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Latest revision as of 04:51, 2 February 2020

Ground Work
Date of Scene: 31 January 2020
Location: Mutant Town
Synopsis: Mystique goes under cover and meets Colossus as part one of her plan.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Mystique

Colossus has posed:
    He does not get down here often enough. That much is clear to him as Piotr emerges from the black SUV that the school uses for such trips. The street's not dirty or untended, nor are there too many people this time of night. But there is the feeling of eyes upon him whenever he comes to the shelter. He once asked if the others felt that way and Emma's words to him was that there were many mutants here without control of their powers, and that included telepaths. Perhaps that was the feeling?
    But whatever it was, Piotr could feel it. Even as he removed a heavy box of supplies from the back of the vehicle and tucked it under one of his arms against his side. His broad shoulders tensed as he turned to look at the front doors of the shelter, then he starts to walk around, sneakers crunching gravel as he steps out of the street.
    A young girl with tentacles for ears waggles them at him as she clutches her doll in both hands, an old grey coat bundled up around her. Piotr's smile returns to the fore at the sight of her as he murmurs quietly, "Privyet, little one."
    He was dressed for Winter as well. Old blue jeans hug the contours of his legs, work boots rest on his feet, and a black pea coat provides the best defense against the chill of the weather. He steps up the first of the steps to the shelter, nodding to some of the other mutants parked out there.

Mystique has posed:
    There are others out in the winter's chill this evening as well, albeit for different reasons. Sonja is dressed quite differently from the young girl, but then again she's older as well. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and long legs in knee boots; her skirt is a bit short and the top a bit tight under the open jacket.
    In other parts of town they'd have a name for the way she's dressed.
    Hearing Piotr's voice, booted footsteps scrape softly as she approaches from the shadows. She speaks unaccented Russian. <Privyet? Ah, it is so good to hear the mother tongue once more.> Hers is an almost unearthly beauty... no doubt a sign of her mutation as well. Almost sylvan in form and figure.

Colossus has posed:
    The young Rasputin stops as he had started his ascent up those steps toward the front door of the shelter. Only for his attention to be caught, at first by the lilt and roll of that accent as she offers voice to easily granted words. He turns to face her, one foot up on the top step. There is the first flicker of confusion there, a lack of recognition. But then it is replaced with that polite cheer she likely has seen from Piotr in the times she has observed him beore.
    He replies, < Yes, you may be surprised how many of us are around, my friend. > There's a faint furrow to his brow as his gaze lifts and lowers over her form, then return to his eyes. Most would miss it, but with her abilities she can likely see the hint of sympathy in those blue eyes.
    < In Brooklyn we even have our own community. Perhaps you should visit? > He offers that, helpful, even as he draws open the door to the shelter. So tall, towering over her though with the aid of the higher step. His head tilts to the side as he seems to offer to let her precede him before he steps inside himself. Likely needing to hand that box over.

Mystique has posed:
    Slender legs move with unnatural grace, boot soles scraping softly with every step. Yes, her eyes are a bit large and the brows arch high. The young woman steps into the shelter, moving briskly to get in from the cold.
    <Sonja. Please call me Sonja. But I know who -you- are, Piotr Rasputin. You are famous, of course, and not only among us.>
    Once inside she stamps her feet a few, quick times. <Spasibo> she offers in thanks as she preceeds him into the shelter. <A community in Brooklyn? I have been on my own for as long as I can remember. Sometimes things are hard, but I always manage to get by.>
    Once inside she waits for him so that she can follow. <Tell me more of this community? I do not need charity from anyone. Not for who I am.>

Colossus has posed:
    < This...> Piotr's voice shifts a little, perhaps not at ease with such words. He lets the door close behind them then smiles at her sidelong, bright blue eyes meeting her gaze as he shakes his head then proceeds down the hallway. It's a converted apartment building, with a large common room to the left of them in that hallway. Half a dozen mutants are seated there, some reading, some watching the old television with its off from true colors. < You exaggerate. But you are kind for doing so. Though yes. Little Odessa they are... mostly tolerant. >
    As he says this he moves past the common room, past the wending stairwell that lifts upward to where the rooms are for those living here. On their right is the kitchen and eating area, almost a cafeteria though smaller than one would hope. It's at the end of the hall where an office seems to be, a harried older woman leans out the doorway and lifts her voice.
    "Rasputin, about time you got here." She speaks in English and then the young man answers in kind. Mostly.
    "Da, Matilde. I bring some clothes. Contributions. I hope they will be of some help, yes?" He sets the box down with a heavy fwumpf. Then he glances over his shoulder toward the beautiful graceful woman who walks with him. Back to Matilde.
    "This is Sonja. She is a friend. I would find it such a kindness if you could find a place for her to stay for a time?"

Mystique has posed:
    Sonja moves with him, having to take quicker steps to keep up with his longer strides. Big, blue eyes dart around the room, memorizing faces and clothing preferences. Turning her attention to Matilde, the broad smile returns to the young woman's face.
    "I will help however I can, of course. I can work." She switches to English, although Russian still colors her words. Her gaze shifts from the older woman upward towards Piotr.
    "How is it that people are safe here? There is so much anger. So much... not-understanding." And for a moment those big eyes offer a glimpse of hardship. And pain.

