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My name is Dean Winchester. Prepare to buy!
Date of Scene: 14 February 2020
Location: Random used car lot/greasyy spoon
Synopsis: Dean runs across Tate in a used car lot and they patch things up. He gets pie, finally!
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Dean Winchester

Deadzone has posed:
So, the Runaway Bride, as she is teasingly called among the X-crowd, has become a thing that is now following her. She didn't actually run away from her wedding, but she did run away from another guy telling her he loved her. Yep, the fear of commitment is strong in this one. The whole thought of anything more then casual fun had her running for the hills. Well, not so much running as hiding in the back seat of their delivery driver. When he found her, she gave him a $50 to keep quiet and keep driving. That was yet *another* $50 from this weird twosome he'd delivered to, so why the hell not?

Getting behind the wheel of the Impala had reminded Tate of one thing, how much she loved to drive. Being in control of a muscle car like that one was like a drug, one she hadn't had in years, and having been given a taste for it again, she had needs. And so, she was a woman on a mission.

She is walking around in the used carlot, trying to politely ignore the salesman, who can't seem to make up his mind if he wants to flirt with her or sell her a car and so is doing a bit of both and coming across as a mysoginistic moron. She is fully dolled up today, the leathers and heels and buckles and laces, her make-up a study in paled out and contrasting vibrant colour. She gestures to the 68 Charger and asks to see under the hood, bending over into the engine area in a way that has the attention of most people with her skin tight pleather pants leaving nothing to the imagination.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's behind the wheel of Baby, too. He's following up a lead. Which, yes, leads him here. The growl of the Impala dies offf as Dean hops out of Baby, locking and sweeping his green gaze over the lot.

Shit. It's her. It's /her/. Oh great. Well then.

Dean's walking the lot, looking for anything toward the lead he's hunting down. He's ready to....not sell Baby. Would he trade Baby in for a Charger? Uh. no?

Dean's ready to punch the sales guy. Mostly since he's pushy and insisting Dean can get a better car. No, he really can't.

Plus. Dean is not, ever, parting with Baby. Nope.

Watching Tate and the sales guy, Dean's overtaken with jealousy though. That sales guy needs to back off!

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum has her back to Dean, otherwise she'd probably find a reason to be leaving. So Dean manages to get pretty close to her and her salesmen.

"Yes, actually, I *do* know that it's the same car from the Dukes of Hazzard. Thank you." She rolls her eyes, starting to wonder if it would be bad to punch his guy in the throat.

This time when she bends over, its to slide herself into the window to get a closer look at the dash and the interior, leaving her back end hanging out of the car. The salesman she's with lets out a soft whistle and then gestures with his head to Dean and his salesman to check out the bubble butt hanging out of his car.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean watches, looking to the salesmen with a 'knock it off' look. See. Dean is not happy with them. Oh he wants to slug them. Instead he looks to Tate, and smiles. He's put himself between the salesmen and Tatum. If in doubt, protect her.

Dean shakes his head at the salesmen, looking unimpressed with their antics. Mostly because they're treating Tate like, well, meat.

Dean's had enough and glares. "Knock it off" he says simply, looking to Tate again. Oh he wants to sort things out. He really, really wants to sort it out now!

Deadzone has posed:
Pulling her head out of the car, Tatum now sees Dean as he gets between her and her sales person. She sighs as he tries to play the white knight, pinching at the bridge of her nose. After a deep calming breath, she looks to her salesman while grabbing a hold of Dean by his shirt. "Could you excuse us for a minute or two? He and I need to talk," she tells the man before using Dean's shirt to pull him away to somewhere they can talk.

Spining on her heel once she has them somewhere at least partially private, she angrily thrusts a finger in Dean's face. "What the hell?! Now you're stalking me? Dean, it was one night. It was amazing, but it's not like you to be acting like this. Just go to a Hooters, order some wings, and find another good time. You'll forget me. Honest."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean isn't furious. Well, not yet. He does though listen. "I....you are seriously tell me to go to a Hooters? almost strip club with food?" he asks sounding somewhat bothered by that, then he opens his mouth and pushes buttons. "You telling me to go try to make out with some air headed push up bra wearing too tight tank top tips between the tits walking like a hooker waitress?" he asks. "Not. happening" he adds,, cupping imaginiary breasts with his hands, wiggling his hips in about as good an imiatation of a stereotpyical Hooters waitress (and quite frankly things that should never, ever, ever be seen again in any civilized society...) all but grinding his teeth.

