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Latest revision as of 07:02, 19 December 2019

Right place, wrong time
Date of Scene: 16 December 2019
Location: Mercy's Garage - West Harlem
Synopsis: Grant and Mercy meet behind her garage and then have a surprisingly nice lunch until Grant brings up drugs.
Cast of Characters: Aguila 6, Mercy Thompson, Zorro

Aguila 6 has posed:
The parking lot behind Mercy's Garage is nice and quiet. That's just what Grant Washington needs right now. He's conducting a business meeting on the cell phone that he's holding up to his ear with one hand while fooling with a tablet in his other. His situational awareness is high, checking the mirrors and looking around quite often to make sure that he's really alone out there, not wanting anyone to be eavesdropping.

Currently, Grant is dressed in civilian clothes. A black leather jacket is worn over a green knit shirt. His trousers are khakis and on his feet are hiking boots. Covering his hands are tight fitting leather gloves so he can use the touch screen features of his devices.

"Yeah. I did that job you wanted me to. Shot a grenade right into a dude's face, it was great. Anyway, I received the payment as well." He pauses, then raises his eyebrows, "Already? Sure. Aguila can handle that for you. How big a mess do you want me to make? Kill everybody, just who we need to, or go in quiet?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's the daughter of Coyote, yes, that Coyote...and she can just listen from the next room. Or given it's the parking lot, Mercy's stood by the wall to the door. She's wiping down wrenches, listening to everything going on. The whole 'grenade to the face thing gets her worried. Mercy thoughisn't sure if she should get involved. Is it really her place to, though? Mercy doesn't like to break the law. But...but.....

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Kill everybody? We can do that," Grant confirms over the phone, cracking a little bit of a smile. "Going to have to charge more if we're bringing that kind of heat down, you know." There's a pause as he listens to the other speaker. Once the other one is finished Grant'll chuckle a little bit, "Sure. Send me the details and we'll do it for you. You're a valued and discerning customer and we appreciate your repeat business." The phone will hang up a moment later and the mercenary will quickly punch in another number and call it, "Ruiz, it's Aguila 6. Prep the New York team, what's left of them, for an operation. We'll be going loud on this one so make sure we've got a couple of rocket launchers in case NYPD tactical shows up before we can bug out. Mission will begin tonight, some time after dark." There's a pause, "No, don't need Osprey. Regulars should cut it. They'll cut through those guys fast enough. Plus, anything they can't handle I'll bring down."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The back door nudges open, Mercy bringing out a bag of trash to put in a dumpster, she bumps the door closed with a hip and looks around the parking lot. Kinda empty without a Vanagon, Rabbit, Opel or whatever's in here on a daily basis. Mercy makes her way to the dumpster and opens it, trash goes in. Dumpster closes with a squeal and a thud. Mercy thankfully is just sitting on the dumpster, eyes closed. She's meditating, or at least looking like it. In actuality she's relaxing. Sure, relax atop a dumpster. Because she ran out of Italian cooking, or Belgian chocolate.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Yeah. That's all I've got for you," Grant tells the guy on the phone, still messing with the tablet at the same time. "Oh yeah, make sure the evac vehicles are closer this time. If I run into any more Avengers or members of the Fan Four I'll need to get away in a hurry." The phone is hung up moments later and Grant finds himself watching the woman sit on the dumpster, brow furrowing slightly. He doesn't let whatever's bugging him last long before returning to his tablet and muttering to himself, "I wish I'd know New York was this busy. Might have to see about deploying a mortar team, though."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's listening. She's taking it all in, eyes closed, hands on the dumpster as she slides off, feet finding asphalt. She moves a little, and peeks around the lot. Too empty. Kinda soulless, like the deserts out west. Mercy picks up her paceand strolls around the lot. She's looking like she's musing over things. Which to be fair she is.

Aguila 6 has posed:
After some time Grant's phone vibrates and he picks it up. He listens for a few seconds before nodding, "It's clear? Good." Then he presses the button to start the car's ignition. Before pulling out he looks at the woman pacing the lot once more, seeming to wonder about her, but there are other things on his mind. Like putting his tablet away and checking his mirrors.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's walking over. She's got her phone in handand waving, "Hey, hey" she calls, pausing walking. Sure, Mercy. Knock on the widnow why don't ya?

Aguila 6 has posed:
Now that woman is approaching his vehicle. Grant hears her call out and rolls down his window so that he can address her, "How can I help you?" Very polite sounding.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Yeah I was wondering if you needed my help with anything, I heard you out here in my parking lot, so I thought you maybe needed help with your car" Mercy says. It sounds lame. Really, really lame. But it is the truth. she's not bringing up just *what* she heard him say. That's asking for trouble. Still though, Mercy's a tiny, tiny bit on edge

