dealing with my parents last night Stephanie earned herself some cookies. Though," she adds with a chuckle, "Alfred may have helped a bit with them." He hadn't mentioned he was sending her off into a food fest though. Of course, that might explain his smirk a good portion of the time.

Looking to Stephanie again even as she moves to place the plate on the table just out of Jason's reach, she asks, "How bad was it? I'm so sorry. They weren't always like that... Mostly they just ignore me all together."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie thanks Jason for the heads up on the mustard on her face before ushering Carrie in. Steph returns the hug warmly, giving Carrie a tight squeeze back before letting her go. "Yeah, it's my left overs from last night," Stephanie says of the food. "Jason was nice enough to bring it by."

Jason earns another smile with that, and Stephanie goes over to the fridge to get a soda she tosses to Carrie. She and Jason already have some. Stephanie gives a little "Ahhhh..." sound of understanding as Jason corrects her on the trigger code. "Oh. Yes. Yes, that's much better. I like you how you think, Todd. Devious," she says, tapping her temple as she grins to Jason.

Stephanie gets half of her sandwich, sliding it over to Carrie. "Help yourself." It's wrapped in paper, Alfred's signature move with sandwiches. It's a half of what was well over a foot-long sub bun, of turkey, mustard, and swiss, so Stephanie's half she's already started on is plenty as a meal.

"Oh, you're sweet, you didn't have to," Steph says of the cookies. Carrie gets a second hug for them. "It was ok," Stephanie says. She pulls out her phone and sends something to Carrie's phone. A picture of her parents with Father MacDonald. "They disappeared after about 45 minutes, but put smiles on for the people while they were there," she says. Steph gives Carrie a supportive look. "You're so awesome, Carrie Kelley. I don't see how ANYONE can miss out on that fact."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason waggles his fingers Carrie's way when her brows raises and she grins at his unexpected presence.

He leaves the subject of boobytraps alone for now, and nods to the food Jason had left out on the counter, "What Steph said," he says of the whole food business. "There's still tons, so expect to be plighed with leftovers when you're back at the manor... or knowing Alfred, he's already got some in the fridge in the Bunker."

Alfred was the real ninja of the family.

As for the Kelleys? Jason chimes in, "Yeah, your folks are assholes, I was just saying that before you came. Sorry you're stuck with them."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"No, no you earned some cookies, Steph," Carrie assures with a laugh at her compliments. Turning just a shade red she ducks her head with a grin. At least she's distracted by the large sub. "Holy heck. Yeah there probably is," she has to agree with Jason with a solemn nod. The offer of half the sandwich is taken though. Just like the others she had a huge appetite most of the time.

"I wrote them off years ago. It's why I got out soon as I could. Of course now that they know who *I* know they just started butting in lately." Which led to a ton of conflicting feelings... but she doesn't say that. Instead she takes a bite of the sandwich with a little sigh of apparent satisfaction. Oh, yes, Alfred knew how to feed them well.

A swipe is taken to the corner of her mouth as she gulps the mouthfull down. "So what have you two been up to other than that? We didn't really get much time to chat at dinner last night. Also... Who else noticed Bruce and Diana are having a thing?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown moves over to a counter, hopping up on it. She's wearing shorts, and one of her Gotham U sweatshirts to make up for the fact she's wearing shorts in late November in New Jersey. "Alfred probably has," Stephanie agrees with a small grin. "Your bunker is so amazing, Carrie. I'm so jealous," she says, though her smile for Carrie doesn't have jealousy in it.

"Yeah, sometimes you just have to know when to cut bait with someone," Stephanie agrees with a small nod, her eyes down on her sandwich, her thoughts drifting with her comment.

She looks back up and says, "Yeah, sort of noticed that. Did anything get said? Or, you know. Did they kiss. If she kissed him he'd probably... I don't know. Is Bruce's face capable of a smile?" Stephanie jokes.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sorry again for my part in that, I didn't think they'd suddenly see you and 'Tim' as their ticket to Gotham society," Jason says earnestly, which would be a lot more meaningful if it wasn't said with a mouth full of sandwich.

"Hell, even I'm jealous of the Bunker," Jason says having swallowed his bite of sandwich and washed it down with soda. "It has central heating."

"Agreed, some people aren't worth it, no matter how much DNA you share with them," he says his eyes going distant as well.

