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Latest revision as of 07:00, 19 December 2019

Gone in a Flash....
Date of Scene: 18 December 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: A potential icy disaster is adverted.
Cast of Characters: Kid, Flash

Kid has posed:
Well, the snow wasn't letting up anytime soon! With the park covered in white, and the ponds all iced, people enjoyed the winter festivties. Folks building snowman, kids waging wars of snowballs, and of course...

Many took to ice skateing! Some played hocket, bringing their own pucks and nets. Fling the puck to and fro. While others of the more adventurous short, took to figure skateing father up the massive pond.

The Ice was apparently quite thick, and few thought much of it, allow them to enjoy the frigid day!

Among those who enjoyed being father out was Kid. The large gorilla unsteadly skating on his feet, as if he barely felt the cold. Helped to be furry. Nearby him where several other people.

All seemed quite well with the world.

Flash has posed:
The Flash was born and raised in Iowa, before moving to Missouri, though there was that wonderful stint in Sun City, and now he had recently moved to Metropolis, not that it mattered. Point is, he was used to winter and water freezing over. He knew how to judge when the ice was safe to go on. You learn pretty fast in the heartland.

Those winters could be killer. Today, he was in New York, enjoying a pretzel after having delivered a criminal to New York, since he knew that he was guilty of crimes here. Technically a vigilante escorting a prisoner across state lines wasn't exactly by the book, but the Flash didn't stick around to explain, let alone prove where he had caught the wanted criminal.

So, before heading back, he wanted to enjoy a pretzel, a bagel, really, all kinds of food. He looked out over the park. "Nice place, not Central City, but nice."

Kid has posed:
The laughter and the joy goes on for what seems ever. As if for a brief moment, the cold of winter freezes the pristine image. A warm bagel, happy families, not a care in the world. Making the job og being a hero, delivering a criminal, so worth it.

But like an iceberg falling into an ocean...a wave of tragedy strikes. Theres a Sound of Thunder, a Cracking of Ice. Several screams fill the air.

The pond ice cracks, and in fall several people, adults and children! It was sudden, and the ice should have been thick enough. What could have happen? no one knew...

But suddenly there were folks gathering in lines, to form a chain as they try to pull people from the freezing water.

Kid himself goes under, slipping into the freezing cold, as the now mini-bergs of ice shift and shuffle, creating a terrain as hazardouse to cross as it was to be under.

Flash has posed:
"Oh no," the Flash said, having finished his bagel and only taken a few bites out of the pretzel. He dropped it, letting it hit the floor. He could have taken those few nanoseconds to wrap it in paper, set it down, or finish it, but right now, every portion of a second counted. People were in danger.

The Flash moved at blinding speed, the first thing he had to do was get people out of the water. The chain was a great idea, for ordinary human beings, but temperature really didn't mean a whole lot when you're the Fastest Man Alive. Water was a tricky one, but still something he could move through if doing it fast enough, and the speed force protected him against things like the impact of it.

Of course, once they were back on dry land, the next step would be warming them up...

Kid has posed:
Well there was certainly some confusion. More or less, no one has the kind of senses needed to keep up with the Flash. One moment they are underwater...or almost underwater, next thing they know...their on dry(ish) land. Most of the Kids are crying for their parents, which quickly come over to A) make sure their babies are alright and B) warm them up!

The folks forming chains blink as they realize no one was there anymore and quickly back off, not wanting to fall in themselves, and noted the amount of steaming ice around!

As for Kid, he coughs and shakes himself off. Before he was fine, but now he was definintely cold...and in a crowd of people. The Large gorilla...just plains back off...people were not his forteh especially in high stressed situations...or overly affectionate ones. This seemed a weird inbetween.

Flash has posed:
Taking one look at Kid, the Flash took off, running from big and tall store to big and tall store, until he came back with something that would suit the Gorilla. It'd be a tight fit, even for big and tall stores, there was a gap between big and tall guy, and actual gorilla. He also grabbed a few very large blankets for the guy... as well as regular sized ones for the people.

