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Na Na Na Na Bat Dumplings
Date of Scene: 20 January 2020
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant, China Basin
Synopsis: The Bat crew spend an evening chatting and enjoying dinner. It's Carrie's birthday. Nothing explodes.
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Nightwing, Misfit, Robin (Wayne), Spoiler

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't unheard of for a call to go out to those of the Bat Family and assocated to show up for dumplings. Tonight was quiet enough, and Carrie had reason to be here: Which is why she's the first to send out the invite. It's a simple message of 'Yesterday was my birthday. Dumpling place or gtfo.'

Already seated at the usual table that she and many of the others who came here occupy, she's busy chatting very slowly with the woman who runs the place in Mandarin. Broken Mandarin in Carrie's case--she was still learning. It's much to the delight of the woman whoever who patiently corrects her pronunciation until it's perfect, and bestows upon the redhead a winning smile. "Getting better!" She pronounces before heading off to put in the order that Carrie had placed.

Nightwing has posed:
While evening may have fallen over Gotham City already, the night is still young and there are hours upon hours left to get out onto the streets and rooftops of the city and make sure that any threats that can be dealt with, are dealt with. Of course, at some point Dick Grayson will have to start thinking about getting back to Bludhaven, spending more time there, but Gotham is his home too and after all the turmoil in the recent past, well, it doesn't hurt to stick close, keep an eye on things and make sure that everything is well and truly back to normal.

Which is one of the reasons he was rather grateful for the call. While he can appreciate a good dumpling as much as the next guy, it is the chance to check in with some of the others that he is looking forward to as much, or probably more so then the food. Which is saying something, given just how fond he is of this place. So while a couple of minutes late, the dark-haired young man strolls through the door, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket and shoulders a little hunched at the growing chill settling over the darkening city. It isn't hard to pick Carrie out of course -- they almost always sit in the same place if they can manage it and he lifts a hand in greetings as he pads on over.

Misfit has posed:
Birthdays are very important. Much like Christmas. Thanksgiving. All of those important dates.

Charlie didn't really have a lot of friends in school back in Metropolis before everything went to hell, so she is definitely down for dumplings and spending time with Carrie and whomever else got the text.

Charlie pops in behind Dick, not really popping in thank god, but using the door like a normal person. Admittedly she popped into the alley down the street from home and didn't ride the bus or get a ride share like a normal person. Still points for some common sense right.

She tries to fall into step behind Dick and follow him to the booth, matching her steps to his and trying to not be heard. Just a touch. Just playful. Not really noticably strange to anyone observing.

She is wearing jeans and a anime cat hoodie, street legal.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     An ultimatum, provided from Carrie, who would be such a fool to ignore this? Not Damian Wayne, not after what had happened.

  Damian had options on how to dress, embrace his name, or attempt to blend in with the crowd. Tonight felt like a night for blending in. He wore a hoodie, much to his contempt.

  The young man stepped in and into the booth, Lowering the hood once he was sat. "I want soup dumplings." Easy as that, and the young grump was not so grump.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley flashes a smile toward Nightwing, and his sudden shadow of Misfit. She sits with fingers laced together in front of her as they take a seat. "Hey, thanks for coming," she offers giving a small shrug. "And sorry for the sudden notice. Kind of lost track of time lately." There certainly were plenty of reasons for her to forget, or want to forget. Before she can say anything else the hooded figure of Damian slips in with his demand earning a faint snort from her in reply. "Already got some on order. Figure I ought to try something fancier than usual for tonight... but soup dumplings are always a must."

She was fairly casual herself, and looking at least to be in good shape and spirits at the moment. Her hair was left down and she had that newer puffed jacket she'd gotten on a whim which was pretty darn warm for civilian clothing. It's draped over the back of the chair though. It always felt plenty warm in here with the stoves and ovens always going. "How's everyone doing?"

Nightwing has posed:
Weaving in amongst the tables -- most of which are occupied this evening, as might be expected -- Dick never so much as glances back on the way to the waiting table, nor giving the slightest hint that he is aware of the shadow that he has picked up. At least not until he stops in front of the table. "Thanks for the invite. Happy belated birthday," he says with a wink for Carrie before he turns and nods very gravely at Damian. "Glad you could make it too," he adds, a hint of approval in his tone. Only then does he add, "And you're getting better Charlie. Keep it up," he offers, shooting a grin back over his shoulder her way. Only then does he sink into his seat.

