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Latest revision as of 16:15, 23 February 2020

Why Are We in Prague
Date of Scene: 17 February 2020
Location: Prague
Synopsis: The abduction of Blackout by Baron Zemo. And induction into the Masters of Evil. Vacation cut short.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Fiona Glenanne

Blackout has posed:
    It's been a very interesting last few weeks. Marcus hasn't seen most of the parts of the world that Fi has drug him to. Yes, it was part of his plan to learn new locations to teleport to. But there have been some really deep holes in the wall and rabbit trails that she's run down. It's been fun, harrowing, and then there's Prague.

    He asks, "Does anyone really go to Prague? I mean, it's pretty here. But we were headed to Istanbul (not Constantaople). Right?"

    Little did Marc know; while they were in Frankfurt, Fi had been contacted by a guy about a job that was to take place in Prague. A job that would land them right square in the middle of the city square, in the middle of the night, in the middle of a very bad situation.

    There were explosions. There are always explosions. There were HYDRA agents. There were AIM agents. What is the world coming to? But then there was Zemo. Marc states, "Baron friggin Zemo? Seriously. We're not getting out of here? I can't port."

    No, he cannot teleport. Zemo has placed a dampening field around the area; thus trapping them in the small back room/vault of the depository. They are stuck here. All around are bright shiny things. Pieces of gold, diamonds, cash. Everything anyone could want in the 10x10x10 steel room. But just outside the vault door is Baron Zemo and his goons. The door is closed. The PA system beeps and then Zemo's voice comes over with his weird eastern bloc European accent, "It is simple, Blackout. You surrender yourself. The girl lives, you live, but then you work for me and all will be happy."

    Synopsis - the job was simple, smash and grab. But Fi wasn't told that the smash and grab was from HYDRA. Meanwhile, at the same time, Baron Zemo (and his goons) along with AIM were also going to smash and grab from HYDRA. It all quickly went south. Marcus and Fi ended up in the vault while they were running from green agents, yellow agents, and Zemo agents (in maroon). It was bad. And Marc couldn't teleport because of the dampening field. Now Zemo wants Marc to come work for him. Marcus is reticent to the invitation. But it looks like it's his only choice to keep Fi and him alive.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona's got enough contacts around the world. Who if any would come to Prague though and help them? She's got a gun, but....that's asking for trouble. Instead she thinks on her feet. "So,,...why?" she asks. Fi wants a few things. Answers. And...to get home. Prague's European, it's foregin to her. She's not happy at stepping into a trap, either, but she didn't come empty handed.

Blackout has posed:
    Marc is about to answer, but Zemo interrupts over the PA. "Why else. His power set. Having the ability to teleport anywhere in the world, and likely the Solar System. That is a power that I require within my Masters of Evil. The ability to transport the team from point A to point B without anything in the middle. It is unstoppable."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
FI shakes her head. "That's not a useful power on its own" she counters. "You require it? There are simpler ways to travel. You're masters of evil?" she asks. Screw it. She'll roll the dice. "Surely you want something that announces your presence, something to strike fear into people? Mark's power doesn't do that. It's....plain by comparison. I'm picturing you coming out of a portal with hell fire surrounding you. Mark's not about that" Fiona says, pushing her point. She's just a simple human. Or, a human that knows Mark, yes...

Blackout has posed:
    There's reluctance in his eyes as Marc looks over to Fi while speaking. He says quietly, "Fi... it's Baron Zemo. A-Number-One bad guy. We're trapped in here. No getting out. I've tried. I can't open a portal. And if I don't do what he says, he's going to hurt you."

    Not quiet enough. The PA is very sensitive. Zemo states, "He is right, Fiona. Blackout will surrender himself to my designs and you will go unharmed. It is as simple as that. I am going to open the door. Do be a dear and place your weapons on the floor. I would hate for this to go badly for you."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona stays still. "All my weapons?" she asks. It's times like this she wishes for telepathy, really. Fi's not that worried. There's got to be a way out of this. Fi's optimistic. Even if the odds aren't in their favor. Fi's not powered. She's got that going for her....and she kicks like a horse, too.

Blackout has posed:
    After a few minutes, the vault door is opened. Zemo stands there in his purple and white costume with a golden crown. There are 8 agents standing behind him with automatic weapons pointed toward the occupants of the vault. In his right hand, he holds a cyllinder of black. He says, "Good choices are made on this day, Blackout. Now, put this on your left wrist." and he tosses the metal cyllinder toward Marcus who will catch it.

    All of Marc's powers are dampened (turned off) at present. Dampened by something technological that is likely very nearby.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona looks to Mark, then to Zimo, she's looking past him, then back to him. "So you want his power?" she asks. "Why, aside from getting around from place to place? Wouldn't it make more sense to find somebody easier to manipulate?" she wonders aloud. Oh, she's stalling for time, true. She's stalling for time, but....the cylinder's produced. Great...

Blackout has posed:
    Marc looks over the wrist bracelet thingy. It is 8 inches in length, metallic, electronic in nature and has a hinge and a locking mechanism for when he puts his forearm into it. He states as he does. "Fi. Listen. Zemo has us dead to rights. I'll go with him. I'll play nice. You won't get hurt. And I'll sort this out." he looks at Zemo. "Right Zemo? We'll work it out and nobody gets hurt and it'll all be fine."

    Zemo nods, "Worry not your pretty head, Fiona. You can have him back when I'm done."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's coming around to the idea, and listens to Mark. Bout time she listens. No point sacrificing herself for this. Not in the least, no. So she steps back, metaphorically...and waits. Mark better be damned sure of what he's doing...

Mostly since, well, Fiona will kick the hell outta him if he screws this up. He is important to her, and....and.....all that.

Blackout has posed:
    The band clicks into place around Marc's left forearm. Zemo touches something on his belt. A little light glows on the band and matches a little light on Zemo's belt. Zemo says, "Good choice. Now, I suggest you run like a little starling, making haste to escape this place before the authorties arrive."

    Marc turns, will touch Fi's left shoulder with his right hand. "It'll be okay..." are words said in a soft tone.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona watches. "You got your end of the deal. Now keep your word. Let me go" Fiona says softly. She's worried but her temper's getting the best of her. Even as she wants to keep it in check, however and get the eff outta here, thanks. Fi's not a fan of Mark being snatched away, come to think of it...

Blackout has posed:
    Zemo waves away his guards. They make a hole for Fi to egress.

    Marc will watch her go before his attention is drawn by Zemo who says, "Blackout. Open a portal please."

    And a portal into the darkforce dimension will open. Apparently, Zemo is controlling Blackout's powers via his belt and the arm brace.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi goes. But she's making mental notes. Remembering names. Looks. Details is one way of putting it. Fiona's not going to sit down like a good little girl and just sit idly by. No. She's got a plan. She's got a whole nice plan and oh yes. She's....absolutely, definitely, getting an idea in her mind.

Blackout has posed:
    Zemo walks Blackout through the portal, his men follow. The portal closes and they are gone. Authorities are zooming into the area as Fi makes her escape.