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Latest revision as of 02:09, 3 December 2019

A Shopping Coincidence
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: Rockefeller Center, Midtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Carrie and Kitty shop at Rockefeller Center and catch up on happenings.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley

Shadowcat has posed:
"... and so that's how I found out Lockheed was on Earth," Kitty says, pulling her car up into a sparking space after having picked up Carrie and shuttled the two of them over to the huge assortment of shops available on the sprawling blocks that make up Rockefeller Center.

The crux of the story? Lockheed stowed away on a space ship, then ate all the aliens in a nest that had taken root in the X-men base, which Kitty stumbled into.

Kitty hops out of the car, waiting for Carrie to emerges before locking it, the car giving a little chime, and the cameras on board turning on to record any activity around the car. 2027 is grand when it comes to technology. "Stairs up to the plaza are over here. I love it this time of year. The tree is awesome, regardless of religion," she says with a grin. "And I try to make it skating here at least once a year. So anywhere special you wanted to hit, any particular gifts you're looking to find?" she asks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That just makes me wonder what he eats *now*," Carrie points out with a chuckle as she extracts herself from the car with a little tug on the jacket she'd worn. It was newer, a nice little puffed jacket that kept the chill at bay. It wasn't anything like she would have owned before but this little splurge item had been keeping her toasty warm all Winter so far and she was doing her best to keep it in one peice without any smudges of paint or dirt on it.

"Yeah, I've never been. I mean I've seen it on TV," she admits with a little shrug in her friend's direction. "But never in person. I wanted to this year. Plus, I do have to figure out gifts for the whole family situation going on." Like what the heck do you buy Damian Wayne?

Shadowcat has posed:
Body armor. Things that pierce body armor. Cologne. Because who doesn't like to smell nice when piercing body armor. Kitty smiles to Carrie as they head over to the stairs and make their way up to the plaza. "Nice jacket by the way. Don't think I've seen that one before," she comments. "And, pretty much anything. Loves cheesy poofs. Meat. Bacon, which I swear he just likes because he knows I love the smell but won't eat it. No people. Unless I /really/ don't like them," Kitty says with a grin.

The plaza opens up before them. People are moving around the rink, while the tree is lit up brightly enough to still be impressive even in daylight. Kitty gives Carrie a moment to look it over if she likes, before heading over towards some of the shops. "Sorry I couldn't make Thanksgiving. We have a lot of students that stay at the school over the holidays. So I volunteered to be one of the people handling the big meal and all. Free up some of the other staff to go be with their families," she says. "So how did it go? Damian stab anyone? Was Bruce somber?" A brief pause, and in more of a genuinely curious mood, "Did Jason make it?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"It was really cold the other night week when I was heading home from the college. I just kind of... I figured I'd stop at a coat store and look around. But I found this," Carrie states with a little shimmy in the jacket. "And it was so comfy and warm. Bit of a sprlurge," she admits with a sheepish grin and blush. "But it was only $50. And I really do like it. It's been great being *warm* these days." Nights? That was different. The coat wouldn't work with the suit, but the suit did it's own job of keeping her warm.

Her gaze does sweep over the area drinking in the whole holiday vibe that was going on with a rather warm, peaceful grin crossing her face. Times like this she needed more of. "Oh, it's okay, it was awkward enough as it was. Everyone showed up... including my parents." The last is said grudgingly and with a bit of annoyance as her attention tears away from the scenery to follow Kitty.

"I think Bruce and Diana have something building there though he won't admit it. It was a good night over all, other than a few things. And yes, Jason was there. Even stayed the night." There's a pause as she quickly adds, "Food coma."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's wearing a pair of jeans with some cute, short boots and then a burgundy mock turtleneck, with a nice jacket overtop and gloves on her hands. The air is cold enough her breath comes out as visible little puffs. The warmth of the store won't be an unwelcome thing.