"So, I presume everyone knows what they want by now?" Dick asks as he settles himself, not bothering to glance towards the menu. It's pretty much a given for most of them by now, though every once in awhile one of the team can surprise him.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie sticks her tongue out at Dick and well, gives a shrug but is grinning. She figured she was likely totes made but it was fun. Also maturity is clearly not coming along at the same pace as walking like a ninja wanna be.

"Soup dumplings sound amazing.. why are they called soup dumplings though.. are they dumplings in soup like wonton soup or something?"

"I mean.. I'll eat anything that is recommended?" yeah Charlie has no idea yet what she wants but she slides into a seat chipper.

Spoiler has posed:
Only a few traffic ordinances were broken in Stephanie's trip to the dumpling joint, knowing she was arriving late and hurrying, but not willing to risk an accident on the icy roads. Her car pulls up into an out of the way parking spot, the blond hoofing the extra distance to avoid door dings on the purple car.

She comes inside, stamping her feet against the cold and wiping them on the mat. Dangling from one hand is a little gift bag with the top filled in with colored paper. The place is small enough it's easy to spot her friends, drawing a big smile from Stephanie as she heads over to them.

"Happy birth-day-after," Stephanie says to Carrie, grinning to her and offering over the small bag. "One Economy test down, and... I don't even want to know how many tests left in my college career," she says, letting out a puff of air to dislodge some stray hairs that have fallen near to her eyes.

Stephanie flashes a warm grin to everyone as she pulls a chair over to the table. "How is everyone?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "They have gelatinized soup inside them." Damian responds, having to keep himself from being a butt to Charlie. "So, eating the chicken feet?" He asks Carrie, it was one thing that gave him joy, the schadenfreude-esque way of seeing Americans try traditional Chinese and middle eastern food. The foods he had since he was much smaller, and much accustomed to at this point.

  The Scion of the Wayne family glances at the first Robin. "Why wouldn't I?" Damian and Dick had a good rapport, even if he was the wizard cat of the family, he always came back to his brothers, and Carrie.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley simply stares at Misfit. "Oh, you poor child," she teases lightly over the questioning of soup dumplings. Her hands lift to make a little gesture as if she were pinching together an imaginary dumpling in the process. "Little pockets of mouth burning goodness," she adds on to Damian's explanation of what a soup dumpling is. The chicken feet get a little crinkle of her nose, but she takes a deep breath and nods. "I said I'd try them last time and I'm gonna." Besides, it might be good? Maybe?

Stephanie's greeting along with a bag earns a little chuckle from her as she makes room for the blonde to join them. "You didn't need to get me anything. I just wanted company," she points out even as she takes the bag to set beside her. "Thank you though."

Nightwing has posed:
As yet another of the 'family' arrives to join the belated party, Dick slides around the table a little more to make a little extra room. Fortunately there is a reason this table is their regular spot when they do manage to all gather for a bite to eat. "Pull up your chair Steph," he says, motioning towards the freed up space before turning his attention back to the rest of the table, settling in.

"Why indeed," he murmurs, flashing a grin to his latest successor. "Now I just have to convince you to come out to one of the Gotham Blade's home games before the season ends," he notes drily. "And chicken feet really aren't that bad. Definitely worth trying at least once," he points out, the grin on his face indecipherable. He may be telling the truth. Then again, he may not.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie eyes Damian like she isn't entirely sure she can trust his explanation about gelatinized soup hand in hand with a statement about chicken feet.

"I will start with soup dumplings I think.. they sound delicious" a smile to Carrie then well she can't help but look over at the cages with the live chickens in the window. She ... managed to not think about that on the way into the place. Now she can't not.

She fishes out her phone and uses a language translator on the menu idly.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown settles into her seat, smiling thankfully to Dick as he helps make room for her. "Thanks," she tells him. "Glad to see you out and about, it's been a little while," she says to the oldest Wayne son. Stephanie grins to Carrie then and says, "Well, you got company and a present. Just sorry I couldn't make it over to deliver it yesterday."

