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Latest revision as of 03:45, 21 December 2019

It's beginning to look a lot like ...
Date of Scene: 20 December 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Babs wraps gifts, Charlie eats chicken, and they talk about the benefits of being viglantes in Gotham. Fin
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Misfit

Oracle has posed:
A Christmas Tree has been put in the Clocktower and decorated. Shortly after Thanksgiving, which begs the question exactly where does Babs get the time? She's seated on the couch now, wrapping presents, with something festive and seasonal playing on the big screen television.. Nightmare before Christmas as it turns out.

And wearing a matching pair of pajama bottoms.

Her hair is bundled up in a ponytail and she's wearing her usual redframed red glasses. A half glass of wine sits on a table nearby. Beneath said tree there's always a few dozen presents, most of which are for Charlie.. with a few for the boys, and three or four for Kate (even though she's Jewish... Babs has been playing the seasonal roulette okay).

Misfit has posed:
Honestly Charlie teleports all over the place and she isn't always sure how Babs finds the time. It is honestly really extra judicial use of ordering stuff online and delivert though as far as she can tell. I mean with the right apps and money people will delivery just about anything to anyone and they won't even be breaking the law doing it.

Okay they will also deliver shady stuff too right, though not that Batfam would order illegal stuff and have it delivered.

Charlie is pops into view near the top of the tree and plants a star right on top of it. Honestly it was missing the star in her opinion and her mom she thinks had one. The fact she got a ruby red star is an odd thing true.

Moments later she appears on the couch by Babs landing on the cushion with a plop. "ooo nightmare before christmas."

Oracle has posed:
Babs glances over her shoulder at the sudden appearing teen with her red star and grins, glancing back at the gift she's just finished wrapping. It's added to the small pile that are all stocking stuffer items, there are three of them hanging over beside the tree. Two of them are full already. "It's been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid." She admits with a side glance, taking out a pack of stylus' to start wrapping the small item.

"I never really asked if you liked Christmas... I hope you do, I really do..." Obviously. She'd /made/ time in a schedule that had absolutely no gaps to decorate the entire watchtower, including a nearly twelve foot tree full of decorations.

One visible from the bay if she changed the big clockface windows tint.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie considers then pops vaishing and appearing in the kitchen to start rooting in the fridge for something Alfred made and shipped over, settling on some fried chicken and a juice she pops back to the couch.


"I love Christmas.. I mean... this is all wild and unexpected... we never really had much of a Christmas other than ..well each other." she sounds a bit sad there thinking about it. "But we definitely celebrated it and mom got us what she could manage, a lot like birthdays really."

"Is Bruce doing a Christmas thing too or was that just Thanksgiving?"

Oracle has posed:
There's plenty of Alfred foods in there. Babs went for a re-up just the other day, in fact. The chicken parm Charlie liked, there's like three or four containers.

Including the juice that always seems to be a staple in the Gordon fridge.

"He will, yeah. We'll get together Christmas morning, usually. It's a busy time of year for us though..." Gotham doesn't care so much about the Christmas Spirit. Not like Babs, anyways. Grinning over at Charlie, sad grin, but still a grin. "I just want this one to be special for you, that's all. I think you deserve that this year."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie takes a bite of the fried chicken from the countainer cradling it in her lap as she works on devouring the delicious bird beast's drumstick.

"Honestly from what I can tell every time of year is a busy time of year... holidays... summer... weekdays.. weekends... it is kinda wierd when you stop and think about it. Why is there so much crime in Gotham... it is ... well if defies all the stats on crime in major cities..."

"But.. even Christmas morning with everyone and here with you... it doesn't matter if we are busy or not busy... it will be a good Christmas Babs." she smiles. "Honest... also Thanksgiving was so over the top I was not prepared... I feel a bit more prepared for Christmas morning..."

Oracle has posed:
Babs laughs and lifts her hands in a little shrug, "Gotham is... a very special place." special. "I've heard people say it sits on a helsmeth or something like that... at the center of several leylines. But whatever, it's like this because Gotham is... Gotham." Hard to explain really.

To the second part, Babs snickers, "Yeah, I tried to warn you.. you'll enjoy Christmas though. It's all pajama pants and opening presents, then we have a smaller dinner... Gordon christmas is even lighter than Thanksgiving. Dad doesn't take time off." Still, "We'll probably stay at the mansion and then come back here after.. you've got a bunch of stuff here too. Regardless, billionaire christmas' are /fun/."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie looks sidelong to Babs "I am pretty sure we aren't on a hellmouth... I mean where are all the demons."

She pauses and picks up a wing. "Okay sure we had demons.. lots of demons.. but those were new right.. there isn't like a long history of demons..."