"Well, it's great, especially at that price," Kitty says warmly, flashing Carrie a smile. The comment about Carrie's parents showing causes Kitty to slow a moment, turning to look over to the redhead. "Showed... at your place? Or, not at the manor?" she asks. "I didn't think you got along with them very well?" the young woman adds, whichever the answer had been.

Another surprise then. "Bruce and Diana... Diana Prince? Oh. Oh my," Kitty says softly. "Well, good for him if so. I doubt I could name someone on the planet better for him. Not to mention, able to keep him in line," Kitty says with a grin. She keeps smiling as she hears the rest, though it's more a gentle, pleased look. "Good, glad he went," she says of the Wayne ward. "I managed to avoid the turkey comas myself, but had a nice meal."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Getting to share the potential romance brewing at the manor earns a rather warm grin from Carrie. She wasn't the only one who noticed but she sure as heck was one of the ones to call them out on it. Secrets, shmekrets. "Yeah, I think that's something that might be good for him. I haven't gotten to talk to her much but she's pretty awesome too." Naturally. THE Diana Prince. Come on.

Stepping into the store she unzips her jacket a little to let in some air so she doesn't roast in the jacket while inside. That was the one downfall of it. Not that she would complain. The mention of her parents isn't going without being remarked on though. "We don't. They showed up at the manor. Insisted they just wanted to 'pop in to say hello.'" A little shake of her head comes even as her eyes sweep around the store drawing her attention to a rather brightly colored holiday sweater. "Tried to get a picture with everyone before we chased them out again. Oh, by 'everyone' I mean all the 'important people.'" She turns toward Kitty to make some finger quotes in the air as she does so.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty undoes her jacket as well, and pulls her gloves off and stows them in her pockets. The cheerful sound of holiday music meets them, but wisely chosen. Songs with an obvious holiday theme without being kitschy or children's songs. At the moment it's an orchestral piece with a Celtic sound to it.

"Oof," Kitty says. She's only heard so much about Carrie's parents, but she can no doubt imagine how that must have felt. Especially having it happen at the manor. "I hope it didn't stop you from having a good day. Who knows, maybe it could be the first step towards something good coming from it," she suggests, reaching over to rest a hand on Carrie's back for a moment in a short, comforting touch.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't seem convinced about 'good things' happening in regards to her parents. She's distracted by other things here, though, so at least it helps keep her mind off the worst of it. "Doubtful. They tried to make an escape claiming they were volunteering at a shelter so of course the Waynes offered sending them off with tons of food since Alfred cooked for an army. And suddenly they weren't so up for volunteering." A smirk creeps over her as she adds, "Steph went with them and made them do it." There was a bit of malicious glee in that at least.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty stops at a counter to pick up some perfume. "Have wanted to see what this was like," she says, spraying a tiny amount off to the side into the air to get a scent of it. It passes that initial test enough for her to add a bit to her wrist and rub the other on it then get another scent of it. "Not bad. Though maybe not for me. I need to be careful about giving out perfume as gifts. A friend's father gave Rogue an expensive bottle which was a bit... well, it was funny, but at the same time I felt for the friend, having her father give a friend of hers perfume. Awkward."

Kitty moves back over to Carrie and wanders along looking at things. The tale about the food and the volunteering effort causes her to stop and gasp a little. "Oh my. Yeah that really does make for an interesting Thanksgiving. Sorry you had to deal with that," Kitty says. "I considered going home to see Mom. If I had, you'd have been welcome to come with. She'd love to meet you actually."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances toward the perfumes only to shake her head. Much as she might like them the Boss was dead set against them. 'It would ruin your sense of smell for gases, poisons, etc.' Or the like. Maybe she could spritz her pillow now and then before bed at least. She moves along to pick up a knit hat which she attempts to put on leaning over to catch sight of herself in a mirror. "Thanks, Kitty. I'd love to meet her some day. Things worked out better than I thought, I just have to make sure not to let them get to me." There's a quiet pause before she adds, "You know... I know how they are. They've always been that way. But a part of me?" Looking to Kitty with a sad smile she tugs the hat off, and puts it back. "I was kind of hoping maybe they were trying to actually make up for things."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty moves over to stand by Carrie and look in the mirror with her as Carrie tries on that hat. "You deserve to have them make up for things. But, life isn't very fair. The fact that are freakin' awesome and the rest of us are aware of that, hopefully makes up for it some at least. But, yeah, you deserve more," Kitty tells her.

