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Latest revision as of 08:06, 16 December 2019

Of Kings and Queens and Everything in Between
Date of Scene: 14 December 2019
Location: Lorna's Room (North Halls); Xavier's School
Synopsis: Roberto picks Lorna up after she falls apart.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Sunspot

Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane was in a mood. The kind that had been frequently visited upon her father in his more... troubling days in which the Brotherhood had done perhaps their least well thought out and more violent plan. It had been decades since then, certainly, but it was a darker mood than Roberto was used to seeing on the magnokinetic beyond her general depressive moods.

Lorna had not returned to the apartment last night, and in fact, hadn't responded to any messages until this morning. In which she'd responded to any inquiries with a terse. 'In bad mood. At Mansion.'

She had promptly cancelled any and all of her Genosha duties or ties for the weekend at least, and ignored everything else. When Roberto finds her.. he finds her room rather in poor conditions. It looked as if every article of clothing had been ripped up and thrown all over her room's floor. Her bed was a bundle of blankets in which she'd huddled herself into with an empty bottle of wine on her bedside table, and her TV on.. A quick glance would show that she was watching some kind of a period drama that was several years old. Another glance or two, if Roberto cared to look, was that it was the Tudors playing.

Sunspot has posed:
That Lorna is moody is something Roberto knew before asking her out. It doesn't matter to him. He can usually cheer her up, or stay out of her way with some excuse or another if it plan A is impossible. Plan A is in his head today when he gets to the mansion as the sun goes down.

A glance to the room makes him seriously consider plan B. "Hey," he starts, talking quietly. He sneaks inside and closes the door. "Bad day at work, princess?" He asks, sitting at the edge of her bed and glancing at the TV briefly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced up briefly from the TV, her green eyed gaze swinging toward Roberto as she popped another handful of popcorn into her mouth and with her other hand patted the bed. "You see," She nodded to the show playing on the screen. "The King has taken a wife that's almost his daughter's age, if not younger than Mary. His eldest one. Older than Elizabeth, but not by much. And he's making her greet this new wife." She murmured, and grabbed another handful of popcorn.

"I think Catherine Howard was wife five? Yeah.. five." She'd clearly been binge watching the show. And on screen it played out just as Lorna said, the green haired woman was clearly fixated.

"And he's //so// old, and already has three kids, and I can't //imagine// why he'd go for a hot young blonde that doesn't have a thought in her head besides her self interest... but whatever."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto looks to Lorna, then to the TV, then to Lorna. Something does clink in his head. "Magneto is flirting with Rogue again?" He asks, sounding vaguely amused. "You know, it is a bit odd, but it is not as if there are many women of his age around he can date. Much less mutant ones. He can hardly woo a non-mutant given his current political situation."

Wait. Lorna said 'blonde'? But was she talking about the movie or her father? Roberto decides not to keep talking until more information is given.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a disgusted sound at the back of her throat as King Henry praised the young blonde queen, kissing her hand and toasting Queen Catherine on the screen. She reached for her half empty glass of wine and glanced back to Roberto. "Not Rogue, no." She scowled, as if it was utterly obvious. A huff of a breath followed as the King introduced the Queen to someone else in the court.

"He's.." Her voice cut off and she took another long drought of the wine in her glass. A deep red wine. She'd clearly been working through the bottle for who knows how long by now.

"It's Frost. He's been with her for months. They decided to just tell me." She sneered, her lips twisting into a deep set and loathing scowl. "After all the shit he gave me over //you//. After he refused to call you anything but 'That Man' and threaten to kill you." The lights above flickered as Lorna's voice dipped low into a pitch of scorn and livid anger.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto blinks surprised, frowns. Then hehs. "But of course," he murmurs, as if suddenly everything made sense. "And Frost Industries is not dealing with Genosha. Well, not openly, I am sure there are many under the table deals through shell companies."

Roberto grins, reaches with an arm, and pulls Lorna closer. "Emma can handle him, the question is, can he handle the White Queen?" Because terrifyingly powerful as Magneto can be, in matters of manipulation and subterfuge Roberto is pretty sure Emma has him massively outgunned. "This means, though, he can hardly complain about your choices, so good for us."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna did not seem amused that Roberto grinned and tugged her close. Her whole posture prickled and she practically dropped the popcorn bowl balanced on her lap from the movement. "Frost Industries is not dealing with Genosha privately or quietly. It's open now. I don't know how I missed it. They're building all over. I demanded the Council give me their records and it goes back months. She's had everything fast tracked because she's sleeping with my father!" She snarled, her teeth gritting together as she tried to pull away from Roberto in a fit of righteous anger.

