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Latest revision as of 04:00, 18 March 2020

Two for Tea
Date of Scene: 15 March 2020
Location: Ororo's Attic - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean goes to Ororo's attic to welcome her back from Africa.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Storm

Phoenix has posed:
There's a knock on Ororo's door, accompanied by Jean's familiar voice, "'Ro, do you have a moment? I brought some tea and scones, figured it'd be nice to share a moment like we used to..."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe rises and opens the door. "Of course, Jean," she muses softly as she glances over at the main table. "Just working on a little project." There's a small bonsai tree there along with all the kits. "I would love some tea. We've jus been so busy lately - but things appear to have calmed some." She gestures for you to come in. "I'll get some tea ready. I believe I still have some of your favorite flavor handy....?"

Phoenix has posed:
The nice thing about telekinesis, is that even with arms full holding a tray, Jean can open the door for herself and come in at Ororo's beckoning, while closing the door behind her as she finds the place to put the tray. She already had some roobios honey tea prepared, and a sampling of scones with two tiny plates and two mugs, along with the kettle.

"So, we hadn't had a chance to talk in a while, how have you been, Ororo? Came back from a visit to home?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I am well, Jean," she states. "Oh - you have some tea. That is very thoughtful." She moves the bonsai tree over and puts the tray on the table. "I had a productive visit to Africa. I just needed to speak with my... spiritual advisor." She shrugs. "It's difficult to reach out to her using modern technology - the Internet is spotty there - so I value every chance I get to speak to her. Her hair's as white as mine now." She glances at you. "And you? Is the recent calm making things easier?"

Phoenix has posed:
"You've prepared it more than enough for me, it's only proper to return the favor...besides, it would be rude to invite myself to tea and expect you to serve it," Jean winks at Ororo as she settles in a seat and pours a cup to each of them. "Blueberry scones are okay, I hope?"

"Well...it gives me time to reflect, so there's that...something is definitely off, but now's not the time to say anything more about that."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods. "I would never decline a gift brought in good faith," she muses as she takes a nibble. "How are all the students of late?" she asks as she nibbles delicately on a scone. "I have yet to get a feel of the situation of late."

Phoenix has posed:
"Good faith it is, also, you're my best friend, Ororo," Jean offers with a warm smile as she takes her cup to smell the tea, before taking a sip. "Surprisingly quiet, seems like they're all behaving for once, not too much drama...that's good. Gives more time to actually learn and develop abilities."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods slowly. "Good, good. I suppose I should return to the classroom soon - once spring break is over, and start teaching again." She glances over at Jean - barely returning the smile. Ororo was always reserved - not by choice, but by necessity. Showing strong emotions simply isn't her way. "Did the students miss me? Were they glad upon my return - or apprehensive?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Of course they have, Ororo, you're always a positive influence on everyone, plus, the weather tends to suck when you're not around," Jean adds with a playful wink, before putting down the tea and reaching for a morsel of a scone.

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe smiles fainlty. "Does it now?" she asks faintly. "The weather here is only a small part of the whole. But you know this. No need to remind you again that I cannot always make one area have great weather without others suffering." She gazes at you. "Just like you sometimes desire to be alone so the press of so many... noisy... minds can be eased."

Phoenix has posed:
"I understand the need for balance, as it were," Jean offers softly, in no way wanting to pressure Ororo to make it sunny and lovely every single day. Even if it is appreciated when possible. "Yes, I absolutely understand, 'Ro, don't have to worry about me."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe nods slowly. "I worry about everyone around me in one way or another. Even if I never show it, know that I always worry - and care - for all my friends - the few dear friends that can count on me and I can count on." She smiles - not a large smile - but unmistakable.