She picks up a knit scarf and drapes it over Carrie's shoulder. "This would go with the hat and coat really nice I think," she says. "I'm so loving winter. I mean, I love to get away in the sun. But this time of year, getting to pull out my sweaters and turtlenecks, and curl up and watch the winter turn the world white? I do love it. I'd miss this if we were down south."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"What, all the slush and grey and rainy and smog and..." Carrie lists off only to chuckle as she turns her attention back to the image of herself in the mirror. "They are nice together," she has to admit with a grin. "Yeah, Winter can be nice, though I've usually only seen the city version of it. I'm kind of looking forward to when it might snow out at the manor. There's this one room, I think it was a sun room or for plants or something, but it's got this great view of the grounds. Glass windows all over. I like going and reading in there sometimes. It'd look great in winter, I bet."

A little nod is given, and she glances back over her shoulder at Kitty. "So just what do you get the Boss for a gift, anyway? He has like everything ever." Damian might be a little easier to do really. She had a few ideas. "Not to mention the guys."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs and nods. "True, about the grey and all. It doesn't last long as white here, I notice. And, the salt on the roads is always a pain on a car." Kitty loves her car, more for what it means even than the model. Though she likes the model too. She's washing the salt off that thing frequently. "I don't know the manor real well. Been there enough of course, but other than a tour, it's mostly been, you know, down to the spot we spend the most time," Kitty says of the Batcave, speaking in non-specific terms in case they are overhead.

Kitty considers that. "Something from the heart. I mean, something that expresses how you feel about things. It's not like most people that something useful and nice is going to strike the same chord. So, something that means a bit to you and will to him as well, I'd think."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Well... Yeah. It's huge. You should come by and visit sometime. I'm still getting used to it. It's such a huge place, and so empty," Carrie remarks with a little shake of her head. "I imagine it's what an empty school might be like." Lightly shaking her head she takes the scarf and hat off for now still clearly contemplating it. "I'll think of something. I actually know what I'm getting Damian already. He confided in me something he likes to do to relax so I want to encourage that. If anyone needs to relax it's him." Oh boy does he.

"Speaking of heart... How's things with Peter going?" She asks with a grin. Of course she was going to prod at that a bit. "He still looks like that guy I met once, but totally different personalities."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a soft, humorous scoff. "Damian? Relax? By what, sharpening his swords? Having people punch his stomach to help him grow harder?" she asks with a grin. It's clearly joking, and the smile that Kitty gets is fond, even. "No, seriously, sounds like whatever it is, would be a perfect gift for him," Kitty agrees.

She picks up a men's sweater and looks at it thoughtfully. "Peter's good. We're doing really good. We are both big dorks who get each other's jokes. It's kind of scary how much he's in my head sometimes," she says with a warm laugh. "Well, glad I found the one with Peter's personality then," Kitty says. She puts the sweater down and says, "Maybe in a different color for him. What about you? Have you been going out at all? Or anyone on the radar?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"He's not so bad once he lets his guard down. Which isn't often, really." There was no denying that. The others weren't so easy. Odd as it may be. Her attention is stolen again by something shiny, which she steps toward a display to regard. Earrings hang there, and she starts to slowly turn the tray on it's little table to get a look at them all.

