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Do you fear heights
Date of Scene: 06 December 2019
Location: Washington Heights, Manhattan
Synopsis: Blink and Conner meet after a few years apart. Then they go for breakfast in..., France.
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Blink

Superboy has posed:
It is a chilly New York morning and the winter break is coming. But right now is the busiest time of the year for college students. Exams to study, projects and essays and Conner really shouldn't be here, flying.

But he studied all night and needs a break. And maybe some breakfast. Mostly clear his head. There are exams in the afternoon, but he thinks he can handle them. All he needs is maybe a super-villain to punch, or some fire-fighting? No? Well, how about getting some Christmas presents in time for once? Nah... it is 2027 and he will buy everything through Internet.

He is still looking, flying low over the rooftops, clad in jeans, a black t-shirt with the famous red S and one of his leather jackets.

Blink has posed:
Close to Christmas..., and really Blink could be anywhere now, back in Genosha and enjoying the tropical weather, back at Xavier's and enjoying the 'family' they have created there, or even searching for an exotic spot to explore.

But she finds herself back to New York. There are memories here, of the past, and perhaps of a more innocent Clarice. She busies herself running across the rooftops now, keeping that chill away through exercise, dangerous walks down ledges, jumping from roof to roof. It's good to be so high up that she doesn't need to hide what she is. Purple hair is held up in a ponytail, elven ears fully showing and her bright, unnatural eyes as well, she jumping over to an high ledge that gives her a good view of the city.

She spots a few objects in the sky. Planes? In a world of heroes it could be anything..., but there's a glimpse of a recognizable form up there..

Superboy has posed:
There is a glimpse of purple down there. And purple Conner has not seen in a while, but he will never forget. But what is she doing here, so far from Genosha? He better investigate.

Conner flies down, moving to get a better look and... fight, it is her! "Clarice!" He yells, then flies down faster trying to intercept her before she teleports or something. "Hey, it is me!" He adds, waving his arms. Don't blink away, please. He is pretty fast, but he doesn't want to go too fast.

Blink has posed:
The figure is getting awfully close and ..., is it aimed at her building? Damn it, and this was such a good perch too, at least if she was a gargoyle, she squatted down on the ledge without a fear of falling, her balance catlike.

She is always ready though and one slender hand goes behind her, wrapping around one of her javelins but then there is the familiar voice, and the figure becomes more defined, a rather familiar one. She loosens the javelin back on it's resting spot.

"Conner." The words coming out of her lips when the man is closer. Clarice remains in place and waits, the sharp, chill winds making her purple hair flail wildly, long coat doing the same.

Superboy has posed:
"Hey, Clare," Conner hovers in front of him, giving the elfin girl a quick once over, "jumping over New York's buildings like a native superhero," he teases with a grin. "Good to see you... oh, are you chasing someone? I could help," he offers, realizing she might be here on mutant business of some kind. Hopefully nothing shifty. Because despite her assurances two years ago about Magneto being a good guy, Conner has done some serious research since.

Maybe a topic to avoid. This was a girl he really, really liked and that 'blinked' out of his life too suddenly, too soon.

Blink has posed:
There is a more hardened look to the girl, as if she'd seen quite a few things since they lost contact years back, even if some innocence can sometimes still be spotted in her natural gaze. She quirks the corners of her lips up in a faint smile, amusement showing, "I hear all kind of fauna can be found up here." she teases back. "Spiders.., cats, bats.. So many." She then jumps down from the ledge and to the roof, shaking her head, "I was chasing but air and old memories."

Eyes then give Conner a good look-over, commenting. "You are looking good, Conner. How have you been holding up?" some curiosity, but also some underlying worry at something.

Superboy has posed:
"It is true," confirms Conner. "Spiders and cats and sometimes a bat, or a devil, or an archer. Bats are more Gotham, though. Did you bring a camera?" His grin widens, and then she asks about himself. Hmm.

He loses some of his smile. "I am well. College keeps me busy. You heard about Superman, right?" Of course the whole world and likely a good chunk of the galaxy has heard about Superman. But he is not sure if there is free press in Genosha. "So, I am a bit worried, obviously. Trying not to dwell on it too much. The League is on the case."

