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Coffee, Cookies & Conversation
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Karrin Murphy's House - Sunnydale
Synopsis: Karrin invites Dawn over after school (and after a detention) for coffee, some baking and conversation. Social scene, with a small moment of potential danger.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Dawn Summers

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin's house is most certainly not quiet. She'd invited Dawn over. And so.....Karrin's door is closed and locked, but there's the sound of brewing coffee and Karrin moving things around. She's got things to bake, because she's figuring that's what Dawn would like, rightly or wrongly. Murph's just in a t-shirt and jeans today, hair tied back as she looks thoughtful opening the door. There's a eason for that, a rake gets moved to outside by the door, there's signs of yard cleaning having gone on earlier.

Karrin's got her holster on though under her jacket and her pistol in it. Safety given what she deals with, and there's a brass handled stake pointing from her shoulders and it's slung across her back. She's no Buffy, but...

Dawn Summers has posed:
She seldom got invitations. It was even more seldom that she was allowed to do much of anything without someone trailing her or acting as an escort. Such was her life and she has become accustomed to it. So when the invite came from Karrin to come over, she jumped at the chance; it certainly beat going back home and burying her face in a math book. When the door is opened, Dawn is on the ther side; a pair of jeans with those pre-ripped holes in them, some red Converse shoes and a t-shirt from what appears to be an early Brittney Spears concert she clearly did not attend.

"Hey. Sorry I am a bit late. Apparently, what I did was worthy of a detention. Cameras." She says nothing more with a shake of her head and offers a smile. "Is that coffee?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin nods. "What" she asks, "Did you do? C'mon in? Yeah it's coffee, it's brewing if you're allowed any" she adds and isn't going to bother the Slayer with this. Dawn, caffeine....not sure that's smart any. So, Karrin leads the way into the living room, AKA doily central. Settling on the couch, Murph smiles, "Please, make yourself at home. I'll get you a coffee if you like with as much sugar and creamer if you like? I got cookies if you'd like to help make some?" she adds. The cop in her wants to know what Dawn did. The other part of her wants to help the girl.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn makes follows Karrin into the living room, setting her backpack down besides the couch before settling onto it in a proper way that may be unexpected. Her hands move to rest on her lap and she softly states. "Well, I am not sure if I allowed any, but those that would make such an effort to stpo such is not here. So..." She bounces once with a smile and adds. "Cream. No wait..cream /and/ sugar." It is then that the mention of cookies seems to set in and she raises a brow. "Help make some? You do know who you just asked right?"

"She nibbles her bottom lip a moment and considers talking more. "You're a cop right? So without reading my rights, anything I tell you cannot be used in a court of law..aka my sister..right?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph just gives Dawn a quiet, amused look. "I'm not arresting you. This is off the record, Dawn. Besides I want to help you out. If you got into trouble for punching somebody at school I can help you learn martial arts" she offers, and nods. "Yes I know who I asked. You've got a reputation. What're you going to do, make a cookiee dough volcano?" she assks. Yeah that's totally not helping, Karrin...

Watching her for a moment, Murph grins and slips into the kitchen to gt Dawn's coffee. What Buffy doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides. One coffee won't hurt, right? right?

Karrin's a cop. See. She's good like that. The stake gets put out of reach as Karrin makes two coffees, one for herself, one for Dawn and puts them on a tray with those little iced biscuits and some cupcakes, bringing them back to the living room. "Here you go, Cofffeee and snacks. And I'll only tell Buffy if it's urgent. Else I'll probably take you under my wing. I'm good at that, I can help you through tough times" Karrin says with an earnestness in her eyes. "When you're sharing your life with a wizard....nothing's too bad"

Oh great, did she just say that last bit out loud?

Dawn Summers has posed:
When the coffee is returned, Dawn leans forward and cups both hands around the cup, brining it to her lips and taking a small sip. Her face betrays her and her eyes go wide a moment. Clearly coffee is not something she typically indulges in. "Columbian?" Like she knows. It is quite clear she is trying to seem like a coffee expert or something.