"Maybe leylines.. we should ask that cute Zach magician internet star."

Yes she rambles. "I okay ..small dinner.. and presents.. I can deal with pajamas and presents.... I definitely will need to pack amazing pajamas... wait..what did Bruce get you last Christmas?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs laughs at the suggestion of Demons, "Well, think about Arkham... that place is straight up evil." She shrugs slightly and puts another small present on a pile, having nothing else to wrap. So instead she grabs her wine and takes a long sip.

"You realize I have the largest collection of vintage pajama pants on the East Coast? Possibly in the continental united states, right? MAYBE the world..." Her assortment of pajama pants is Legend-

"Wait, what? Cute Zach magician?" Squinty eyes..


Misfit has posed:
"Hmmm... well he is cute... he does seem a bit arrogant though on his show. Probably because he can do real magic.. which is frankly ridiculous that magic is even real."

"And yeah I've peeked in your closest... so many pajamas... but I mean I need to pick which of my pairs is perfect for Christmas..."

Oracle has posed:
"Oh I see..." Babs is still unpacking that, but then has to remember the girls like sixteen, so.. she shrugs, "Is this one of the Zatanas? I know his sister." Grinning sidelong, "If you ever wanted to meet him, I mean." Another sip of wine, she sets it back down after on the table beside her.

"Well, we can definitely pick something out.. or you can. I always give pajamas on Christmas eve. My mom use to do that, every Christmas Eve, we got pajamas.. I think that's why I collect them now, honestly."

Misfit has posed:
"He was at the charity thing Bruce did where you won being Jarl for a day. He also helped us with all the demons.. did a loto f magic at them. Well not as much as that Lucifer guy.. which well he can't be actual Lucifer I'd think... too much.. just too much."

"I think I'd like some Stitch ones from Lilo and Stitch..." she drops another bone and picks up a third piece of chicken.

Black hole of a teenage crime fighting appetite.

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah, I have my doubts about the validity of Lucifer being /that/ Lucifer..." Babs admits with a little thoughtful smirk, shrugging indifferently though. Stranger things /have/ happened, honestly.

"That's a fine choice, just fine." Adopting a western accent as she leans back enough to pull her feet up beneath her. "So, if you were going to pick /one/ thing this year for Christmas, what would it be?"

Aside from more Alfred leftovers. There's plenty of that.

Misfit has posed:
"Well.. um..." that actually has Charlie puzzled.

I mean the kid went from being homeless in a burnt out tenament to living in the Clocktower. Babs is rich but Bruce is the richest guy around and they are under his bat wings as it were. She is going to a private school. Has new tech.

Crap she is on the Bat Team with high tech gear, armor, and a mandate to keep Gotham safe.

"Um.... hmmm I have no idea.." she just boggles for a moment at her lack of ideas. "I mean... I kind of got my Christmas early with all of you..." she finally murmurs.

Oracle has posed:
"That's super sweet of you to say." Babs says honestly and reaches out to jostle Charlie's hair, "But seriously, anything you want.. doesn't matter how superficial or like.. silly.. aside from an island, I mean Ivy has one, but she's a bitch." The mouth on this redhead.

She has a foul mouth.

Do as she says, not as she does.

"I guess it's kind of a hard question, honestly..." She'd not really answered the question, but she remembers it and does so now. "Oh, right... last year, Bruce got me an all expenses paid trip to Italy. Spent two weeks there.. which is when I started thinking about retiring from vigilantism."

Misfit has posed:
"When are we all going to kick her off that Island.. I mean Bruce is almost back to being dark and brooding... and she seems like she will just be a problem."

"Huh..well I'm glad you semi-retired and didn't retire really.... and well I've never been on an actual vacation ever. We couldn't afford it... that could be fun."

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah..." Babs glances down with her bottom lip pinched between her teeth at the fully scope of exactly what a thorne Ivy is going to be to uproot... "It wont be as easy as it seems, but we definitely need to start doing /something/ about that. Longer she roosts out there, the worst it'll ultimately get."

Lord knows she's been down that road.

At least there's the idea of a vacation to consider. "Then maybe we'll take a vacation. When things settle down a little, I mean. We can basically go anywhere, at this point. I have business interests in almost every city on Earth.. I'm no Bruce Wayne, mind, but..." Shrugging, "I put what I got to good use."

Misfit has posed:
Figures Batman and the older members of the family will sort all that out and tell Charlie what to do right.

She focuses on the idea of a vacation. "Can we go to Orlando and go to Disney World and Universal Studios?" she is ...all sorts of big wide eyed now.

