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Latest revision as of 05:59, 12 December 2019

Date of Scene: 10 December 2019
Location: Jean's Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean invites Wanda for tea and refreshments as a thank you for her help in magically protecting the school.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Scarlet Witch

Phoenix has posed:
It has been a short while since the Scarlet Witch completed casting the protective spell over the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, but already Jean was having to deal with fewer fires, and deal with fewer inqueries. That reduction from the daily headaches she has to handle was much appreciated, and so she invited Wanda to join her for tea at her office. A table has been set at the center of the office with some light refreshment and a pot of boiling water, several choices of tea on hand. Jean having joined Wanda the moment she came to the school, walking her towards her office. "I have to tell you, Wanda, what you've done here is a godsend, I can't thank you enough!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Nothing immediately denotes Wanda as special or strange, which is fairly helpful in a world where people with different complexions, skin composition, and vestigial limbs get the short end of the stick. Her smart burgundy coat swaddles her against the cold and her usual array of simple bobby-pins hold her hair from her face. So the sight of her and Jean walking together probably looks like two friends chatting or a prospective guest taking a tour around the facilities. She matches stride with the redhead, her hands tucked into her coat pockets until they enter into the school proper and then the office. Any discomfort felt by the sorceress from the cold fades away, and she smiles, taking in her surroundings. "Thank you for having me," she tells Jean. "I trust you haven't been running into any issues. I can make the changes as necessary. I am only ever a call away if you find a deficiency." There's something to be said for the way she looks around her, perhaps seeing things visible only to her.

Phoenix has posed:
"I can't pretend to understand the way magic work, though we do have Illyana around when we need to work with it..but your work is truly appreciated, and it's been perfect. I haven't had to explain any oddities to anyone, or face any visitors from the board of education since..." Jean makes mention of it with a relieved voice. "I figured some tea and refreshments would do well, even though you're not British, I trust we all can appreciate a good relaxing moment or two..." Jean gestures for Wanda to join her as she sits down at the table and pours herself some orange blossom tea. "How's life as an Avenger? Or do you have other more magical things that keep you busy?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Illyana's reputation is considerable," Wanda says, her lightly accented voice full of warmth. "Giving safety and security to your students is reward enough. We can be our own worst enemies as teenagers, no need to add the risk of blowing out a pipe or setting off a geyser that draws in upset geological survey officials too." Her smile lifts with a slight measure of familiarity clearly there; it's a bit rueful. "It's an advantage not everyone has. This hopefully lets them worry more about their studies and less about an agent from a government department or the tax office coming in to cause headaches." She gives a bright smile to the offering of the tea, about to reach for it to pour before Jean does that herself. With a laugh, she settles on the seat and smooths her hands over her coat like one might a dress. "That smells absolutely wonderful. You would not have to twist my arm much in the first place, but I must find out where you get the tea from. Heavenly." A content sigh lifts on the air. "Life as an Avenger is always busy. I regret to say that sometimes, others don't know to leave well enough alone. If it's not an alert about a bad decision, it is a bad decision dropping in a domino effect. Though, luck willing, this week has been quieter. I always hope the holidays will bring a renewed sense of peace and goodwill. Maybe this will be the year." Eternal optimist, or simply reflecting the will of so many? She takes a cup of tea for herself. "And you? It must be very challenging to keep everything on track here, especially with attention on Christmas, Hannukah, and the like."

Phoenix has posed:
"It cerrtainly surpasses mine, I can't even guess what card you picked in a deck," Jean laughs as Wanda flatters Illyana. "No kidding, most of them don't even realize I save them from themselves, to be fair, I bet the Professor has some stories on how I was just like them." Having poured a cup to Wanda and herself, Jean smiles at the genuine sounding compliment, "it is actually a small shop in Salem, I can show you later if you care to," Jean enjoys a sip herself, truly glad it came out well. Good thing Betsy taught her how to properly make tea. "It's always a headache, I'm still stunned that I'm even trying to do the Professor's job, I never expected to get the chance to be in his shoes so to speak."

She grins at the mention of life as an Avenger, before asking, "what's it like to work with all these guys? Steve? Tony?" She pauses a moment before adding conspiratorily, "Thor?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda laughs again against the rim of her teacup, bringing the vessel to her lips for a long, appreciative sip. The very scent is beguiling, hinting at summer instead of a soggy grey New York winter. "Wisdom is only possessed by the aged, my teacher used to tell me. Usually after shaking her head at some disaster committed by impulse or reckless desire. We can agree it's much easier to appreciate the follies of youth without living them day to day. I do not miss it, truth told." Her hands clasp around the warm china, and she basks in the heat of the brewed drink. "I would love to know where you found it. Good tea is not appreciated enough in this country." Transia is a nation in the crossroads of Europe where such things are probably less expensive than coffee. "Have faith in yourself. Taking on a burden like leadership isn't easy, true. But I like to think everyone finds their own ways of doing things, and given enough room to develop that style, they will thrive."

The slanting look given to her of a sort is returned with a poker face of considerable talent, if not up against an empath. The odds then are a bit stacked. "Sometimes I forget how famous they are. Of course, it all comes to a head when Tony buys an island or people stop Captain Rogers in the street to thank him, which might be a fan nearing ninety or nineteen. They have their fame, and in a sense, I'm lucky to move through that bubble that would keep us separate otherwise." A gentle nod acknowledges that. "I am neither a queen or a god or someone of that kind of legend. And that's what they are, really. Legends made and growing, so it grounds me. Or at times, I have to remind them." Then the spark alights vivid green-gold eyes.

Phoenix has posed:
"Nor do I, but I made my choice to follow the Professor's footsteps," Jean muses, albeit he's more or less placed her in charge before he left to deal with space issues. So, it's not entirely accurate. "I agree, I learned to appreciate tea better from Betsy, she's terrific." She smiles at Wanda's encouragement, and nods, "thank you, Wanda. Do you partake in teaching? Perhaps young magic users? Or is that something you don't care for? I can only imagine how risky it might be."

While an empath among her many other talents, Jean isn't intrusive, and takes Wanda's words at face value without casting doubts or checking deeper. "It must be thrilling," she muses, imagination runs wild despite of her own considerable experience. "It has to be more exciting than running a school, that's for sure!"

Phoenix has posed:
"I just want you to know, Wanda, that much like you helped us here, if the Avengers ever need help with the ways of the mind, or any other help we can provide, I'm easily reached," Jean remarks as she slides her card towards Wanda, before offering a refill on the tea.