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Latest revision as of 04:43, 15 February 2020

City Lights
Date of Scene: 11 February 2020
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Rave and Drake catch up after a show, talking about the 'Super' life and teams.
Cast of Characters: Rave, Volt

Rave has posed:
Music, light, life! Rave had dove into her 'Superhero' gig a little more, even if she was working on her own steam rather than any official 'team'...but she'd never given up her 'day job'. It was likely that both were just as hard as the other to step away from! Pumping music, flashing light and the high-energy rock mingling with Rave's own talented vocals...it had been awesome. But every show had its close and now? Rave was still dressed in her usual skirt and 'net' top as she made her way from the show, albeit with her hoodie-jacket thrown over her shoulders.

A water bottle in her hand, the girl was making her way from the venue...and still humming the song to herself.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley had certainly flung himself more into the superheroic shenanigans, now that everything seemed to be in place. But he wasn't one to forget the people who knew him before he joined the Titans; the ones who were supportive, who didn't look down on him. One of them happened to be 'Rave', the pretty punk chick who lived up to her namesake. Finding her again wasn't exactly difficult! She did shows, after all. And though raves weren't really his thing, he certainly appreciates the show she puts on.

It's ended! And he's making an effort to get to her, save for the barring of a few rather burly types who think he's just some dude trying to get facetime with the talent. "Rave! Heeey!," he calls past the security towards her, flailing an arm.

Rave has posed:
Her being seen past security wasn't exactly strange. The girl literally glowed half the time after all...and she wasn't exactly in dire need of someone to walk her to a car. When the voice calls out? She turns towards the source and a grin comes to her face, a hand raising to beckon him through and let the flailing guy past the burly barrier. "Hey there!" she calls back, but it's only when he manages to draw close enough to talk without being overheard that she speaks again.

"How's it going Sparky? You see my show?"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley totally maturely pokes his tongue out at the giant bald man on his way past. Nyehh~

But then he's all smiles upon reaching Rave, starting to open his arms for a hug, then second-guessing himself. Are they at that point? Do they hug? Awkward! He quickly focuses on what she says, instead, as if nothing happened! "Of course I did! Not seen ya in a while, and I thought I'd swing by." Emerald eyes rest on hers, unabashedly pleased to see her. "Glad to see not much has changed."

Rave has posed:
A grin, the practically neon blue light behind her own eyes remains before she does indeed lean in for the hug. Why not? She was a hugger! Of course, ball of energy that she was, she's quickly standing at arm's length again. "Glad you did! And yeah, people still seem to like it. I'm working on a new track or two, but the stuff I've got still keeps people hopping...and even for me, finding time to write stuff rather than just mix stuff is kinda..."

She shrugs, gesturing to the city. "Well, I'm keeping busy."

Volt has posed:
Ack! She's hugging! Drake's arms move in just to barely brush her waist before she's leaning back again. Ai. He glances back at the mainstay of the crowd, now distracted with something else, and then back to her. "Yeah, the music's not what I meant so much. I meant you." His smile brightens. "You look good. You /sound/ good. You just- it's good to see you."

Rave has posed:
A grin, the 'bluenette' crosses her arms, gesturing with a nod of her head for him to continue walking with her as she heads further out into the city. She wanted something to eat, maybe a coffee...because caffine was -just- what a speedster like her needed, right? "It's good to see you too Drake," she offers, warm smile given while they walk and her own arms hugging her jacket closed. "How have -you- been? You're looking a little more buff, the 'gig' is working out for you then?"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley follows along with her and scratches at the back of his neck. "It's been going. And yeah, I noticed clothes are a little tighter, too. S'why I had to get some new threads. Can't wait for summer, though." He tilts aside to nudge his shoulder to hers. "Better options. More stuff to do." His hands then stuff into his pockets, attention focusing forward. "I imagine by then, I'm gonna look.. uh.." He pauses. How /would/ he look? "..I mean, you get what I mean. Right?"

He isn't even questioning where they're going. It doesn't necessarily matter to him. She's already demonstrated he doesn't need to be on high alert with her.

Rave has posed:
The nudge is returned, she gives a little laugh and sighs, gesturing to herself. "Y'know, I kinda wish I had one of those fancier costumes sometimes," she muses, giving a little shrug. "But absorbing light is the only way I can 'undo' when I try to punch a mobster and it turns out he's bulletproof, I ended up breaking my hand -and- one of the bones in my leg that time." A shrudder at the memory, just because she could heal didn't mean it hurt any less!

"Hotter," she offers, smirking a little. "You're allowed to be more confident, happy with how you look and all, without it being a bad thing. Most people aren't, doesn't mean you're not allowed to be!"

Volt has posed:
"I just didn't wanna sound egotistical," replies Drake. "And you could totally rock a skimpy costume. All depends on what'cha cook up." Drake's head tilts to look at her, a brief glance over her hoodie-wearing figure. She's not showing much at the moment, alas! His gaze turns forward again. "Nice to know you think I have room for improvement, though," he jabs teasingly, once again leaning to nudgebump her.

