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Holiday Evenings
Date of Scene: 28 December 2019
Location: Lorna's Room (North Halls); Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna and Roberto give each other gifts.. and Lorna gets a mysterious letter... about a twin sister?
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Polaris

Sunspot has posed:
It is Christmas day and Roberto pretty much forbid anyone in the DCI New York office to go work. Religious reasons! Nevermind he is a lapsed Catholic. He wanted a day off.

In part it was because Nina DaCosta was staying a few days in New York and he wanted some time with her. But also because all his friends had the day off and there is going to be a party at Xaviers.

Lunch is now over. Nina and Lorna got along well. The elder woman was very impressed the mutants had succeeded to make Genosha energy production entirely based on renewable sources and had a thousand questions. Which was a relief for Roberto, he feared he would be the center of conversation (and his mother knows too many amusing anecdotes about his childhood - as mothers usually do). Instead they had a wonderful Brazilian lunch and they left for Xavier at four. Choosing hiding from the excited teenagers with new toys in Lorna's room until they get called down for dinner.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had been dressed for warmth, given that they were going out to eat in a public place... that meant not relying on her heater of a boyfriend to stay warm in the depths of a New York winter. As a result, the green haired woman wore a high necked sweater, a cardigan of the softest cashmere and silk, and a fluffy scarf. She had shed at least the cardigan as they returned to her room. For all that her nerves had been shot in meeting Roberto's mother, the woman's presence and kindness had eased the Princess' nerves.

Lunch had been nice. Which was a welcome change from her family gatherings.

Her room lacked any and all Christmas decor, Lorna had little interest in Christmas on a whole, and lacked the traditional craziness that people typically had over the holidays. Even if she was Jewish, there wasn't even a menorah in her room. Though there was a dreidel on top of her dresser, and a pile of coins from winnings she'd gotten from others in the X-mansion after teaching them how to play.

Still, that didn't mean there was a lack of presents for Roberto. Lorna had been prepared after all, and as they settled into her Master Suite, she bent down in front of the bed, pulling out a carefully wrapped present and pulling it out to hold it out to her boyfriend.

"Do you know how hard you are to shop for? Seriously. What do you get a guy that can like buy all the stores on 5th Avenue and still have money left over?"

Sunspot has posed:
"I could say the same, Princess," replies Roberto with a smile. "You are going to have presents from a whole island, so I need to be clever more than wealthy, hmm?" He did hide Lorna's presents in the school. But now he has brought them to her room.

The young man is wearing comfortable clothes, instead of the usual power suit. Green pullover and brown slacks, comfortable shoes. It is Christmas, he can't go totally casual, but he looks less a billionaire playboy and more like a young college student.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned, sitting down on the edge of her bed as she passed the wrapped box over to Roberto as she sat beside him. The mattress creaking slightly beneath her. She'd at least kicked off her shoes, leaving her in a pair of fuzzy woolen socks that kept her warm. She leaned toward Roberto, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I can't really accept most of those you know. It's an issue of safety. Most cards I do send a thank you response back to though. Or ... rather, I sign them at least." She grimaced. She'd woken up particularly early to go back to Genosha to film a 'Happy Holidays' thing for the public. A few other appearances had been scheduled and she'd rushed back for lunch. She stifled a yawn.

"Anyways, open it up." She murmured.

Inside Roberto would find an assortment of items. All packaged in their own small boxes and individually wrapped. One was a watch. It looked like any other ordinary touch screen, but the card that tumbled out had a little more explanation. 'Everytime you touch the screen, it sends a vibration to the twin.' And handwritten below that in Lorna's handwriting: 'I have the twin!'

Another little box had a couples coupon book, with various silly coupons Roberto could cash in with Lorna. It was all filled in with her handwriting in a looping cursive.

Another small box was filled with a few sweets of the chocolate variety that clearly were stickered with the bakery they'd gone to in Genosha.

And lastly, tucked in between bits of tissue paper, was a card of folded card stock. Also handmade by the Princess of Genosha which said: You'll get the rest when you spend Hanukkah with me.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto exchanges boxes with Lorna one by one, opening his gifts carefully and smiling. "The watch is great. Is having matching watches something couples do in Genosha?" If they are commercial in the US he has missed it. The chocolates... so tempting. But they already had a large meal and they are preparing a feast downstairs. He will save them for the rest of the week.

Meanwhile Lorna might be unpacking a variety of winter clothing. Good things for a cold-sensitive girl like her. Pullover, mittens, scarves and even fluffy slippers. Only truly expensive gift seems to be the diamond hoop earrings in the smallest box. There is also a box of chocolate truffles.

Roberto finally gets to the card and hmms, "isn't Hanukkah happening right now? I mean, it goes for several days, yes?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna ripped into the wrapping paper with relish of someone that didn't let herself typically part take in the messier side of gift opening. Soon there was a pile of wrapping paper all over the floor, and with each warm item of clothing, Lorna tried them on, bundling herself up in a near comical manner as she picked them on and off.

"Oh I love it! Thank you." She paused over the diamond earrings, her eyebrow shooting upward in surprise. But she didn't say anything for a while as she ran her fingers over the cut of the gems.

"These are lovely." She murmured, and smiled, her expression thoughtful. "But no, watches aren't a couple thing in Genosha. I just thought, we're both busy people and constantly have a schedule.. why not go for twin watches? And when I do this--" She pushed her sleeve back and tapped the screen. A mimicked touch could be felt through the watch's twin. "You know I'm thinking about you."

