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Hang the Boughs of Holly
Date of Scene: 06 December 2019
Location: Steve's Apartment, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Janet helps Steve decorate his Brooklyn apartment for the holidays. It involves spiked eggnog, caroling, and...waltzing.
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Wasp (van Dyne)

Captain America has posed:
It's a quiet evening at the Rogers abode, that apartment set away in his home-borough of Brooklyn. Outside, snow is filtering down from thick and downy-dark clouds that linger over the city. It won't stick tonight, but the cold is bringing winter into New York in earnest. On the TV, Steve has the holiday classics station up and running, its volume turned down low enough that the variety of tunes is low enough not to interrupt conversation. Right now, he's reaching up to tack one of the boughs of evergreen over the inside of his front door. The long sleeves of his forest-green shirt are rolled up to his elbows. Socks beneath his jeans keep his feet warm and on his head?

Foam antlers, a band and pair all in red.

"I think that'll do," he comments as he steps back from his work, arms folded. A glance over his shoulder is aimed towards Janet promptingly, his smile pleased.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Okay, explain the evergreen thing again," Janet requests of Steve. She's busy playing with a series of refridgerator magnets in Steve's kitchen, setting up a nativity scene on his fridge. Janet's preoccupation with the little decals is perhaps due to a lack of personal connection with the various festive Yuletide decorations Steve's been settling around his apartment.

"Is this one of those things like, with Mistletoe?" she hazards. Janet's in close-fitting bootcut jeans and a yellow peasant tunic, tight through her chest and stomach and flaring into cute ruffles below her midsection. "Or is that something else entirely. I can't keep Yule and Christmas stuff straight," she complains. The fashionista reaches for her (heavily spiked) eggnog and takes a sip. Her brow furrows in consternation and more brandy is added to the cup. A quick stir of a spoon thins the dense cream and it takes on a deeper brown patina from the addition of alcohol.

Steve got the antlers; Janet's wearing a red stocking cap, with white fur lining the brow and a puffball on the conical tip.

Captain America has posed:
"A bit like mistletoe, yes." Wandering over, the Captain reaches for the glass of spiked eggnog when Janet's attention is upon the fridge magnets. He hazards a sip and pauses still holding the drink. Slipping his tongue up and over his lips thoughtfully, he then shrugs to himself as he sets the drink down.

"It symbolizes growth and everlasting life, one of the few trees that stays alive all winter. Bonus that it smells fresh and clean. Mistletoe's about peace. Story goes that the Romans used to talk reconciliation under mistletoe because it symbolized peace. Heard the whole bit about kissing beneath it can be attributed to the Scandanavians," he adds as his arm slides around the petite fashionista's shoulders. Pressed up against her side now, he dips to give her temple a lingering smooch for good measure.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet leans reflexively against Steve when he hugs her shoulders. His explanation provokes a thoughtful nod of understanding from the petite woman, but when he kisses her temple she squirms and giggles at the touch. A hand comes up as if to playfully smear his face but she instead runs her fingertips fondly over his cheekbone and jaw. Janet turns and kisses the underside of Steve's jawline before he can get too far away, then releases him.

"Well, the mistletoe is one Christmas tradition *I* like. Also, eggnog. And caroling. In a group. I can't sing on my own." Her eyes brighten and she looks hopefully up at Steve. "Ooh! We could do that-- what's that thing." Fingers snap excitedly then drum a merry tattoo on his sternum. "That thing you do where you get dressed up and go out singing. That'd be fun! What's that called?"

Captain America has posed:
Unable to help grinning, the super-soldier glances to the drink. Oh indeed, Janet does like her eggnog. He looks momentarily perplexed at her question before his expression smoothes into realization.

"You mean wassailing? Where you go around demanding figgy pudding 'nd wishing folks a Merry Christmas?" His head tilts even he grins at her, his dimples slowly appearing. "You want to go do that? Think you should audition first. Show me what you've got, <<seillean>>."

A quick glance to the bedroom returns to Janet. "I can get the guitar if you want?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet makes a face up at Steve. "I said in a /group/. I can't sing on my own," she repeats with a dark mutter. "I don't know, I've never really done it for real. More like getting drunk with friends at school when I went to London with Melissa Wintrow for the winter hol's."