Blink has posed:
The question about the camera makes her tap the side of her jacket where X-ray vision would undoubtedly reveal a photo camera underneath, a slim one most likely. "I like my souvenirs as you know."

She has indeed heard about what happened, not that she'd admit she is here exactly because of that, checking on how he's doing after Superman's fall. The blase look she gives him isn't too convincing when she says. "I have heard, we are not fully away from what goes on in the world in Genosha and besides..." a faint smile coming to her lips. "... I can just go and find out by myself. My curiosity has only grown since.." a pause as she looks for the right word. " .. since before."

"I am glad you are taking care of yourself though." Clarice says, "You know if there's anything I can do..." she trails off.

Superboy has posed:
Conner does not have x-ray vision, but he imagines she has a cellphone or something to take pictures of Spider-Man, or women, should they show up. New York's fascinating wildlife. "You were always too curious," he comments, smiling again. "Oh, do something for me? Want to have breakfast with me? Or is it..." he tries to calculate what time of the day is right now in Genosha. Fails. "Or just coffee? It is cold up here and you are going to freeze your cute elf-ears."

Blink has posed:
"Is that even a thing?" Clarice suddenly asks, one eyebrow turning up challengingly. "Being too curious?" head slightly canting to the side and she opening her arms to the side, "It's a big world out there, it deserves being seen."

But then comes the breakfast invitation, her lips pressing together, "Where to?" it will most likely mean she has to cover her mutations, she already reaching up to undo the ponytail and allow her hair to fall and cover the sides of her head, fingers raking through it. "I will even let you choose this time."

Superboy has posed:
"Nah, it is good," he replies, meaning her curiosity. If she wasn't it is unlikely they would have met. "Where... ah," he always forgets America is not good for mutants going in public. Well, most places aren't.

Hawaii? No, it is night there. "Mutant Town? Pretty sure Starbucks must have a place there," he pulls out his cellphone to check. "Or if you know a good place, I am good with anywhere as long as I can be back to New York in four hours."

Blink has posed:
The purple-haired elf seems to mull on that for a time, she knows a few spots.., of course she does, being as travelled as she is now, always here and there, zapping about the world. She then lets out a faint grin, "France? Then we can say we will always have Paris..." she suggests. "One of my friends is going there for vacation, so it came to mind."

Then Clarice effortlessly jumps up to the ledge again, hand inside a pocket and she bringing out a small box where she keeps her 'normal human' contacts. "I was going to say I'd race you there, but that might not be too fair." she teases, "So you may want to come closer."

Superboy has posed:
"Paris would be good," agrees Conner, who has never been there (but won't admit it). "Although we can say we will always have Hawaii, hmm?" And yes, they better teleport, Paris must be over an hour away if he tries to fly there. "Races with you are never fair," he mutters, stepping closer. Maybe a bit closer than it is strictly necessary. But hey, she offered and he still thinks she is hot.

Blink has posed:
"We will.." Blink murmurs about Hawaii, a corner of her lips turning up just so and she straying her gaze away from Conner, presumably to get those blasted eye contacts. She blinks once, now seeming a bit more normal at least, but doesn't care about hiding the face markings. It's Paris, there are worse looks out there right in the street.

She shifts her posture, her hip against his and one hand gesturing, a portal starting to open, showing an alleyway, "I can still race you through the portal.." and then she hops on to the other side, coming to a late afternoon, chilled Paris.

Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs, "cheater," saying to race to a portal she opens, and too late for him to move. Although he is through a fraction of second after her. Paris, right. He glances around with poorly disguised curiosity. "So... you come here often?" He asks, glancing at the purple-haired girl.

Briefly, because there is the Eiffel Tower. Considerably larger than Lady Liberty, so pretty cool. He has seen enough pictures and movies he has a good mental map of the city. But where to go first?

Blink has posed:
"Hey, I take any advantage I can find." Blink retorts through a laugh. She perhaps find it ironic someone with those powers would call her a cheat! It shows on her grin, "Specially against Superboy." she wraps her long coat more around her form then, closing a few buttons. Not exactly friendly weather.

