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Latest revision as of 05:55, 6 February 2020

The Swashbuckler and the Elf
Date of Scene: 04 February 2020
Location: Philips and Morris Site, Weschester County
Synopsis: Zorro meets Arella
Cast of Characters: Zorro, Arella Despana

Zorro has posed:
Philips and Morris was a seemingly odd choice for Zorro to go after. Philips and Morris were seemingly a telecommunications and aerospace company with really no controversy outside a unfortunate employee death in 2019. Recently however, they have been secretly pulling resources to a patch of woods in Weschester County. Zorro learned about this through a confidential informant and was ready to investigate. However, he was warned that the site was protected by Athena Security Solutions, and that the guards were armed, which would make an encounter with them a lot more challenging.

Zorro parked Tornado near a biker bar and started to trudge into the woods, the snow making crunching noises as he did. He was wearing his usual black costume, but was secretly wearing a black sweater undeneath to keep him from freezing to death. As he walked he kept his hand gripped on his rapier, getting ready to fight anything that popped out at him.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella Despana was at the site for a different reason. She had long been trying to catalog alien artefacts on earth to get an inventory of not only what was avialable but who had visited here before. She suspected an encroaching doom and had her own way of dealign with it. The Millenia old Svartalfar was working with Lex Corp technically at the moment but had chosen not to take advantage of their holographic technology and remain her alien looking self. Her natural alluring features are marred as usual by a serious case of resting bitch face as she surveys the site from an elevated location. Not at all expecting company.

Zorro has posed:
As Arella observes the site, she would notice armed Athena Security guards wearing black and white jackets patrolling the permiter of the site, with a few more in the site itself. She would also see a bunch of Philips and Morris employees going to and from a series of tents, some of them wearing what appeared to be hazmat suits.

Zorro trudged through the woods a bit, getting closer to the site as he did. Luckily, he hasn't ran into any Athena Security operatives yet. Suddenly, he saw a hill near the estimated location of the site and started to climb it. As he got closer, he crouched down to avid being seen. Suddenly, he saw what appeared to be a female figure on the top of the fill. Zorro lets out a small swear and tries to sneak back down.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Going somewhere human," the 'woman' says. Before she broke into the Svartalfar area of applied science Arella had been an elite soldier - and used to ambush. The addition of the label human to her challenge even in the dark would expose the unusual nature of the woman. She has large pointy ears and green eyes that also appear rather unnaturally large. Arella was a creature out of myth and fantasy novels. Her coal black skin also atypical of anyone who is terrestrial.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro let out another swear as the woman challenged him. Zorro suddenly turned out, rapier drawn, only to freeze when he saw what was before him. It was a dark elf. But, that is impossible, elves only exist in storys. Zorro stammered for a bit before saying," W-what are you?"

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella sighs still looking through her binoculars at the site. "I am... a Svartalfar or Dark elf in your language. Perhaps the last after that Ragnarok incident. I guess you could think of me as just being an exotic form of alien. One who has been here before and wound our way into Norse myth and contemporary fantasy novels. Enough of an explanation? You may want to put that sword away. It is not likely to be effective." The number of times she had to go over who or what she was beginning to become tiresome. She should just do an interview and make it all public domain.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro slowly and heistantly put his sword back in it's scabbard and looked at the Dark Elf with a mixture of distrust and curiosity. He then noticed that she had binoculars and they were pointed at what appeared to be the site. Zorro walked up closer to the elf and said," You are interested in the Philips and Morris site too?"

Arella Despana has posed:
"Not the site but what is present there," the Dark Elf says matter of factly. She is still looking at the site. "Our terrestrial friends may be messing with some extra terrestrial technology that is beyond their understanding. I merely wish to find out what it is and catalogue it. Not interested in retreival. That might be doing them a favor - and I am not in the business of doling out favors to primatives."