"Just the usual shenanagans," he says of what had been going on. "Though I did want to say Steph, sorry for ditching you in the cave like that the other night, I was going through some stuff," he figured if he could out the 'just one of the guys' line he could put his own faults in the spotlight too.

Then he grins as the topic turns to Bruce and Diana, "Honestly should have figured it was going on when they showed up the opera together, but you know it was Bruce, I just assumed it was a media thing..." he shakes his head. "But hey, guess he deserves a little happiness as long as he's still planning on taking the suit back."

Then Jason deadpans, "And Bruce has never smiled," he nods sagely, despite having photographic proof to the contrary back at the cave.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a bit of a laugh at the mention of the Bunker with a ready nod of agreement. It was pretty awesome. She was still in awe of it sometimes even though she was doing her best to familiarize herself with it. "Still thinking of adding mood lighting," she remarks jokingly between bites of the sandwich. Another swipe is given to the corner of her mouth to get some of the mustard off, licking her fingertips clean. "Ah, man. I'd worry about getting fat the way Alfred feeds us but we run around too much for that. Thankfully."

Grinning with amusement at the topic she'd brought up she can only give a solemn nod. "I don't see Bruce as being someone into PDAs. Holding her hand was probably a big step to begin with. And they could both use a bit of happiness."

"I hope he does take the cowl back soon as he can. Poor Dick seems like he's..." How could she even describe it? She frowns thoughtfully, then decides. "Dulled. It's like it's not him he's trying to be."

Spoiler has posed:
Another bite of the sandwich is taken. Steph got home and just had collapsed in bed and not eaten, so the sandwich is hitting the spot completely. Stephanie leans over to get one of the cookies from Carrie, giving her a smile and wanting to let Carrie see her appreciating one while she's there. She takes a bite during a break from the sandwich. "Mmm. So good Carrie. Thank you for these," she says. Steph motions to the plate to both of them to help themselves too.

Blue eyes look over to Jason as he says her name. At the apology she gives him a little nod. "It's ok. It was a bad night," she tells Jason quietly.

Steph takes another bite of her sandwich, looking at Jason a moment longer before Carrie draws her attention back. "Yes. I've been kind of worried about him. Have been wanting to help him with his patrols and all. We're all kind of spread thin though," she says.

Stephanie pauses a moment, eyes on her sandwich. "Did you guys read that update from Dick and Kitty?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason laughs, 'Still say you need strobes so you can throw parties down there," Jason teases about the bunker. "Maybe add a bar..." a beat. "Damn I need to add one of those to the Station."

As he ponders that he steals a cookie, biting into it and mmming. He steals a couple more cookies as he retreats back by the wall.

"Thanks," Jason says to Steph catching something flit through her expression, or at least thinking he did when she accepts his apology but then they're moving on to Bruce and Diana.

"In public, yeah, I don't think we're going to see any public make out sessions on page 6 of the Gazette," Jason says. "But I kinda wonder if they..." he makes a face. "Actually nope, nevermind, Bruce and Diana will be forever sexless vigins in the halls of my imagination."

As for Dick, he nods. "You're right on the mark Carrie, I was there when he got the suit, he had to go to the armory and say his name, I thought it was going to be Dick Grayson, but nope Batman, which is probably why Dick is trying so hard to be him. It was sort of messed up.'

"Wait there was report from Kitty? Damn, just talked to her the other day, wish I'd known." Or you know had been checking the computer.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes another bite of her sandwich when her text alert goes off. Her phone is tugged out of her pocket to stare at it with an upward roll of her eyes. "Okay, I have to go deal with something non work related," she sighs. "But at least it's theater so I can manage that." A grin is given to the pair as she pauses to snag a few cookies for herself, and then head off. "I'll catch up later. Enjoy!"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown sees Carrie to the door, saying goodbyes. Someone out in the hall calls out. "Yo Steph! Thought you'd be gone for Thanksgiving!" She waves back and says, "Sticking around town for it." She turns back and closes the door after Carrie.

Stephanie wanders back to the kitchen. "That was really sweet of her," she says, looking down at the plate of cookies before finally looking back up to Jason, glancing over to him.

"And you too. I appreciate you coming by like this," she says to Jason, with a little side to side bob of her head. "You're going to totally make me think you're a decent guy or something if you keep this up," she says, walking over to lean against the wall a little bit away from him.

