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Latest revision as of 14:34, 8 January 2020

Happy Open the Tube day for Conner
Date of Scene: 01 January 2020
Location: Backstage (Robin's Roost), Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: And Conner gets cool gifts, while Doug offers X-help
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Cypher, Spoiler, Superboy

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has put out word to the team he is doing a thing for Conner. He actually decorate a bit, got a cake, and asked his buddy to come over. Conner is a good friend, and he wants to make sure his friend he knows folks care about him.

Cypher has posed:
Cypher is... not here in person. His avatar is on display on a monitor. Where is he really? Who knows. His face is half huma, half freaky grinning alien thing.

'I haven't met Superboy yet. But I figure I'll wish him a happy birthday anyway.'

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's car pulls up outside, and after a little bit she makes her way inside, carrying a package wrapped in blue with a red bow on it. "Ok, you can serve the ice cream now! I mean, I know you held off on that until I got here," she calls in a light-hearted voice to announce herself.

She looks about for where they are, spotting the decorations and heading over that way. Stephanie rounds the corner, and the young woman has definitely looked better. There's a bruise on her face beside her mouth though it is fading rapidly thanks to smelly League of Assassin's balm from Damian. Which she washed off and applied perfume over before coming.

Both arms are wrapped in bandages from her wrists to almost her elbows. She's moving with a faint limp, but none of that diminishes the warm smile she gives as she walks over, carrying a box wrapped in blue with a red bow. "Where's the birthday boy?" she asks, moving over to slip an arm around Tim and greet him with a sidehug, though as she does he'll sense how gingerly it is given compared to the blond's normal greetings.

Superboy has posed:
About five years ago Conner had the 'smart' idea of declaring his birthday was January first. Since he is a clone, he has no birthday. But he more or less guesses it was around early January six years ago he became aware of self and started learning about the real world and not just the virtual reality N.O.W.H.E.R.E. had him.

That virtual world had been going for a while. Conner is not sure how much. He is quite sure his memory was manipulated a few times.

Then he escaped, meet some friends, formed Young Justice and had a few years of thoughtless fun. Ah, to be young again. And not... wait he is still having fun.

In fact he has called a dozen people to wish 'Happy New Year' already. He also wanted to celebrate. Alas, everyone is busy with family and stuff. He should have called a few days ago if he wanted a party. Also, Jan Firsts? Bad time for birthday stuff. Yes, it was not a smart-smart idea. Maybe he should change his birthday for fifteen days later.

Then Tim called him, and half an hour later, he is here. "Hey Tim! Where are you?" And there he is, with a cute blonde. "Hello and happy new year. Spoiler, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake s a bit beat up as well, butter fly stitches in a few places as well. He hugs step gently as well. To the monitor, he says "Well you met Kid, and now you get to meet Steph and Superboy." He motions tot he screen "Doug here is another computer guy and friend of Kitty's that works with us." he tells Steph. Then when Superboy gets here he will smile "Happy Birthday." He calls out to his friend, and motions him over for a hug as well.

Cypher has posed:
The face on the monitor spins. "Good morning, Superboy, and happy birthday! Based on what Tim tells me you're a fan of action movies. So I made a point of buying a bunch of my favorites and then setting them up on your Amazon account. I'm sorry I can't be there in person, but I am a ridiculously busy man."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie sets the present down with any others and then turns to Doug. "Nice to meet you Doug," she says, offering a wave to him and giving him a friendly smile of greeting. "Glad to have someone around who knows computers. Mine keeps giving me this unable to access Something Something dot DLL every time it boots up. But it seems to work fine after I hit Ok."

She turns as Conner arrives then. "Hey," she says, giving a somewhat tremulous to him. She runs her fingers through her hair to straighten it a little. "Just Steph is fine," she says softly. "Happy Birthday. And, Happy New Year to everyone as well," she says, the smile warming a bit more. "I hope you guys managed to go do something fun for it? I just kind of stayed in." Groaning in pain and avoiding the strong urge to self-medicate.

Superboy has posed:
"Hey Doug," greets Conner, giving Tim a solid hug. "Movies exists to be watched with friends, so drop by some time." He steps back and grins. "Thank you, guys. I was afraid I was going to postpone a birthday party until the weekend. You saved my Wednesday. And yes, I know, I should have called ahead but... er... I had a good reason. Seriously. There is this girl from Genosha..."

Yeah, he better shut up when he is ahead. "Anyway. I had a good year's end. And this is a good start of the new one. Steph..." he looks at her again frowning, giving her a once over. "I hope the other guy looks worse than you. But if not, you know we got your back, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "Oh I started to call all you guys in, but things went a bit hectic." he will admit. "And if you think I would not do something for ya birthday ya better think again. " He smiles a bit and says "Any help with rebuilding and getting things sorted out you let me know and will help with it.