Rave has posed:
"Even -I- wouldn't go running around fighting crime in a thong Drake," Rave comments, gesturing to her own form. "Could you imagine how uncomfortable that would get while running?" Still grinning, that bump brings a shrug of her shoulders. "What? I'm honest. Isn't that meant to be good and heroic? Maybe you and your friends should give me lessons on how to be 'good'?" Winking, she uncrosses her arms and looks skywards. "Crazy times, but I've kept doing my thing till I come up with better ideas."

Volt has posed:
"A thong? Ew," Drake shakes his head. "No one was saying /that/. I mean, if that's where your mind goes automatically, that's totally your thing, but me? Nah. I don't get the appeal."

Another teasing smile is shot her way before refocusing forward.

"Honesty and kindness. Or discretion! It's the better part of valor. Though I think that was meant more about running away than not saying things..."

Rave has posed:
"Nah, I figure they're trying too hard. Besides, -so- not something you'd wear under a skirt like this." Another grin, their location up ahead appeared to be...a 7-11. Not exactly classy, but she was headed there none the less. With his advice? She's left giving a dutiful nod that was entirely over-acted before finally she turns to look at him properly. "I met Captain Marvel the other day, neat to meet another 'glowing girl'...totally ate hotdogs with her. Isn't life weird?"

Volt has posed:
When she turns to face him fully, Drake does the same. "I'm pretty sure we're the weird ones, doll," he replies airily. "Which is fine. New York's the place for it. There's no shortage of weirdness to go around, and... no shortage of normal people who /need/ the weirdness to counteract the bad version of weirdness. I'm saying that word a lot."

There's a beat.

"Hotpants." Drake gives an indicatively low glance towards her hips, then back up to her face. "No skirt. Hotpants."

Rave has posed:
Weird is good, that much she was sure of. His words earn a smile and a nod, then she starts to turn around and look towards the store only to pause and look back at Drake with a raised eyebrow. "Hotpants?" she repeats.

A pause, inevitably she looks down, turning a bit on the spot as if trying to inspect her own hips and behind before turning back to look up at him.

"I could rock hotpants, I've worn them while working out. Not exactly armored but..." a grin follows yet again. "Not the worst idea either!"

Volt has posed:
"And what part of this," Drake counters, motioning over her, "is armored?" An eyebrow is playfully bobbed at her, as if in suggestive challenge. "Definitely thinking purple for you, though. Or pink. But probably purple. Purple has that 'walking nightclub' vibe."

Drake didn't really care about whether or not they made it inside the store. He didn't need anything, and he's just following her lead here. But talk on costumes? That's totally his jam.

Rave has posed:
"Clearly you missed your calling," Rave teases as they linger rather than advance, but the heroine does give a little pout and open her jacket to reveal her 'outfit'.

"Hey! I look awesome and cute as hell in this!" she protests teasingly, "most people aren't shooting at me or trying to crowbar me at my show!"

Volt has posed:
"But it's the same thing ya wear when you're out, isn't it? Besides, aren't your powers basically a shield or something?," Drake asks. Naturally, his gaze dips when she showcases her figure. She had to already know he thought she's ridiculously attractive. So maybe it won't be so surprising that his gaze lingers on her.

Rave has posed:
"I mean, I can dodge bullets, so...kinda?" she comments. The jacket is left open, there's little doubt she's aware of the look but that had kind of been the point to showcase the attire. That sort of response only really proved her point after all!

"But it doesn't really help me if...I dunno, someone threw a lightning bolt at my butt! I suppose you can't get the best of both worlds."

Volt has posed:
"Well, I can't hit something that's bulletproof and regenerate myself after! Or be bulletproof myself. Or anything for that matter." Drake's gaze finally lifts from her nicely-showcased features to her pixie face again. "You just gotta trust that someone would rather throw lightning bolts at other people, huh~?"

Rave has posed:
"Guess so," Rave nods, giving a little chuckle. "I guess you can be descerning about who you make feel all 'tingly'," she winks, stretches her arms above her head. "Maybe I should get you to put a good word in for me with your friends...if they're ever looking for someone like me anyway."

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley glances downwards again as she stretches. This time, he reaches forward to lightly prod her midsection with a few knuckles - a fake 'jab'. "And what would a person like you be, exactly?," he muses. "I mean, my explanation would probably be really different from how you'd market yourself."

Rave has posed:
Now that earned a little eep at the jab, but the girl lets her arms come to rest on her hips and tilts her head. "Oh now this I'll have to hear," she begins, raising an eyebrow. "How exactly would you 'explain' or market me?"

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley mirrors her posture, his hands propping to his hips. He could've seen this counter coming, really. He all but baited it, even if it wasn't strictly intentional. "A hot raver-girl who shoots neon stuff and moves really fast. Skimpy clothes are a feature, not a bug?" A wry smile follows.

Rave has posed:
Rave actually laughs at that, but a lowering of her hands comes to his explaination and then she brings one up, placing her finger to her cheek. "You forgot talented musician...but the best is about right!" she winks, blowing a mock kiss his way. "Think they'd go for that?"