"So which was the better sandwich?" she asks, glancing over at the one Jason's been eating and back to her own. Which she'd done a good job on in the meantime.

Red Hood has posed:
When theatre stuff calls, Jason waves goodbye to Carrie, watching the pair as Steph shows her out and then settling against the wall again to munch on his sandwich.

"Yeahsweet," he says looking away with his mouthful. He swallows. "C's pretty great like that."

"Well now I am going to have to be an asshole, I can't have people thinking I'm sweet, or good or jumk like that," he says jokingly but she knows that what he's saying is skirting close to the truth. Jason does not see himself as a good man.

"This one obviously," he says offering the sandwich in his hand, letting Steph take a bite from the uneaten side. "Because gravy."

The mirth quickly shifts to something more serious, "Really sorry how the other night went, none of that was because of you."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie gives Jason a crooked smile about him having to be an asshole now to compensate. "Nah, it's in Vegas. If it comes up I'll tell people you pushed me down the stairs, or something," she offers. Because she's good to him like that.

Stephanie leans over as the sandwich is offered, taking the bite and then straightening to lean against the wall again as she chews. "Mmmm. That's good," she says before she's finished chewing, her eyes with a twinkle to them as if she there's a comfort level with Jason she thinks he'll forgive her for talking with her mouth partially full.

Stephanie leans her head against the wall, a curious light coming to her eyes as Jason's demeanor shifts visible. As he explains the blue eyes soften a bit. "It was a bad enough night already, before getting into all of that," she tells him, studying Jason's face as they talk.

"I was a little confused when I woke up at first. Just for a few seconds. But I was a little worried about you," Stephane says before she looks away.

Red Hood has posed:
Chuckling, Jason says, "Thank god," of her covering for him. "I wouldn't want Tim or Dick to expect me not to be an asshole to either of them. I've got a rep to maintain and all of that."

There is no judgement, this is Vegas remember? Besides Jason had done the same more than a few times already and then he pops one of the cookies into his mouth.

There is definite regret on his face as she studies it, "Yeah, I should have sent you a text or something," Jason says frowning as she turns away. "Are you sure we cool?" he asks her.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie wipes a bit of gravy from her lip, sucking it off of her finger tip after the bite of the other sandwich. She looks back over to Jason and studies his face for a few moments. "Yeah, we're cool. I wasn't upset," she says, shaking her head.

"I was really grateful to you, even, you know, with that," she says. Stephanie turns and walks a little further into the apartment from the kitchen. Which given the size of the tiny place, takes her into the living room in just two or three steps.

She looks around the room that she calls home. "I didn't want to be alone that night. Not after what we went through," she says, her back to him. "But I feel like you helped me through it. And all I did was not be there for you when you needed it then," she says, looking down.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods, when Stephanie declares them cool, but his expression doesn't lighten.

"Grateful?" he asks surprised but lets her explain rather than press with more questions. "Glad I helped even if I'm not sure how I pulled it off," he says.

When Stephanie moves to her living room, Jason follows but only with his eyes, though when she looks down with regret for not being there for him, he steps off the wall, but gets no further than that before he stops, frowning a little as he does. "Giving me space helped, Steph, I needed it right then, I couldn't deal with it, and could deal with someone seeing me like that. I just needed to breathe." He explains. "So by letting me go, you helped."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie moves a little further into the living room. Her arms end up about herself as she takes a seat on the couch. "I think that was more you. I never really know what to do for people when they are upset," she says, eyes off to the side and down.

She gives a quiet little scoffing laughing. "Francisco asked if he could come over and talk. So I said ok. And we talked and he felt better at the end. Nothing changed but he felt better. But, I had no clue what to tell him. She's a horrible person and you should run screaming from her? Would have been the truth, but I couldn't bring myself to say. I don't really think I said anything, did anything to help. Just let him ramble."

Stephanie lifts her eyes finally, looking to Jason as she says, "Sometimes I want to help and I really don't have any clue how though," she says softly. "I can't tell when someone needs space, or... whatever."

Red Hood has posed:
When Stephanie sits, the strange paralysis that has come over Jason relents and he steps into the living room and flumps down on the opposite end of the couch.

