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Latest revision as of 23:48, 14 January 2020

Home Sweet Whatever
Date of Scene: 13 January 2020
Location: Apartment, Music Center
Synopsis: Lorna, Roberto and Rogue catch up on current events.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Sunspot, Polaris

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had vanished on New Years Eve, at Tony Stark's part, possibly a well known event -- who knows? Rogue doesn't, thats for sure.

After she got home, she stopped by Xavier's to let them know she was home, just in case anyone was worried or whatever. Turns out Kitty had been a miss over it, Lockheed and she had both been thrilled to see her and even Warren was seemingly happy to see her!

After that though, Rogue just cleaned up and changed clothes then headed back to her apartment and that is where she is now... relaxing, in comfy sweats... a Xavier's school hoodie, and some nice loose comfortable pants, with fuzzy slippers on her feet.

She's lounging on her sofa, in her small apartment that sits over the Music Center store in downtown Salem Center. Its accessible by an outdoor staircase that leads into a hwllway with 3 other apartment doors, or by a staircase inside the store itself that enters into that same upstairs hallway.

Sunspot has posed:
Just last evening Roberto has been talking to Kitty and Warren about Rogue. He lest the school mere minutes before she showed up! He got a txt he read when he got to his apartment. Then he showed it to Lorna. Which brings the young couple here next day.

They were worried!

Besides, since Rogue is a good friend of Lorna, he thinks it is a good idea to talk with the Southern girl about a certain mysterious letter and what Lorna is planning to do.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was running on fumes, but that wasn't new. She'd been dealing with issues in Genosha, her family, and well.. the incident with Jamie's dupe had been rather distracting. She'd bounced back and forth between the Mansion, Genosha, and Roberto's apartment. It was decidedly a good thing that Blink and her were friends.

The green haired mutant had belatedly heard about the mishap that had sent Rogue out beyond the reach of most people, and she'd been worried as the next person. But there hadn't been much she could do.

At least until Rogue returned. A text that she was coming over had been a small heads up, sent ahead of her and Roberto, before they'd left. She waited at the door, knocking lightly and leaning back as she waited for the Southern Belle to respond or open the door. Either one. The green haired woman wore a thick layered sweater and jacket combo, and pair of black leggings with a pair of knee high boots. All meant to keep her warm against the New York Winter. "Hope she's in the mood for company.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had gotten the text, now that her phone was working again, and had prepared for their arrival by... just laying on her sofa with her pile of pillows behind her head and her eyes on the tv mounted on the wall, some random shows being flipped and switched through... trying to catch up on the past week and a half of being off of EARTH!

When the knock comes, Rogue doesn't so much stand up as she suddenly LIFTS UP and floats across the room to the doorway beside the small kitchen. She touches down on the hardwood floor and unlatches then opens the door and smiles to them on the other side, her white bangs are framing her face and a bit messy.

"Heeey heeey." Rogue says to them, stepping back and letting them have purchase to enter the apartment. "Come on iiiin!"

Sunspot has posed:
"Welcome back to Earth, Rogue," greets Roberto. "I hope you had a nice trip despite... you know, being kidnapped by a crazy alien woman." He brought some presents for the skunk-haired woman. 'Welcome Back' flowers bouquet, and a couple bags of (expensive!) foodstuffs. Because one of the most annoying things of surprise trips to space is returning and finding all the food in the house is spoiled.

It happens at least once a year. The cons of the life of the adventuring mutant. "So, do we get a story, or is all secret Avenger business?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna beamed at Rogue, moving to hug her friend if allowed as soon as she was inside the apartment door. "I'm glad you came home safe, did you have to punch a whole bunch of aliens to make it back? Eat anything good?" She glanced at Roberto, and held up a paper bag. It contained a simple hot burger and fries. Expensive foodstuffs were good, particularly given that everything in Rogue's fridge was likely dead by now.

"I brought your favorite burger and fries. I figured you might not want a milkshake given how cold out it is.." She trailed off and stepped to set the bag down on a nearby surface and shuck off her coat.

"And yeah, I wanna hear what happened."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does hug Lorna when she comes in and she gives her a good firm squeezin' as she does so too. But then she's backing out of it and reacting to the presents that Roberto is presenting to her with big huge surprised eyes and a big smile. "Oh my. Roberto. You're lucky you belong t'Lorna, or I might have t'snatch ya up for myself and thats just dangerous stuff right there, as everyone knows."

She'll take the flowers and the foodstuffs and move them to the counter in the kitchen. "God these are pretty. I'm terrible with flowers though, I'll try not to kill'em. I promise." She gives the man a grin before she thinks about their questions with regard to what happened.

"Didn't do much fightin' really. We ended up in a cage that we broke outta and well... it was cold, really cold. Snow storm all over the planet we were on. But we found a space port and some ships and well... convinced them t'let us have one. Weren't too hard really, turns out some'a them alien men are just as easy t'manipulate as some'a our Earth-men are." She grins at Roberto.