"Look. I said the wrong thing, okay. I jumped the gun. If you pulled that on me, I'd be hiding somewhere too. I get it. You can't deal with what I said. I'm taking it back. Fine" Dean says sounding like he's gripping onto what they said, hands in his pockets. "Look. You were wanting to dig into me, I respect that. I let you drive Baby. There's only a handful of people who ever get to do that. Grip the wheel. Hit the gas, ya know?" he asks. "You got to drive Baby. So" he says. "What if I told you I want to sort this out and figure where we stand?" he adds.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks totally nonplussed about the fact that she just told a guy to go to Hooters. "What? Their wings are amazing! And have you ever seen what they do if you tell them it's your birthday?" She cracks a lecherous smile and shrugs."So don't go there. More wings and boobs for me." She appreciates the little wiggle and dance show he puts on.

She thinks about what he says. He did let her drive Baby. Even before they managed to bump and grind. The chemistry between them is definitely there, almost tangible. And she doesn't have to worry about her power around him, which is kind of a nice change of pace. She takes another deep breath, letting it out slowly. In time, Dean will come to know that this is a signal of hers that she is either starting or finishing a huge debate in her head. "Okay, look... I'll go with the starting again. But you gonna cool your jets. I know I'm amazing, but you're just going to have to deal with the fact that as amazing as I am, you're not ready for all this."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean gets a mischief filled look in his eyes and a shit eating grin. "You suggesting I take you there for a date? Fairly sure one of my IDs has today as my birthday" Dean smirkes. "Oh, you'll get your reward. And what do you mean I'm not ready. Look, lady. I fight demons and vampires and werewolves for a living, okay?" he says. That grin is there, oh he's thinking about just what they could get up to in a Hooters. Beer, wings, and Tate. Screw the waitresses. No, wait, scratch that last one! Screw Tate.Literally. Not figuratively...

"So you got some big secret you're scared of revealing or you're scared of something? I'm not gonna run off if you tell me something, okay?" he says softly. "Trust me. I'm somebody who wil stand my ground. I'm devoted to my friends and family and people important to me. Besides, you mentioning Hooters. You know, wings and boobs. You just described the two best parts of a chicken. Or the restaurant. But. There's only one set of wings and boobs I care about when I'm with you" he nods. Open mouth. Keep inserting feet, Dean.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks up at Dean and can't help but smile. He's a devilish rogue, but it's kind of cute. It reminds her of Remy. "Half the time, they don't even check for your id. And I was thinking I'll tell them it's *my* birthday. You don't deserve to be surrounded by jiggly bouncing boobs." She closes her eyes and shakes her head. "I already told you too much when I was drunk. What I know could cause some serious problems. Let just drop that subject and start fresh?" She holds out her hand. "My name is Tatum. O'Neal. Yes, just like the actress. Tease me about it and you'll find out what your testicles taste like." She offers the threat with the sort of certainty that implies she could do it and perhaps as done something similar before.

"And by the way," she says as she starts heading back to the car. "Thanks for coming to my 'rescue'. I was gonna use the fact that he was being a chauvinist pig to drop the price on the car a couple grand." She gets to her salesman. "Thanks anyway. I'm not gonna be buying today," she tells him and heads for the Impala.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean squeaks involuntarily at the threat. "Dean. Dean Winchester" he says. "And no. I don't deserve to be surrounded by waitresses when you're stood right there" he winks, tossing the keys in the air and smiles. "You want to drive? I thought people came to used car lots to, well, buy cars?" he grins. Maybe Hooters isn't such a bad idea. If he keeps his eyes offa the waitresses and the attractions and assets. And asses, too. And boobs, andd....million other things. So he waits, leaning on the Impala, waiting and watching. And grinning.

See. Life may take him on the road, but...somebody has to ride shotgun.

"You want a car, yeah?" he calls with a smirk on his lips.

Deadzone has posed:
Tate appreciates the vulnerable squeak that Dean makes when she threatens him. "I was gonna buy a car, but if you're around, I don't need to. Got all the american muscle under me that I need," she tells him with a cheeky grin. Does she mean Baby or Dean?