"And she had the nerve to try to tell me that 'If you're worried about the crown, Lorna, I don't want it. Stop acting like a child Lorna.'" She mocked Emma's accent as she spoke, and her fingers rose to create air quotes. In her anger the screen on the TV blurred from the electromagnetism that flucated in the air about her.

"He swore he wasn't going to lie to me anymore or keep things from me and then //this//!"

Sunspot has posed:
"Hey now, what he does in private is his business, hmm?" Points out Roberto. "You don't ask him for permission either. Perhaps you are getting too possessive with the old man. Magneto is definitely old enough to pick his lovers." And if Emma 'breaks his heart' that would be a mildly amusing event. But certainly Magneto can easily survive such kind of trouble.

"Lying by omission, you mean," points out Roberto. "I guess he will always do that, because he trusts no one and always has a backup plan or three. Otherwise he would have been rotting in jail for twenty years. Just... I guess we can all learn about planning, yet still remember there are a few people we can always trust. I think he has forgotten."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna burst into tears abruptly, and was likely entirely due to the drinks, her anger, or her usual mercurial moods. "No! You don't understand," She pulled away entirely from Roberto, sliding to the edge of her bed then and nearly tumbling off. She sniffled, blinking rapidly as she smeared her make up even further. Tracks of black mascara staining the back of her hand.

"It's not private when he's King of Genosha and everything he does has an impact on our people! He gave me the self same lecture the other day. Telling me how when I am Queen that everyone will watch everything I do and how .. how horrible you are for Genosha. How I can't be with someone that is critical of how Genosha is run and calls him a despot. How everything I say, or do is watched and how people will judge me for it, including who I date!" She was shaking now, and the TV flickered into pure static now. The light bulb flickered dangerously, and there was a magnetic tang to the air about her. Of iron and steel.

Sunspot has posed:
Ah, so hypocrisy on her father's part? But publicly Emma Frost is not a bad match. Except perhaps among those super-heroes that have butted heads with the White Queen and the Hellfire Club. But Magneto's stock among super-heroes is already sub-zero.

Roberto sighs. "Calm down, Lorna, please," he says, offering her a hand. "You might have some reasons to be annoyed with him. But there are better ways to deal with the problem that," he gestures at the room, and the bottle. "Than this, hmm?

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's hands curled into fists on her lap, her back turned against Roberto as she hunched forward and squeezed her eyes shut. "Emma Frost continues to belittle and talk down to me like I'm an idiot and gets offended when I call her on her behavior. Now I know why," She grit her teeth together, "And it's all because this woman was screwing around in Genosha. I refuse to deal with any of this anymore." Her frame twisted about back to face Roberto, her jaw squared and her eyes glimmering with a torrent of strong emotions.

"I don't want the fucking crown or anything to do with them. Let them sink. Everyone hates my father and I've fought tooth and nail to gain Genosha alliances and earn some modicum of goodwill for the island and then he trashes you. Tells me how you're wrong for Genosha and me, and th-this.." Her voice cracked again. She was spinning in circles emotionally, over and over again. And it was apparent just why she'd tried to avoid everyone around her.

"I'm not calling her 'mom', she's two years older than me.." She muttered, her voice thick, her throat stinging.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto shakes his head, moving to sit at Lorna's side and hearing her ramblings with a degree of disbelief. Drunk, maybe? "Hey, hey. Genosha is not Magneto, and should never be. This is one of the reasons my monarchies are outdated and no longer taken seriously except in some backwater countries. And for what I see Magneto has been pressuring you unfairly about... freaking public relations matters? Whatever you do, almost anything, can be spin the right way." So yes, Lorna is right, but also, "that is him being him. Trying to control everything and everyone. Too old to learn to be a good father, love, but he is not the worst either. You knew this."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna curled toward Roberto, making to wrap her arms around him and simply clung. Oh yes, she was decidedly drunk, and it would only take a glance at the half way empty bottle to prove it. After all, magnetism did not come with a high metabolism for handling such things. The green haired Princess practically climbed onto her boyfriend's lap then, burrowing her face against his shoulder and the heat that radiated off him.

She seemed content to just do that for a long while, sniffling softly from time to time and trying to drunkenly process her thoughts and feelings. It was a sluggish thing, but eventually Roberto's words started to sink in.

"Yeah.." She breathed, against the collar of his shirt. "You're right.." She closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering gently.

"I'm just scared that something awful is going to happen. That Frost is working some angle, that .. I don't know.. that there's more going on than I can see."

Sunspot has posed:
Clingy Lorna is always welcomed into Roberto's lap. Oh boy. She is clearly drunk, though, so he needs to be the sane one this time. "Frost having an angle, hrm?" That is a fair point. But she has been accepted in the school and even taught for a time. Maybe they can be optimistic there.

