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Latest revision as of 05:52, 6 February 2020

Who's That Man with the Oreo Cookie
Date of Scene: 05 February 2020
Location: Xavier's Kitchen
Synopsis: Jubilee makes cocoa for John Green, plies him with Oreos, and interrogates him.
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Martian Manhunter

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee leads the way back to the kitchen with a little bounce in her step. "Winter's fun, but I'm ready for the warmth of spring," she says, looking back up to John as she pushes the swinging kitchen door open and trots over to the cabinet where the cocoa powder is kept. "I don't think I was made for the cold."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"meeting someone who is made for the cold specifically is a very rare task indeed!" J'onn replies, shapeshifted as he is as John Green the science teacher at Xavier's, and following Jubilee remaining on her right. "I mean it's possible, there are, on this planet too, some creatures whose mutations allow and even require survival at very low temperatures... But, it's rare"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee narrows her eyes and looks sidelong at John. "On this planet, hmm?" She opens a cabinet and stands on tiptoe trying to reach the top shelf. "Maybe you're right. I want a mutation that allows me to summon a stepladder at will."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles, tilting his head. By now some students have learned of this ability of his already, so he feels like he's not doing anything dangerously revealing when he gently wraps Jubilee in a telekinetic hand, and just as gently lifts her from the ground to reach whatever it is that she needs to take! "well you can't summon those but you can ask someone to lift you up"

Jubilee has posed:
"Oooh, that works too!" Jubilee giggles, and takes a canister of cocoa powder and a bag of powdered sugar. "Got it! That is WAY better than just always asking the tall guy to get stuff down for me. This is why you're one of the students' favorites!"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles amusedly, lowering the woman to the floor and shaking his head "no it's because I don't give homework, almost, ever..." he admits, "and then I'm not their favourite! Well except when I accidentally blow up something in the lab, but, it happens rarely"

Jubilee has posed:
"Yeah, I don't accidentally blow things up in the gym all that much. I just make people sore from working out..." Jubilee regains her footing and starts measuring cocoa powder and sugar into the pot, stirring it with a whisk until it is blended. Then she goes to the refrigerator and takes out the milk. "I think you're a favourite because you are just a really good teacher. AND because you blow things up sometimes."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles, getting a chair to sit on "well and I think you're a flatterer" he states, following her movements with his eyes "and I'm sure you're a very liked teacher as well!, absolutely sure of that infact..." he states firmly

Jubilee has posed:
"Well I have a few fans in the class, but I don't have as many students as you. And it's only flattery if it isn't true!" She grins and pours milk into the pot, stirring it slowly to blend in the dry powder, then she turns on the stove. She turns and takes a little bottle of vanilla from the cabinet and sets it beside the now warming pot. "What is your favourite thing to teach?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmms, considering the question for some moments "perhaps, anything that lets understand students how marvelously complex, how fascinatingly wonderful is creation, and life... That's, generally my favourite thing to teach" he admits, "what about you? I mean, perhaps it's a different thing with your subject, but, what's the part of it that you like the most?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Hmm..." Jubilee thinks for a moment as she stirs the pot, not beginning to steam. "I love teaching students how extraordinary their bodies can be, when they finally accomplish their goals. That's really important for them to see, I think." She turns off the heat and adds a splash of vanilla to the cocoa. "Do you like marshmallows in your cocoa?" she asks, going to the pantry and taking out a package of Oreos.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in understanding "then, more or less, we like the same thing!" he comments, shaking his head "I usually don't put marshmallows in it, but to be fair, can't said I've ever tried it" seriously? Sometimes it seems like he comes from another planet... "but those oreos, must absolutely be eaten! Like, now..."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee gives a salute and places two miniature marshmallows into his cup before sprinkling a handful into her own cup. Then she ladles hot cocoa into both cups over the marshmallows, and takes them to the table, setting one down along with the package of oreos, in front of John. "Yeah, I think we're on the same wavelength that way," she says as she smiles and pulls up a chair of her own.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn tilts his head "on the teaching or the oreos? Because those are both quite important topics..." he states, opening the package of oreos and fishing out one, that soon disappears behind his lips. He meanwile looks at the cup of cocoa, waiting for it to cool enough that a regular human could believably drink it

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee lifts her cup and winks, taking a sip. "I didn't get it too hot, it should be fine. And I meant the teaching. But the oreos are important, too." She takes one, twisting it open and licking the white center.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles and nods approvingly "good, very important." he says, another oreo floating out from its package and ending in his mouth as he lifts the cup, bringing it to his lips and taking a small sip of cocoa "hmm, that's good" he comments. "and so, what's that you do when you're not teaching?" he asks, almost immediately regretting it cause later he'll probably have to answer that himself...

