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Latest revision as of 21:09, 31 December 2019

Let it Rain...and snow
Date of Scene: 28 December 2019
Location: Mercy's Garage - West Harlem
Synopsis: Mercy gets a parts delivery, having lunch with a new friend
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Rainmaker, Overlord

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's Garage. Smallish, one woman garage. Right now, Mercedes Athena Thompson's got her arms up to her elbows in the guts of a BMW. Something, something, died on the interstate, towed here, yadda yadda. Mercy's found the problem. The engine's internals became its externals. All over the roads. Shaking her head, ercy is well aware of the pool of fluids under the Beemer. Great. This'll be a pain the tail. No way she's sliding under it. Not with a gash in the lines, and things. THere's two wheels off, there's leaking bits of German auto, and....Mercy looks run ragged. She shakes her head again, the suited rich guy in the chair fuming and fussing, grousing at her. Mercy's got a wrench in her hands, taking bits of car apart. Like it'll magically fix it. Yeah, no. This is automotive surgery. Mercy's good. She's doubting she's that good for a moment

Rainmaker has posed:
It's Harlem. It's Manhattan. New York. And all the concrete and buildings and just the sheer mass of people-- Sarah breathes deep, shivering for no reason to do with the weather. All so VERY much different from the open wild spaces of home-- diametric opposite of Arizona. "Knock-knock?" Sarah calls from the front, a few seconds before she steps to the counter, a quick hand chiming the singing bell. Box of 'Metally Car Bits' under arm, she sighs inwardly as she glances around. "Courier service?" she call out after, glancing towards the garage. "For Ms. Thompson?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy comes to the office and looks pleased. "Oh hey, yes that's me. I'm Mercy. Do I need to sign for it?" she asks, taking in Sarah's appearence, Mercy clad in her (admittedly oil and fluid staned) coveralls. She grabs a rag and wipes her hands off. Looking to it, the rag set on the desk. She looks over it all again.

Rainmaker has posed:
"I'm afraid so," Sarah replies, setting the box on the counter with a thunk. "Playing catch-up with the deliveries after the holidays. Parcels, packages, boxes..." She sets the metal clipboard to the side of the package, opening it as she settles the paperwork on top. "Mr. Granger sends his regards, too. Wanted to know if you have the next order list ready for him yet?" She glances back, brow furrowed at the vehicle in the bay. "Or should I just ask him to send replacement chainsaw parts instead? Who tried to run over a wood-chipper?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"No idea on the woodchipper. Didn't think a luxury sedan could try running over it. Tried going through it, and it needs everything" Mercy admits with a sigh."Poor guy's in there, fuming and fussing and glaring at me the whole time. THe list? It's here" Mercy adds digging out a printed list. Given she's not a neat freak, she had to dig through several printouts to get to it. Mostly unimportant things. So she's got herself a list. And several more lists of general things she may need. The basics, then oh yeah, just on the off chance that she's liable to ever try rebuilding older vehicles.

Mercy signs for the packages and shakes her head. "Stay a while if you like, I could use somebody who isn't boring holes in my skull with glaring" Mercy adds with a shrug.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker gives the vehicle/BMW/ducttape-agglomerated-pile-of-prayers another glance before she shakes her head. "Just hope you won't ask me for repair advice," she warns. "My technical skill begins and ends with bicycle chains." Putting the lists back in her metal clipboard-case, she closes it with a snap, glancing in more clos-- oh, there he is!

"...they should hire that guy out to mining," she whispers softly. "Either he's striving to blaze a shaft in the metal or he's working on threatening it with his eyes until it magicall fixes itself."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Both" Mercy whispers and grins. "Pretty sure I could wheel him outside, and save the local utilities time in digging up the street and laying pipe" she mutters, looking relieved. O"h no, no, I wasn't going to ask you for repair advice. More....how dangerous is he? I'm just thinking of scrapping the car and don't want him to come after me with a knife or a gun or something" Mercy points out. Sure, her .444 rifle's in her living area.She'll just put a bullet through the wall. It goes a good quarter mile anyway...and probably would shoot whatever they're cooking at the eateries around here. Still, she double checks the list and looks over it. "That should be....wait you said chainsaw parts? You got any on you?"

Method of dealing with the car. Give the disgruntled guy a chainsaw. And run away!