She gets in the passenger side, so its safe to assume that she doesn't want to drive today. "I was thinking of replacing my car from World 1. The one my big brother got me for my 18th birthday."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean smiles, firing up Baby. "So you want to check other car lots or look online or something?" he asks with a grin, "I mean. You already used Sam's laptop, right? So" he shrugs. "Gotta change the password at some point too, but...but....." he adds. "You could just get your own laptop, y'know" he teases, "Cause I doubt Sam would be into half the stuff either of us look up" he grins, sliding the car into drive, peeling out into traffic. "So. Where to then?" he asks with a smirk. Oh this feels /right/ for Dean. Sam's not around currently to, well, tease him. Somebody gota ride shotgun. Why not Tate?

Deadzone has posed:
Leaning her arm against the back of the seat so she can rest her head in her palm, Tatum looks to Dean as he starts driving off. "We can check other lots. Or we could go for lunch and tell them it's your birthday." She chuckles then. "My own laptop. Oh, you gonna turn me into a demon hunter now? I hate fighting demons. My powers don't work on them. Like, at all!" Wait, did she say powers?

As much as Tatum loves being a teacher at Xaviers and an X-Man, there is something about being with Dean, sitting shotgun in the Impala, that just feels good. "You know I'm going to have to pick your brain and figure out where you are in the timeline I know. Or hell, if that timeline is even accurate."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean shakes his head at Tatum. "More to a laptop than demon slaying or info. Normal people use laptops too for...normal things" he admits, the end of that sentence sorta trailing off. He wanted to give this grand speech. Instead. That's where it ends up. Normal people use laptop.s Lame!

"Lunch sounds good mind." Dean nods. Anywhere in particular? And don't you dare fucking tell me Hooters" he says, wagging a finger at her. Though he's laughing while scolding her. "Don't. just...can we go somewhere we both like?" Dean asks almost pleadingly. "I mean. Even if it's fast food. Somewhere we both like and we both actually enjoy?" he says with a nod, pulling up to a stop light. Glancing over, he laughs softly. "Okay, Okay. Fine" Dean smirks. "There's a Subway a few blocks from here? I'm sure they can cram wings into a footlong sub if you really ask hard enough" he says, hands raised, foot on the brake. He hears the engine rev and the car next to them flies across the intersection, hands raised with the college age kid. "Ah that guy was mimicking me. He clattered into a police car. Poor cops. Quick, the light's green and they haven't noticed us" Dean says just...blendng into traffic.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum snickers and shakes her head. "Okay, okay. I promise if we road trip, that I will bring my own laptop so your brother doesn't have to see your porn history." She winks at Dean playfully, loving the banter between them. "But, I can't be with you all the time. I have a job. I'm a teacher. And my kids are pretty awesome."

The goth wrinkles her nose. "What is your problem with Hooters. I tell you, their wings are amazing! You just don't want to take me there cause you're worried all the waitresses will recognize you in front of me." She bats her eyes and twists a strand of hair around her finger, her voice breathy and high pitched while she thrusts her chest out. "Hi Dean! It's been ages since we saw you and we were getting sooo lonely! Gonna have the usual, a cheeseburger and Brenda? Fine. Lets find a mom and pop greasy spoon. Burger and pie for Dean."

She chuckles as they drive off pretending that they are just another couple of folks on a nice drive.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"My...wha?" Dean all but chokes. "Fine. Greasy spoon it is" he settles on that. Bacon cheeseburger. Pie? You're....you're getting me pie?" he asks hopefully. Oh he may just get his pie nw! "Yeah you got a teaching job and kids are awesome. But you know road trips are where it's at" Dean nods, spying a greasy spoon and whipping the car around and into the lot. "There we go. Like a glove. So what you want?" he asks with a grin, laughing more at her waitress impression. Points for accuracy!

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum speaks slowly, teasing Dean hard. "Yoooouuuur poooorrrrn hiiisssstory." She laughs and shakes her head. "First you don't like Hooters. Now you're trying to have me believe you don't look at porn. You are definitely not the same as the Dean I remember."

She nods her head when he asks about pie. "I will get you pie. Hell, if you ever get a motel room with a kitchen, I'll bake you pie." She doesn't dare tell him how much she loves to cook. She'd never leave the kitchen.