Eyes roam the surrounding, she stepping to the end of the alleyway, "Not often, but then again..., it's one of my flaws.., there's so much to see that I never stay in one place for too long..." perhaps that translates to other parts of her life too.. "I know a good place, come." she gestures with one hand for them to step out and begin to walk down the road, down a street filled with tourist caffee spots, giving a good view of the Eiffel tower.

Superboy has posed:
Conner almost never cheats. Usually! "Can't blame you? I did a bit of travelling myself when I... well, when I could," when he escaped the labs, rather. "I guess I am the settling type, though. I am turning into a real New Yorker."

Which in retrospective it is not necessarily good, but whatever!

He is a bit wary, since in his experience when Clarice goes in public some jerks are likely to make some stupid comments. But if they are doing that they do in French, so he is missing it.

Blink has posed:
The purple hair, but it's more the markings on her face really, do raise some eyebrows but no comments are made. At least for now. And not that Clarice seems to notice, perhaps she has learned to live with that. Hands slip inside her pockets, "Slippers, fireplace and a good cup of tea?" she teases Conner, eyes going over his form up and down. "You don't seem the type for that."

They get close to a cafe and she lifts one hand up to greet a woman serving coffees over the counter. "Allo, Clarice. L'habituel?" to which the girl replies. "Oui." then she looks up at Conner, "What do you want to eat? It's been long enough that I don't know what your current likings are."

Superboy has posed:
"No, I mean I like to have a place of my own," replies Conner. "Somewhere to return, close to my friends. Well, close is a bit loose for us, I guess. Still, where they can find me easily," he explains.

He looks a bit surprise when the waitress recognizes Clarice. But it seems cool, and he smiles. "Same as always. I like most everything, but sweets the most. Do they have chocolate?" He can smell it.

Blink has posed:
"Oh.." Clarice replies, for a moment thoughtful, maybe considering it a jab at her choices, and at having disappeared. She smiles faintly, "We all have our nature. Though our community has been rising too. Schools for our kind. And now Genosha has become more stable as well." apparently not too afraid to talk of that place with Conner.

"And of course they got chocolate.." eyes turn to look down the rows of croissants, lifting two fingers to the serving woman and then pointing to a couple of chocolate-oozing croissants, "Pour mon ami."

Superboy has posed:
"That is good, I guess so many superpowers make the rebuilding easy and fast," comments Conner. Actually, it must be interesting to see. But he has not been in the island since Clarice had to go in some mysterious mission and they stopped talking to each other.

In his defense his cellphone got destroyed along all his contacts. Not much a defense, he had been careless not to have it duplicated in a safe cloud space like Robin had told him a million times he should.

Blink has posed:
The two croissants are served, those apparently all for Conner, Clarice knowing how hungry the man can be. And then another is server for her, a simpler one, just with cream on top. She gestures towards the coffee machine and once they have a couple of them served she walks to a table to settle down with her goodies. "It had to be destroyed. We'd never allow what..., happened there to have a chance to return." there is a sharpness to her tone that is normally uncommon but then again it isn't much of a surprise to someone who knows of her past, or suspects of it.

"But tell me more about what you have been up to these years. College? What else?" The smile again returns and she takes a bit out of her croissant, chewing loudly. "Mmmm, I may or may not have a crush for these croissants." she winks.

Superboy has posed:
Conner actually has no need to eat much if he has sunlight. But he still eats regularly, it is one of his vices. Pizza, sweets and soda. What can he says? He was raised in a virtual reality, real food is great!

No comment about what Clarice did in that mission. He is curious, but given her expression, it is not a fun matter. Maybe some day, if they become close friends again.

"What else?" He shrugs, eyes on the croissants. Yum. "The never-ending fight against crime, of course. Uh... super-villains, crooks, good teammates who watch my back, Friday pizza meetings and a couple close calls. Last one because of a hat, of all things."

