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Latest revision as of 11:01, 8 January 2020

Popcorn Night
Date of Scene: 07 January 2020
Location: Lorna's Room (North Halls); Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna and Roberto order in.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Sunspot

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stood in the middle of a holographic landscape over Genosha. She was clearly speaking to people on the other end, likely ministers or some other Genoshan Counselors. The Princess was clearly in the thick of it, had been for hours, and though she wore a pair of sweatpants and a tank-top, with her hair pulled high into a bun on her head, she was still speaking with the 'royal' tone that anyone who heard would recognize as political.

On the bed was a giant bowl of popcorn, a cup of tea sat forgotten on the nightstand. Along with a mountain of letters, envelops and notes. Maps of Argentina. Copies of birth certificates and so on. The television was still playing on mute. The Crown, yet another historical drama of English royals, continued on in the background.

"Warren Worthington is in the process of working with his Board of Supervisors to become a public investor in Genosha. We have that on hold for now. How's the development going on to the east side of Hammer Bay?" She tapped on the hologram projector, leaning forward and squinting at the work displayed there thoughtfully.

Sunspot has posed:
Lorna is on a roll and Roberto was supposed to get out of it an hour ago. Well, they had some vague plans, with the possibility of this happening on the table. The young man sits near the fireplace, texting on his cellphone and not paying too much attention to the hologram or his girlfriend meeting.

It is not his business. Wait. Worthington did what? Mental note: ask the winged one about it.

Meanwhile it looks like another of his father 'dear old friends' was in the pocket of a Colombian drug cartel. It shouldn't surprise him at this point. But it certainly doesn't look good for DCI reputation, which he has been trying to improve for two years. Le sigh.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna continued to inspect the holographic representation as the minister went on about the finances regarding the new developments, the necessities of what it would require. Hours. Labor. And how much they very dearly wanted her to return for the grand opening and so on. There was another blib regarding her father's lack of presence on the island. How one of the royal family should be on Genoshan shore's..

"Yes. Yes. I'll be there later." She murmured, waving it off as she straightened. "Very good, if there's anything else. Please contact my secretary. Thank you." She tapped out the holographic representation of the island on her phone and it winked out of existence.

Her gaze swung back to Roberto and she flashed him a smile, her hands settling on her hips. "There. I'm free. Took four hours.. but.." She shrugged, and looked somewhat sheepish.

Sunspot has posed:
"Not bad!" Notes Roberto with a grin, typing a 'tty' in the screen and turning off the phone. "Hard working folks there, it is so late in Genosha it is almost early." He gives the young green-haired woman a once over. "It is getting a bit late to get to Metropolis," he adds, a polite way of saying that they a) lost the reservation for the fancy restaurant and b) Lorna is not looking very princessly today. "Want to hit Harry's instead?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna winced faintly, as she moved to plop down on the side of the bed and grab the popcorn bowl to shove a fistful into her mouth. She was //starving//. She grabbed for her forgotten tea and gulped down about half of it and she coughed. "They're antsy because my father has been occupied elsewhere. A kingdom with without a monarch really makes people nervous." She added, and sighed, grimacing as she glanced back at the TV.

"Oh no, I've missed the last couple of episodes. We have to go back." She whined, and glanced back at Roberto plantiffly. "Can we just... order in and not go outside? It's cold." And to be fair, it had decidedly snowed out a few hours ago.

Sunspot has posed:
"I can keep you warm," protests Roberto. Meaning the heating system of his Jaguar is top-notch, lets not go beyond PG-13. "Order in... nearby restaurants hate to deliver at Xavier's. Crazy things happen to the delivery guys."

But that was years ago, true. Now he is rich enough to bribe anyone to come here with food. So... hmm. "Do you know any good place in Salem Center? I have not been in any restaurant-type place in town, except Harry's, for about four years."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna huffed a breath, flopping back the rest of the way on the giant bed, sending throw pillows bouncing and falling over the side. She exhaled a huff of a breath, her eyebrows hitching upward. She waved her hand the remote flying back up to grip where she flick through the episodes until she found the one she'd been on... four hours ago.