"Me? No. Same as always. Though to be fair," she has to admit with a chuckle, "I think everyone I meet thinks I've got something going with one of the guys. So I can't really say I *look* available. Plus I tend to work and study too much so it's my own fault." It wasn't as if she was going out to meet people a lot.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty wanders through some of the tables and the racks of clothing. There are plenty of people in the store, it being right in the Christmas shopping season. Kitty moves aside to let a couple through, rejoining Carrie's side as she's looking at the earrings. "Oh, those are nice," she says of one pair. "Hrm. So, Bruce. Maybe something from the theater? You were teaching Damian. Is there anything from that time that... you know, that a parent might take some pride in having about their son? Any pictures of him practicing expressions maybe? Or dressed up in costume or...?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley ohs softly at the suggestion. Lifting her hand she smacks her palm against the side of her head lightly with a chuckle. "Ah... I'm so used to being on the other side of that equation I hadn't even thought of ... That's a great idea, Kitty." Grinning to her friend she reaches over to give her a hug. "Thanks for dragging me out here today. I needed some time away from everything in Gotham for a bit. And New York is pretty nice," she has to admit with a glance out the window only to wince at the sight of the flurries of snow starting in. "Though we might be stuck here if we stay much longer it looks like."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins and gives Carrie a hug back. "Hey, if I can contribute something so tiny and it makes you happy, and probably makes Bruce happy? That makes me very happy. And if it should be something that would make Damian cranky, that would be humorous too," she adds with a little laugh. "Nah, just joking there. He's really never been anything but good with me, actually," Kitty says.

She glances out the window at the snow. "Oof. Yeah, it's coming down. Well we can get you back home, no fear. Or you're welcome to crash with Pete and I. You still have to meet Jester too, don't you? He's still got that puppy look but he's starting to get bigger now," she says of the golden retriever.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You have a puppy?!" Darn right that part was missed! She'll even forgive the name of 'Jester' given who the big bad in Gotham was. She does chuckle a bit and look outside again with a wince. "Let's see how bad it's getting on that... Might take the offer to crash if it is bad. I don't want you going out of your way driving in crazy ass weather, either, you know. Besides, things have quieted down in Gotham a bit. The guys can do without me for one night I'm sure."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gasps. "Oh, I didn't tell you!? I'm so sorry!" she says. "Well, it just sort of happened. Rogue was given the puppy by someone, unexpectedly," Kitty explains. "And, well she used to have a dog, Aces, but gave him to a family after an attack on the Avenger Mansion. She just felt like she's a target and didn't want to risk having him around her. Even now she's not there, I don't think she can shake that feeling," Kitty says.

She gives a little wave of her hand. "So, when she was given him, and... I think she named him. Not sure, could have been the one who gave him to her. Anyway, Peter and I offered to take him since I knew Rogue felt like that and the longer she had him, the tougher it would be on her to find someone else to take him. Plus, now she gets to see him a lot," Kitty says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smiles softly at that explanation with a long, slow nod of her own. "I think she mentioned Aces once before, when we were skating or something," she reasons. OR at least she recalled SOME dog being mentioned. "I get that, though. She does tend to stick out a lot more than some folks do. Easy to spot in a crowd. At least the puppy has a good home, and hey, visits are good too." SHe grins some, and nudges Kitty with her elbow lightly.

"I got to ride a horse the other day. Apparently there's a stable."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes, she's maybe not as well known as, say, Cap. But she's still publicly known and... well, someone took at shot at her at Baskin Robbins in Salem Center one night. So... it definitely is a real concern," Kitty says, her tone turning a little more somber. "Aces is with a family in Salem Center, and Rogue still gets him and takes him to the dog park. Or, at least used to. I'm not sure if that's changed since the attack. I think those people were dealt with, there were contracts on a few people because we were impacting the Hook dealers. But they were taken down, so hopefully it's all safe now."

Kitty grins. "Yeah? Does Bruce have horses? Or somewhere else? We've got a stable at the school, so I get to go riding from time to time," she says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles quietly at the question. "Yeah. I'm not sure he uses them often, but they're there. A handful of them at least. I've been trying to get out there to visit them when it's not too busy," she explains. "I mean what girl doesn't love having horses around?" grinning some she looks again out the window with a sigh. "Guess we should be getting on our way though. It's really coming down."