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Latest revision as of 05:37, 14 March 2020

Strange things are afoot at the Sanctum Zootorum
Date of Scene: 06 September 2019
Location: Tribeca - Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Cypher, Magik, Raven

Doctor Strange has posed:
    It's been another long day of renovating the office space on the first floor in this Tribeca lease, and with Stephen taking a few moments to himself to catch up on the news of the day in the foyer of his soon to be open veterinary office, he is semi-relaxing on the muted ocean green chairs.

    The man wears a white button up long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, revealing the scars he's received as the sorcerer supreme on top of the life defining scars of reconstructive surgery on his hands and fingers. With the phone held in one hand delicately, Stephen scrolls through his news feed, waiting for his belly to urge him to move back home.

Cypher has posed:
Doug pu on a bowtie. He reasoned that when visiting the sorcerer supreme, one must have a tie. He bends down to tie his shoe, and says, "So is he a Crowley, or a Gandalf?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana does not subscribe to the same newsletter as does Doug, she is not wearing a bowtie, but black jeans, boots, and a long black t-shirt. Beneath her arm she's carrying a bundle of black cloth that's a rough rounded shape, "You look rediculous." She informs Doug, just incase he's unaware, which he surely couldn't be, having looked at himself at least once in the mirror before they headed to meet Strange.

Nor does she answer his question, at least not explicitly. "He is a very gruff man and he will likely tell you that you look rediculous... but if he does not do that, allow me to repeat it... you look rediculous." There's a sort of affectionate quality to her tone that immediately evaporates once they're in the vacinity of the veterinary.. figuring it for business hours and the most likely location to run into the good doctor.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Business hours have not begun yet, and as such, Illy and Doug come across the vet clinic with little to no lights on. The only visible light is a little red light from the exit sign over the door, washing the foyer in a creepy red light and a more vibrant blue from Strange's phone as he sits idly and yet he looks up towards the doorway as he feels a tingle against his mystical barriers he's placed upong the facility.

    The wizard stands up and slips the phone into the pocket of his slacks and he moves to unlock the door and lifts a black eyebrow as he spies a young woman with a rather mundane mode of transport. "Illyana." Stephen says with a glance towards Doug and lifts his other eyebrow and then looks back to Illy. "Tell me, how can I help." The doctor requests, knowing she wouldn't show up for no reason.

Cypher has posed:
The contents of the cloth bag begin to cackle. "Hahahahahahaha~"

Raven has posed:
    It is in that moment, that Raven is there. When did she arrive? Was she -already- there and just had not announced herself? The world may never know. What is known is that she is in some lonely looking, unassuming corner, darkened not superficially. "Stephen. I have found a change cup." She states, holding the box for a novelty mug. Its contents, should Strange ever open it, state #1 Wizard. This, she surreptitiously tosses in Stephen's direction. He can, probably, catch it.

    Afterwards, she slips the hand that had handled the mug back into her sweater pocket. Her brow, though, raises at the two that had just a moment ago made their way into the vet's office. "Ah. I did not realize you had sent someone to retrieve your halloween decorations. He looks suitably ridiculous. You have done well in choosing your newest assistant. Wong will be displeased."

Magik has posed:
True to Illyana form, she deals in absolutes rather than pleasantries, and simply presents the cloth covered skull out to Strange in the palm of one hand. "We find this." We likely indicating her companion and herself, whom she glances at with a raised brow. "This is Doug. Doug, this is Doctor Strange. If you have not having met." Now they have. Absolutes.

"It is skull of serpant god from Savage Lands. Was being guarded by charmed natives. I left many Atlantians trapped in the chamber where it was stored." She glares at the skull, "It does not shut up.. I have tried to make it, but already being dead, it responds poorly to threats... also is god, so..." Shrugging a shoulder. "Hard to reason with."

