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Latest revision as of 23:46, 14 January 2020

A Gathering of Titans Old and New
Date of Scene: 13 January 2020
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Titans meet for the traditional pizza, courtesy of Nightwing. The secrets of M.O.D.O.T.I.R, Skydancing, Carrie's life as a bird, and Ellie's name for Nightwing are discussed. Raven claims everything is fine, which means the world is ending.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raven, Kian t'Kaeh, Nightwing, Carrie Kelley, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Stardust has posed:
    It's raining. Hard. Rain lashes the trees of Baker's Island and whips the waters of the Sound to fury. Clouds render the skies visible through the tower's great windows a dull, lifeless gray and rain fogs visibility so much that it's easy to imagine the small scope of the island that remains visible is the entire world, a small circle of light in eternity.

    It's not a day for being outdoors. Not a day for flying! Not a day for doing anything much. Maybe a bit of light training, but it's hard to keep your mind on it as the constant strumming of rain on the windows lulls your mind. It's a day to be...

    "Bored!" Stardust announces. She has been sitting in the living quarters, working away on a pad, trying to do the 'boring detectivy stuff'. A group of the Titans had busted an NYC gang operation a little while back that had uncovered a scheme that seemed to involve smuggling bombs into Gotham, and they were not yet certain they'd located all the devices. There may be some already in Gotham and there were a lot of tracking records and traffic data to work through. Exactly the kind of thing that Stardust is really good at getting bored of quickly.

    "Bored!" Stardust repeats. She puts the tablet down and pulls out her T-Com instead. "Everyone. I'm bored. And hungry. Gonna order some food. Pizza? Chinese? Maybe a movie night? Who's around?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven has been there for several minutes. Perhaps, half an hour. Maybe, yet longer. She has been there since shortly before the rain started, and has been tolerating Colette's presence amongst the peace of the sound of rain the whole of that time.

    She finds the rain relaxing, and is sitting cross-legged on nothing, idly sipping from a mug of jet-black coffee whilst staring out into it in, perhaps, the most stereotypical fashion imaginable.

    Then, Colette grows bored enough to make a note of it. "Ah yes." Raven responds, mostly to herself. "This." Her head turns, slowly, to face the blonde. "You're going to order a delivery, to our island, in the middle of this rainstorm? And then, later on, you're going to have the gall to call yourself a hero?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Wandering out from his room, with a pad and pencil in one hand, while Kían's expression is neutral, the droop of his wings gives away his mood.  He gives the window a foul look, drops his pad and pencil on a table, and sulkily makes his way to the fridge.
    The Titans' budget for purple Kool-Ade has definitely taken an uptick since Kían took up residence.
    POnly once he has flavored sugar water in hand does he notice he's not alone.  Well, and the voices helped.  "Isn't it the delivery person's function to deliver, regardless of the weather?  While it's unpleasant," which is accompanied by another foul look at the window, "it's not actually hazardous.  I don't suppose /you're/ volunteering to go out in this muck.  /I'm/ not."
    He settles in with his pad and his pencil and his purple Kool-Ade and... gazes discontentedly out the window.  "I agree, bored.  Not even any lightning to make it interesting.  It's been ages since I went skydancing in a proper storm."

Nightwing has posed:
While the weather might be less than ideal, there can be something rather relaxing about a good rainstorm. Provided that one isn't caught out in the middle of it. Then it tends to more of an annoying, soggy mess. And while Nightwing might have had the misfortune not to be safely ensconced inside where it is warm or dry, at least his transit time through the rainy weather is not prolonged.

It has been sometime since he has managed to make his way up to these parts -- too long really -- and while he might wish it were otherwise at times, duty calls and all that. He has a lot of skills but being in multiple places at the same time is not one of them. Still, the Tower will always feel a little like home so it is nice to have the chance to drop by, nice to have the chance to check in and visit, even if it is only going to be for a few hours in all likelihood.

Which is exactly what he does when the doors slide open and he steps out into the heart of the Tower, pausing there for a moment just to take it all in. No matter how many times he steps through those doors it always takes him back, always triggers a wave of nostalgia. A small grin creeps over his features and he calls out as he navigates towards the kitchen. "Anyone here? I come bearing gifts," he announces. And indeed, his arms are loaded down with a stack of pizza boxes. He may be only an occasional visitor these days, but he has a pretty good handle on what the younger generation of heroes appreciate. Score one for the original Robin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The newly Titaned Kestrel had been hanging out here a good chunk of time more often lately. Mostly to get away from Gotham and her worries there though she did take time to check in. She wasn't totally gone. She was however usually ensconced in the gym working herself to near exhaustion if not completely there. That was her plan for this evening as well.