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Oh, no thank you," Grant replies to the woman with a smile. "I just wanted to pull over so I wasn't talking on my phone or playing with my tablet while I drove and this spot looked good enough. I'm about to leave now so you don't need to worry about me taking up space any more." He flashes a smile, "Maybe you can recommend a quiet place to get a drink around here, though."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Ah I thought you needed help with car trouble" she says. She's respectful, to a point. The other bit of it? The content of just whaat she heard on that call. Or at least, one side of it. For all Mercy knows, he could have been talking to a brick wall. Or acting. Or...or....she's got that feeling what she heard was genuine. Which makes her fear for her store just a little. Her garage's been robbed once already. Her .444 can only do so much. Same for her purple belt in karate

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Nope, no car trouble," Grant replies with a small smile. "This one's a rental, anyway." He pats the dashboard with a gloved hand. "I saw on the front of your sign that you specialize in Volkswagens. That's cool. If anywhere has the scale to provide regular business fixing them it's got to be New York City." Quite casual, Grant doesn't betray any emotions other than curiosity.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods. "Rentals are a whole other beast. I do old and new German cars. Out of warranty, Rentals though. No. I don't tangle with the big firms. Too much paperwork honestly" she sighs and inspects the rental anyway. Force of habit. She does note the gloved hand, and is wondering why gloves, okay, fine, rentals are not the cleanest, but....gloves?

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Can't blame you there. I'm a business owner myself and I need to take care with the contracts I take on. Don't want to get stretched too thin," Grant explains, starting to smile ever so slightly. "I don't usually do this, but I've got some time to kill before I need to be anywhere. Can I buy you a coffee or lunch or something?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Sure!" Mercy says, "Where though?" she adds curiously, then cants her head. "You own a business. Well well, I thought you were, and I mean no offense, a salesman or a suit wearing executive. Not an owner. You're an owner though which makes you call th shots than take then" she says and nods. "Coffee or lunch. You pick" Mercy offers.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Lets do lunch. I'm from out of town so I'd just end up Googling something, unless you know a place nearby," Grant says with a broad smile. "Yeah, Aguila Corporate Innovations. We do team building with businesses, personality assessments, leadership retreats. It's been kind to me, very in demand." Looking around he says, "I'm not picky about what I eat, but I need to get something in me."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"You got it" Mercy adds. "Hm...West Harlem's got a few good eateries, or if you want to take the subway over to Queens or to Manhattan, good places there, or even Central Harlem?" Mercy offers. "Or literally go down the road, hang a right, and place there

Aguila 6 has posed:
"The place down the road sounds good to me," Grant nods. "You want a lift or would you prefer to meet there?" The question is asked in a relaxed sort of way, the man not wanting to come off as pushy or anything.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Yeah, down the road works fine for me" she offers and smiles. "I'll walk though, honestly it's quicker to walk with stop lights and things" she says with a grin. "I hear ya. I hear ya about contracts and things. "It's a pain, really. It's a pain" Mercy adds with a quiet shrug.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Alright. I'll meet you there," Grant tells the woman with a smile. "There's a lot of aspects of the business world that I'm still learning, but it's worth it to me. Lots of money to be made out there and I get to do what I love, which is great."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Sure thing. Yeah doing the things you love for work is good" Mercy adds with a nod, setting foot to ground. She's heading for food. Or, no. First, lock the garage. Then food. Then....yeah, lock the garage, food. And mull over what she's heard on the call, that's got her a little rattled.

Aguila 6 has posed:
As Mercy does her thing with the garage Grant drives the vehicle around the block to the restaurant she indicated. After searching for a parking spot he's probably likely to find her already waiting inside for him. When he gets out of the vehicle, though, he's got a brown satchel bag, likely to hold at least his tablet.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's got a table. She's smart like that and has settled in at it settling into the seat, she's settling back, looking around while waiting on Grant to park up and join her. With her hands on the table, Mercy studies the place, then peeks at the menu before setting it down and relaxing. Why's she so antsy, what's got into the coyote exactly? It's like, well, Mercy's nervous and she can'tg put her finger on why.

Aguila 6 has posed:
When he enters the restaurant Grant seems to spot Mercy right away and heads for her. The host and a server are given friendly nods as he makes his way through the establishment, not pausing until he reaches the table. Sliding down to sit across from his new acquaintance he smiles and says, "I realized on the way over that I didn't introduce myself. My name's Grant." His gloved hand reaches forward to pick up a menu so he can scan it for something that looks good.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy studies the menu and nods, "I'm Mercedes, or Mercy. Whichever you like" she smiles, studying the menu more. Looking to Grant over the top of her menu, she sets it down again tapping it with a finger. Pasta it is then. Mercy's not all that picky though really when it comes to food

Aguila 6 has posed:
The mercenary grins at the woman at his table, "Nice to know you, Mercy." When she places her order he mirrors it, "I'll have the pasta as well, please. With extra meatballs." Because protein. Grant's currently attired in civvies and has a satchel bag with him. In his seat at the table he leans back, relaxing in his seat.