She picks up the menu, which is mostly a formality. She always chooses from the same three or so dishes, and is one of those targets that Damian might seek out on trying to get her to try the more authentic, and unusual by American standard, dishes. Stephanie didn't have a lot of experience eating authentic Chinese until falling in with the Wayne clan.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian shrugs, as Charlie did not believe. "The steam makes the soup melt, making a soup pocket, and it's the best thing.

  "Gotham Blades?" He was aware of the Knights, because Alfred kept purchasing casual clothing with their logo. It was good for the city's most visible teenage boy to support the local sports teams. Tabloids ate that up like spaghetti. But Damian had much to learn about American sports.

  Damian had raised a hand and bid the older lady to come over. What followed was a series of questions in mandarin. The exchange was quick, but even Damian's tone sounded nice. He motioned to Carrie, while continuing.

  Damian had bowed once the exchange was complete, and a small smile had grown, showing off his pearly-whites. "They said they have something special for you." He told Carrie, removing his titanium chopsticks from his pocket.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances between Damian and the woman who ran older woman as she tries to keep up or recognize a few words. There were a few she did, but the pace they spoke made it impossiblef or her level of language skill. Why couldn't it be something easier, like pig latin? Then when Damian makes his proclaimation she raises a single eyebrow.

"This isn't the fish eyeball thing, is it?" That one still weirded her out a bit, but she could at least justify chicken feet to be like chicken wings. Nibble on the bone type thing. With a sigh she plucks up the bamboo chopsticks provided by the place to rub them between her hands quickly to break them apart.

"You'll like it, Charlie, the food here is great. Even if you're not used to it. And even if you don't like most of it, there's always rice," she offers helpfully.

Looking to Nightwing she chimes in, "The Blades are not gonna win this year with the way they're going. Not after Evenski went out with a torn ligament." Leaning to the side she peers at the menu Steph has to offer in mock whisper, "Just ordeeer."

Nightwing has posed:
Growing up a nomad certainly taught Dick the value of being open to a variety of different food styles and the fact that he has continued to travel as he has grown -- even if for very different reasons -- certainly doesn't hurt. As the soup dumplings have already been ordered and are on the way, he doesn't hesitate to place his order with the waitress after she converses with Damian, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly at the askance look that Carrie shoots him.

"So suspicious. I'm sure it's a perfectly nice surprise," he insists, though such surity seems... unlikely. "And yes, the Blades. Hockey my young friend," he says to Damian. "And of course they're not going to win. They're not going to even make the playoffs. That's not the point. It's the experience of it all," he says before grinning once more.

Settling back in his seat, he notices just what Charlie is doing and purses his lips. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Sometimes ignorance is bliss," he suggests drily before glancing towards Stephanie. "School's going well I trust?"

Misfit has posed:
Honestly at this juncture Charlie looks at Stephanie and then back to Carrie and nods to Carrie. "Great." then looks back down at the menu and her phone brow furrowed.

Dick's warning though is taken to heart and she puts the phone back in her pocket and pffts lightly. Then she leans over towards Damian "Can you maybe order a couple things for me to try too ...and try not to punk me too hard?" hopeful tone there and well he seems very fluent.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown gives a grin as she remembers what her first trips here were like, not really being sure what she was ordering. "I'll get the pork dumplings," Stephanie says, sticking with one of her usual dishes. She puts the menu aside and then looks over to Dick. "Did you play much, growing up? Alfred gave us some hockey gear, street hockey more than the other kind, to take over to one of the rec centers to donate," Stephanie says, using her hand to include Carrie and Misfit in the aforementioned "us".

Stephanie grins and leans over to shoulder bump Carrie. "One of these days you're going to fully join the ranks of the people who can talk without me understanding," she tells her friend. Stephanie looks to Damian and how easily he carried on the other language and gives a little envious sigh.

The blond turns back to Dick to say, "Going better this year than last. Grades are up despite... the extra time that other things are requiring," she says. Stephanie had been Spoiler, and not really on the patrol rotation, until last summer. Since then, her patrols as Batgirl have taken up far more time. "I still have to pick a major though. I should have before this semester. And I'm just... what's the word I'm looking for. Flummoxed?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had looked at the menu, pointing to a couple things, such as the charxiu pork and salt and pepper prawns. As much as he liked to prank people, he didn't want to ruin a celebration.