"Hrm... no. I don't Rogue is usually the one that knows these things.." She trailed off, "Scott took me to a country club down the road a few months ago. They had some good food. Think we can get them to deliver?" She asked, glancing back at him as she remained sprawled. Exhausted.

Sunspot has posed:
"Almost anything is possible if we through enough money at it," comments Roberto, pulling off his cell again and texting one of his (very-well paid) personal assistant/long-suffering troubleshooters.

Find a country club near Salem Center that has good food. Convince them to deliver to Xavier's School. Pay them big bucks. "What do you want to try?" Asks Roberto, since Lorna is the one with some idea of what they can eat there.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled over, propping up her chin as she considered her billionaire boyfriend. She might not be used to throwing money at a problem to get what she wanted.. but she was used to getting what she wanted these days. One way or another that is. She hmmm'ed under her breath, "They had some good soup, a lobster bisque I think. And hmmm, their frites with aioli was really good. Not too greasy. I dunno what they have as their special of the day, but whatever is I'm sure I'll like it. You might like their steak?" She offered, grabbing another handful of popcorn and gnawing away on it.

Sunspot has posed:
"All of it," decides Roberto. Since likely they will have to call an independent delivery service and the food is going to be the cheapest side of the operation. So type-type... 2 x lobster bisque, frites with aioli, special of the day, steak.

They are in a school full of ravenous teenagers, anything they don't eat for dinner won't be there in the morning anyway. "Give my minions about one hour," he concludes with a smirk. "I guess we can watch at least one chapter of the Crown?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned and wiggled further up the bed, snagging throw pillows to properly shove them behind her as she managed to put herself up beside Roberto and snuggle down against the heat the man radiated. He was better than a heated blanket. Though she decidedly did grab a throw and bundle her shoulders up with it. The other hand searching for the popcorn bowl. "Oh good, I'll be ready to murder someone for food by then." She joked lightly, exhaling a breath as she leaned her head against Roberto's shoulder.

"It's not that long, we can likely start a second episode." She mused, clicking play again. "I am so torn about Prince Phillip. He's cute, but damn. He knew what he was getting into when he courted the Queen of England. I mean.. c'mon." She sighed, and glanced toward Roberto, arching a brow.

"I think you'd handle the public pressure better, if it means anything."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto has not been following the series, but he is passably familiar with the misdeed of the British royals thanks to Lorna explanations. "They should have sent Phillip to Xavier's. It builds character and makes you able to date princesses and queens. Even space alien royalty. The teachers set example and all." He grabs some popcorn. "Of course the Sentinels would have stepped on him, but that is going to be his fate anyway, figuratively speaking. It won't be giant murderbots, but... you know."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snickered softly as she glanced side long at Roberto, grinning as she watched him. Her green eyes dancing in amusement. "We could easily be a finishing school for royalty at this point. I mean, seriously. How many connections to the ultra rich and various important people have gone to school here? You have an excellent point." She murmured, and munched on a piece of popcorn from the bowl.

"Yeah, he's not getting stomped by murderbots, but the court of English public opinion is pretty cruel. I mean, dictating what he can and can't wear, bowing to his wife, taking off his hat before he greets her.." She trailed off, "It can make weaker men break I'd imagine." She shrugged.

"I might have done a little research to see how much the show embellished.." She added with a sheepish look.

Sunspot has posed:
"As many as Xavier could forge," replies Roberto. He doesn't think it is a coincidence anymore. Xavier will take students in need, yes. But he will also approach mutants that are potential political and financial allies or just potentially extremely powerful. Most students are way beyond the average power-wise. And as Lorna noticed, there are half a dozen extremely wealthy ones.