At least until Colette comes over the t-comm suggesting food, and movies. A little rumble in her stomach causes her to pause mid-punch to a punching bag before stepping back with a sigh of defeat. Angry or not she still had to eat and it *had* been awhile since her last caloric intake. Without a word she grabs a towel to swipe over her face, and back of her neck, heading for the boom tube that leads up to the living area.

Like perhaps all of her ilk that came from Gotham, she's still in costume even now as she comes out into the 'not serious' area. "Someone mention food? I smell pizza." Wait... was that Dick's voice calling out? She looks momentarily off balance as if her mind was wrapping around where she was.

Stardust has posed:
"I dunno Rae," Stardust responds without turning. "I mean there was that time I pretty much saved the planet, but I can see how that pales in comparison to ordering a pizza in a rainstorm. I mean even the Joker wouldn't do something like that. Even Darkseid would wait for a lull, and Cinderblock would offer to collect. I mean there is MODOTIR, Mental Organism Designed for Ordering Takeouts In the Rain, but he is, basically, roboSatan.

    When Kian arrives and brings his pragmatic logic to the debate, Stardust fingersnaps. "That. Look at it this way, if you were a delivery person, you'd probably be looking forwards to the extra large tip. Or you know, we could send a drone to pick up. That's a pretty good idea actually, it would be easy to set up a flightpath to the pizza place. What's a skydance?" The seamless, non-sequitur segue is a characteristic you notice in Colette if you've spent more than five minutes with her. She stares out the windows at the sky. "You mean like going out when there's a lightning storm and kind of... dancing with the lightning?" She looks intrigued.

    The train of thought is lost with the almost simultaneous arrival of Nightwing and Kestrel. "Well, it looks like our delivery person has already braved the elements and found them wanting. C'mon in Nightwing, your timing is perfect. Better than perfect! You may have just saved me from being named Public Enemy Number 1." She flashes a grin at Rae. "Kestrel! You know Nightwing already. This is all his fault." She sweeps an arm around, gesturing at the walls. "The Titans. He was one of the founders. Not sure if you've met the other two. This is Raven, another founding member, and Kian, who's almost as new as you are. Kian flies and can control radiation and electricity and stuff. Raven can out-brood Batman and has elevated being spooky into an art."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie has been really enjoying the rainstorm. It beats snow in her book. Is nice and dark and solemn.

Sure Thunderstorms are even more punk and metal but a decent rainstorm. That is great.

She has been let off her leash having turned eighteen a while back. Sure she still had that whole Sentinel curfew mess and needed rabbit holes or portals from Raven to come over for a while without a dumb chaperone or the buddy system. But the Sentinels have gone pretty dark and quiet and things have been greatly eased at her school.

Which is why she found herself down in the Titan's Danger Room, clocking some flight training without the risk of any fellow classmates seeing her trying to learn how to control her missile flight and hitting hard light walls.

The announcement of being bored as well as the offer of food gets her attention and she heads to catch the lift up to the living quarters. Emerging into the common area now, emerging in very much not her usual gear because she didn't pause to change from the work out. Black still. Very. Very. Black. But a punk band tank top paired with black yoga pants and tennis shoes. A white towel over her shoulders as she looks around. "I smell pizza." more a declarative statement not a question.

Raven has posed:
    Raven leaves her gaze on Colette for a time. It lingers there, such that Colette's heart might be willed to stop if her gaze were to intensify but one more iota. Is that a power she has? Does anyone have the courage to question it? Regardless, she continues.

    "MODOTIR is not a joke. Millions of people suffer every year." she responds, taking a sip from her coffee. "In addition, the rest of the things you said were facts. The Joker would never do this. Darkseid has verifiably never ordered a pizza delivery in conditions this bad."