Taught at Xavier's. Just like Magneto. Hah.

"I suppose so. There might be something and she might not have the best intentions for Magneto and Genosha," considers Roberto. "On the other hand if she messes it up she would become hated by most mutants. I don't think she wants that."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna continued to cling to Roberto, sniffling softly as she seemed content to just hold onto him. "What do you think I should do?" She mumbled, drawing back slowly, and holding onto Roberto's shoulders to steady her so that she might not tumble down over the side of her bed. She exhaled a breath, her eyebrows furrowed sharply together.

"Do you think I should just suck it up and go back? Pretend that .. it doesn't bother me and deal with it?" She bit her lower lip, tilting her head to the side.

"Or do you think that .. that I should walk away from it?"

Sunspot has posed:
"I don't think you should pretend," replies Roberto, hugging the slender woman. "But I also think right now you are not in good condition to make the decision. You are too upset right now. Give it a few days and then examine the problem with some distance. Then make a decision. I will be there for you regardless."

And he might also be a little upset to make the decision now. Magneto ability to make Lorna's upset is starting to look like his secondary mutation.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled weakly, leaning forward again to rest her forehead against Roberto's.. or at least try to. There might have been more of a slight bump included, awkward and drunken as Lorna was at the given moment. "You're not going to tell me that I should quit being crown Princess and just walk away and leave it all behind?" She mumbled, her voice soft and her tone wandering.

"Wouldn't it be easier then? I could... could just be me. I could.. stay here, with you.. all the time. Be an X-man and just... do whatever.." She continued, trailing off. "Like Pietro and Wanda.. whatever I wanted.. and let my father live with his choices.."

Sunspot has posed:
"That would be good for you, but I am not sure if it would be good in general," comments Roberto. Lorna can do a lot of good in Genosha, after all. Then again, they are probably not going to agree about what is good for Genosha.

"Your siblings might have the right idea, though. They have dealt with your father for longer and decides to stay away from him," he frowns. "Like I did with my own father. Which now I regret. So I don't know if there is a perfect solution, Lorna. But I hate to see you upset."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed softly, her shoulders falling slightly in consideration. "We could be happy. Just us.." She added, her green eyed gaze searching his face. But it was clear that she wasn't entirely convinced herself on what to do. To abandon Genosha, her father.. everything she'd worked for years on.. Or to stay. To deal with the new situation presented to her and .. do what exactly? Therein lied a gaping question.

Pietro and Wanda had long ago written off anything to do with their father in terms of politics. They were heroes now. Avengers.

And here she was.. heir. But for how long?

"Pietro hates him.. And well, I can't blame him. Father admitted that he's lying to Pietro too about something important. And I don't know what. It's just.. it's all lies. As much as I love my father.. every time I blink, there's a new lie. He's constantly manipulating people. Maybe him and Emma deserve each other."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto hrms. "Manipulation and lies are not going to lead to any healthy relationship," here remarking the obvious. Still... "then again I have to wonder if Magneto and Emma Frost are able to anything different. Perhaps that is the closest they can get to love."

He sighs, "look, I think you need to stop thinking about... all this. If only for a few hours. You are spiraling into depression again. Let me get you out of here."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, a bitter sound as she reached up with a hand to press against his jawline. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She murmured, smiling weakly as she listed to the side faintly and she swallowed hard a lump that formed at the back of her throat.

"You've seen me at my worst... and you've ... you haven't run away." She leaned in to press a kiss to his lips, quick and brief.

"You're a gift. Why can't my father see that?" She murmured, her eyebrows furrowing faintly together. Her gaze swept over him and she shook her head slightly. "I'm too drunk to go anywhere.."

Sunspot has posed:
"I know, right? I am great," replies Roberto with a cocky grin. But then he sighs. "I have also seen you at your normal and you are a good woman. Ups and downs I can handle as long as you are wonderful on the average."

And Magneto is not really the best judge of character, is he?

"I will carry you, hmm?" He is not kidding, he stands up with Lorna in his arms. "Now, lets see. You probably need a shower, then maybe punch something. I hope the Danger Room is free."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned slightly as Roberto spoke, even as he spoke of her ups and down. Admittedly they happened far more often in the last few months than they had for a while.. but.. at least she wasn't alone. That salved some of her bitterness, and she squeaked faintly, laughing as he stood up with her in his arms. She held onto him, not overly tightly, but all the same. Even if he had more than enough strength to carry her.

"I don't think the Danger Room is a good idea when I've polished off a bottle of wine.. ya know.." She drawled, and she glanced briefly at the destruction of her clothes. Many of them had been gifts at one point or another by Emma Frost. She did not regret shredding them to bits.

"I should clean up after.."