"Regardless, menina, we are not in England anymore," offers Roberto. "I don't wear hats. But I have to warn you. No buckets for your head either."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hmmm'ed under her breath, Roberto's response about Xavier forging connections in the world via powerful mutants sat poorly in her mind. Had Xavier //known// who's daughter she was? Had he an inkling all those years ago? Or had he taken her in and trained her simply due to the nature of her powers? These thoughts had once plagued her, but she'd pushed them back..

A sigh followed and she reached for the tea cup at her beside and finished off the now long cold tea.

"Buckets? I'll have you know the tiara my father designed is... not bucket shaped. And when I become Queen I am not wearing his oversized helmet either." She muttered, glancing side long at Roberto.

"Did you know the royals in England can't wear colored nail polish? Only neutrals? I told about that in some course I had to take for etiquette and ideas for what to do for the royal family going forward."

Sunspot has posed:
"That is a weird rule," murmurs Roberto. One of many, he is sure.

As for Xavier knowing. How hard would have been to run a genetic test to find out of Lorna was related to Magneto. It was readily available ten years ago. Xavier is very smart, and has extensive knowledge on genetics. Logic says he knew, or found out early on.

Still, Lorna didn't get to Xavier's by conventional recruiting, but due to supervillain plots. No evil conspiracy there. But Magneto and Xavier have been close friends since long before Lorna was born. Who else could be in the secret?

Interesting speculations Roberto prefers not to talk about with Lorna. She has enough worries already.

Instead he chuckles. "Yes, you have better taste in headwear," he glances to her fingers. "And nail polish."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, and she grinned as she held out the popcorn bowl to Roberto as she took another handful of popcorn in her grip. His comment about her taste in nail polish had her wiggling her finger tips his way. "There's tons. But be thankful you're dating a Genoshan Princess, and not some other European one. No traditions to uphold. No long line of ancestry to honor. Just the court of public opinion all over the world. And well, my father hating you. But that's minor." She mused, glancing side long at him.

"And even then he's softened up a lot you know. For all that he threatened to kill you at first."

Sunspot has posed:
"I am lucky your dad didn't take over England, yes," points out Roberto with a smirk. "He is going to..." he sighs. "Nevermind."

Too confy to start a conversation about Magneto murderous tendencies.

The phone buzzes. Roberto frowns deeply, but thankfully it is not another emergency. "Food is on the way. Remind me to give Izabel a raise."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, "I doubt the UN would've given him England you know. But I wouldn't put it past him to try to have an affair with some royal or another." She drawled, and made short work of the rest of the popcorn. She rolled the kernels in the bowl beside her. "Do you want the rest?" Of course then the phone buzzed and Roberto mentioned dinner. She beamed, reaching for the remote and clicking the tv off.

"We're really bad at just sitting and watching tv you know, like a normal couple." She drawled.

Sunspot has posed:
"I think we are about average," comments Roberto. "Maybe a bit better at multi-tasking than most couples, but that comes with the territory, hmm?" They are still following the plot on the TV. Most couples just talk and talk and miss the bulk of the plot.

"Except the part you ate all the popcorn, that is not normal," he teases. "I mean, we are going to have delicious food in half an hour. No self-control, for shame."

Polaris has posed:
The Princess couldn't help it as she twisted about and wiggled the bowl again. "I'm still hungry, do you want the kernels or not?" She grabbed one, and popped it into her mouth, gnawing on the edges and shrugging as she leaned back.

"Anyways, sure, we are a bit better at multitasking, but we also have personal assistants and secretaries." She joked, smiling faintly as she shifted on her side to watch Roberto with an arched brow lofting up on her forehead.

"So when is that PR article coming out?"

Sunspot has posed:
"Next week," replies Roberto. "You have the draft in your email by now. We should be around to do damage control," which are famous last words, of course.

Then he stands up with some reluctance. "I better be by the door to pick up the food. If one of the students gets there first we are not likely won't see a crumb of bread of it."