    Swiveling on the chair of nothingness as if it was a material thing with proper axes, Raven turns to face the new arrivals. To Kian, she offers: "I teleport. The rain doesn't bother me. A delivery driver has to pack together a number of pizzas, wait for and take the ferry, and then reverse the entire trip for minimum wage. It is a trip you are not willing to make, and you have the power of flight. Aren't you supposed to be an empath?"

    Carrie gets a nod of acknowledgment. Kestrel is nice and unobtrusive. Raven approves, nonvocally. However, Nightwing on the other hand.

    "Ah, you have been promoted. Congratulations. We should celebrate."

    She couldn't resist.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Well, *I* can skydance in a thunderstorm.  I don't recommend it to anyone who hasn't got my /rhy'thar/ or something like it."  Kían smiles at Colette, a little shyly.  "I know I probably shouldn't but the lights and winds are so amazing.  But if it's a really severe storm, with hail, definitely don't.  Being immune to lightning is not the same as being immune to high speed rocks of ice."  He shrugs.  Feathers rustle.  As if it's perfectly normal to go flying in thunderstorms.  Well, for certain settings of normal.
    He blinks once at Rae.  "Empath?  No.  Partial telepath, at least among you non-telepaths," he explains.  "Not sure where that miscommunication came from... huh.  In any case, this kind of storm would just waterlog my wings.  It doesn't have the strong winds necessary to keep them partially dried out, so it would be a bad idea to go flying in it.  Except maybe for a pleasure jaunt above it."
    He waves to Carrie, making mental note of yet another Earther claiming the name of a bird yet having no wings.  And Nightwing, whom he hasn't seen in some time, and still no wings to fill out that name either.
    *snif*  Pizza?

Nightwing has posed:
Never let it be said that Nightwing doesn't know the best way to put an end to arguments. And food is, at least as often as not, the answer. Of course he may have come to that coclusion because he grew up in a house where possibly the most awesome chocolate chip cookies in existence were made on a regular basis, but he is pretty sure that the point remains true. And anyone who wants to argue with him, well, he can just direct them to Alfred's kitchen and pretty much put an end to the debate in short order.

He is not surprised that there are quite a few members of the team in residence at the moment. He can't help but keep tabs on the police band pretty much wherever he goes -- occupational hazard and all -- and certainly there was no indication that there was anything brewing that would require special attention. Couple that with the lousy weather and, well, it didn't take a genius to figure out that pizza would be a hit.

"Of course it is. It's my secret super power," he says airily in Colette's direction, setting the stack of pizza boxes down on the nearest counter top and going to retrieve a number of plates. He seems a little surprised to see Kestrel there -- he really has not been keeping up with things like he should -- but flashes her a brief smile and motions towards the stack of waiting boxes. "Everyone dig in. I tried to pick up something that would appeal to everyone," he adds before shooting a sly smirk Raven's way. "I'm glad some things don't change."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel somehow manages to raise an eyebrow above that domino mask she was wearing. It was really amazing how fluid those things were when the wearer was expressive. "Nice to meet you," she offers to Rae with a little tip of her head in the woman's direction after Colette introduces. For just a moment she stands there awkwardly whereas once she would have cheerily jumped in. ... But she had things on her mind. Things she was growing tired of, really, and pizza would certainly fill the void for now.

A sidelong glance is cast to the other who was apparently out training as she greets Nega with a simple, "Hey," before striding over toward where the stack of pizzas were. Out of habit perhaps more than anything else she snakes an arm out to give a quick side hug to Nightwing in greeting. Her attention is totally on the pizza at this point.

"I'm starving. You must have picked up A's secret power. Knowing when to bring food." A light joke along with a quirk of a grin, and then she's flipping open one of the pizza box lids. "So long as there's no anchovies. Still haven't gotten used to those."

Stardust has posed:
    Stardust is already on her feet and opening boxes before Nightwing has had the chance to put the last box down. Why wait for plates? "Heya Nega!" she calls out. "Come join us. It's such a relief to have someone else here who isn't bird-themed. If you change your name to Negaswallow Teenage Warbird I will never forgive you. Nightwing, could you hit the fridge when you're over there? Bottle of water for me please. "

    A slice of pizza procured in each hand, Stardust hops energetically back over to the sofa and takes her seat to eat. Whether by luck or design, Raven's glare has not stopped her heart. "I don't really get the dancing bit, Birdy Buddy. I mean thunder doesn't really have much of a beat. I'm not scared of a bit of ice though. Sounds like something to try out. So, yeah. Robin... current Robin... has brought us a Kestrel. Not sure if trying to give her an escape from the bat insanity or if the bats are just trying to take us over democratically. Judging my Boy Blue's reaction over there the rest of the bats didn't know, so the first one I guess. I've seen her spar in the Danger Room. She can fight. Also she has her head screwed on."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Anchovies on Pizza is easily something that should sentence pizza to be exploded." okay maybe Ellie just likes blowing stuff up. It is a pretty fair bet after all for the team members who know her.