Her legs are pulled up to sit criss cross on the couch, quickly realizing that her shoes are on and then they are shot back out without a word. "A cookie dough volcano? No. The explosion may come when you spit it out." She takes another sip and exhales slowly, studying the woman a moment and then leans forward to set the coffee down on the table before her, reaching for a biscuit.

A small nibble is taken and she begins. "Alright fine. Damn your good." She shrugs her shoulders as she speaks, "So I have this English Test on Romeo and Juliet right? Forbidden love. Capulets and the Monta-dudes or whatever. Cleary I was prepared. So, I tell my teacher I am having /woman issues/. Mr. Danforth was not going to question that. So I make my way to the bathroom." SHe takes another nibble, leaning back now and seemingly quite at ease. "Well, apparently when you spend the entire 50 minute class time in the bathroom and they sned the nurse into check on you...it's a problem when they find you sitting on the sink counter listening to music."

She sets the cookie down on the table and moves to adjust her pony-tail. "They never saw me exit when they played it back..." There is a shake of her head. "Won't make that mistake again."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"So.....you bailed on a test" Murph asks with a smile. "Can't say I've never done the same. Ah I have" Karrin grins. She watches Dawn with a moment. "English class is important however" Karrin says gently with a knowing smile.She chews on a cupcake and nods. "I've done the same mind" Karrin adds with a smile. Murph's shorter than Buffy and Dawn, great. Still she likes the girl, she seees bits of herself in Dawn.

So she grins. "Other than bailing on tests and climbing out windows, how else is it going?" she asks gently, with a protective look on her face. The sort of look that says if anyone bullies Dawn...Karrin will make their arms and legs like pretzels.

Dawn Summers has posed:
The coffee is grabbed again and held in her hands, yet no sip is taken just yet. "I guess it's going okay. I mean I have friends. And my classes are going well-enough. Still. Sometimes I wish things were a more normal at times." Now a sip of the coffee is taken and she tilts her head to the side, a strand of hair hanging before her eye. "I mean there is a group of girls. Sometimes they will give me a hard time. Nothing to major." She shrugs. "It's high school right? Wouldn't eant to miss out on the full high school experience."

She exhales once again and regards the woman once more. "So..um...we are cool right? You know with the whole hiding in the bathroom thing?" She leans forward and tries to hide a smirk. "Because my confession was illegally coerced and it must fall into that fruit of the poisonous tree thing." Oh how she tries to sound like she knows what she is talking about.

Then she just drops it, deadpan and out of the blue. "So..you ever kill anynody?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Dawn gets a raised eyebrow from Karrin. "Again, this isn't a legal proceeding" she says. "You're not confessing anything" she adds and looks amused giving a reassuring smile. "So relax, just be yourself" she adds and lookss pleased, then laughs. "I wasn't normal either in high school, Dawn. I went to school then got my degree and work for supernatural cops. You'll find your calling. So" she grins looking to Dawn again after sipping her coffee. "See, I'm not taking you in for this. You need any help get a hold of me" Murph says with a nod. "Need anyone to leave you alone? I got fifty ways to break an arm" Karrin says. Then she turns serious. "I have killed people....and it's not pleasant at all" she says quickly.

Dawn Summers has posed:
"But they deserved it right. I mean sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do." The topic is not pushed any further and she seems to relax a bit more, actually kicking her shoes off and now once again pulling her feet up beneath her. "Hopefully I will find my calling. Tho, I suspect I am going to be living under Buffy's watch until I am 90." She rolls her eyes ever so slightly.