Janet moves to the countertop and hops onto it so her boots swing a foot above the tile floor. One hand props behind her for balance and she curls her eggnog close to her chest. "We ended up staggering around Notting Hill until the cops-- er, bobbies?-- finally came and picked us up. I don't remember much of that evening, except that it was a /ton/ of fun."

Captain America has posed:
With fond exasperation on his face, Steve listens to the story -- and with a smidgeon of jealousy. Alas, if only he could get that delightfully drunk on eggnog. "I think they're called bobbies there, yes. Does sound like a good time was had by all. Hopefully they went nice on you with your bail," he quips lightly.

"But no? Not gonna sing for me? C'mon, Shortcakes..." The Captain steps over and before Janet. His palms come to rest lightly on her knees. Now there's even the very barest hint of a look from beneath his dark-blond lashes, the very beginnings of the infamous Rogers Puppy-Dog Look. "I bet you sing like a songbird."

It's also crystal-clear that he's perfectly aware of his attempt at manipulation -- must be that twinkle in his true-blue eyes.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's eyes brighten when Steve saunters over. The toe of a boot hooks around the back of his thigh and draws Steve closer so she can squeeze his hips between her knees. "I know for a fact *you* can sing," Janet reminds Steve. Her resolve seems to be crumbling though. "I think you just want to hear me sing something and then you're going to make fun of me," she accuses.

Still, those baby blues are earnest *and* irresistable, and she fidgets under the weight of that puppy-dog pleading look. "...Fine. Okay, uh... let's see. What's a good song for two people. A good holiday song." A thoughtful expression crosses her face; Janet rocks to the side and digs her phone from her pocket. Swipe, swipe, tap, swipe, and a pleasant tune starts warbling around the kitchen.

"~I'm dreaming of a whiiiite Christmas....~" Janet begins. She purses her lips and tries to clear some holiday nog from her voicebox. "~Just like the ones I used to know...~"

Steve's hipbone is given a prompting jab for him to join in!

Captain America has posed:
Now Janet gets a disbelieving look at her accusation. Her beau even quirks his brows in silent questioning -- really? The expression shifts quickly enough back to the unspoken pestering and when the fashionista agrees? It flips into a dimpled grin as visual reward.

And who says the Captain doesn't know how to work with people?

"That's a good one," Steve murmurs encouragingly as the first notes filter in. Ah, yes, he knows this particular tune. His thumbs begin to tap out the basic rhythm against the fabric of her jeans. When prompted, he continues in his warm baritone,

"~Where the treetops glisten, and...children listen to hear...sleigh bells in the snow...~" In gentle vibrato, the note is held, and then he lifts his eyebrows encouragingly again at Janet, grinning.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet grins up at Steve in delight as he joins in the song. The two of them wander through the song together; Janet's really not as bad as she claims to be, though she lacks Steve's proficiency as a singer. But she's far from off key and more importantly, she's enjoying Steve's presence. Towards the end her voice tapers off and she stares up at Steve with rapturous adoration, letting his crooning baritone reverberate around the modestly-sized apartment.

"/Why/ am I the one doing the singing?" Her tone would be argumentative if it wasn't so laden with visible affection for the soldier. "I could listen to you sing all day, sweetie. You don't seranade me nearly enough. Just saying," she adds, and reaches for her eggnog to take a sip. It's immediately followed by adding a bit more brandy to it, tipping past the balance point and making it officially eggnog-flavored brandy.

Captain America has posed:
"~And may all your Christmases be...white...~" Steve concludes the song as a whole. When his final gently-lulling note fades out, he smiles in quiet pleasure at the escapade as a whole. So rarely does he hold such an air of simple contentment about himself. It relaxes the lines of concern about his eyes and through his poise. However, Janet's question does break him: the blond laughs and gives her thighs a gentle squeeze.

