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Latest revision as of 10:43, 23 January 2020

Consulting the Elder
Date of Scene: 22 January 2020
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Damian consults Dick about matters of grandparents, and his father.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Robin (Wayne)

Nightwing has posed:
More and more Dick Grayson is finding it easier and easier to slip back into his life the way it was before the troubles of the recent pass. With his presence not quite so urgently required in Gotham City any longer he is again free to jump between his trio of major stomping grounds, flitting between Bludhaven, New York and Gotham as he deems necessaary. Maybe he has a reason for all of that? It is certainly possible, but if so he hasn't shared it with anyone. More then likely however it is just a good chance to reconnect with things, a sort of check-up to make sure that all those people in his life are well. Or as well as can be expected given the stressful life that they choose to lead.

It is still very early in the evening, the first stirrings of night fall having only just settled over the city. The real criminals won't be out on the streets and alleyways for hours yet. Which might be why he is present in the Cave still. Or it might have something to do with the fact that the Nightbird is sitting up on the car lift at the moment with most of his body concealled by the sleek black vehicle that hangs over him, clearly working away on it. It's a pretty cold night to go patrolling just on one of the motorcycles. And while he probably could have done this work back in Bludhaven, well, the fact of the matter is that Bruce just has the best stuff. He'll always have the best stuff. And since he was going to be stopping by tonight anyways, why shouldn't Nightwing take advantage of that?

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had suited up, but not gone out to Gotham tonight, not yet. The youngest Wayne has been doing some research on things, after the events of the past month, he has felt the need to research more into his father's side of the family.

  Damian stepped out of the armory, clad in all his Robin regalia, sans the mask. Tucked under his arm was something black and matte finished. He quickly stepped up to the Batcomputer and started typing at the console, his boots clapped on the ground here, the echoes in the cave had announced his approach, he wasn't hiding from Dick, he only had something to hide from Bruce.

  "Grayson?" He asks, in the darkness that was the Batcave.

Nightwing has posed:
Working beneath a car isn't exactly the best place to be if one is keeping out a ready watch. Really, the dark haired vigilante can't see much more then the underside of the Nightbird of course, and the occasional little clinks, or grunts of exhurtion as he works over a stubborn bolt certainly doesn't help. But on the other hand, it is pretty clear that the latest incarnation of Robin isn't exactly trying to sneak about. That is made all the clearer when Dick's name is called out and he doesn't hesitate to answer, "Over here Damian. By the car lift," he calls back, already starting to squeeze out from beneath the NIghtbird.

Regaining his feet, Nightwing reaches for a nearby rag and begins to wipe his hands free of oil and grime, giving the approaching young man a nod and a grin. "I'm surprised you're not already out of the rooftops. What's up?" he asks casually, giving his hands one last working over before tossing the rag aside.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hopped off of the chair, stepping towards the elder Robin. "I have questions. Regarding Thomas and Martha." He says, looking up at Dick.

  His face explained it all, he was conflicted. It almost looked like the boy was about to either throw up, or start tearing as he was about to ask. "I want to do something for Father."

Nightwing has posed:
Those are names that are not frequently mentioned, either in the Manor above or down here in this cave. Despite the fact that in many ways they are the dominant, root cause for all of this -- the Cave, the Computer, the Crusade, all of it -- they are rarely spoken of. Not forbidden, not taboo per se, just rarely brought up. At least outside of Alfred when he feels he needs to make a point with Master Bruce. Unspoken, but always hovering there in the background like an apperition. He can relate, on some level. Except Dick no long hesitates to discuss his parents, to bring them up. Despite how their lives end, they've become a source of joy for him. Of course he's a lot more free with his emotions then Gotham's Dark Knight.

The request shouldn't be a surprise, not really. Naturally Damian knows about his grandfather on his mother's side, but it is obvious that he would know less about Bruce's parents, dead and gone years before he was born. Hesitating for just a moment, Nightwing finally gives a little nod. "If this is something that you don't think you can talk to Bruce about, I'll do my best to answer," he promises, tilting his head ever so slightly as he considers just what it could be that Damian has in mind.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian's olive skin tone blushes, and the boy looks down, away from Dick. If Bruce has trouble talking about his emotions, Damian not only had trouble talking about them, he lacked the ability to put his emotions into words. So he did what came more naturally to him, tucking a gloved hand into a pouch on his belt, and taking out a large pearl. "It was in the safe at Wayne Industries." It was Martha's, no doubt about it, from the size. "I want to find the others, have it remade."

  That was when Damian dared himself to make eye contact again. "Did...he ever talk to you about them?" Yes, he could have asked Bruce directly, but he didn't dare. "I tried once...he changed the subject. I couldn't refocus him on it while keeping cover. A week later, was the Battle of Metropolis." Yep, a week later, Damian was pumping Bruce's chest to keep blood flowing in his body, there was no way he could bring it up while Bruce convalesced, and now...the subject was hard for the two of them, for completely different reasons. Like father, like son was a term most often used for Damian.