Colossus has posed:
    The housemother, Matilde, gives Sonja a look and or a moment Mystique might get the vibe that she was suspicious. Something about her perhaps seeming off? Some aspect she might have missed in her performance. Or perhaps she is simply wary of what problems might come on the heels of a friend of Piotr's. Let alone a beautiful one in such need.
    And then she passes scrutiny as Matilde nods and murmurs, "We have several rooms. On the fourth floor." She extends a hand to Sonja, "You have any things you need us to help you get, honey?" Perhaps assuming she might be... in a bad living situation.
    And Colossus is no stranger to such a vibe or what sometimes drives young women. He backs Matilde's words as he steps to the side, including the three of them together in one circle of conversation. "We are safe here, because we look after one another, da?" His own accent is as strong as hers, perhaps less tempered than at normal times as he perhaps tries to close that gap to help allay her fears.
    "Come, I shall help you." And with that he seems to start to lift a hand as if to rest it on her shoulder, but he checks that motion instead to rubbing at the bridge of his nose. He repeats, "Come."

Mystique has posed:
    Sonja's head shakes at the housemother's question. "There is nothing for me to get." she replies, almost flatly. Then the smile returns and the offered hand is taken. "Spasibo bol'shoye." A polite nod to Matilde follows.
    The blonde does not shy away from Piotr's heavy hand either; she is comfortable with touch, at least. "But what of the others? The hate-groups?" The question is almost rhetorical, for she turns to follow the big man.

Colossus has posed:
    "Rasputin!" Matilde calls sharply, causing Piotr to stop mid step and turn. Through the air a set of keys are tossed and the tall Russian makes the catch with a click-ca-clink. He smiles and waves with them after the housemother as she disappears back into her office. Then he turns and starts walking again alongside the young woman. One large hand reaches out to offer her the keys and then he says.
    < They have no power here, Sonja. We are amongst... many people who have had difficult lives. Have banded together. Like anywhere there are people you would wish to avoid, but at least here whatever ill will there is... is for different reasons? > He says this with a wan smile, as if knowing it is not a too great comfort. But he would not wish to lie to her.
    To the steps, then he pauses as he turns his head. Again there's a glance over her, then he meets her eyes and asks. < Have you eaten recently? There is not an elevator, and it is four stories... > Perhaps it might seem a foolish question. Of /course/ she can make it up several flights of stairs, right? But then again perhaps he has had others pass out, such is the state of some who have come to the shelter.

Mystique has posed:
    Sonja flashes a grin towards Matilde as the woman tosses the keys, and the brightness returns to those blue eyes. Her footsteps are light as she and the much bigger man walk along together. And the more they walk together the more relaxed she seems.
    "Da. I am tired, Piotr. Tired of running and tired of hiding. Tired of avoiding those who wish to harm me just for being born the way that I am." Then they reach the steps and he asks if she's eaten.
    She laughs, and it's almost a musical sound. <I am not hungry... not yet! But you are kind for the asking. I heal quickly and I have much stamina. Such things are... useful...>
    Her voice trails off, politely omitting any further details. <I must thank you again for your kindness.>

Colossus has posed:
    "A year ago," Piotr starts, speaking still in English for now. "There was a boy who was fleeing his family. I was walking with him and we got halfway and well..." He gestures with one hand, making a flopping motion, as he starts to climb up the steps. "Luckily I was fast. I was able to catch him but ever since..."
    Piotr nods his head and smiles at her, perhaps even colouring a little at his foolishness. "Ever since then, thus, I ask." That said he smiles and walks with her, his work boots clomping on the steps as they climb.
    Then his words slip into their 'native' tongue as he replies. < This? . As she thanks him, < This is least I can do. If you wish, help another in the future and think of me. For that I will be grateful, yes? >
    They continue to climb and then he asks her, < So what has passed that has brought you here? Are there any that pursue you? >

Mystique has posed:
    Sonja's footsteps are light enough on the stairs that her movements back up her confidence, at least. <Da. I completely understand. You have a kind heart, Piotr. It will be hard for me not to think of you in the future.>
    Her own boots are well-heeled and fit closely to her slender calves. In another decade they would have been called 'go-go' boots. And while her footsteps are light, Sonja doesn't answer his question right away.
    <I have done many things that I am not proud of, Piotr. But I have always done for -me-, not for someone else. There are some who try to control me, but I am fast. Ha! I hide well. Ha!>
    She looks around when they reach the fourth floor, and before either of them can open the door she steps up close and raises up onto tiptoe. It's still a little hop for her to be able to give a quick peck on the cheek.

Colossus has posed:
    As he walks he looks away and up, his smile blossoming as she speaks such kind words to him. She can likely even see the small flush of color that darkens his cheeks and the tips of his ears. A small exhalation slips from him that would almost be a laugh if he gave it a little more oomph, but instead he shakes his head.
    < That can be said of all of us, yes? > Piotr answers her admissions of having done things that she is not proud of. He pauses in the hallway to meet her eyes, < And assuredly some may fault us the way we have lived our lives. But not here. > He looks down the hall, then digs the keys out of his pocket, looking at the small 44 imprinted there on the chain. < Though... Matilde will be very grumpy if you do not eat her dumplings. So remember that. >
    His smile is wry as he says that and he starts to walk back down the hall. But that is the moment she reaches up and steals that small kiss to his cheek. And such warmth is there, his features blushing as he checks an exhalation, holds himself still, then looks at her sidelong with a gentle smile. He shakes his head and seems about to say something, then stops himself and motions with the keys.
    "Here, this is your room." He then turns and hands the keys to her.

Mystique has posed:
    Sonja accepts the keys, and the color has risen to her cheeks as well. Eyelids lower, showing lashes that are long and thick. "Thank you, Piotr." she replies, voice lowering as well as those lashes. "I am very fond of dumplings."
    Once inside the room, Mystique closes the door. Sonja's bright and pleasant expression fades to a business-like neutral. Most agents at this point would send a coded message to the effect of 'I'm in', or something similar. Not Mystique. She's been operating independently for far to long to have such tethers.
    Settling onto the bed, she props her feet up and starts planning Phase Two of her plan.