Cypher has posed:
"Those Mutant girls, they're something else." Cypher says, from his console. "And I would know."

If he has anything else to say there, he keeps his mouth shut. "I'll see if I can fit a few hours in."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown's head bobs about a bit in reply to Conner as she says, "For the most part, yes. Thankfully. Or at least, less happy with their current situation." She pushes a smile back to her face and says, "But, that's hopefully over now, so we can take a minute to enjoy something more pleasant. Hopefully a more peaceful year to come."

Stephanie looks back to Doug on the monitor. "The problem with conference call birthdays is you don't get cake or ice cream. I hope Tim shipped you some," she tells him with a small grin.

Stephanie picks back up the present and passes it over to Conner. "It's not a lot, but..." she says through a shrug, and trailing off at the end. The box is only about a foot square and a few inches deep. She took the trouble to find the right shades of blue for the paper and red for the bow.

Superboy has posed:
Conner grins at Doug and nods in agreement, then takes the present from Steph. "Thanks!"

A quick unwrap later, he is smiling at the framed picture. "Man, this was after I got back from Hawaii. Was Jimmy Olsen who took the picture? I can't remember." It will go to his room in the Outsider's section, since he can hardly hang it from the wall in his apartment. Silly secret IDs.

Then he sighs. "I didn't know about the attack to Gotham until it was basically over, sorry. I guess there was some kind of communication blackout, since the League wasn't involved either."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will offer the man a smaller box than step did. "I thought you might like this." He tells the man, and says "There was things going on all around, turns out even while we will dealing with the problem we had Catwoman was even helping. She rescued some orphans."

Cypher has posed:
"Some of the meta-criminal syndicates have incredible technological sophistication." Cypher says. "So I wouldn't blame yourself."

Then Cypher says, "I'm willing to lend a hand where I can, but Gotham is someone else's turf and it's not a good idea to step on someone else's toes. It creates bad feelings and miscommunications."

"Also don't feel bad. Today's not a cheat day for me. I'll just toast you with this sugar-free Red Bull and call it good."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown watches pensively as Conner opens the gift, chewing her lip like maybe she's worried he won't like it, or that it won't be enough. His reaction gets a small smile from the blond college student though. "I thought it was the nicest one I could find," she says of the picture, clearing her throat a little.

Stephanie gives a little raise of an eyebrow at the mention of Catwoman. "Huh," she says quietly, before shrugging. "Well, the fires are out. And they are still digging in Red Hook. I don't know if it's likely they'll find anyone else at this point," she says quietly. But she knows it's a gloomy subject so she tries to change the subject.

"So what's this about Genoshan girls?" she asks, never one to let such comments go. "Found someone, didja?" she asks, canting her head and raising an eyebrow in a querulous way.

Superboy has posed:
Conner finds a place to sit down and unwraps Tim's gift, which seems to be a customized mp3 player. "Oh man, I used to go through a lot of these. Now I use a Starkphone, they are sturdy. But still lose one of them every few weeks. Last one got fried by a New York bad guy called Electro." He examines the device with a critical eye. "Is this EMP-hardened, woah... nice."

As for Stephs question, he grins again. "Oh, Tim knows her. Remember Blink? Purple hair, pointy ears. She fought during the Apocolups invasion. I actually met her years ago. But now we are dating again, it feels good. I'll try to bring her here at some point. She might be interested in joining the gang."

Cypher has posed:
"...Would you like to borrow a telepath to help you look for survivors?" Cypher asks. "I know a couple."

"You know, I was going to say 'Not all Mutants know each other' but I've met Blink, in passing. Nice girl."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and say "She seems a nice girl, have to hang out a bit more and get to know her a bit better." He looks over to Doug and says "Might not be a bad thing don't think many left this late but if someone is willing to come and do a few circuits with Steph or I would work.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie smiles as she hears about Conner's successful dating life. "Wait, she goes by Blink?" Stephanie asks. "Damn. That's a great name," she comments. "Well, happy for you Conner, I hope things go well with her," Stephanie says, looking more upbeat.

She glances back to the monitor. "I don't know much about telepaths, but if they could sense someone still being alive, buried in rubble, yes that might help. GCPD has rescue squads out there now," she tells him.

"Ok Tim, do we have a cake and candles for Conner?" she asks. She glances around the place. "And you decorated nicely. Good job." She flashes Tim a grin.

Superboy has posed:
"Yes, she goes by as Blink, she is a very powerful teleporter. Told she got to the moon once," comments Conner, setting the gifts aside in favor of the cake. "No candles, no idea what would be the right number anyway. Doug, if you can get a psion, we can do a sweep. I can try to help with my enhanced senses, or do the heavy lifting. Let us know." For now, food comes next.