Nightwing has posed:
The evening is apparently just full of surprises. Of all the ideas that Dick could have possible imagined for Damian's curiousity into this matter, well, this one did not even remotely register. Taken aback for just amoment, the dark haired young man looks at the solitary pearl in the young man's hand consideringly, that silent study giving him a moment to try and process his thoughts, to figure out what to say. He genuinely has no idea how Bruce will react to the gesture? Will he be angry at his son's presumption? Will he simply refuse to acknowledge it? Walk away as he does so often? Or could this be one of those rare moments when the inscrutable mask of the Dark Knight slips? Just a little.

Even that bought moment of consideration really can't help him answer that question. In some ways, Dick isn't sure that it matters what Bruce's reaction to the gesture is. It's such a... human gesture from the latest Robin and Nightwing finally offers a faint smile, laying a hand on Damian's shoulder. "I think that's a fine idea. I imagine it will difficult to track them all down after all these years but sometimes it is the difficult things that are worth doing," he says quietly, giving a little nod. "As to his parents, trust me Damian you're not alone. He never really talked all that much about them to me either. A little bit, when he tried to make me understand why he assumed my guardianship. A little bit, when he let me become Robin. I mean, I've gone with him to Park Row, to Crime Alley on the anniversary of their death," he says slowly. "But honestly, learning about them, what they were like, what their life with Bruce was before that night, most of that I've gotten from Alfred," he freely admits.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The reassuring hand on the shoulder makes Damian smile, at least as much as he did smile.

  "The pearls emit a small signature, based on this pearl, I should be able to find at least some of the others. Assuming that they...fell into the sewer." Yeah, he was talking about trudging through the Gotham sewer to possibly find his grandmother's lost pearls. Damian was not sure he would find any. But he had to try at least.

  "I wonder if his latest brush with...mortality has changed his stance on talking about them. I do not want to hear secondhand about them anymore. I just...don't know much about them, at all." They had died long before he was born, he never knew what they sounded like, what their clothes smelled like, the feeling of their embrace.

Nightwing has posed:
They both should assuredly know by now that there are no guarantees when it comes to anything they do, especially in the life they've chosen. Why should it be any different when it comes to matters more closely related to their family? "It's a reasonable plan. Most of them probably did end up in the sewer, though not necessarily all. And this is Gotham, so I'm sure we both know how many people who shouldn't be in the sewers pass through them. Add the number of years it's been and, well, you haven't set yourself an easy challenge Damian," he points out mildly. There is certainly no discouragement in his tone. Afterall, they do the near impossible on a seemingly regular basis and indeed Dick's features are split by a smile moments later. "But it does seem like it's worth a try. If you need anything on my end, just let me know," he offers.

It is a perfectly reasonable, understandable desire. Even Bruce should be able to comprehend it. But should and will are two very different things. "It's possible," he says slowly, though there is a little more doubt in his tone about this. Batman has managed to stay stoic in the face of just about anything, everything he has ever faced, from personal tragedies to the possibility -- even the likelihood -- of the world coming to an end. It's possible... but maybe a long shot. "I've got your back on it. I don't mind hounding him about it a little if he pushes it aside agin," he promises.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian palms the pearl back into his utility belt. "Thank you, Grayson. I think I am most likely to find Killer Croc down there."

  He keeps looking at Nightwing before he makes the promise to Damian, the reaction to which only gives him a slight pause, checking from side to side.

  As soon as he knows no one else is watching, or at least Stephanie isn't watching, he closes the gap between them, giving Dick a hug, and not just a quick hug, it was one that would last at least five seconds, which on the Damian scale of affection was much more than he would show anyone else, even his parents.

Nightwing has posed:
So the bargain is sealed. It may be something of a longshot -- both missions might be something of a long shot. To reconstruct a pearl necklace three decades after it was snapped and to get Bruce to actually discuss his parents, to discuss the core of what has driven him for the better part of his life, that has shaped him into the man he is today. "If you run into Killer Croc down there, I think that will be the easy part of the mission," he admits with a wry grin. Killer Croc will only try to eat him. Who knows what Bruce's reaction will be?

The elder Robin returns the hug of the younger before he straightens once more, a grin slipping over his features and offering a conspiratorial wink, almost as if he can read the young man's mind. "Don't worry, she'll never know," he says with a certain mock-gravity. "Alright, I better get back to the Nightbird if I'm actually going to get out on patrol anytime tonight," he says, rolling his eyes. Ahhhh, the trials and tribulations of the costume set. It's not all punching bad guys in the face.