In the blur that is the Flash, he set piles around people who were already gathered, handed out to anyone kind of off on their own, even if that only meant a few feet away, and finally re-appeared before Kid, offering the really, really large coat. Thankfully the Justice League had a very generous expense account. Really, the hardest part was processing the transactions. Even with the Flash ringing them all up, charging them, and writing a note to explain what just happened to the poor clerks, the equipment could only go so fast. "Hey big guy, hope this fits. You look like you could use it?"

Kid has posed:
Folks gave their thanks as the Flash blurred past, giving out the blankets and coats...and they very readily used them. Sirens in the distance can be heard...as some people might need other forms of medical attention. But no lives would be lost this day.

As for Kid...when the Flash appeared...he seemed to narrow his eyes briefly...seeming to recognize him (in a not so friendly way)....but accepted the coat none the less. He signs "Thanks, runt" a synthetic (dieing) male following soon from a watch on his wrist...that may need some repair now. He slips on the coat, and as expected, it rips, not being made to fit a gorilla! But it was better than nothing.

Flash has posed:
"Yeah, sorry..." after the coat ripped, "it was the biggest one I could find." Cost a pretty penny too. Thank Odin that Batman didn't ask him to pay back these kinds of work expenses, especially on a forensic scientist's salary. The Flash was no doctor, but near as he could tell, none of the kids were in long enough for serious danger, and the paramedics would be here soon. Mostly, he was focused on the gorilla. Not knowing sign language, well, the Flash cheats. He disappears, running off to the local library, where he can read and memorise American sign language. A moment later, from everyone else's perspective, he re-appears and signs, "I am called the Flash. What's your name?" Of course, his knowledge of sign language wasn't permanent. Anything he learned through superspeed was fleeting.

Kid has posed:
"I know." Kid signs "Seen you and heard of you." he zips up the cozy coat, and a few more rips ensue, but he seems to appreciate it was warm...definintly warmer than his fur was at the moment. Still he seemed to grow unease as the sirens near. Glancing in their direction occasionly "Jua the name. You probably heard it before, but thanks for the save."

Flash has posed:
Signing, "You should probably get some place warm." That fur was soaking wet, and sure, gorillas were insulated, but it'd be better for him to be in a heated room, just like all those people will be shortly, some going home, others to the hospital, just to be certain. "Do you have a place?" No name had been given when he asked, so the Flash didn't press.

Kid has posed:
    Kid grunts "Great, you sound like my parole officer" he signs with a roll of his eyes. "But yea. Got a place. Not to far, just in hells kitchen." he stands up and shakes himself off before signing "I can see myself there, don't worry" he wasn't quite accostume to help, and he was sure he could get home just fine.

Flash has posed:
The Flash smiled as he signed, "you wound me. I'm just a nice person trying to help someone else out. I'm glad you have a place, and that it's not far." And then he disappeared again for a moment, coming back a few moments later holding a bag of food from Big Belly Burger, and offered it up, "in case you're hungry." Who knew what a talking, or at least signing gorilla would eat. And if Kid didn't want it, Flash certainly would have it.

Kid has posed:
Kid seemed in some ways...confused by Flash. The speedster was....alot friendlier than he expected in a way. He still had...alot of mixed infomation in his head. But he acceptd the bag of food. He peeked inside and his nose flares, hoping there was a nice meaty burger! Most folks got confused at a rilla liking meat, but he wasn't most rillas...but fries, or anything would do! Regardless, Kid was at least nice enough to offer Flash half of it to share.

Flash has posed:
"Nah, all yours big guy," the Flash signed and held up a hand in gesture to thank him, but not accept some of them back. There was a Double Bacon Cheeseburger, Large French Fries, and a Chocolate Brownie in the bag. Hardly healthy, but would sate most people's appetites, maybe even a gorilla. "I had two on the run over here." He lied. He had three.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Light Weight" indicating he thought Flash barely ate anything...and considering a healthy gorilla can pack away 40 pounds of food a day, it not surprising. Granted...considering flash's apetite, he can probably out do any gorilla in an eating contest! And with that he set off, munching and crunching, not minding if Flash tags along or not.