"Don't serenade you enough? More like you don't ask enough," he counters, tone easy-going. "But I can think of one you might like." Stepping away from her, he makes his way to the living room. A touch to the control panel on the wall brings the lighting down low and now the main source of light is the incandescent rainbowing of lights on the tree in the corner. Pale paint gamely reflects the color back. Steve holds out his hands, backlit by the display. "C'mere, <<seillean>>, we're gonna dance 'nd I'm gonna sing."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet follows Steve into the living room with a lazy, hip-swinging intruige; willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as he beckons her along. Eyes darken appreciatively in response to the visual, and to the subtle dimming of lights that leaves the two of them bathed in subtle tinkling of cheery Christmas bulbs strung around the modest little pine tree.

Janet puts her hands in Steve's and steps in close to him, until she's obligated to look almost directly up to meet his steady eyes. "Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out," she mutters in a sotto voce. Janet presses gently into Steve and puts her left hand on his shoulder to steady herself. "I was gonna say, I can dance, or I can sing, but I definitely can't do both. Is this--" she gestures in a circle with her chin-- "what that whole 'triple threat' thing means?" she teases. "Dance, sing, act-- what *can't* you do, Captian Rogers?"

Captain America has posed:
"Can't paddle a canoe without flipping it," offer the Captain as something he can't do. Whether or not Janet believes it or not appears to be moot: he just grins almost crookedly, having bewitched himself in the process of setting them up to dance according to his plan.

"Oh, one sec." Pulling out his phone, he squints at it and thumbs a few things aside. Blip, that app, yes, and that playlist, and...

A very retro chorus chimes in with,

"~Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas...may your every New Year Dream...come...true...~"

Strings and a bluesy harp bleed into being overtop the accompaniment of a warm bass plucking out a 3/4 time rhythm. A shivery little dance of the violins while Steve inhales and then he begins to sing.

"~Frosted windowpanes, candles gleaming inside...painted candycanes on the tree... Santa's on his way, he's filled his sleigh with things...things for you...and for me...~" As he sings, he gently leads Janet into an easy waltz. His eyes, gone soft and darkly-blue, are only for her.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Though she doesn't have Steve's stage chops, Janet's a naturally graceful and athletic woman. It's simplicity itself to follow the simple box step he leads her in, staring up at Steve with a thoroughly enraptured expression at his gentle crooning. A frission of pleasure shivers in her stomach at the combination of Steve's deft hand leading her in dance and the way his voice rumbles against her body when he squeezes her in close.

The song is a lively one. Janet's eyed lid and she dances with Steve in smooth time with the music, head back and tilted coyly to one side as if she was on the floor of the Waldorf-Astoria Ballroom and not shuffling around Steve's cozy Brooklyn apartment.

"Okay, I haven't had 'princess fantasies' since I was sixteen," Janet admits during an instrumental portion of the song. "But now I am feeling this incredible urge to go make myself a gorgeous ballgown so you can waltz me around in front of everyone and make me look *so pretty*. And make all those old biddies super jealous," she adds. "I will /win/ New York society, you just watch me."

Captain America has posed:
Again, she breaks Steve enough that he spends a few bars laughing and leading the waltz rather than singing along to the karaoke-set of the older Christmas piece. Clearing his throat quickly, he then picks up in mid-stanza.

"~ -- time of year, when the worrrrld falls in love,~"

Breathless pause here in mid-turn, holding her close to him, and then they flow into motion again.

"~Every song you hear seems to say...'Merry Christmas...may your New Year dreams come truuuue...~" Another small pause while the Captain grins. "~Annnd thiiiis...song of mine, in three-quarter time, wishes you and yours...the saaaame...thinnng...toooooo.~"

Eat your heart out, Frank, he's not half-bad.

And, in grand charm, Steve leans in to thoroughly kiss the petite brunette as if to say: so there!

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet gasps when Steve takes her in his hands and kisses her. For a moment she plays into the little fantasy unwinding in her brain, and fairly swoons in his arms while returning the kiss with a feigned, timorous uncertainty.

She even kicks a foot up behind her.

The playful reticence lasts about two seconds and then she wraps both arms around the back of Steve's neck. Janet's stronger than she looks, and hauls him down and towards her with a sudden passion. The kiss breaks and she presses her lips near Steve's ear. "Gonna /win/," she informs him with a murmuring whisper. "And you *are* my dream, baby." She catches his earlobe between her teeth and gives it an affectionate, possessive nibble.

