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Latest revision as of 04:27, 20 March 2020

Knightfall: The Master Passes On
Date of Scene: 08 November 2019
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Misfit, Red Robin, Red Hood
Tinyplot: Knightfall

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Following Bruce's injury, everyone was given direction. Damian's has been...problematic, at least ffor him.

  He has not done much training others, outside of the Titans. But wford was sent out to the newest of the Bat Family.
  Meet at the cave for training, tonight.

  In Damian's own way, it was a request, even if it did not sound like it.

  The batcave was experiencing a lull in activity currently, in between members coming in and out. Aside from the odd bat-squeak here for there, it was quiet. No one seemed to be there.

  Robin was perched on the ceiling of the cave, having attached himself to an stalactite, the metaphforical hunter, awaiting his prey.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie honestly had to double check her comms when that message came across.

Damian wanted to meet her in the cave for Training tonight.

I mean sure when they first met in the Clocktower he said he might someday do a patrol with her but she wasn't really reading him as the type to want to do actual training all official like.

She comes in from the armory, pulling on her gloves and adjusting her gear humming happily to herself.

She absolutely did not come in from the manor above or any of the vehicle entrances.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin was watching from above, analyzing Misfit. Her entrance from the armory is noted, an interesting development. He connects the dots to guess she teleported in. Just how far did she do that?

  He kept watching, but extracted three red and silver birdarangs quietly, holding them in his right hand.

Misfit has posed:
It is a good analysis and a good question.

According to the AARs she was teleporting from Metropolis to Gotham when she was homeless and fighting crime.

Still no one has tested her limits there yet.

She finishes afixing her goggles and then pauses to look around... hrrrrr ... no Damian she can see out here.

Her hand reaches up and taps her goggle lightly flipping it to AR mode and glancing around slowly into the shadows.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     One birdarangss is thrown, directly at Misfit's feet.

  the other two are thrown as well, one from the right, one from the left, staggered.

  Once all of these weapons (blunted, not sharp) had been thrown, Damian released from the cave ceiling, sword in hand.

Misfit has posed:
When the birdarang hits the ground in front of her at her feet she steps back one step and is staring to turn when the other two hit on her right and the left of her.

She braces her stance and brings up her gloved fists, they are weighted and armored which will help if she has to try to block a birdarang. "Giddyup?" she asks, double blinking to kill the AR mode before on of those birdarangs explodes as a flash bang for heavens sake.

She is trying to spot the next attack, and glances up after the quick look around "Ack!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake comes walking down the stairs from upstairs, and can be heard to be saying "I know yours a better shot in real life than in game, but using a bot in fortnight to make up for it is still cheating. Now, I might be able to build you a vr rig, where it would take your real skills into it." he says thinking about if he could get video of JT flossing to torment him with from it.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason had called on Tim's help to put a little video game smackdown on his buddy Roy. He figured it was an olive branch for the whole story about Carrie's parents. Smiling faintly, Jason says, "A hit is a hit, no matter how it gets done, Drake."

As soon as the pair enter the cave, Jason realizes something is up. "Shh," he says to Tim holding out a hand. "C'mon this way," he says moving towards the little rise which houses the Batcomputer, a good spot to get the lay of the land and figure out what was going on.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian threw down his sword, putting up his fists. He ran up to her, striking with those fists, jab jab punch, jab punch, jab jab jab.

  Robin was testing her, measuring her. Seeing what needed the most shoring up before he focused on training.

  He silently had a bit of umbrage to this form of training, it was against how he was taught. The League trained in a much more brutal method.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods to Jason, and will head to the spot the other is suggesting. He will quietly watch taking both in, and pondering if he should add a bit, but waits for now, watching the other two is enough to learn a bit.

Misfit has posed:
That.. would have been a thing... throwing star to the shoulder.. sword to the arm.... it is super hard to say how Charlie would have done or responded to that sort of brutal training.

Time may tell yet though.

Still this training is also a surprise to her because it was very sudden and relentless even if it is all fists.