Like trying to figure out where Rachel's come from, likely. Illyana stares at the other half demon with her head cocked to one side. "Halloween decorations?" Eyeing the skull, then Doug, then Rachel... and finally Stephen. "Your secretary throws things at you?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen gets hit in the shoulder by the object and he turns to look in the direction the object came from before the shattering of ceramic on the ground catches his attention and the wizard sighs to himself with his hand lifting up to his other arm to rub at the spot where he just got mugged. He's down on his knees when he casts a small spell with his one hand to reform the shattered mug and then picks it up to examine the suddenly repaired cup. "I am not homeless Raven, you even offered me a couch yourself, I'm sure you recall. Seeing I haven't used it, you can assume I have somewhere else to stay." Stephen says with a sigh and yet a not unpleasant look upon his face.

    Standing back up to his full height, Strange turns to address Doug with a look, then Illy and Doug once more. "Hello Doug." Then Illy gets his attention. "If you find it's talking annoying, you could always return it, or send it to someone you greatly dislike..." Stephen says with a glance over his shoulder in the opposite direction of Raven, towards an empty part of his office, at a wall blankly. Those in the know would realize he's looking towards his former home. The Sanctum.

    "Tell me, what were you doing in the Savage Lands?"

Cypher has posed:
"Well, what it is... is weird. It isn't Homo Sapiens," Doug says, "The skull is just off, for that. It babbled something about the Elder Race and some of the hypnotized natives and books we found talked about a sorcerer who was so vile the Rainbow Serpent cursed him so time and fate would prevent his head from ever being reunited with his body.". He looks at Illyana and his eyebrows go up. "You threw a danish at me this morning at breakfast." He glances back at Doctor Strange. " Looking for tech in one of Magneto's old bases that had gone active. The skull's cult had moved in. "

Raven has posed:
    There is a pause. Raven listens to Illyana for a short time, before returning her attention to Stephen. Her interest didn't lie in the skull- it was only the final comment that was really directed to her. "He could'nt afford me. Literally. I throw things at whoever I wish." she comments, looking idly at the sack with the skull stored in it, and then at Stephen. "You have not proven that you aren't homeless. You have just refused a couch at the tower. I have no guarantee that you do not simply have a couch here."

Magik has posed:
Illyana continues to hold out the skull until it becomes clear in what direction Stephen is looking. Her brow furrows slightly, following the trail of his glance, and then returning it to the Sorcerer Supreme with narrowed eyes. "Are we bringing this to wrong person?" Curling it around to replace it beneath her arm, "Why are you living on couch? Are you wrong Stephen Strange? Is this why ley lines seem .. off?" The skull might continue to chatter away, but Illy flicks a finger against it and produces a hollow thunk, "Shut up."

Doug explained why they were in the Savage Lands, she sees no reason to add to it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "No, not the wrong person." Stephen says as he lifts his free hand towards the talking skull, trying to be more interested in the actual artifact before him and not the gossip of his living arrangements and the fact that it feels like Loki is really doing something dastardly over at his old abode. No, Strange is working on hisself at the moment, and holding a mug he just repaired from a girl he'd call his friend.

    Then there's the blonde who's very soul might be touched by the darkness but Stephen trusts her as far as he could teleport her, and then the boy... who's .... got clothes on. "So you think this the very skull of the Undying Head?" Strange ponders as he holds up the skull to examine a bit more closely, and yet he doesn't remove the cloth that Illy had it wrapped in. "I am that Strange, Illyana, I simply have a new position in life, unless you wish to take this to Loki and have the Asgardian examine your skull." A look is given to Rachel and nothing else as she should be able to read his eyes well enough.

Cypher has posed:
Red light flares in the skull's eyes.

"This is the Sorcerer Supreme? I fail to be impressed. If you knew my name, your tone would not be so cavalier... conjurer."

"It keeps talking like that. I'm not even sure if it can say its name aloud, maybe that was part of the curse?"

He shakes his head, and says, "Sir, I'm a Mutant. I have... extraperceptory powers, of a sort. This... thing -- it kept saying something about how Illyana and I had the blood of the Elder Race."

"Yes. Yes!" The skull cackles. "Debased by the second race of men, at long last, the blood of the Elder Race returns to prominence... to overthrow the race of men and assume dominion over all the Earth once more. Do not despair... this was inevitable."

Doug furrows his brow. "I think it might be talking about mutants."