Captain America has posed:
Bent down briefly for the impassioned yank on his neck, Steve then laughs breathily at the pointed nibble of his earlobe. "You've won my heart 'nd you're my dream too, <<seillean>>. Suppose the next thing to do would be to teach those old biddies a lesson, hmm?"

With effort, he straightens, though he doesn't let Janet slip from his arms just yet. Now his red foam reindeer antlers are crooked on his head, but the Captain doesn't seem to notice. It doesn't matter, not with his gal about shining in his arms. Let it snow, let somebody call him out at 3am to deal with a bank robbery or let it be SHIELD on the line about an extradimensional portal in Central Park: tonight, he's the victor.

"Didn't forget to hang up the mistletoe," he adds and, most cheekily, points straight up. When did that happen? For there's a sprig of it hung on a small hook on the ceiling, where a planter might be slung instead.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet looks up as well, then gives Steve a look that feigns exasperation at his clumsy charm. From the pink flush on her cheeks and bridge of her nose, she seems quite pleased by the playful gesture. "I see how it is," Janet tells Steve indignantly. She closes her fingers together in a loop behind his neck and presses up against him. "First you keep spiking my holiday 'nog, then you make me sing songs at you, now you've danced me over to Makeout Point."

The Christmas lights dance in reflection in her smouldering green eyes, turned adoringly up at Steve. "Now we just *happen* to be under the mistletoe? I suppose you're expecting mandatory makeouts now. I should have known, I *always* underestimate how devious you are, Captain Rogers."

Janet remains pressed close to Steve, not allowing a hairsbreadth more space between them than possible.

Captain America has posed:
"It's one of my charms, what can I say?" Broad shoulders shrug. Now comes the crooked Boy Scout grin, equal parts perfect knowledge of just how 'terrible' he is and earnest funning. "That, 'nd perfecting the sad-'n-sorry face when I was younger. Even Barnes couldn't resist it. Only Mathair knew better. Looks like you're weak to it, <<seillean>>."

Insert a cunning little tilt of his head.

"There's no way to resist it, 'm sorry to report," he continues, feigning distress as he keeps his hands interlaced at the small of Janet's back. "You're just gonna have to get used to suddenly finding yourself in situations where you're plum head-over-heels for me." How his eyes glitter at her, dark yet.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I liked this game better when you were back on *your* heels the whole time," Janet chivvies Steve playfully. Fingers tighten on his neck; one hand releases to rake fingernails through his thick blonde hair. "You've come pretty far in the... what, nine months it's been?" she queries.

"I recall a *terribly* shy Army guy who couldn't've pulled off that mistletoe move to save his life. Now look at you, Mr. Seductive. I've created a monster, haven't I?" she asks with a wry rhetoricism.

Those fingernails walk a curling path around his scalp and she presses pointedly closer to him. "So... you gonna kiss me then, soldier?" she inquires with a smouldering intention. "Or are you still working up your courage?"

Captain America has posed:
"Nine months, give or take," replies Steve almost distractedly. Nails glancing on scalp are deadly weapons, how very dare! He blinks a few times, his smile having momentarily fractured, but it regains its delighted edge with her own verbal parries to his teasing.

"Oh, th'kiss was a done deal when you walked into this apartment," he replies, words lush with the Gaelic accent known to his earliest childhood. "Allow me t'fulfill yer expectations."

It's something akin to the silver screen, the rotational dipping kiss, and Steve indulges her long enough to make his point. Ambient light from the Christmas tree's lighting gleams on the white berries above.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
It's a picture-perfect dramatic touch. Janet does properly swoon with a sharp and unexpected inhale of breath, one Steve captures with a kiss before it can be lost into the warmth of the apartment. It translates into a breathless giggle before she's embraced with that unexpected passion. One knee tucks up against Steve's rib for a bit of balance. In truth, she's completely surrendered her weight to him and doesn't contend her balance as Steve dip-kisses her with an intensity that would have shocked moviegoers of the '40s.

"Mmm. Merry Christmas, Steve Rogers," Janet whispers against Steve's cheekbone. Her feet drop to the floor and Janet straightens, and starts walking backwards. Fingers curl into Steve's shirt and she pulls him in her wake. "I think this might be my new favorite holiday after all."