"I would have definitely done that," Jason remarks about telling him run. "Would have brought some new shoes for him too to drive the point home, maybe some cheap glasses, y'know? /See/, she's just playing you, and you should /run/," he says before offering a shrug. "But some people just need to ramble, Roy's like that sometimes, when he's talking about Cheshire, he just goes on and on and I don't really say anything, I just 'uh-huh' and 'that sucks man' through it but seems to help.

"I don't know how to help most times either, just the little bits I learned by imitating Alfred or Kitty. I dunno, I don't think I've really got the parts for the touchy-feely stuff, not really."

Spoiler has posed:
"No?" Stephanie says as if that surprises her. She looks down to where Jason reclines at the opposite end of the couch. The TV is on but Stephanie muted it back when Francisco is there. It's tuned to RoboCop from the looks of it. The original one. There's no sound to hear it, but the little guy is on the screen saying he'd buy that for a dollar.

Stephanie is ignoring the TV though. "I wasn't really around you two at all. You and Kitty I mean. She seemed to me the kind of person who... well, that would be looking for some of that. I mean... that is..." Stephanie trails off with a sigh. "I'm so bad at this."

Red Hood has posed:
Catching sight of the TV Jason smiles faintly, he knew that scene well, he first saw the movie when he was with Bruce, and he'd said that 'I'd buy that for a dollar' line so often Bruce banned its use while in costume. Though at Steph's surprise Jason's brows raise as he looks at her. "Yeah, I mean look at me, what makes you think I've got that in me."

Then she explains... Jason listens but doesn't remark until the end, when he asks, "Steph, what are you trying to say?" though by his tone he has an inkling.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown rests her elbows on her knees and then her head in her hands. "I... I don't know. I guess... I figured you two were together so long," Stephanie says. "And so... um... never mind, she's probably just... there's some girls, like her. She's a special one. I get that," Stephanie says, face covered by her hands.

She sits up, eyes away from Jason. "Sorry, I didn't mean to... ah, like I said not the best about knowing when to talk and when not to. It's not really been something anyone's ever listed as a strength for me. Right?" she says, trying to inject some humor back into it.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason frowns then reaches out to turn Steph to face him, "You figured that Kitty and I were together so long that, I'd want that again?" he guesses at her meaning. "And yes, Kitty is special and I still love her, I always will, she changed by life," he says. "And I hate that I had to push her away to save her." All the more to know she would have stayed and would have fought beside him against that darkness. "It still hurts, months later, but at the same time I'm happy that she's found someone new, someone safe," he says with a bitter sweet smile. "But that just proves something I've known about Kitty all along, and that's she's braver than I am. She's willing to risk that pain on the chance of having something great... but I'm not there yet, I'm not sure if I ever will be."

He looks at her, trying to meet her eyes, "Don't think I haven't noticed you Steph, but I don't know what I want right now in a lot of things, and I don't want to hurt anyone."

Spoiler has posed:
Jason's hands reach out and turn the blond to face him. She looks at him for a moment before her eyes fall away. Only to slowly lift back to his own after what seems a moment to steel herself.

The blond college student by day, crime fighter by night listens while her eyes sweep over Jason Todd's face. She looks down once or twice, only to pull her gaze back up as Jason reveals things about his former relationship that Stephanie hadn't known.

As he comes back around to himself, Stephanie feels herself swallow and her hands move into her lap, her eyes dropping. She looks like she's trying to think of what to say when Jason leans over to meet Stephanie's eyes. They lift to him.

"I... um..." Stephanie stammers as Jason reveals he knows more than she'd probably admitted to herself. She reaches up and runs her fingers through her hair. "Sorry, I didn't really intend for... for anything," she tells him quietly, looking away from Jason again. Stephanie clears her throat. "You don't have to. I mean, you won't. Aren't. It's all good," she says, looking back to Jason and bringing a smile to her face for him, and giving him a quick nod of assurance.

Red Hood has posed:
Somehow the forced smile and assurances stung more than anger and tears ever could, for a moment he continues to lean forward meeting her eyes until he looks away.

"You don't have to make it alright, you can be mad at me, or whatever," he says, "I deserve it."

He stands then filled with the same urge to flee that gripped him at the cave, the broken bits of him unable to comfortably process everything that was happening. Though while at the cave he simply fled for the door and kept going until he was gone, here he stops looking back at Steph. "I'm sorry," he says.