Despite that she is surprisingly not bad at hand to hand fighting, blocking and shifting her footing rapidly. It isn't quite a technique Barbara would have taught her either when pressed with a skilled assault like this and there seems to be some hitches here and there but there seems to be a good deal of muscle memory going on in the initial moments.

Though it becomes more purposeful as she tosses a punch back next and takes a step back, less polished suddenly like she is holding back a little.

Red Hood has posed:
Reaching the Batcomputer, Jason can see what's happenig, but he still pulls up the security feeds on the screen in case the fight goes mobile. From there all he had to do was pull up a chair and watch the show.

"Seen Misfit fight before?" Jason asks Tim. Jason hadn't and he was curious what sort of game she brought to the table.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Hit me!" He says, blocking the first punch that Charlie threw.

  He continues to fight, now incorporating more and more techniques, he had been firmly planted before, but now, he dances from foot to foot. The strikes are lighter, but now he starts to kick, aiming for every point on her body.

  Damian was, with the exception of Batman, arguably the best combatant in the Family. Strikes that do hit him, are purposeful, a suggestion given to him by another Titan.

  The hood of his cape was down, and the face he was giving was focused.

Misfit has posed:
She is trying, mostly, she continues to block, a lot but she is trying to strike back throwing punches the way she has been taught by Barbara so far. It is a familiar style to anyone who has worked with either Batgirl and much more what is to be expected than when she reacted by instinct.

The suit helps take some of the punches and kicks he is landing, he doesn't seem to be trying to lay her out but he is connecting still and getting past her blocks with enough frequency to make her keep adjust her footing.

About the time he clocks her in the jaw though she vanishes with a grunt and a slash of pink and purple smoke, reappearing a heartbeat later behind him and swinging right at one of his ears from behind with those weighted gloves.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head a bit to this and says "No, but watching her I am wondering, has none talked to her a bit about finding her own rhythm right now she is going along some early Bg stuff, but nothing really her own.

Red Hood has posed:
"It'll come," Jason says of the girl finding her rythmn. Then Misfit does her teleportation thing and Jason smiles. "Besides she's got some tricks of her own."

That's when Jason makes his presence known, shouting, "Don't hold back!" he knew that was what D would be after, hell it's what Jason'd be looking for if it were him out there.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin keeps on the offensive, simulating an attacker. His styles fluctuate as needed, as stout as a brawler, or nimble as the assassin he once was.

  That was when she finally did it. She teleported. Years of experience in fighting coursed through him. She favored her right, so he raised his right hand, grasping behind his hand to meet hers when she ultimately should show up behind him. It is what he would do if he were in her shoes. Damian was the only Robin to be allowed a hood for this reason, he did not need to see his opponent in order to fight them.

  He turned around, still grasping her hand if she does not feel back. "Your instinct was sound. Many powered opponents would try that." He let go of her weighted hand.

  It was about that time that he heard Jason call out. "Yes, thank you, Red Hood." He answered, looking a bit unamused.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms a bit tot his and says "good to see she is using her teleportation, but may need to work to figure out a way to use the smoke to help disorient the opponent, so she gets more advantage out of it." He says analyzing the fight as it goes.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie was not really expecting her hand to be caught like that by Damian, making a distinctly surprised noise as it is and then watches him turn around to face her.

She lifts her hand and rubs her jaw, though there isn't any sort of mark. "I probably need a lot more practice and training..." she admits.

Which is true.

That said she is probably more than a match for most muggers and gang members in Gotham.

Her attention flicks towards Red Hood and Red Robin. "Hey!" chipper though still.

Red Hood has posed:
"Talking to her, D!" Jason calls back to Damian as he waves from his spot by the computer. "Yeah, there's some potential there," he agrees about the smoke. "Could also drop smoke just before, let it all mingle and have her opponents thinking she's in the cloud when she's really wherever the heck she ends up going."

The chipper 'Hey' gets a laugh from Jason and a warning: "Keep your head in the game!" though theres a laugh in that warning as well.