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Latest revision as of 04:03, 18 March 2020

Bad Trips Draw Attention
Date of Scene: 16 February 2020
Location: South Point, Nantwich
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Carrie Kelley

Spoiler has posed:
There had been a couple of incidents around the University over the last two weeks. A freakout by a student in the Union that ended up with him going through a plate of glass. A big fight that turned into a stabbing at one of the popular student apartments. A fight at a fraternity party that had a dozen police cars on the scene.

The rumor mill hadn't put the story together yet on them. But some investigation had yielded a common cause. Each had taken what they thought was a form of ecstasy though apparently there was something else going on with the drug. More investigation had yielded a slim lead. A dealer who might, stress on 'might', have been involved in the sale.

Apparently he isn't a very motivated dealer though. Batgirl sits atop a building in hour three of surveillance, waiting for him to show out front of a taco place where he is said to frequent. At the moment she's sitting with her back to the edge of the roof, popping her head up to look over and behind her. "Nuts. Still not there. What is it with kid's today? He has an in with an up and coming market and he just slacks. I'm so disgusted with this generation," she says, crossing her arms.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I think we're the same generation," Kestrel says from her spot on the roof. It had been quite awhile of waiting so she'd actually stretched out on her back. Not to sleep, or rest, but to stretch out her legs from all the darn crouching. There's a little grind of rooftop gravel when she rolls over onto her stomach and pushes her arms out to stretch her back in an upward cobra yoga pose. Never hurt to be flexible.

"If he doesn't show tonight we can try again tomorrow. Though maybe we should try to find out if there's an in-between with him and the kids he already sold to? I mean, maybe there's like a secret handshake that we need to lure him out." It's part teasing but partly serious at the same time: It could be one of those situations where you just had to know and ask the right person for the word to get out.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl snaps her fingers at Kestrel's comment about them being the same generation as the dealer. "Exactly. And look at us," Batgirl says, motioning to where she's just reclining there, at least to appearances doing nothing. "Total slackers the lot of us," she says with mock disgust as she shakes her head.

"Maybe though this guy didn't sound like a mastermind of distribution either," Stephanie tells her friend. She peeks over again, checking every twenty or thirty seconds. "But yeah, we could go pose as a couple of girls looking to score for a party or something maybe?"

Batgirl kicks at a small stone, sending it skittering across the rooftop. "So how's the new fancy digs. So jealous of you having your own cave. That's when you know you've arrived in this gig," she says, flashing Kestrel a white-toothed grin before she peeks again. "Hey, this could be him. Got dropped off by a light blue Toyota Civic. Got the license," she says, rising and dusting her bottom off then moving to crouch and look down below.

There's a kid with brown hair nearly curly enough to be called an afro. Lots of freckles. A bit plump. He gets a soda and then just stands out by the table furthest towards the sidewalk, pulling out his phone and playing on it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel mms knowingly. "Yes, so lazy," she agrees with just a hint of amusement. Nevermind they were vigilantes on a rooftop who often got into fights... No, definately lazy. Rolling to sit up she tucks her legs under her indian style to peer over the edge of the roof toward the kid that Batgirl pointed out with a slow nod. "Might be. Very rarely does anyone just get a soda here after all. They're not known for their drinks."

Spoiler has posed:
"It's the hair," Batgirl says. "I mean, it just screams, I don't care enough about myself, or my business, to show up on time for my drug dealing after-school work," the caped crusaderess says while she peers down from above. "Ok now we just need a drug-hungry public to go make a purchase so we can be sure it's him. So, if and when... do we go grab him? Or get our hands on the purchase first for analysis, and keep him out on the street so we can track him back to a supplier."

Batgirl peeks down below. "Because... Mr. Justin Bieber Concert t-shirt I'm guessing is not the cook in this case. Just calling that now," she says with a grin for Kestrel.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel snorts faintly trying not to outright laugh at Batgirl's remarks. She just focuses her attention on the kid below while scanning around the area as well. "We'd do best to tail him, so who his supplier is. He's small fry. That," she reasons with a little rolling shrug that earns a pop or two from her shoulders. "Or we scare the bejeesus out of him until he tells us who he's getting it from."

"Not many tall building around here to dangle someone off of though." She's joking, right? Right.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl glances around and nods. "Yeah. They didn't really get the mantra of building 'up' around here did they?" she asks. "Well ok if- oh hey! Winner winner chicken dinner," she says, leaning back out over the edge of the roof and down at the taco hut below, and the area with tables before it.

A male college student with dark hair walks over, he and the potential drug dealer doing up-nods that suggest familiarity. There's a hand shake. "There's the money," Batgirl says as the dealer slides his hand into his pocket after. "Ok, you want to keep an eye on curly there and I'll go see if I can't get the sample from the buyer?"

They shake hands a second time. "And there's the drug pass," Batgirl says. The dealer gives the other boy a nod before the latter moves on. "Hey, dealer's moving too, the other way," Batgirl says with a frown. "Ok, I'll get this one." She doesn't wait for an answer, running down the roof in the direction the buyer is heading, and jumping off the end without looking.

She does that at times.