The hey from Carrie merits a raised hand from the young woman "Hey..." and her introduction is really wrecked by Collete. But well she laughs. "No .. absolutely not.. I may go by Negasonic Warhead when I turn twenty but no bird themes.. thanks no..."

She shakes her head then to Carrie "Negasonic Teenage Warhead, though you can call me Nega or Negasonic." yeah that totally is her codename evidently. Re: Pizza with Anchovies.

She squints at Nightwing. "Have we met?" unsure. "Honestly all the armored body suit heroes with masks kind of starts to blur together... if we have.. thanks for the pizza run.. nice to see you... if not.. same deal but nice to meet you."

That is what effeciency looks like.

Perusing the pizza. "I'm free to spar with people anytime they want."

Raven has posed:
    "Psychic, Empathic, they're closely related. You still have a foothold in the minds and thoughts of others." she states, sipping again from her coffee. Her attention shifts around, but she doesn't necessarily clamor to gather a slice like the others might. Instead, a black aura begins to surround one of the cheese slices. It hoists itself out of the box, and begins to float its way towards Raven.

    She gathers it up in one hand, and takes a small bite out of it, while considering the others for a moment or two. "I never change." she responds to Dick, her monotonous delivery hiding her exact feeling on the matter. Idly, afterwards, Raven continues to each the slice- but doesn't seem like she'll be taking another. Ever the wallflower, she seems to be attached to the idea of speaking when spoken to.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían liberates himself a single slice -- just cheese, thanks -- and returns to his table, from which spot he regards Rae a little quizzically.  "Not really.  I can't reach non-telepathic minds without physical contact, you know that.  I suppose I've gotten used to the quiet in my head by now.  Even if it is weird and unnatural."  Shrug.  Bite.  Chew.  Swallow.  "And I know most Earth people don't like sharing minds.  Which is also weird and unnatural... uh, well, at least when you're used to it and grew up that way."

Nightwing has posed:
"There may indeed be one in there with anchovies. I could tell you which one, but then we would not be playing pizza roulette and my gesture would just be a nice one, instead of encouraging you all to constantly be situationally aware. Especially when salty little fish are involved," Nightwing retorts to Kestrel as he begins to layout plates beside the boxes -- a triffle too late perhaps, but well intentioned all the same. Alfred would approve.

Drinks, it would appear are next up and he begins to fetch bottles of water out of fridge, filling up one arm and turning -- pausing only to kick the lower corner of the fridge door shut before he pads away. Ellie gets a brief grin as he slips past, heading towards the nearby couch. "Nightwing. We may not have been properly introduced," he says lightly by way of offering an introduction.

Leaning over the back of the couch, he gives a mock sigh and dangles a bottle of water just above Colette's head, waggling it back and forth. "You know, if you wanted me to play waiter in addition to delivery boy I would have worn my tux instead of my costume," he notes with a faint smirk before dropping the bottle onto the cushion beside her as he turns back towards the kitchen.

While he might be willing to play big brother to those gathered, that doesn't mean that he can't do a little something about his own appetite, snatching a slice of his own and biting off the end as he turns that smile Rachel's way. "I don't know that I would go quite that far," he notes wryly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Of course my head's screwed on. I'd misplace it otherwise," Kestrel offers in a slightly more cheery tone now that she has warm food going into her belly. Sometimes it was just the basic things that could make a huge difference to someone... and biting into a slice of pizza certainly was on that list. Negasonic's introduction earns another nod. "Kestrel. I don't really have anything fancy to go by for a name so I went with the bird theme they've all got going on in Gotham," she points out with a jerk of her thumb in Nightwing's direction indicating exactly who 'they' were.