"Cept for you, of course, sugah." She pays the man a sweet smile before she glances back to Lorna. "Whomever sent us away? She's bad mojo though, and Kitty's still tryin' t'find Steve and Tony. I guess... I guess they're still Lost."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto winks at Rogue, "I don't think Lorna is into sharing, but yes, you are 'dangerous stuff'," he grins, leaving the bags in the kitchen, but then he hears about Iron Man and Cap.

"Oh, damn. I thought you all returned together," the smile is gone, and he sighs. "But if Carol Danvers is back, she will mobilize Alpha Flight and find the others. Are you going to be joining them? In the search, I mean."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled at her friend for the hug, and thankful that Rogue was very much in control of her strength. She moved to find an available seat, plopping down to listen as Roberto put down everything else he'd carried up to the apartment while Rogue put things on the counter in the kitchen. The joke about Roberto and Rogue, earned a small laugh and shake of her head.

"Huh, that seems really weird.. think the whole thing was for some I dunno, alien slavers or something? Why portal across the universe to Earth and snag people?" She tilted her head, propping up her chin with the palm of her hand.

"I'm glad you're home and safe, hopefully Tony and Steve are on their way back soon." She paused, "Particularly as my father has been up to something again. I tried to find him in Genosha, to talk about this letter I got.. instead Mystique was hanging around the throne room and said my father wasn't on the island. If anyone can talk my father down from something stupid it would be Steve."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gives a soft smirk to Roberto as she starts to sort through the foodstuffs he'd brought, eyeballing all of it, already fawning over some of it and hoping to dig in. She puts some of it away but then sets a little out for them all to enjoy in the moment too.

"I'll help if they ask me to." She states then. "But sometimes I don't think people really 'think' about me as a viable option. Since i've been skirtin' teams so much, ya know, bouncin' back and forth, this way and that, I think people... don't consider me reliable? I dunno." She shakes her head then, her hands drop down to her hips and she places her eyes upon Lorna.

They narrow.

"Mystique is hangin' around the throne room on Genosha?" She asks. "God thats weird. Last time I saw her was this past summer. She said a buncha cryptic shit, then left a puppy in my care... like I know what t'do with a puppy. I already got rid'a one dog, and feel terrible about it. So sure, lemme me get used t'havin' a new one around, then get rid'a it and feel like a jerk again!"

There comes a bit of a seething exhale from the Belle, but she shakes her head right to left and puts her hands on the counter's edge. "I think this person was after something..." She says softly. "The one from New Years. She came here lookin' for something. Said it was a 'stone' of some kind."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto nods about the stone. Kitty mentioned the same. It could mean there is some kind of special 'stone' in the New York area. With so many superhumans in the region, it could be anything. But they should keep an eye for it. 'They' being the X-Men and the Avengers, not Corporate CEOs that are at most part-time crime-fighters.

(Okay, he will keep his eyes open too).

"You are reliable enough," offers Roberto. "Changing teams is allowed. Particularly for the Avengers, they are well-liked and high profile. They could use some more mutants in the roster. Sets a good example about collaboration and integration."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow, leaning forward as Rogue spoke. "Reliable? Pfft, c'mon, you're far more than I am. I'm surprised anyone keeps me on the 'active' duty roster. I'm barely around. And my hands are tied by international law. I'm a public entity. I can't be seen doing half the shit the X-men get up to. I'll never get an invite to any other superhero team either. So." She shrugged and leaned back in her seat.

It truly didn't bother her that much. After all, she was heir to the Genoshan throne and knew that limited her ability to be a 'hero' in many ways.

"But yeah, Mystique was hanging out, telling me that my father was in some church or something. I dunno." She sighed and reached up to dig her hands into her hair. "I'm just glad you're back and in one piece Rogue." She smiled, but it was distracted slightly.

"At least now I can go off without worrying about you at least.." She murmured, looking to Roberto.

The comment about some nebulous stone had her eyebrows furrowing slightly and she shook her head. "I dunno about stones or anything. Sounds like magic, and that's not my department. If someone needs a physics problem solved.. that's about it." She drawled and shifted in her seat.

Rogue has posed:
Both of them speaking up for her and insisting in the reliability of her reliability makes Rogue show a smile. "Thanks." She says softly about it too before she just listens onward.

Her arms cross over her stomach and she tucks her gloved hands behind her elbows as one hip leans against the granite countertops in her kitchen. "Your dad, Lorna... He plays 'Five D Chess' or whatever. Ya know, where he's like many steps ahead of whomever he playin' against. If he's in a Church? Then he's probably up t'something. Ya might wanna dig deeper, if ya care t'even know what it is. IF ya need help though, I'm down for it. Just let me know."

She gives a little grin then and nods once to them. "Ya'll wanna go get some dinner somewhere here in town?"