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Latest revision as of 08:38, 16 January 2020

Beast invites Kaida to a lab...not as a lab mouse!
Date of Scene: 16 January 2020
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Beast discovers that Kaida is indeed a mutant and gives her an opportunity at Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Kaida Connolly

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is notified that Kaida will be arriving, and goes to meet her at the gate. He will go to the gate, and rather than open it, just crouch, and hold out his hand. "Not sure how you got here, but good afternoon."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Standing at the gate, Kaida looks same as before, complete with her little cloak. She hops up on to his hand and looks up at him with a smile, "Thanks for having me." She states and nods her head, "And a girl has to keep her secrets." She nods her head and then smiles as she looks around the area and ocnsiders, "Interesting lab."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gestures with his free hand as he picks her up, and starts carrying her across the green, expansive grounds to the front door. "This is an entire school campus. I'm going to take you in to the Wellness Office to begin your examination. I have some equipment set up in there."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink as she looks over at Henry before looking around, "A school?" She asks and tilts her head, "That's interesting." She nods her head as she looks over at Henry before moving over to the edge of his hand to look at different directions before she looks up to him, "How...invasive is this? Like, what kind of exam should I expect?" She asks and tilts her head.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy Shrugs. "Nothing... bad. But uh.. it's as invasive as you're interested in having. I mostly expect to start just by checking your DNA for signs of you being a mutant. From there, we can investigate the particulars of your mutation, if that's the case. Or if you're not, I can still help. When... did this happen?" He walks her inside, past kids going to afternoon classes and into the Wellness office.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A look at him and she blinks, "Particulars? I mean, I'm a mouse person. That seems like most of the particulars right there." She nods and rolls her eyes before she looks forward as they walk and then shakes her head, "A few years ago. I saw a man in trouble, I got in trouble...then this." She gestures and shrugs, "And...now I'm this." She laugh sa little, "KInd of taught me not to be helpful." She snickers, "Not a lesson I've learned well though."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head, and carefully lowers his hand onto a desk for her to climb off, before he goes to sit at the table. "So you were... what, 15?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink at him and she shakes her head, "No I'm..." She then trails off and frowns, "I kinda forget it's kinda hard to tell how old I am like this." She msiles, "I'm 16 now. It happened when I was 13." She nods her head and then shrugs, "Sorry, I really should have started with how old I am. I imagine." She shrugs, "Kinda important but it semes to lose it's importants when you are tiny."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles, and sits back, folding his arms. "No actually close enough. I expected you were around 18, being at the university. But 16... meaning you were just hitting puberty. That's very common for X-Gene mutations. When puberty hits, the first time you hit a stressor... bam. Stuff happens. Now.. I have to figure out how to draw blood at your size. Oh, I know." He then gets up, and goes over to a cabinet, rummaging around.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A twitch and she shifts, "Well, I...am trying to keep up on my studies." She nods her head, "Ah skipped a couple grades." She nods her head a little before looking up, "And...it's kinda hard to 'ave a normal curriculum at my size so...I kinda just study what I want and tyr to keep up with the regular stuff when I can." She nods her haed, "Biochemistry is a favorite of mine." She nods a little and then looks over at where he is rummaging, "So...I guess I figured you'd need blood but what are you thinking?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy raises a finger, and comes over with a pin, and a glass slide. "This. Allow me to assure you that part of my mutation gives me fine motor control and superhuman senses. Now hold still." He sits, sits up, and comes up close. Looming over her, he chuckles. "Hold out your arm, please."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink as she stares at the needle before looking to him, "I assume you dipped that a few times in alcohol before you brought it over?" She peers at him before holding out an arm and then shifting a little, "I'm pretty nimble myself." She nods her head, "I was always kinda nimble but I'm way more nimble now."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy snickers. "What do you take me for? Yes it's stored sterile. I just took it out of the pack. Taking the time to get it in acohol would get it germier than hurrying..." He nods, and holding his breath, very carefully brings everything into position. The slide under her arm, the pin above... he taps her, and then grunts. "You're... you're not fragile." Then trying again, firmer, he gives her a prick with just the very point of the tiny pin, and then wipes the pin onto the slide. He then runs back to the cabinet, grabbing cotton and tape, and starts tearing at it very carefully, creating a tiny bandage for her. "Here you go."