She does snag a plate before coming over to join the others to sit, and her own beverage of choice is a Red Bull. Not the healthiest thing, but it kept her running. Or maybe that was her heart racing trying to keep up with all the caffiene. Either way it worked. "Besides, someone has to keep the guys in line."

Stardust has posed:
    Colette watches the darkly glowing slice float Ravenwards, her eyes following the pizza to its destination. As her gaze falls on Raven a flurry of expressions sweep momentarily across her features. Raven won't need her empathic senses to recognize Colette's 'trying to make her mind up what to say' face. Nightwing's dangled bottle gives her a little extra time to think, so she jumps at the distraction.

    She narrows her eyes at the waggling bottle, follows its path down onto the cushion then looks back up to Nightwing. "Not instead of your costume. Get an armored kevlar tux, make it your new costume. You could be NightWaiter. No. THE NightWaiter. Villains will cower as they order a pumpkin spice latte. " She gives him a wink then nods her thanks for the water.

    "How's things going, Rae? Um. You ever manage to figure anything out about that loser clone of yours, like identify... you know, what kind of magic or whatever that was?" Apparently the added thinking time didn't help Colette - it's not really a question that would have needed it, more the conversational equivalent of filler.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Ah one of the Gotham birds.... " sage nod to Carrie as she works on a slice of meatlovers from the look of it. "Also.. you've lost points for house Ravenbeak due to your actions Nightwing... 10 demerits for fish pizza and laying it down like a trap...."

She does lean to snag a water bottle.

"Also now I remember you... the mental label I had for you was Abs... I really need to remember the Nightwing part..."

Then the young woman looks back to Carrie. "Did you join over the holidays or am I .. distinctly unobservant?" in an easy side conversation while Colette tries to engage Raven.

Raven has posed:
    "I have not read your dossier." Raven admits, coolly. "I probably will not. It does require a modicum of effort." Sip. She finishes off her slice of pizza within a not-necessarily-record time, but the lack of much conversation being slung her way allows her to keep at it, and people-watch. Nightwing's wry smile is returned with a quietly raised, inquisitive brow.

    Her attention is then grabbed by Colette, who has decided that what Raven needs is conversation. "Things are going exactly as they always do." Raven says, much in the same way as one would say when, indeed, things are not at all going as they always do. "Business as usual."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían himself hasn't read his dossier, as he's still working on learning written English, so it's not of a lot of relevance to him either.
    He finishes his slice of cheese and actively seeks out the anchovy pizza.  "Fish is perfectly reasonable," he comments, without glancing at Ellie.  Never mind that the stripe of salty blackness down the middle of the piece looks like a slug, fish are good.  Also, it's unlikely to contain bird parts, which he won't eat.  "Although I have to admit I find Kóri's pizza choices... challenging," he adds diplomatically.

Nightwing has posed:
With everyone fed, Nightwing is more then content to fall silent for the most part, eating his pizza and listening in while not making it look that he is listening in. He has some practice at that. Though both Ellie and Colette receive one of those wry smirks. All of this is familar... comfortable even. A scene that has played out again and again in this room over time, only the cast of characters shifting and changing over the years. That sense of continuity is comforting too. Another legacy to be proud of. And really, that is a big reason for him checking in like this, instead of just checking out the mission logs.

Judging by things, not everything is smooth sailing, but then when is that ever the case with this lot? Still, they always find a way, don't they? A quiet buzz sounds and for a moment the dark-haired hero drops his attention from the others gathered about the common area, fishing a cellphone free from a pouch that is nearly invisible against the black of his uniform. Yes, he certainly ventured up to New York to check in with them all, but apparently that is not the only reason he made the trip over from Gotham judging by the way he studies the message in front of him before tapping one back in reply. Pushing himself away from the wall where he was leaning, that temporarily serious mien is banished once more by a grin. "I have something I need to follow up on but I'll check back in later," he notes, heading back towards the elevator. Raising a hand, though not otherwise looking back he offers flippantly, "Try not to do anything I wouldn't do."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel raises an eyebrow just a bit as she sinks down to sit indian style on the ground. Not exactly 'lotus' or anything similar, but close enough for a white girl. "Don't imagine there's much on my resume as it were. I'm still newish to this life." If by new you mean a year, year and a half... pretty much. Nega's question earns a little half-nod in return. "Yeah, Robin brought me in just before Christmas." Here she pauses. Should she say more?