Jubilee has posed:
"Hmm...I paint. I perform. I like to go swimming in the summer, and put together jigsaw puzzles when it's raining. What about you?" Jubilee asks, swirling her oreo in melted marshmallow and hot cocoa. Yes. He will have to answer that himself, now.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't know what to answer for a moment, but at least his mind works quickly! "well I, mostly, study... I know that's boring but that's what I do... Try to gain new knowledge by reading" well that's not completely untrue "or I train, try to keep in shape..." that also true "and then do what regular people do, watch tv... that sort of things" the monitor room of the watchtowers counts as tvs, right? A lot of tvs.

Jubilee has posed:
"So you're just a regular guy, hmm?" She asks the question, then takes a sip of her cocoa while giving John a side-eye that says she doesn't buy that for one second.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn tilts his head, and shrugs "well yes what should I be?" he inquires, sipping some more of his cocoa "it's not like I go around saving the world or anything..." he states, so seriously that it could also be true! "I mean what did you think I do in my free time?" he asks

Jubilee has posed:
"I dunno. Live on another planet maybe?" She arches her brows, looking back over at John. "You made the comment earlier about "this planet," and people who live here usually don't have to make the distinction."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head vigorously "I can assure you Jubilee that I live on this planet!" he states "but studying, among other fields, astronomy and the lifeforms and cultures residing on other planets, I do have to make that distintion, since we're not the only ones out there, you know..." he simply states

Jubilee has posed:
Nice. Save. "Ohh, I understand," Jubilee replies with a nod, and she tips up her cup to take another drink of her cocoa. Her marshmallows have long since dissolved.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn sips his cocoa too, smiling now that he's out of dangerous secret at stake zone. "well so, that makes your hobbies way more intresting than mine!" he states, trying to switch back the topic on her "and you probably have a more active life, with all the swimming and all that..."

Jubilee has posed:
"Well, we will just have to fix that. You will have to come visit when it is warmer, and you can swim in the lake with me!" Jubilee grins and nods once. "We can cook meat with fire or something."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn wonders, why, why must people use fire so everywhere? True, he mostly got over that fear, at least if the fire is small, and nonthreatening, cause really, he'd melt in a puddle of amorphous substance as soon as someone got out a lighter anyways... But still he doesn't like fire at all! But he smiles, and nods "that sounds like a good idea! I gladly accept the offer, and look forward to the warmer months..."

Jubilee has posed:
"Me, too...I can't wait! Until then, though, I guess we will have to just find other stuff to do. Like save the world. Or put together a puzzle. Or...you know...read."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles amusedly, taking the last sip of cocoa and eating an oreo afterwards, waiting till his mouth is empty before talking "well, we can do that! I mean what's that people do in winter anyways? Read in front of the f-fireplace? Or, go seek out the snow to do all snow sports? Or save the world?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Sounds good! But I'm sorry, I don't have a fireplace. My stove is a wrought iron pot-bellied stove." Jubilee frowns, but then brightens. "But if you wanted to see the fire, I could leave the door open."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head "that would be pointless!" he states "the door closed is more efficent for heat diffusion..." he explains, is he saving himself? Poor j'onn. "so, should we ever be in your cabin with the stove lit, we can pretend it is a fireplace even with the door closed!"

Jubilee has posed:
"Ohhhh..." Jubilee nods again. "You're so smart. No wonder you're the best teacher!"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles and shakes his head "just a little, there's teachers way smarter than me!" he states "just in this school, even..."

Jubilee has posed:
"Well...either way, I have been told many times that you're brilliant. So at this point I don't think it matters. I'm just glad to finally make cocoa with ya!" Jubilee grins, swinging her feet beneath her chair.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles "I am glad, even if I wonder who told you such a thing" he says with a chuckle, and pauses his speach to eat another oreo. There's just very few left in the package now! "but anyways I am glad to spend time with you as well, Jubilee! We, should do that more often, in fact..."

Jubilee has posed:
"That sounds fantastic! We definitely SHOULD do this more often. Or other things...like NOT at the mansion. Sounds like a lot of fun, John." Jubilee's smile is bright and sincere. And she can't wait to do something again. Whether or not it involves fire.