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller comes walking up to the shop. He has been out getting lunch. He had a cardboard box, and a bunch of take out containers. He walking in and says "I remembered extra egg rolls, and chop sticks.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker stifles a quiet grin, shaking her head. "Sorry. I tend to carry those in my other gear." She does give the man a second glance though, giving quiet measure-- blinking as she glances back to Joseph and his entry. "I'd recommend just having him leave his number and call a taxi," she says, chuckling as she steps aside. Counter room to leave that *skies above that smells delicious*--.

"....What was I saying?" she continues, glancing back. Stomach rumbles darkly. LUNCH.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods. "That does smell good. Though admittedly....I'm more liable to give him a bike from the parking lot out the back. That'll help him work off his anger, right?" Mercy asks with a smirk. She likes this courier girl already, "I mean, c'mon.....with a glare like that, I could chop his head off, put it on the roof of my Vanagon, and have it clear a path in rush hour traffic?" Mercy jokes with a grin, cleaaring a space on the desk. "You want any food?" she adds. "Random courier girl. That's an akward name, too" Mercy points out with a nod and a grin.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods a bit and says "I got plenty, always try to make sure we got plenty, and someone being a jack ass and need a talking to?" He will ask, and move to get soda "Want something to drink RCG?"

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker blushes, smiling as she looks back to Mercy. "Sarah," she offers, eyes twinkling. "And thank you, too. Maybe an eggroll..." Or three! "Anyone who claim his gaze should only use their powers for the good of all people," she states matter-of-factly. "Though I think anything that could cut through the rush hour counts. I've never seen so many cars in one place before!" She shudders, shaking her head. "Let him walk it off. Good for the glutes--"

She stifles a grin, stepping ack to allow the Mister to do the honor of unpacking Chinese Deliciousness. "Just water, kindly. Still have some deliveries afterward, and soda just puts me to sleep. Thank you."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks into the garage and shakes her head. "Nah, bettr if nobody deals with that guy. Moor Mr. Granger....just sitting there. It's better if he walks it off" Mercy points out. looking in on the poor guy. He's....fuming and sitting there, arguing on his phone. Mercy visibly shrinks back. "He just" Mercy says with a pained look. "He just swore up and down, with a lot of four letter words, the sort I use for aftermarket parts....he just swore cars don't run on fuel. What, do they run on dreams and happiness?" Mercy grins, trying, trying not to giggle. Shaking her head Mercy grins watching them both. "I'll take Chinese food" Mercy nods, "And no, no thanks Jo. Water it is for me too"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods, and will bring both women a water, and a coke for himself. "Ok, so I think I missed something." He will pull some chairs over where all can have a seat as well "I'm Joe, she keeps me around to do all the fine detail work." He jokes

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker snorts at that , shaking her head with wry amusement. "If only automotives ran on such," she complains. "The world would either be a better place or have far fewer traffic problems-- and that would still make the world a better place. Win-win." She raises her bottle in salute, taking a quick drink before she exhales with relish. "Sarah Rainmaker-- justcame up from Arizona a bit ago. Found work as a courier, carrying packages here and there and all across the city. Now I know why they wanted someone athletic for it." She shivers, shaking her head. "Traffic is the cruelest thing in the world."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to Sarah with a sip of her water. "Arizona? Not been there" she says with a loook over Sarah, then Jo. Looking then to the food, Mercy is keen to get eating food, though she's keeping her ear pricked for any more amazingly stupid remaarks. Settling into a seat, Mercy stretches her legs out, reaching back to untie her hair.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller spreads i out and says "Have some of anything you want, as I said try to get plenty, and I can put away some food." He jokes and pulls a crab ragoon from the pu pu platter "Arizona decent place, been a while since I was down that ways.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker nods in quiet agreement, pursuing the first of her choices-- the eggrolls. "Warm and hot, or cold and wintry-- the wind is the true killer," she says, sighing with quiet rue. "Friends mentioned coming up to the big city to work, stretch my limits..." Blend in. Protect everyone from *them* "....so, I decided to go full bore, and moved up here. I shall say the weather is--" SHe pauses, stealing a bite. "..monstrous. Some nights we had many stories, shared around an actual campfire, but are there truly so many--" She pauses, waving her hand. "--cape and cwl and soar-to-new-heights people here? I think I saw someone wearing red tights. Blue tights. Red and blue? But he was up above my head, and gone before I could get a good look."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods.eah. There's quite a few like that. I'm not one of them honestly. It's not my style. Plus I can't pull it off" she adds going for pancakes and duck. Because. Coyotes are totally carnivores. It makes hunting easy when it comes to you on a plate, she thinks and grins. "Nah. Jo and I are dating, he's useful for more than just meanial tasks. Arizona and Montana aren't so different. Grew up there" Mercy says rolling up a pancake and chewing on it. "Came here, that's the short version. Spent Christmas with my folks in Montana, because there's no way I'm seeing my mom for the holidays. She'll guilt trip me into staying for New Year's and I got work to do here" Mercy offers with a smile.tasks