Blink has posed:
Well, the energy for those portals has to come from somewhere, so Clarice just goes through her croissant in a .., blink.., already half of it eaten up. Maybe she is going for a record of some kind. "You were with .., the titans right?" it's not as if she follows the other superhero groups very closely, then she smiles her genuine smile. "I am glad that you have found friends that keep you happy." she leans forward a bit, resting her elbows on the table.

Curiosity gets the better of her, squinting her gaze at Conner and asks. "A ..., hat? I feel there's a story behind that. Want to share?" a grin then, almost as if those years without talking hadn't went by.

Superboy has posed:
Conner shakes his head. "Nah, not the Titans. I was in Young Justice before meeting you," he explains, "and then when Robin, now Red Robin, asked me, I joined his Outsiders team."

He grins about the hat story. But first he munches one of the croissants. "Well, there is one of those wackos from Gotham that has a thing for hats. He goes by as the 'Mad Hatter' but he is actually one of those mad genius types. So he managed to put a hat in my head and I almost killed two of my friends. It was... er, weird. Not as silly as it sounds." Nothing to laugh at in retrospective, but it was mildly amusing because of how crazy the Hatter was.

Blink has posed:
"Well, how -many- Robins are there now anyway? I always lose track.." Easy joke really, Blink just smiling a little again and nodding her understanding at that. But the name of that group makes her quirk a brow. "Outsiders.." she echoes the word, and continues her interrogation. "What does it do?" genuine interest in her tone while they talk.

The talk on hats make her murmur, "Nothing wrong with having a thing for hats..." maybe she won't suggest for Conner to see her collection anymore. She listens quietly and then frowns a bit. "Mind control?" she shudders, she has met a few of those, never a good experience.

Superboy has posed:
How many Robins? Uh, tricky question. Conner has met a couple and heard of another couple. "Beats me," he mutters as response. Not important!

"Yes, it was mind control," and yes, all hats are suspicious now. Well, they were for a time. Clarice's collection is probably safe now. "Your turn to tell me about one of your adventures," he decides, attacking the second croissant.

Blink has posed:
"It was a joke..!" Clarice rolls her eyes at Conner when he actually seems to consider how many there were, but lets out a soft laugh. Though the matter they speak of next is a bit more serious, so she sobers up. She has finished up her own croissant now and eyes Conner's second one when he starts eating it, gluttony in her eyes and mind.

"My adventures, mmm." She considers it a moment, "I went to the moon a while back. Yes, it seems I can portal up there." a dangerous prospect now that she thinks of it, who knows what the limits of her powers are?

Superboy has posed:
Conner notices her watching and tears the croissant in two parts, giving Clarice the unbitten one. "You should have asked for two, they are great," he comments with a faint smirk. "The moon, really? Woah," that is quite an impressive feat. That is over 30 times the maximum distance between two points on Earth. "Was it hard? I mean, you usually don't get tired from portaling on Earth, right?"

Blink has posed:
"I am simply making sure you stay fit." Clarice replies, both her brows arched and her expression as if she was hurt at that comment, but it's a fake, playful one. She reaches up to get the croissant, fingertips briefly brushing on the exchange. After a bite is taken she nods. "It was hard. Or at least harder than here. I can get tired if I use my powers for too long of a time. Specially if I have some javelins ready." she explains.

"And of course that it didn't go perfectly. Who would account for a solar flare getting us off-course.." She mutters a bit to herself but then shrugs. "But it came out fine in the end. So yes, when you want to get tossed to the moon I can oblige." another wink in the end there.

Superboy has posed:
"It is just a bunch of grey rocks and holes in the ground up there," handwaves Conner. "Still, it is pretty awesome you can get that far," he admits. Not very practical, but quite the feat to port all the way there.

"I am always fit, girl," he states, flexing his arm with a smile. And he is. He looks larger and more muscular than two years ago. More like Superman himself, really. But he is almost twenty one now. "You are fine yourself, hmm? So you should eat all the croissants you want today. We had not seen each other in too long, my treat."

Blink has posed:
"Well, I am sorry if it's not a big feat for Mr. 'I can fly and breathe in space', you have probably been there a few times already." But Clarice can't help but laugh a bit about it, tone joking, at the same time getting a bit of chocolate on a cheek. She pauses to have a bit of her coffee and then eyes Conner when he goes about flexing, eyes drawn to the man's arms.