And in response to his last question she bobbed her head once, "Oh yes, and traditionally you're really only supposed to give smaller gifts, one per night. Among other things. The point is, there are eight days to Hanukkah and I figured we could celebrate at least one together. Since I'm doing the Christmas thing with you today."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto nods, putting on the watch and rubbing it in response to her tapping. "It is a wonderful idea, do they use the network for communication? Oh, and I am thinking about you all the time," he grins, "just so you know. Much tapping will happen."

A gift every night. He will have to find a few extra suitable ones! "Of course. We should celebrate every day from tomorrow until the 30th," he decides. "It sounds like a beautiful tradition. More... personal than Christmas gift-giving. Then again... we usually did it for Epiphany. Three Wise Men brought gifts to Christ, and all that."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, grinning as she felt the watch buzz in response to Roberto's touch. "I dunno how they work, I just heard that they were in development for something or other. I'm sure it wasn't meant to just be for couples.. but I thought about us anyways and got 'em." She shrugged, reaching up to pull her hands through the tumbles of her green hair.

"I never knew much about Christmas things. The Danes.. my foster parents really, they weren't big on celebrating anything. Probably why Magneto left me with them when I was a kid.." She muttered, reaching up to rub the bridge of her nose in thought.

"Anyways, I figured we could do something regardless.." She trailed off, and got up, moving to her mini-fridge. "Did you want something to drink before we end up going downstairs and joining the school kiddos and all?" She offered.

Sunspot has posed:
"Oh... that would be truly evil," replies Roberto, chuckling at the Magneto barb. He stands when Lorna does, moving behind her and tapping his new watch. "Something with some kick, I won't be able to drink alcohol later. Silly American laws," still no legal drinking for eight more months for him. "Too many kids, so the rules need to be strict and we have to give example to the young." That is what Sam would say, at least.

Roberto would have argued against it a few years ago. Now he picks his battles more carefully. "And hopefully they won't seat us with the high-schoolers, hmm? At least not you."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, and grabbed a glass bottle of eggnog, and her own bottle of rum. A quick pour into a small metal cups and a stir with a spoon, all of which was done with a flick of her wrist and she passed the cup off to Roberto. A glance spared for the watch as she tapped it herself in response to his own. She could quickly see things becoming over the top with the watches, but she also loved it far too much to stop.

"Well, if it's any consolation, you're legal in Genosha." She teased, and sipped at her drink.

A pause followed as she turned back to the mini-fridge, a surprised look on her features and in the furrow of her eyebrows. A small envelope rested on top. Without any address marked on it. Only her name in unfamiliar script. "Did you leave me a card?" She asked, arching a brow as she glanced back to Roberto.

Sunspot has posed:
"Actually in New York state I can consume, just not purchase," mentions Roberto, taking the offered drink. "But this is a school," he adds with a shrug. Then he glances to the envelope and shakes his head. "Not yours?"

There is a faint frown, but Xavier's is a very secure place. Moreso now they even have magical wards set up by the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange. No one should have entered Lorna's room without her permission. But there are many young mutants in the school perfectly able to do so even if Lorna locked the door. "What does it say?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged, as she jammed her fingernail into the corner of the white envelope and ripped open the corners. "Why would I put my own name on a sealed envelope? Who knows, maybe someone left me a Christmas card or something." She muttered, and shrugged again as she opened up the crisp folds of paper and pulled out not a card at all, but a letter. It was handwritten, not typed, and it looked to be quite lengthy in scope.

Lorna immediately glanced at the signature at the bottom, but at not recognizing the name she frowned. Her eyebrows furrowing sharply as she started to scan the contents of the letter. Her eggnog forgotten as she set the envelope down beside it and read the letter. She grew silent, and her expression twisted with more and more emotion the longer she read.

"The fuck?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto sips from his glass as Lorna reads the letter. He gives two seconds of thought to consider what it could say. Then his mind wanders to more interesting matters. Like where the hell is Doug Ramsey lately, since he has gone missing for over a week. And what to give Lorna tomorrow evening.

Then he glances at the green-eyes young woman and sees her expression changing. Uh oh. Looks like the letter does have some disturbing content, after all. "What does it say, Lorna?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinked, as if so absorbed by the contents of her letter that she'd forgotten that her boyfriend was right there. She exhaled a rough breath, her hand that gripped the piece of paper trembled faintly as she sank back down to the bed's mattress. More as if her legs had given out than any actual desire to sit down. "I.. I have a sister?" Her eyebrows furrowed, "A.. a twin sister.." She glanced back at the letter.

"She.. she's written to me to ask for my help. Something about wanting to find out the truth from our father.. I-uh.." Her skin had gone pale and she turned wide eyes to Roberto.

"I don't know what to do. My father never said anything about.. a.. a twin sister."

Sunspot has posed:
"That can't be," Roberto frowns, reaching for the letter. "For many reasons. Like how the letter got here. Only someone with access to the school could have left it here." So it must be a prank, and of rather poor taste. But there are a few jerks in the school - that is also a fact.

"Let me see, if I recognize the writing..." unlikely, but there are many mutants in the school that can find the person that left the letter there quickly enough. Roberto is already mentally making a list.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna handed the letter off to Roberto with a limp feeling in her fingers. She was still pale with shock, and clearly wasn't seeing it as a pank from someone in the school. "Maybe it's real. Maybe someone found it with my name on it and just.. just left it here. Right?" She bit her lower lip, her eyebrows furrowed sharply into a line.

"What if it //is// real Roberto? What if I have .. a.. a twin sister? I didn't grow up knowing Wanda and Pietro.. and .. my father wasn't .. hasn't been the most honest person out there. What if the letter is true? What if my father didn't know about her?" Her voice was small and filled with worry, the 'what ifs' now haunting the green haired mutant. Family meant a great deal to her, for someone that grew up thinking she'd had relatively little.