Her voice then goes a bit softer, more genuine, the sarcasm shevled for the moment. ""Thank you. Really. I appreciate it. One can never have to many people looking out for them." Another sigh. "And I apparently need a lot of looking after. I don't seek trouble...honest." There is a small pause. "Okay sometimes. Alright...maybe more than I should." She quickly changes the subject. "SO what kind of cookies did you want ot make?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"They did" Murph says gently, "But it's hard. It's not like on TV on those cop shows. Oh don't ever watch them with me. I can and will nitpick to death" she adds with amusement in her eyes, then busts out laughing. "Oh, really now. I'm just picturing a 90 year old Bufffy in one of those dresses old ladies wear" she giggles. Oh if Buffy hears about that...Karrin will pay. Stil though Murph goes past the two Japanese swords and heads for the kitchen. "We got a choice. I got just about every mix they do. So what appeals most? There's the usual, like chop chip, oatmeal, then you got things like fruit in it, pineapple, blueberry, you got things like roasted garlic cookies" she says and the sounds of her shuffling boxes can be heard.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn pushes herself off the couch and makes her way sock fotted into the kitchen, coffee stil in hand. "Hmmm. Wait..did you say Garlic cookies? Um..no. Those two things should never be in the same sentence." She moves to stand behind her peering down at the mixes offered. "Blueberry could be interesting. I don't think I have ever had those." There is a moment of pause and then a confirmation. "Blueberry then. Living on the edge..that's me."

She steps back and looks around at the immaculate kitchen. "So...you do realize my baking ability pretty much stops at ice cubes and adding milk to my cereal right?" Another small sip of the coffee taken. "So...you live with Harry Potter you mentioned?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I like you already" Murph laughs. "Garlic cookies on clearance. No idea why, nope, can't tell" she grins, and turns the blueberry cookie mix around to show the instructions. "That's why they make instructions for people like us. I can do small things, but....and it's Dresden. Harry Dresden. He's in the phone book...do I have to explain what a phone book is?" Karrin asks, digging in the cupboard for things to bake with. Mixing bowl, jug, check and check. Scales? Yes, spoons? Yes. Ingreedients....well cookie mix? Yes...

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn just stands there, out of the way, but taking note of what is being grabbed. "Harry Dresden." The name is apparently comitted to memory. "I am not sure if they were giving garlic cookies way for free if I would even take one. Nope." There is a soft giggle. She appears to be loosening up a bit. "Instructions. I can follow those. These may actually turn out...edible." She makes her eay to the sink to wash her hand, speaking as she does so. "So did Buffy put you up to this? You know. Getting me out of the house...supervised?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Nah Buffy didn't" Karrin shrugs. "See, if she had you'd have homework" Murph adds with a straight face, and shakes her head. "So. Cookies. You think yu can get us going while I get the oven ready?" she asks. It's not so much a test. it's more a 'how much cleaning will the kitchen need afterwards' type of deal. Karrin's hoping none. Though, given how messy baking can get...

At least it's not model volcanoes...this time.

Dawn Summers has posed:
The young girl moved to pick up the mix, reading the side and nodded once. "Alright then. This is not too hard. OPen pakcage and pour mix into bowl. I have the mix. I have the bowl. Mix into bowl." A soft tug and the mix opens without incident (thank god), and then is slowly poured into the bowl. "Well, maybe I can do this." She reads the packaging once more and then proceeds to add the other necessary ingredients. "Do you have one of those whirring stirry thingies? SHe peers over her shoulder and brushes a strand of hair back behind her ear. "The electric thing that mixes...whatever its called."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Sure, I got an electric mixer. Whether it works though? Other story" Karrin says producing it. It does work, amazingly. "Just keep it on low though and it won't throw mix everywhere" she advises with a grin. Looking over, Karrin nods. "You're doing good" she adds and sets the oven, peering at the package. "Okay. So next steps, you got this. I'll start on chocolate chip cookies too" she adds and nods to the choc chip box...which is torn open, as Murph's good like that

Dawn Summers has posed:
"Start on low, start in low." It would appear that talking ot herself is the key to good baking." She is very cautious and the mixer begins to do what it does best...mix. "Look at me...I am baking." The cookie batter begins to take shape and her level of focus is actually quite astonishing." The mixing done, the young girl cannot help but to put her finger in the mix to taste it. "Mmmm." She realizes she just convicted herself of her sneak and quickly adds. "I mean this looks so good. WHat's next?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Hey" Karrin says catching Dawn sticking her fingers in the mix. "You've got this, but....keep your hands out of the mix" she says gently with a nod. "Aside from that, follow the instructions. I can tell you where to get those cookies" Karrin adds, "Shop in Fort Joseph sells them. Or your nearest superstore" she adds looking pleased, mixing up her own batter with a grin as she setss the cookie tray down after covering it in baking paper. "Okay one tray for each cookie type" she nods sagely. "One tray for bluebarry. One for choc chip" she adds with a ave of her hand to the oven.

