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Latest revision as of 20:37, 31 December 2019

Royal Problems
Date of Scene: 30 December 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Lorna comes to Genosha looking for her father and finds Mystique instead.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Mystique

Polaris has posed:
The Palace of Genosha's royal family was a hive of mutant activity. Plenty of Acolytes that belonged to Magento came and went, members of the Brotherhood, guards, and various palace staff. There were always mutants coming and going, powers being used, or mutants simply being mutants. The whole of the island was that ideal, and no one batted an eye as the green haired Princess arrived via a portal back to the tropical island.

Lorna was clearly coming from New York, wearing a pair of jeans, boots and a high necked sweater. She was quickly overheating as she shoved her sleeves up her arms and strode into the throne room, clearly searching for her father as she peered into the room and promptly turned to look elsewhere upon finding the steel coated room to be empty.

Mystique has posed:
On her way out, Lorna almost runs into a blue-skinned mutant with red hair. Outside of Genosha and a few Brotherhood safehouses, not very many people have ever seen Mystique in her natural form. But in those places it's the shapeshifter's preference NOT to hide her true appearance.

"Looking for your father, Polaris? He hasn't been around for some time."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nearly stumbled in her haste to not crash into the blue skinned mutant, her few interactions with Mystique previously had been few and far between. Mostly through her time hanging out with Rogue, in which she was more of a vague player caught between adoptive mother and daughter. She blinked, not expecting to almost literally run into someone upon leaving the throne room behind.

"I was. I need to speak with him. It's important.. and what do you mean he hasn't been around for some time? Is he just not in the palace?" She asked, arching a brow. If she truly wanted to, she could search the magnetic fields for her father.. but it required effort and thought, and her mind was elsewhere. Decidedly, trying was not ideal.

The green haired woman pushed her hair back from her face, trying not to huff impatiently.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique is adept at dodging as well, sidestepping neatly to avoid any potential collision. The blue-skinned woman smiles, and it's only a bit unnerving. "I mean that the last I saw him was in the Church in Manhattan." she replies casually.

Pausing to look Lorna over more closely, she offers. "Something is troubling you. Has something happened?" And while her outward demeanor remains calm, her mind is already running various scenarios.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was not unlike her father in terms of temper and powers... but unlike her father she had difficulty hiding when she was upset. She simply hadn't lived the length of time her father had, and as a result, her distress was clear. Her hands curled into fists at her side and she gritted her teeth together briefly in frustration. "My father was in a church? What?" She glanced around the hallway, noting where the various palace staff were down the way and lowered her voice.

"He's not supposed to just leave Genosha, he's King." A pause, and she considered the blue woman again. "And it's a family issue. I need to speak to him."

Mystique has posed:
Mystique tilts her head just -so-, a gesture likely to be reminscent of a Catholic School nun. "Saint Peter's Church, actually. It's a central node in the communication network between the Brotherhood cells." No, her manner is more indulgent than condescending.

"I'm sure that you could call him if you wished. But it's the King's perogative to be where he is needed."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna folded her arms, clearly growing frustrated and annoyed that her father wasn't even on the island at large. Her fingers twitched, but at least she managed to keep from otherwise broadcasting how bothered she well and truly was. "Of course it is.. lovely. My father.." She rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh, her hands curling and then loosening as she dropped them back to her sides.

"The United Nations can't stand him and I'm pretty sure every country on the planet would consider it an act of war if they even saw him hanging out." She pursed her lips together, "No, this isn't something that should be done over the phone." She exhaled another rough breath, biting her lower lip, and then reaching up to drag her hands through her hair. Clearly bothered.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique isn't an empath, but then again she's pretty asute at reading people. And Lorna has always been one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, as it were. The woman nods slowly, stepping a little closer to rest blue fingers lightly upon Lorna's shoulder. "Your father will be fine, Princess. Trusting him as a leader means that we must first trust in his ability to take care of himself."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna fidgeted, her weight shifting from her heels to her toes and back as she considered Mystique and the gentle touch of her fingers against Lorna's shoulder. The green haired Princess pursed her lips together, and seeming to struggle with what to say or not to say. Finally, she seemed to come to some kind of a conclusion. "I barely trust him as my father, I don't know how I can trust him as a leader." She stepped back from Mystique, her jaw working over a knot of stress as she clenched her jaw and kept her voice low.

Her green eyed gaze swept down the hall and back again to the blue skinned woman once more. "It's.. you know what, it's fine. It's.. I'll just deal with it myself."

Mystique has posed:
Mystique's hand withdraws, curled fingers hovering lightly when Lorna steps back and jaw-clenches. Her humor fades noticeably as she considers the Princess and her remarks. "I would trust your father with my life." she replies simply. "It's very personal for me, this cause of the Brotherhood's. It should be for all Mutants."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips together, "My father has a bad habit of lying to me about rather important things. So you'll have to excuse my experience with him being considerably different. Do I think he'll do what he thinks is best or right at any given time? Sure. Of course I do. Particularly if it involves mutants. But that often comes at the cost of our family." She exhaled a breath, keeping her voice soft enough that it wouldn't carry down the hall. Even if she was quickly getting too warm as she stood there in her winter clothes. AC blasting or not, New York and Genosha were vastly different.

"And this is a personal matter that I need to speak with him about. So." She bit her lower lip again, exhaling a rough breath through her nose. "My trust in whatever he's up to is limited."

Mystique has posed:
Mystique's gaze wanders a bit while Lorna speaks, but the blue-skinned woman does nod. "Then speak with him. But first you should get into something more suitable for the weather. Unless you have some latent thermal power you haven't shared with us."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nodded once, turning and making for the personal elevators that led to the royal suite at the top of the palace structure. Sure she could fly, make tunnels out of the steel structure and manipulate the whole of the palace to her whims.. but it was work, she was overheating and she was irritated. "You're right, I don't." She mumbled, feeling at once awkward that the other woman was being so //reasonable// and calm. Not at all like the stories Rogue muttered or grumbled about.

It was possibly the Princess' first positive interaction with Mystique. So much so that if the other mutant followed her, she wasn't likely to wave her off.. never mind that her experience and ranking within the Brotherhood at large meant Mystique likely had clearance to go where ever she wanted within the palace structure anyways.

The elevator was quicker than most, magnetic technology skyrocketing to the top floor with a wave of Lorna's hand. It chimed and opened to the top floor, and Lorna stepped out without pause.

Mystique has posed:
Mystique DOES decide to hop onto the elevator with Lorna, actually. Perhaps she does have some actual business to go to that particular floor, or maybe she's just being nosey. But in any case, Lorna's assumptions are quite correct that the blue-skinned mutant goes pretty much wherever she wants.

After all it's not like Mystique isn't adept at making her own inroads already. Perhaps that's why she HAS such a free reign.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna swept down the palace hallway, clearly headed toward her royal suite of rooms toward the end. But she paused long enough to pass her father's study and peer inside, finding it empty save her father's robot stacking papers and organizing the room. She glanced briefly at Mystique, and turned toward the robot instead. "Ferris, tell my father that I'm heading to Argentina. If he has an issue with it. He can come find me." Magneto would likely flip his lid, he hated South America.. Argentia more than any other country. And she knew it.

Though at least this time, it wasn't purely out of a need to anger her father. The green haired woman glanced at Mystique once, and she arched a brow. "I'm going to go change, so, if you see my father before Ferris or I do.. pass along that I'm looking for him, please?"