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A laugh and then she looks to the side, "Yeah...I kinda forgot about that." She nods, "I've been cut since I changed but...yeah, it's kinda more difficult." She then looks at her arm and considers, "Honestly, not sure just how tough but looks like you can get at me with a needle." SHe smiles and nods, "I really...haven't told you everything but I, well, I really don't know enough about you or this place or...well...anything." She shrugs and then lets out a slow sigh.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy lets her put the bandage on herself, as he smiles. "You haven't heard of me? Nobel Prize? Presidential Medal of Freedom? MacArthur Grant? Researcher, Mutant Rights Activist, and member of the secretive organization known as the X-Men?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Well, I mean that's why I'm here but..." She shrugs a little, "I don't know you, though." She nods her head and then shifts in her spot, "I mean..." She shrugs, "No offense but I've seen actors and actresses before but when you look them up they turn out to be rude or jerks or I don't know..." She shrugs, "Ah just came here cause you seem trustworthy but when you live on the street a while you learn to be careful."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles, as he takes the slide, and pushes it into a machine. Bringing up a holographic display, he taps at it a bit. "This machine is usually in my lab. I brought it up here to help you out. But yeah, I understand, it's fine. Look, to be honest, if you're interested I might be able to get you a place at the Xavier's School, which is a school for kids like you. Who have amazing powers but a hard time integrating with society."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A frown and she looks at the machine before she slowly stands up and looks around a moment, "I mean, that sounds nice but I'm not sure..." She nods her head, "I'd like to but...I'm worried about the people I live with." She looks at him, "I'd have to run it by them first. I help them. THey help me. If I leave..." She shrugs, "I just want to be sure they'll be ok without me, ya know? Truth be told...I can do some pretty amazing stuff. Sorta." She chuckles, "Not sure how amazing it is depending."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles and looks back over. "That's fine. I wanted to offer. And uh... your size, your strength, and your coyness about getting here make me think you're mobile as well. You didn't take any sort of car of vehicle to get here from the city, did you young lady?" Then at that the holographic display glows red, with a yellow X, and starts making a rhythmic buzzing sound.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink as she looks at him and then she looks over at the display. She stares for a long time and then shifts a little in her spot and then she nods, "That means..." She poitns and hten looks over at Hank, "That means what I think it means, right?" She nods her head a little before she shrugs, "Kinda was hoping it was something else just a tiny bit and not just end up being me." She swallows a little before she shrugs, "No point in fighting it then." She then looks to him, "And I'm not that strong." She then shrugs, "Strong for my size I suppose but when you barely weigh half a pound, I suppose lifting a text book is impressive."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy presses his finger to the display to silence the alarm. WAlking ack to the desk, he sits in front of her, and leans forward a bit. "Congratulations. You're a member of humanity's most oppressed minority group. How fast can you run? Can you fly?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink as she hears him speak and then she shakes her head, "I can't fly." She smirks, "But ah am faster than most cars." She nods her head, "Technically..." She looks over to the other side of the room and then she is rather suddenly there in a blur of movement and a small breath before smiling over to him, "I can move /really/ fast for a very short time." She nods her haed, "But I try not to as it gets me rather hungry."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is able to keep his eyes on her as she moves, and claps. "Well done. So, I'll say it again. If you're interested, get your affairs in order, and I'll get you a meeting with Ms. Grey, to approve admitting you to the school. How would you like a proper curriculum to get you ready to get a proper degree? Along with a safe, protected home, food, and everything covered?"

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A frown and then nod, "I think I would like that but as I said..." Kaida frowns and then she jumps back over to the desk and looks up at him, "I need to make sure they'll be ok." She nods, "I know they are survivors but...well, part of the reason I'm there is to make sure no one causes trouble. It's how I contribute." She smiles up at him, "You're a man of science. Take the weight potential of a textbook and then add in a few hundred kilomters per hour." She then holds up a small fist, "And then concentrate it right here." She thens hrugs and then taps her blade, "Or here."

She looks down and scuffs a little paw of a foot, "First guy I tried it on...well, I still feel kinda bad about it but luckily he landed in shallow water..."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy winces. "Yeah. Well, what if I told you you won't be nearly the most dangerous student at the school, Kaida?" he then winks. "We're used to it. Our students are exceptional. But yeah, no rush."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A smile and then she steps up to him, "I don't know, I think you might underestimate me!" She nods and plants a hand on the pommel of her blade before giving a wink and a nod before she takes a step back, "Set up the appointment. I'll meet with Ms. Grey." She nods her head, "That way we can get the paperwork done if I do decide." She nods her head before she looks down, "I just, like I said, I want them to be safe."