Nightwing's phone going off earns a sharp glance in his direction. There's no buzzing of her own, or anything on her comm though, so she raises her slice to take another bite of the meaty concoction watching him leave. "Stay safe," she calls out almost as an afterthought. That, or she was just trying not to talk with her mouth full.

"Eh, I probably could eat anchovies, but after the fish eye thing Robin had me eat once... Eugh."

Stardust has posed:
"Really." Colette's reply to Raven does not come with a tone of voice that would indicate doubt, but then the tone doesn't indicate much of anything. Which in itself is fairly indicative; she's not going to argue the point, if Raven doesn't want to address it.

    "That was *captain* Abs, Nega" Colette reminds her. "Which is better than The NightWaiter, to be honest. Talking of... Hey NightAbs!" She throws a wave in NightWing's direction. "Take care out there, and thanks for the pizzas. Give a call if you find anything that requires backup. But only if it's finished raining. Don't do anything I would do."

    "Don't get hung up on the newish thing Kestrel," Colette offers between mouthfuls. "Being newish is pretty much the Titans' thing. Resume is there to be filled. I've seen a little of what Robin says he sees in you. You'll do fine." She turns her head to Nega. "Kestrel has been here a couple of times before to visit, but Robin decided to drag her over here. I'm not sure why, probably revenge for something. Or because he wants some new blood on the team that isn't Kian. Birdy Buddy is not in Robin's good books right now."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Captain Abs it is." she notes with wry amusement. Negasonic reaches for another slice of meatlovers and then takes a bite.

"So.. I mean seriously what is new with Robin and Kian.. I mean... I've been coming here for almost .. jesus.. seven months now and Robin has been on birdboy's tailfeathers the whole time. I mean... has it actually gotten worse?"

She looks to Colleen "Oh hey... I'm still in the system as an Associate.. do I need to blow up the fake Titans to get some love?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven stares, deadpan, at her french colleague. This stare lasts a moment, but she responds after that delay with a nod, and a solemn. "Really." Strangely enough, she does not take a second piece. Instead, she finishes her coffee, and sets herself down onto the ground in a stand, taking the mug over to the sink and setting it into the basin.

    Her hands slide into her pockets, and she regards the room for a moment before somewhat briskly going about her business. It's not a snub, or a gloomy thing- or, at least, no gloomier than normal- Raven apparently had something to do. True to her nature, she departed without much, or any, fanfare, unless someone decides to halt her exit.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel flashes a faint smile in Colette's direction at the newbie thing. "Just warning that it's not an interesting read probably. I'm used to being new at stuff. I mean, look at who I work with in Gotham," she points out gesturing in the direction Nightwing had gone off. "... And yes, very much Captain Abs, but we don't talk about that usually. I dunno about Robin's thing with Kian, though," she admits giving a helpless shrug. Reaching for her Red Bull it's chugged down in a few quick gulps followed by... well... a burp. Making a face she covers her mouth and murmers, "Excuse me."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían shrugs at mention of Robin.  "It's of no relevance to me what book of his I'm in.  I pointed out his errors and rather than address it -- much less even /bother/ trying to refute it -- he just whined about how he didn't get talked to the way he wanted.  So I really don't care what he thinks of me."  He genuinely doesn't sound angry -- more disappointed.

Stardust has posed:
    "He kind of had a point, Kian. He just failed to make it." Colette looks momentarily sour. This is a bit of a sore point between herself and Damian. "He's got an idea in his head. That you're not up to helping out. He didn't make allowances for the fact that you're still working things out with us, and he snapped. On the other hand you were too busy snapping back to notice I sent you the instructions you were missing. However you covered the rear and dealt with one of those tin cans. He should credit you for that and I intend to point that out to him."

    Colette turns to the others with an apologetic shrug. "We went on a mission. Kian was lookout. He spotted something and didn't know what to do. Robin didn't take being asked well, and Kian snapped back. It's a storm in a glass of water, but I'm not quite sure how to persuade the pair of them of that fact."

    Raven's departure receives a nod of acknowledgement from Colette, but no words. Her eyes watch Raven's departure. She's a bit at a loss what to say to Raven lately.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Tha.. is rough. The heat of battle .. engagement can make a lot of people miss a lot of things. Which is why training is important. I mean that. Not just alone but also together as a team in a lot of scenarios. It builds muscle memory and also gets you use to taking orders and strategy out there when everything devolves to chaos right."