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and she promised to bring me next time." He grins over at Mercy, and says "I saw more of the desert than anything else really but then again, thats when I was riding the roads seeing the country on the bike." He smirks and says "Yea Spandex, is just a bit... I don't know would feel like I was being indecent or something I think.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker tries not to smile *too* devilishly, giving Joseph a point from the second (third?) eggroll. "It's only like someone spray-painted your clothes on you," she teases. "Showing off everything anyone ever wanted to know about you, up to and including what you had for breakfest that morning. And think dry thoughts-- there is not often room for anything else." Eyes dancing, she returns to her meal-- one ear perked to the faint-grumbling from the garage outside. "But yes-- you would be completely and utterly indecent, and quite possibly featured in a number of magazines with questionable images and fascinating articles."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"The bunny magazine" Mercy offers with a snort. She nods and gives Sarah a grin with her eyes sparkling with amusement. She looks from Jo to Sarah then laughs. "Arizona looks like desert from pictures though" she adds and looks to Sarah. "So you came here for work, huh? Sweet"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods, and says "Spandex for a shirt aint bad, but pants, yea only thing it does is keep stuff from bouncing around." He munches a bit more food, and says "You liking it up here? A bit colder than where I am used to but will admit like the city and things to do.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah stifles a snerk of laughter at the mental image-- and a blush of three as well! "Well," she begins, trailling off with a quiet smile. "Work, mostly, yes. And to spread horizons, see what there is to see. From the deserts of Arizona, NEw York is just... completely another world. If I didn't read the articles on actual alien beings soaring around, I would expect you all to be growing third eyes and a tail or something." SHe smile mirthfully as she polishes off the last of her eggroll, sighing with pleasure as she takes a long draught of water. "Or bunny ears," she adds, grin sly over her features. "So far, I cannot complain. It's so much different."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"All I'll say is leather pants are just....why?" Merc@emit Mercy steps into the garage and through to her living area, returning in her four pawed coyote form. Fur? Check. Tail? Check. Paws? Yes. Mercy trots back in, four pawed and puts a paw on the desk, snagging an egg roll that vanishes in one chomp. She's peering at the water bottle, though she's settled down by the desk, tail wagging happily. Even if she's on four paws and not two feet, she can still contribute to the discussion. Somehow. asks, cringing at the idea of anyone in leather pants.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller calls out and says "Hey Leather pants have a purpose, less likely to tear than normal jeans, protect more from minor burns, and burrs and such, they are actually practical in some ways at least.

Rainmaker has posed:
"Point," Sarah admits, sighing with remembrance. "But jeans do just as well, unless you intend to walk into--" She utterly stops, staring at-- coyote? -- walking in from the garage and taking up a position at the table as if it belongs there! "And for the second time today," she remarks, "Something new. The lady with the cheetah on leashes, and now something from home." She pauses for a long moment, looking closer. "...I can't quite tell. Red wolf? Coyote? Sometimes hard to tell them apart..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy sticks a paw up on the desk again, nudging at the food, then seems to wave to them both before she munches on prawn toast. That done, she shakes her fur out, and wags her tail at them both. Patting the list on the desk with a paw, Mercy seems almost to grin, she's claimed the prawn toast for herself now!

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller seems to find this rather normal, and will move to get a container cross between a cup and a bowl, and pours some of Mercy's water into it, and sets it where the coyote can get to it. "Coyote, very friendly, and protective, family really." He will reach over to scritch the coyote behind the ears.

Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah just stares in quiet wonderment, exhaling her breath after pursing her lips. "You realize now..." she remarks, glancing back to Joseph, "That I will have to visit more often. Both for the lunch, and other things." She shakes her head in wonder, glancing at her watch-- grimacing! "Damn. Alright, time to go back to being productive and useful to society." She brushes her hands together wit a napkin, stuffing the slender paper cloth into her pocket. "With luck, it won't be another compresser delivery. Those things are just-- spirits, heavy!"

PUshiong herself up from the table, she retrieves her clipboard and the lists, smiling with pleasure. "Thank you for the lunch, Joseph. May the sun shine on wintry days."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy seems to whine when Sarah leaves....but she's enjoying the attention anyway and scritches. Always the scritches. That's how to win over a coyote. Or this one in particular