Spoiler has posed:
Jason rises and moves away, and Stephanie Brown's eyes flit back and forth as if they could find answers somewhere in the room. Realizations come crashing home. How she's felt the last two weeks. What he's apparently read from her during that time. That right after hearing how he needed to be away at the cave, she's gone and made him feel pressure. That the natural comfort she felt with him is going to go away now.

Realizations. Not answers.

Stephanie clears her throat, knowing she has to say something. "Some girls would have just left it at telling they never know what the right thing to say is. Me? I go ahead and prove it, don't I?"

"I haven't had as much fun as at the ice rink in... well, like ever. Maybe, punching Penguin that one time. Close second," Stephanie says, looking down at her hands in her lap, where her fingers are fidgeting. "And the bar. The... candle place. The cookies. Mrs. Sheehan," Stephanie actually manages a soft smile at that last part though it's weaker than her normal bright ones.

"I didn't get to tell you, Alfred had sleds. Toboggans. The metal disks that there's no way to control. Was going to show you after Thanksgiving dinner, but..." But she left it. "And I was hoping..." she says, trailing off. "I didn't mean to crowd you. I don't want things to change," she says, her hands grasping each other more tightly.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason takes it all in before speaking, his face locked down and unreadable, so much like Bruce (but best not to mention the comparison!) , his blue eyes the only hint that he was there. There was pain there, and longing.

He turns his head before the end, quiet a moment, before he turns back, and moves to sit on the arm of the couch.

"Actually, as things to say that was just about perfect," Jason says. "I had fun doing all of that Steph, you're fun, and I don't want things to change either. So how about we put all the rest aside and just enjoy what we have right now. I think we both need it."

Then he does a very un-Jason like thing, at least in his opinion, he tries to cheer her up. "Also," he says all-too seriously. "I call dibs on one of those disks," he finishes that sentence with a small smile.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie slowly looks up as Jason comes back and takes a seat on the couch arm, though just lifting as far as his chest. After hearing him, her fingers relax their grip on each other. "Well, if you eat too many more of Carrie's cookies, that might be the only one you'll fit on," she tells him, the blue eyes finally lifting the rest of the way back to meet his own. She gives him a soft smile, one that after a moment, grows a little bit more. Something closer to normal, mixed with relief.

"Though actually, that would make the toboggan go faster, wouldn't it?" Stephanie asks, her head tilting a little as she looks up to Jason for the answer. "Would that be discrimination if we sought out a couple of fat kids on the hill so the toboggan goes faster? Or, is that a good kind of discrimination?"

Red Hood has posed:
To see the smile return makes Jason's own smile widen some as relief floods through him. His thoughts are visible on his face, 'thank god I didn't fuck this up too'.

"My ass is nearly perfect," Jason says. "At least a nine on the Grayson scale," he assures her with amusement in his blue eyes.

"But if theortically I was fat and my ass was less than perfect, then yes, it would make the toboggan go faster," he agrees with conditions before considering the discrimination question laid before him. "Depends if they like sledding, and if we tell them why they got picked."

Spoiler has posed:
The self-rating from Jason causes Stephanie to consider for a moment. She leans over, having to really stretching to reach a pad of paper and pen over on an end table. She holds the pad in her hand, paper facing her and where Jason can't see it. And then she takes the pen and writes something on it.

Stephanie peers towards Jason's butt and then turns the pad around.


"But that's the Russian judge!" Stephanie proclaims, tearing off the paper and wadding it up and throwing it towards the trash can in the kitchen. She scribbles something else on the pad and turns it around.


"Have to leave you something to work towards," she tells him. And her smile is one that shows her normal verve and brightness.

Stephanie considers Jason's answers to her query then, tapping her lips with the pen. "Alright. Well, we'll just pick from kids there on Coventry Hill already. So that should mean they like sledding. And, we just won't tell them why," she says. Her smile and her normal Stephanie banter is there again. Like it never left.

Stephanie looks up to Jason's eyes and she extends a hand towards him. "Deal?" she asks softly.

Red Hood has posed:
The butt rankings were exactly what Jason needed, even that ridiculous 7.5, he was robbed, I tell you, robbed! Laughing, he curses the mythical Russian judge in Russian.

Before nudging Steph with his foot when she 'leaves him something to work towards' glad to see her smile back to its usual wattage.

"Fiine I'll do more squats," he says with a wink before sliding off the arm of the couch to land on the cushion.

He extends his hand and takes hers in his, gripping her hand tenderly as he shakes it, "Deal."