Volt has posed:
"I think they're a little more intense than you think," Drake replies with an unfortunate level of sincerity. "I'd like to have you around. I think you'd be a good addition. But it's a lot to take in, and it's.. not what you'd expect out the gate."

Rave has posed:
"Not what you'd expect?" she questions, blinking a little. "The bad guys hit any harder? The bullets fly any faster? Crimes any more crim-y?" Rave shrugs, tilting her head the other way. "I mean, I'm going to be doing this thing regardless. But yeah..."

Volt has posed:
"Right. That's the proper way to look at it. You're gonna be doing this thing regardless. Because, what's the point of joining the team?," Drake asks abruptly. "Like, what would you really be hoping to get out of it? What're the expectations? 'Cuz whatever you're about to say, you'd find something unexpected. And that's not me being an edgelord or anything, that's definitely what threw me when I first looked into it. It took someone convincing me to stay before I walked off on'em."

Rave has posed:
A blink, Rave actually seems to hesitate for a second on that before she lifts a hand. "Company," Rave admits with a shrug, "someone to watch my back and to watch theirs. People who embrace the 'weird' of it all..."

She pauses, biting her lip for a moment in consideration. "You and I aren't the same person, we're pretty different and all...But noone likes to be alone at anything all the time."

That right there? It might be the closest to admitting a negative emotion the self-described 'neon rainbow' had come in her entire time around Drake.

Volt has posed:
And yet, Drake doesn't focus on it, nor highlight it for a second. He just nods. "Believe me, I get that. And if that's what you're looking for, you'll... probably... be mostly satisfied. Mostly. But there are some kinks that need to be ironed out in that group. Like what I'm doing is trying to figure out my place in it. I earned a spot by doing well and showing dedication. But..."

He pauses and exhales a gentle sigh.

"...we'll see if what I do annoys'em. It's untested. But I mean, like, what're we even talking about, right?" He plasters on a modest smile and reaches forward to nudge her gently on the shoulder. "You know you have me, don'cha?"

Rave has posed:
Rave gives a nod, but whatever else she might say is quieted by that nudge and immediately that smile returns, a little flutter of glowing blue crossing the locks of her hair where they were visible beneath her hoodie and she grins. "I suppose so...Maybe we just need to hang out more. Course, I'm cool with you coming to my shows too...since I don't really get paid for the whole 'pew pew, save the day' thing."

Volt has posed:
"..That's a small perk to being in the group, I guess," Drake submits with an eyeshift. Doesn't pay well, but it afforded him new clothes!

The eyes return to her, and his smile brightens with ease. "I'm down for seeing more of ya," he says, gaze dipping briefly. It was subconscious! But even he caught it, and he internally winces. "That came out wrong, didn't it?"

Rave has posed:
"That depends..." Rave speaks, turning towards the poor Electrokinetic and raises a hand. One comes to his cheek, the other? It deliberately finger-walks up his chest as she leans in, all glowing eyes and damn near predatory smirk. "On just what you're hoping to see more of..."

The words linger for a second, but only a second before she pulls back with a laugh and a jab at the poor guy's stomach of her own. "Seriously though, keep me in mind. Worth a try seeing if there's a place for me, right? Not like I'll be jumping into the Justice League in the meantime."

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley's eyes widen the more she leans in, the feel of her palm against his face, her fingers flirtily trailing over him. Oh, he knew there was a little mutual something-something there; it's dangerous, tempting, and not very far from his face right now. Only she's suddenly leaning back and bopping a fist back at him, her knuckles landing against what is likely surprisingly firm abdominal tone. Still, it gets a surprised grunt and protective hand moving in place.

"I'll mention ya. I've only even talked to a few of'em, though..."

Rave has posed:
"Wow so...not quite as 'hang out and eat pizza or chill between missions' as I thought?" she muses, shaking her head. She had no idea how any of it worked really, just what anyone else might guess and what Drake might tell her. Finally stuffing her hands into the pockets of her jacket, the woman closes her eyes and exhales a breath, but already their was a growing luminescence spreading across her form. "I should be going soon, but I -am- glad I ran into you Drake."

Volt has posed:
"S'what I've been trying to tell you. It's... different. There's some of that, but not a lot." Drake doesn't sound terribly thrilled about that, either. He had some preconceived notions of how things would be. It's been rather different. But he's made the most of it, and things are going in an upward direction. He can only hope it continues to improve, both in his own personal situation and in the group dynamic as a whole.

As things start to get glowy, Drake backs up a step from her. To him, it's kind of like Sonic curling into a ball and revving up. Best just to stand clear of her. "Likewise. Maybe next time you'll be the one surprising me, eh?"

Rave has posed:
It's probably an apt comparison, but if there were verbal comments and talk of a certain blue hedgehog she'd likely take it a little poorly. Instead she nods her head, flashing a grin as she leans forward and plants a kiss on his check. A quick peck, but one that deliberately leaves the metallic blue lipstick she'd worn on stage on his cheek. It was almost -certainly- done to mess with the mutant.

"Sounds about right, I am the suprising sort after all."

With that, and a flutter of her skirt as she turns, Rave disappears in a streak of light that scythes its way down the street and up the side of a building before leaping off and out of sight in a burst of acceleration.