For those in the know, Grant is a wanted man. He's implicated in at least one mass murder in the United States. Those who focus their attention closer on the criminal underworld may also know that he runs a mercenary company that will take almost any job if the price is right.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's ordered simple, quick to make and get to the table.She's ordered a grilled sandwich, grilled cheese and bacon, with fries in fact. Waiting on it she settles back, enjoying the idea of somebody else paying for lunch. It sorts her paycheck issues out, really. It sorts it out and keeps her lights on if she's not paying for food

Zorro has posed:
Hector Rodriguez walked into the restaurant and took a seat near where Mercy and Grant were sittng. As he waited for the waiter to show up and take his drink order, Hector pulled out his laptop and went on the internet. He was planning on doing research on a lawyer named Robert Fitzmuller, a lawyer who was rumored to be one of the most coruppt in the city. As he did he research, he took a look around the restaurant, and froze when he saw Grant. The man seemd to be very familiar looking, but he couldn't place a finger on it. He decided to subtly watch the man, pretending to read his menu, occasionally glancing at Grant.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Grilled cheese and bacon sounds good, too. If I come back here again I'll be sure to try that," says Grant to Mercy, smiling a little bit as he relaxes. Taking a look around the restaurant he spots Hector, but since he doesn't know the dude from Adam his gaze simply travels past, eventually returning to his companion. "How'd you get started working on German cars? Always been a fan? First car a Bug? I used to have a BMW a few years ago, when I was in the service. Now I travel so much I just rent wherever I end up."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs, "Nah, went to school, got a degree, ended up working under my old boss, bought the place. Honestly, needed money" Mercy says and stares at the menu again. "You were gonna buy me coffee, yes?" she asks with a nod. "Now what do you do for a living?" she asks. Curisoity's got the best of her.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"I'm going to buy you lunch, coffee included if you want it," Grant says to Mercy with a quick wink. "It's good to have your own business, in my experience. Gotta work hard to keep it up an running, but when you see your profits soar it's a feeling like no other." Then he chuckles a little bit, "I own Aguila Corporate Innovations. We specialize in leadership training, personality assessments and team building. Kind of travel the country taking on jobs, mostly from mid-sized corporations, helping them to make sure their employees are all that they can be. We do stuff like take them on nature excursions, have them play paintball, and do stuff like escape rooms and those painting lessons where you drink wine. The whole time we're coaching them on how to get along better, finding out their strengths and weaknesses and helping them find the best ways for them to work together."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head. "That's noble. No, seriously, that's noble" she muses and grins, "Yeah, coffee's included. I wonder....do they give those little chocolate mints?" Mercy asks with a look at the menu then to Grant, then over to the laptop guy, then finally back to the table. She's done people watching...

"You know, those little foil wrapped mints?" Mercy asks with a look in her eyes.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Thanks. I like doing it. Keeps me moving around, getting to know new people," Grant says with a chuckle. "You know this place better than I do. Couldn't tell you about the mints." His smile appears again, "I like them too, though. Nice little taste for after dinner, usually."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Oh yah the foil wrapped ones are good, the mint chocolate ones. See, it's the...ah you know the ones I mean right?" she asks with a knowing grin, food arriving as Mercy digs into the sandwich. Nodding, Mercy chews quietly for a moment.

Aguila 6 has posed:
It's obvious that Grant missed something the first time around. He leans forward a little, brow furrowing curiously, before his eyes widen and he says, "Oh. I get it." A broad grin appears on his face as he accepts his food and nods to Mercy. After the server departs and they can speak again Grant says, "Drugs. You mean drugs. Sure. Why the hell not?" But then he winks an eye, "I know what you mean, the other kind of after dinner treat."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy raises an eyebrow. "I don't know what you were...ah, drugs" Mercy says and chomps into her sandwich again with a shrug. She's got this whole law abiding thing going on. Which makes her choice of lunch partner all the more odd, really. Mercy's a trouble magnet however so there is that. Maybe trouble found her, and decided she needed to be bought lunch and coffeee?

Aguila 6 has posed:
"You know, I've never taken drugs?" Grant says after a second of thought. "Body is a temple and all that. I mean, I used to exercise professionally and get drug tested all the time. Now I just do assloads of crunches and cardio to keep my belly firm and my stamina high. As long as it's not something like crack or heroin, though, why the hell not?" Another pause, "It's not that I've got anything against them, I really don't care what adults do to themselves, I just don't want to develop a habit."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks up fro,m her sandwich. "I hear you. See, I just don't think it's a good idea to put that sorta stuff in. Body's a temple. Bah. You know, right?" Mercy asks. "They use hallucinogens in reituals in South America. You got communion wine, and all that fun stuff" Mercy says. She looks to Grant again. "You honestly tell me you've never takn drugs. Ever drank coffee? Caffeine. Caffeine's a drug" mercy points out. Now she's just being way, way too pedantic.

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Oh. Thank goodness, I was just trying to impress this good looking woman I just met with my willingness to try new things," Grant says, chuckling softly with relief. "Ayahuasca, right? Some of the guys from my company are South American. They mention it's popular with tourists looking to experience new horizons." Then he laughs one more, "Okay, I've used plenty of caffeine. Alcohol, too. And more than a few painkillers when I got blown up, but I've never used illicit drugs."