"Yes, like always.." she finds herself murmuring then shakes her head to herself, "But no no, this half will be just enough, I like to indulge but not too much." Blink is twenty one now as well and she seems to have spent her time all but idle, body having become more fit and sculpted than it was two years ago. More a woman and less a girl, even if the innocent look can sometimes still be glimpsed.

Superboy has posed:
"Chocolate," murmurs Conner, reaching for Clarice's cheek to clear it out. "Been there a few times, but..." he handwaves. The League has a base, but it is kind of secret. Mostly.

Superboy has posed:
"Chocolate," murmurs Conner, reaching for Clarice's cheek to clear it out. "Been there a few times, but..." he handwaves. The League has a base, but it is kind of secret. Mostly.

"You seem healthy enough," he confirms. "Indulge away". Winter clothes hide her shape, but to Conner she seems to have grown up, at least in attitude. "Did you go to that secret mutant school you mentioned, after all?"

Blink has posed:
"Oh, thanks..." An owlish blink given when Conner cleans the chocolate out of her cheek, then she helping out with the napkin once the fingers leave her face. "This place is great to be honest, it's not like I come here to Paris often but ..., when I do I make sure to stop by." Clarice then leaning forward in a bit and whispers in a low tone, "I have a few places around the world that I have been discovering just like this."

But now she is getting close to the end of that chocolate croissant. The last question makes her hand-wobble. "Sort of. I don't officially go to the school. I think I am more like an .., exchange student for them. I drop by often, mostly accompanying a dear friend of mine."

Superboy has posed:
"Exchange student," smirks Conner. "Only here for the parties," he adds, because sometimes it feels that is what exchange students are about. He has never heard Clarice says she was going to a party.

"Well, not Genosha seems to be a peaceful place," surprisingly Magneto has not started a war in three years. "Maybe you can hang out with Americans more often, hmm? I'd like to see you more."

Blink has posed:
"I am the smart one." Blink winks back at Conner at his smirk but then shakes her head, "But no, it's more about fulfilling my duties. It helps when it's done for a friend though." not that she goes into detail on the bodyguard job she does. "But parties aren't really my thing too easy to... You know." she gestures to where her ears are covered by her purple hair.

"Genosha only wants peace." Blink says in agreement, "And ..." a pause then before she continues. ".. maybe I can. I would like that. I will need your new number though."

Superboy has posed:
"I heard they have wild parties in Mutant Town," comments Conner, grinning again. His cell number? Of course. "I changed it a few weeks ago. This is a secure Waynetech account, Robin set it up," he gives her the number and then adds, "what is yours? Not sure if it will work from Paris, but I can send you a message."

Blink has posed:
"Mine will." Though don't ask her about roaming taxes, it's not like Clarice even knows it most likely. She exchanges numbers and just in case signals over to the counter and walks near to get a pen, proceeding to write it down on a napkin. She returns and offers it. "Just in case you run into an emergency and your phone is destroyed." she does grin playfully but hey, it's entirely possible. "And are you talking out of experience of these .., wild parties?" she quirks a brow.

Superboy has posed:
"Hah, I got a few of those at college," admits Conner, taking notes. "And I hear things. But no, I have rarely been in M.T. since we, uh... stopped dating each other. I heard things are a bit better there. Safer at least."

Looks like they are out of food, so he waves for the waitress, and pays using his cellphone too. "I gotta be back to New York soon. I have a philosophy final this afternoon. But hey, I want to see the Eiffel Tower first. Want to come?"

Blink has posed:
"In a way they are." But Clarice keeps her tone neutral at that, not really elaborating on the things they need to do to make sure it stays safe. But then she grins. "And so, wild college parties.. I can imagine..." she probably can't, never having been to college, or in any real school unless we count her stays at Xavier's from time to time. There's a bit of a knowing smirk on her lips though but the mention of going to the Eiffel makes her perk up.

"Sure. Flight, portal or walk?" Getting up to her feet she adjusts her coat, offering a wave to the french woman behind the counter. "Merci."