"Good pizza."

She isn't sure Colette heard her and is ignoring her or not, she will bring up her minor grevience later alone probably.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh, yeah, that'll do it," Kestrel agrees with a slow nod at the explanation of what happened. Her own slice of pizza is polished off, and she rises to her feet with a quiet groan. "Well... Great meeting and getting to chat, but I need a shower and maybe a year long nap."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I did get your instruction, Colette, but it was a single letter and I couldn't figure out what it meant.  I'm still not fully up to speed on written English."  Kían indicates his pad and pencil, upon which are Latin letters clearly still in the process of being learned, surrounded by spidery notes in his own written language.  "I'm working on it."
    The birdman sighs, heavily.  "I would also remind you that he threatened me with a blade for no reason, right here in this room.  I assume you have reasons for having him in his position, but I genuinely can not think of what they might be.  I fear he's going to get someone on this team killed through his own arrogance.  I don't want it to be me.  I don't want it to be *any* of us."

Stardust has posed:
    "Y for Yes, Kian," Colette says with a wry shake of her head. "I had to message without anyone seeing what I was doing, I was kind of in the middle of something. Which is why it's important that people can take the initiative. I have no arguents with you asking though, you're still figuring things out. Robin's response was not helpful."

    She leaves that to sink in while finishing off her remaining slice of pizza, the turns to face Kian fully. "See, what Nega said. Good teamwork comes when you don't need to check in but know how to do your role automatically. The way you get there is experience. The training sessions only get us so far. I saw the flaws in your performance during the raid on the warehouse, but I also saw that you demonstrated that a pacifist absolutely can be useful in a situation like that. You were highly effective. Robin can't see past the mistakes and failed to acknowledge the positives. That's /his/ mistake. He is however... by far... the best tactician on the team. That's why he gets to call the shots. That's why we put up with him being grumpy and rude. And occasionally threatening people with knives. I'll have a word with him, okay? Probably best if I sit the pair of you down."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I'm not sure I want to do that," Kían admits, but not with the decisiveness of a mind that's set in concrete.  "I don't trust him.  I am convinced he's an insane child who needs intensive therapy that by all the Gods I wish I had the skill and training to offer."
    "But I don't, and I can't, so I have to make the best of it.  He needs to understand there are demands he may not make of me.  I won't sin on his command."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Much drilling..." lifting a slice of pizza and then devouring it as she keeps listening to the two talk about it all.

"Well. I mean. Child soldiers. I started training to use my powers and help people when I was fourteen. It .. leaves a mark on you. I have had good therapy tho." she smirks, it is questionable how much it has helped if one asks her peers back at the school but well.

She pulls her phone out and checks something when it vibrates. "Tell Captain Abs if he asks thanks for the Pizza... this was great. I'm going to go do some more training then clean up. Crashing here tonight I think instead of heading back upstate." her commute is a bitch.

The teenage warhead levers up to her feet and grabs another bottle of water before heading to the lift. "I'm sure Robin won't hurt you Kian."

Stardust has posed:
    "Robin's training wasn't so much child soldier as toddler soldier," Colette comments. "His entire childhood was basically one big trauma, and his therapy was Batman." Her eyes lock on to Kian's. "Then again you think I'm insane too. So I guess the difference is that I can legally buy alcohol. You're not a redactor, so you need to look to other solutions, Birdy Buddy. Number one on the list is patience. Put up with his insults and prove him wrong. It'll take time though."

    Colette hops to her feet. "Yeah, a bit of training sounds like a good idea. Gotta work off all that pizza, right?" She heads to the empty shaft, and pauses on the threshold before diving down it, as Negasonic makes her final comment. "Yeah, I wouldn't bet on that one if this is left to fester," she mutters to herself.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían bows.  "Sleep well," he says, gathering up his stuff in preparation for heading for his room.  "And I wish I shared your optimism, Ellie."
    He smiles softly.  "I don't think you're insane, Colette.  I don't know if you really understand me, but you accept me as I am.  I think it's fair to say that I've shown patience, and I will continue to do so, but there are mortal limits.  If he wants respect, he's going to have to show it in return."  He flips his notebook closed and heads for his room.