  The soup dumplings came, and they were delicious! Of course, the infamous chicken feet were also there, and Damian was one of the first to reach for one.

  "Hockey, yeah. I think I could go for a game." He's made strides to at least try new things, even things that normal kids had been exposed to before.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes a deep breath, but reaches for one of the feet. It's held between thumb and forefinger like a chicken wing as she regards it warily, and even watches how Damian eats it. "Okay, can't say I didn't try this," she points out before taking a testing bite or two. Her face scrunches up making it hard to tell if she likes it or not... Even she seems mildly confused.

Nightwing has posed:
"Mmmmm, not so much, no," Dick admits, wry smile curving over his features. "I mean, travelling around with Haly's definitely didn't lend itself to that and then when I moved in with Bruce, well... I had other extracurricular activities taking up all of my time," he notes drily. "Can you imagine Bruce getting up at 5:30 to drive me to practice? Or I guess staying up," he says with a little snort. Yeah, chances are that would have been a duty for Alfred. "But I am pretty good on a pair of skates. It's a balance thing and for some reason I'm pretty good at that," he adds with a wink before giving an understanding chuckle about school. "I'd offer advice, but considering that I dropped out after a semester..." he points out with a small, easy shrug. Not his finest decision, but plainly one that doesn't eat at him either. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Charlie gets a wink for being willing to risk Damian's selection and the youngest of the Robin's gets an appreciative nod. "Sweet. I'll see what I can arrange. I know a guy," he says with a faint smirk. Who could that possibly be?

Misfit has posed:
Charlie tries the stuff that arrives, especially the soup dumplings. She looks like she may have mildly burned herself on the first one but she also looks thoughtful. "Oo.. okay these.. these are amazing." then she goes for more of those, but not too many others probably want them as well right.

She also seems inclined to try other things too that arrive making appreciative noises.

The feet though watching Damian and then Carrie are not tried. She just stares watching Carrie's reacton to it, which seems to be confusion.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown slides a napkin into her lap as the dumplings arrive. "Oh god I'm starving," she says as she leans down to inhale deeply and let the delicious aroma fill her. "Iknowrite?" Stephanie says to Charlie, making one word of it as she cuts open her dumpling to let some heat out before she digs in. The benefits of experience.

Stephanie points her chopsticks towards Damian. "He'll need one of those... what do they call it in hockey? Not a jersey. A sweater? But it's a jersey. And also a foam finger," she says, looking down and hopefully hiding from Damian the little grin that results at the thought of him decked out like that.

She glances back up to grin over to Carrie. "Well, what's the verdict?" she asks.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     A couple soup dumplings were eaten, and the chicken foot was being gnawed on when Stephanie brings up the foam finger. "I have a finger for you." The grimace of his slightly saucy mouth was inescapable. He didn't realize how he looked, but it was slightly ridiculous.

  The lady comes bringing a medium sized bowl for Carrie, inside is a light broth, and filled with noodles. "Happy birthday." He comments, pressing the napkin to his mouth, cleaning his face. The bowl contained one very, very, very, very long noodle. "To long life." Damian added in.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"It's... Different. Chewy? Like gelatin almost but..." Carrie still doesn't seem convinced though she has at least eaten a good chunk of the foot. "Tasty. It's tasty," she determines with a nod toward Stephanie. "Just a weird texture." A moment is taken to mop up the sauce off her own face and fingers when the bowl is presented along with the noodles earning a rather wide, warm grin from her. THIS she could do.

"Thank you, Damian."

Nightwing has posed:
The food is hot and the amazing aromas are tempting indeed. Like the rest of them, Dick doesn't hesitate to dig in, more than willing to sample a little of everything, not matter how unusual. He does grin a little at Carrie's reaction to the chicken feet, claiming one of his own and lifting it in a sort of salute to the redhead. "To trying new things," he says impishly.

"Oh yes, a foam finger is definitely a requirement," he agrees with a nod, mock-gravity coloring his words as he attacks his dumplings as well, seeming to enjoy them as much as the rest of those at the table. "Though I don't know if we're going to find any in the configuration Damian would prefer," he admits, the shadow of a grin starting to creep back over his face.

"This was nice. We should do this again next year. I'm sure we can find a reason," he notes, one last teasing dig at Carrie.