Zorro has posed:
"Extra terrestrial technolgy!" Zorro faces was that of amazement and shock. He was expecting some kind of shady experiment, not extracting alien tech from a crash site. Before he can say anything else however, a new pair of footsteps is heard running up the hill. Suddenly, a Athena security guard shows up, he must've seen Zorro's footprints. Upon seeing the two, he immeditatley raises his pistol and shouts," Hands in the air! Now!"

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella cants her head at Zorro - perhaps this was new to him but to her it was a run of the mill situation. Arella is blinding with her speed - a wicked looking flail which glows with a purple light appears in her hand and she flicks it around the guards arm wrenching him towards her and probably breaking his arm too. She knocks him out with a solid blow. Svartalfar are strong and fast much like their Asgardian foes. She seemed to have just summoned the weapon from the ether.

Zorro has posed:
The guard is immedialtey koed by Arella's attack. Zorro looks on, eyes once again widened in surprise. He then turns and says to her," I think we should get out of here. No doubt there are more guards coming."

Arella Despana has posed:
"I'm still not done with my investigation. I'm sure these guards have good medical - they work for a wealthy firm." Arella is persistent. She nimbly heads towards the site - apparently unconcerned as to what course of action Zorro takes. And uninterested as to what he is doing here.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro sighs and reluctantly goes after her, he came this far so might as well finish what he started. Meanwhile, the facility is obviously on full alert as they see the elf rushing towards the base. She would be greeted by two guards, who start shooting at her with their pistols.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella was aiming for a stealthy approach but manages to summon forth a suit of armor to deflect the bullets. She knocks the guards heads together taking full advantage of her superior strength. "Well time for a plan b," she says reconcealing herself near the facility. "Perhaps a distraction?" she looks around for a disaster she might cause that would absorb the remaining guards attention. "Any ideas?" she asks this 'Zorro' character.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro, who managed to catch up in time to see her bash the guards heads together stops for a minute before grinning. He turns to her and says,

"Give me a minute senorita."

Zorro then slinks off towards what appears to be a humvee. A few minutes later, the humvee explodes, drawing in the rest of the guards towards the now ruined car.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella merely watches the spectacle, "It amazes me how humans run towards explosions rather than away from them. Have they ever heard of secondary explosions? Or at least heard the song 'Cool guys walk away from explosions?'" Without thanking Zorro the Svartalfar proceeds to circumvent the guards looking at what appears to be a tablet modified with alien technology. "Hmm getting close now," she says scurrying towards a large building.

Zorro has posed:
The building you were appraoching appeared to be a rather large tent. Luckily, it seemed that wasn't guarded, no doubt the guards went in to investigate. it was dark when you wandered in, with only a few lightbulds dimly lighting the darkness. Suddenly, you hear a yell and see a security guard lunge at you out of the darkness, trying to tackle you.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella doesn't even ball her fist this time and knocks the guard out with a dismissive backhanded slap. "Nice try. Lacks alitle in the execution." Arella tends to fall back on her superior strength again. She enters the tent.

Zorro has posed:
As the man goes flying into the snow, unconcious you fully enter the now empty tent. A buch of lights were centered around what looked like a piece of a UFO. All around it were a bunch of lab sequipment and what appeared to be a few scattered clipboards, as if the scientists inside left in a hurry.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Hmm interesting - and by interesting I mean boring. Just some space junk," Arella remarks - and she crippled a number of guards just to get to it. "Still if they can reverse engineer it all they may get a slightly more robust if expensive drone frame," she notes the discovery on her tablet and photographs it a few times.

Zorro has posed:
As Arella takes photos of the UFO part, Zorro finally makes his way to the tent. On his cheek was a bruise where a guard managed to hit him on the cheek. After marking the nearbu security guard with a Z on his vest he turn to the elf and clears his throat.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella looks at the human, "Hmm well I am done here - disappointing. Part of a Ravager vessel. Did you have something you needed done?" the elf asks casually.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro shrugs and says, "I found nothing of interest here Senorita. I will be keeping an eye on this firm though." With that, he dashes out of the then towards the wilderness.