Looking up at the greasy spoon, Tatum nods her head. "This will do." A booth against the wall, two bacon cheeseburgers ordered with fries and cokes and two chocolate mousse pies for desert. "So, is Sam still in college?" she asks, starting at the beginning to figure out where this version of Dean is.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean winks. "I got a reputation to keep up. What. You think I'm stupid enough to use Sam's laptop for that? I have a cellphone" he says with a knowing nod. "Pictures folder. mhm" he nods, biting into the cheeseburger. It's....good. He moans. h. he...actually moans. Yikes. Cheeseburgers are, oddly enough, not quite as good as sex. Sex with Tate, that is. Both are great. Both are absolutely great. "Yeah he's got his degree. Or did last I heard. me? I just got my GED" Dean admits with a sigh. "Sammy's the smart one, going to college. Smart guy" Dean shrugs, not jealous at all. No he's not jealous, not in the least. Instead, he smiles, another bite of food as he sips his coke, swirling the straw around and sucking the moisture off of it. That's in a whole other light givenn the time in the motel, really.

Dean smiles. "Keep asking questions"

Deadzone has posed:
She laughs, nodding her head as Dean explains cellphones and picture folders. "Of course. Silly me." she replies. She is focussed more on the fries than the burger, swirling them in her ketchup as she talks. "Wait, he got his degree? So he went to law school? So... what about Jess?" Tatum looks more than a little stunned. After all, if the timeline branched off there from what she knew, then this Dean could be nothing like the one she knew from the show.

She reaches over and takes his hand. "You're both smart. Just in different ways. He's got the books, but it's you I would want with me if I was gonna be in a fight." THe swirling of the straw gets a grin and a rolling of her eyes. "You're incorrigable," she tells him. Funny, that's what most people say about her.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean smiles, shaking his head. "Who?" he asks, "That one of Sam's classmates?"

It's totally not the timeline from the show. Same Dean though, fingers go to close around her hand, as Dean laughs. "You like fries huh? They're good, ketchup, too. As is a burger and coke" he says with a wink. "Oh it's you I want too, you know that?" he nods wisely, looking amused then chomps on his burger, pausing. "Who put pickles in it?"

Seriously. Pickles. Do not go in bacon cheeseburgers! Ever. Dean though grins. "Last time I had pickles, I was puking for a few hours" Dean shrugs. "Though I'd been fighting a demon in a Wendy's. I found where the beef was. Had a beef with that demon" Dean says gently.with humor in his voice.

Deadzone has posed:
Dean doesn't seem to remember Jess. That changes everything! With no Jess.. what is Sam's reason for hunting? Tatum looks lost in thought as she tries to figure out the whole problem with timelines and dimensional realities. Dean then manages to tease her out of her reverie. She smirks, one corner of her lips pulling up. "Me you want, huh? Are you talking in a fight, or is there another hotel in our future?"

She can't help but laugh as Dean complains about the pickles. She takes his pickles and puts them on her burger. What was that saying about in any good couple there are two kind of people, one who hates pickles and the other one who will eat those pickles? This could be a good sign for these two.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean grins. "Hotels, beds, back seats, car seats" he teases with a wink. "So...uh....when do I meet your friends? And should I dress up whenever that happens?" he grins, watching her.Well if she want all the pickles, have all the pickles. "Any good couple huh? That's us?

That's his general outlook on life. "So what do you hate in burgers?" he asks. "For me....things that take away from bacon and cheese in a cheeseburger"

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum starts to busily eat her burger at the mention of her friends. Take him to Xaviers? So much nope. Mind you, maybe it would make Hank jealous. Even more nope. Tatum don't play those games. "You don't wanna meet them. They can be kinda... stand-offish about people without gifts. Us mutants... we get some bad press in the media, so we tend to keep to our own." There, she said it outright. She's a mutant. Lets see how he deals with that. Maybe she's one of the monsters now.

She ponders the idea of burgers and shrugs. "I like veggies in my burgers. Lettuce, tomato, onions. I like that taste of freshness to counter the umami of the meat and cheese."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean raises an eyebrow. "You're a mutant. I'm a demon hunter. Both our folks are standoffish" he says and cants his head. "You like veggies in a burger. So....I can chop up onions, carrots, potatoes and....and.....and.....turnips and leeks and and....other veggies?" he asks. "Tomatoes. Okay I can give you tomatoes. on a burger. Lettuce too. But it" he says, "Is rabbit food"

Cue bunny ears with his hands, too. Laughing, he grabs his burger again. No veggies here. What, you think I'm a rabbit?"

No, he won't wear a bunny costume.....at least, at least, not normally. But if Tate was to convince him...R
Burger gone, and fries gone, Dean dives into the pie quite happily. Pie. Pie equals happy, happy Dean.