Oracle has posed:
Babs actually grins at the suggestion, "Yes, we absolutely /can/ do that... hell, we could do that anytime you wanted.. I mean that's a flight over a few nighs and a flight back.." She shakes her head and looks to Charlie, "I was thinking you'd want to see Berlin or something.. but yes, we can.. I mean Star Wars City? Psssssh, that's my jam."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie vanishes with a slash of purple and pink smoke, apeparing in the kitchen to dump the bones, plate in sink, then pops back and leaps up in front of the TV.


It is definitely movie quality.

"Well yeah that place... and also like.. all of it... the wizard stuff... the super hero stuff... " ironic yes "The dinosaurs.. the mouse... princesses..."

Which is when Charlie winces a little one eye shutting. "All of it.." carrying on like she didn't wince.

Oracle has posed:
Babs glances back as Charlie slashes out in pink smoke to see her reappear in the kitchen as if she'd predicted where she was going.. she did take her plate with her, afterall. The excitement actually bring out a laugh from the redhead.

"Have you not been? Oh my... you're going to love it. I remember the first time I did.. just walking up mainstreet with the castle in the background?" She grins deeply, "We can plan to go in May, they do a big Star Wars thing.. it's crazy. You'll love it." Babs, definitely, will.

Misfit has posed:
"Gosh.... I wasn't lying or nothing when I said we never went on any vacations Babs.... let alone some place like that. It is ridiculously expensive but ..." she just gestures all around herself at the Clocktower.

It is true, they can afford it.

"Oooh can we do the two nights in the whole star cruiser experience."

"Wait... do we have a space batwing?"

Oracle has posed:
"Well, yeah..." Babs nods at that and adjusts her glasses up higher on the bridge of her nose, "we'll go. You and me, maybe Kate...or Damian, hah! Can you imagine Damian at Disney World?" She cannot.

The last she's nodding to, at least the last before Spacebats.

"We can do that, absolutely."

"Weeeeell... There /is/ the Watchtower... but I've never been up there physically... Bruce has though.. and to the moon." But he's M.F'n Batman.

Misfit has posed:
"Huh.. I want to go to the moon for my birthday."

She seems utterly serious.

"Also .. I think Damian might explode in Disney... I can't even imagine him being there amongst so much family and fun and joy."

Oracle has posed:
"Well that's a good enough reason to take him, I'd say." Babs jokes, laughing literally out loud at the idea of the curmudgeon in the happiest place on earth.

To the moon...

For her birthday.

Babs rubs at the back of her neck, brow all wrinkled as she looks through the big clockface window at the moon coming up over the bay. "I'll.. okay.. I think we can probably do that, maybe."

Misfit has posed:
"I'm pretty sure Carrie or Stephanie would enjoy it more and not make the rest of us utterly miserable while we are trying to enjoy Disney...."

She does have a point.

"Wait.. what.. really?" she blinks a couple of times wide eyed and looks where Babs is at the moon now. "Woah okay cool."

Oracle has posed:
She /does/ have a point.

"Fair enough.. Carrie and Stephanie then." Babs concedes, figuring Kate wouldn't be able to get away to go anyways. She's too much like her cousin for all that.

"I mean, I think we can, yeah.. I'll have to talk to Bruce. That's a little outside my scope, but I don't think it's out of his. Very least, we can get you a tour of the Watchtower? I mean it's /near/ the moon, right?"

Misfit has posed:
Charlie considers it and then nods very slowly. "Yes... a space station and a tour of the Justice League stuff... that is definitely close enoguh for the moon and probably liek what.. fifteen times cooler than that right..."

She grins and pops back to the couch, litterally, plop, "This is fantastic"

Oracle has posed:
"It's like I told Stephanie, babe.." Babs runs her hand up the back of her neck, lifting hair and letting it fall back down, "There are very few perks to what we do... we're in a unique position to actually get a few." Money being the least of that right? "We have connections all over, people know Bruce.. so..." She shrugs and smiles over at Charlie.

"It would be silly not to take advantage of a few of them... you work hard, school, vigilante.. everything.. this is really the least we could do."

Misfit has posed:
"That makes a lot of sense... and yeah you've told me.. but ... it is still a lot to absorb. Still." she grins though and then nods "I am getting reasonably okay grades..."

She sips her juice with a grin still. "Cool... can we back up the movie and watch the part we talked over?"

Oracle has posed:
"Probably could be better..." Babs says with a side glance and a subtle hint of a smirk at the mention of grades, but she's only teasing.

"Certainly." Reaching out for the remote and tossing it sideways towards Charlie, "I need to get these into the stockings anyways." starting to collect up the small wrapped packages, "Get us to the part and I'll be right back with some popcorn."