Dawn Summers has posed:
"So exactly how do we put them on the tray. Just sort of scoop them out?" She eyes the bowl and the tray and seems to be working out in her head the best way to go about it." She decides to take a spoon and starts to put them in nice even spaces all over the tray, patting them individually. "There you go. And one more..." She continues until the tray is full. "So into the oven now?" She stands there holding a tray, a smile on her face like she did something miraculous."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Yep like that" she says and looks amused at Dawn. That's when the front door opens. Karrin watches as there's two college age kids coming in,. THey weren't invited, great. They're breaking in....wonderful. Murph's not happy, and she slams the cookies in the oven and whirls, watching the two invaders.

Dawn Summers has posed:
The opening of the door and the dropping tray causes Dawn to toss her in the air as well, screaming and covering her mouth with her hands, quickly moving behind Karrin. She peers out from behind her with widened eyes and points a finger in their direction. "You...you...you're not supposed to be here." She reached behind her for some sort of weapon, finding herself wielding a silver soup ladle.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin's got a gun, and there's swords above the fireplacce too. And that soup ladle is good too...mostly as she's keeping the kitchen entrance covered. Smart idea. "Get out. Now" she tells the intruders who look to her, then the gun, then Karrin. "Out. Now. Or I'll..."

They flee, leaving the smell of soiled pants after them. Karrin holsters her gun and looks to Dawn. "It's okay" she says gently and goes to close and, more to the point....lock the door. The thudding of locks makes Murph feel more secure at least, on her way back to the kitchen she smiles. "So cookies in the oven. Home invasion dealt with. What next? Aside from eating cookies that is and more coffee." Murph offers.

Dawn Summers has posed:
She is breathing extremely heavy now, her eyes still wide and the soup ladle held before her, no effort shown to lower it. "Does that...does that happen often her?" She points to the door with the soup ladle. "What do you think they wanted?" She looks over to Karrin's gun and then she realizes what she is actually holding and sets it down on the counter behind her. "I...don't know. What is next?" She still seems a bit rattled, but is slowly calming down, leaning now against the counter. "I have to get me one of those." Her eyes drift to the holstered weapon.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I'm not letting you get a gun without proper training and not until you're old enough to buy one on your own and use it responsibly" Karrin says. Her tone's oddly protective and maternal to a point. "Though there's people willing to teach you responsible, safe firearm ownership and usage" she says and lets the subject drop. "What's next? Hmm..." she says pulling a stuffed animal out of a cupboard above the sink. "This" she nods. "Stuffed animal. I keep them for kids and teenagers who go through traumatic situations. I got a lot of them in my trunk. Of my car, so if you want a different one, I'll get it for you" she offers, and smiles to Dawn. "There's cookies baking, and not much can get through that door now it's locked. So" Karrin says. "We're safe here. Worst case scenario, grab one of the swords and defend my house if it comes to it" Karrin says. "Because throwing lacy doilys will only do so much" she adds and looks to the window. "Pretty sure they just wanted to rob somebody, they picked the wrong house mind" she admits with h a smile.

Dawn Summers has posed:
Dawn takes the stuffed animal. It's a small blue rabbit and eyes the woman before her. The rabbit is given a small squeeze and she moves to set it down on the counter. Without warning the Cop is given a hug accompanied by soft words. "Thank you Ms. Murphy. This has been nice. Normal." She lets go and reaches for her coffee, motioning with her free hand to the living room. "The cookies have some time to bake. Can I ask you a few questions? Nothing personal I promise." And with that the young girl makes her way to the couch once more, perching herself upon it criss cross once more and pats the spot beside her. "So tell me how you and Harry met."