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Meeting with a (Not so) Evil Genius
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Lex Luthor's Office - LexCorp Tower
Synopsis: Lois compares notes with Lex.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Lex Luthor

Lois Lane has posed:
Once Lois had connected some of the dots with Supergirl, it was time to meet with Lex Luthor. Of course, such a meeting might be a bit..Questionable, given his history with Superman. But hey, hasn't he been trying to turn over a new leaf in the last couple of years? Besides he's a genius, and if anyone has information on Superman, it's gotta be Lex.

So here she is, arriving right on time, hoping that a last minute cancellation isn't in the books. She had met with his secretary of course, and received clearance before being led to his office where she pressed the buzzer and waited..

Lex Luthor has posed:
He's certainly calmed down from his original rage against The Alien. Outwardly. Of course, only a select few know his real intentions lately, even as Lex keeps up appearances of being 'only a businessman'.

If only they knew...

One thing that no one would debate though... is that Lex is one of the most intelligent people on Earth, and early on in his rivalry with Superman, had put his considerable strategic acumen towards gathering as much intelligence on the alien as he possibly could. The result? The most complete database of Kryptonian data on the planet. Something few know about, much less could get him to share.

Despite all of this and Ms. Lanes very public friendship with The Alien, Lex has never been one to turn away a social visit without sufficient cause, so Lois gets through Eve in the lobby without a problem. Given a Team Luthor escort, she's taken to the express elevator up to the penthouse office, where she's let through the small checkpoint and through the double doors into the nerve center of the LexCorp Empire; here, her Team Luthor escort stays behind... and Mercy and Hope flank Lois to both sides, both in professional bodyguard dress as they observe.

"Welcome, my dear, to LexCorp." Lex offers warmly with a smile as he gets up from behind his massive desk and starts to walk over, "it's been too long since we've had the opportunity to chat." Lex looks to Hope, then back to Lois, as his hands go behind his back formally, "Would you care for refreshments?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane has never spent much time at Luthor's exclusive tower, but she's definitely heard of 'Team Luthor' and seen the green suited 'superhero' at least on tv, if not in person. However, it's been a long time since she actually made an effort to contact him. Y'know, Superman's old rival and all. Is he really a good guy now? She's always had her suspicions.

But he is, afterall, a very intelligent person, and he may well hold the key to finding Superman. Maybe.

"Mister Luthor." she nods to him politely but not with any particular warmth in her voice as she finally meets him face to face. "It has been a while, but I did not come here for a mere social call.." she quirks a brow at the offer of refreshments, and shakes her head slowly, "Thank you but no." Nope, no 'how are you? How's the weather?' from her. Lois is all business today.

"So, you know why I'm here. I'm certain that you probably have information on Superman's..Disappearance." interesting term there. Not 'Death'. She clearly knows something. "So, how about we compare notes?" Lois offers him just the slightest of smiles as she says that, a note of determination in her voice.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I make it a point to keep up to date with all potential global events, including the status of the alien." There's no rage to the statement, but Lex has never called the Kryptonian 'superman' officially. It's always offended his sense of humanity... and that's shown here, still.

With that, he turns around and starts to walk over to the windows overlooking Metropolis; one way smartglass panes designed to see out, but not in. Not without tinting, anyway.

"What do you have in mind, Ms. Lane?" Seems Lex is fine with dropping the pleasantries as well, even if his voice is still warm. Cordial.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane quirks a brow, she's always been kind of opposed to the term 'alien'. Wasn't he born and raised a human, afterall? Still, she makes no comment, mostly because she has more important issues to consider than the petty terminology of the Kryptonian.

She does take a seat, peering at the extraneously large desk, following his movements towards the windows but remains seated.

"Well, Mr. Luthor, I think we both know that Superman is NOT actually dead. In fact, I..Communicated with him, in a way, thanks in part to Thor, and the Valkyries." just in case he doesnt believe her. "I've also compared to notes and all evidence points to an organization called ARGUS. What do you know of them?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I know they're not a group you want to be targeted by." Lex states, casually... as if it's routine dinner conversation, "and that you're lucky to know the name at all."

Lex breathes in, deeply, before sighing, "You want to rescue the alien, yes?" Lex asks, without turning around.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane frowns a bit at his comments, hands clenched at her sides. "Yes, yes, I know. They are potentially dangerous. They would have to be, if they've chosen to imprison an internationally loved hero like Superman...Doesn't change my mind one bit about trying to save him, however I can.."

And she smirks a bit at the second, obvious statement. Well that's a no brainer. "Of course I want to rescue him. Kinda goes without saying, dont you think? Please Lex. Do you know anything, anything that could help us? So far, we have an address..Supergirl is planning on scoping out the place herself, but..I think it's dangerous, we don't even know the layout. We don't even know what their plans for him are, if any."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"What's the address?" Lex asks simply, without turning towards her.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches a brow, peering at him a mite bit warily. "Depends. I need to be honest with you, Lex. Why WOULD you help me rescue Superman? What's in it for you?" honestly, he usually has..Some sort of hidden agenda now, doesn't he? And while his resources are pretty generous, Lois can't help but wonder..

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Does it matter, Ms. Lane? Without intelligence, you and the rest of the 'heroes' are going to go in blind."

With that, Lex touches the smartglass pane in front of himself, before he brings up both hands... and begins to type into a keyboard in front. Lois can't see what he's typing, but she can see the results; a holographic map of Earth that slowly zooms in on the east coast of the US, hovering over his massive desk.

"If you want my help, all you need to do... is ask."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane frowns a bit, nodding slowly. "Alright, you got me there.." she peers warily at the map on the screen. "Oh wait, don't tell me, you have access to a number of places that you shouldnt. Heh, that's so...You.." and frankly, that's rather frightening.

"Alright.." she sighs, pulling something out of her purse, a piece of paper, folded over several times. She lays it down on the desk, sliding it towards him. "You know where to find me."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"That won't be necessary. Harmony?" Lex asks out into the air. "Confirming now, Sir." Comes a low soprano voice from the air.

With that, Lex turns around, takes out a USB thumb drive, and places it in one of the ports in the desk. Five seconds later, he offers it to Lois. "This is everything you'll need to get inside the facility, assuming they haven't changed their protocols recently." He's wearing a decidedly neutral expression as he offers that statement. Fact is, Lois will realize this is probably highly classified information on an incredibly secretive organization.

The fact that he's giving this intelligence to her so casually -offering to help Superman-, will likely set off warning bells for days to come.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane blinks slowly. Woah. She wasn't expecting him to be quite THAT compliant..She peers at him again through narrowed eyes, watching the usb warily.

"Really? Just like that? You're giving me all this detailed, highly classified information..I mean, how did you even *obtain* this stuff!?" clearly he's been working this angle for a while now.

"Honestly, I really have to ask..What do YOU get out of all of this? Somehow I find it hard to believe you're just doing all of this out of the goodness of your heart.." she smirks a bit at that.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I have my reasons. Your interests and mine align in this operation... I'll leave it at that." Lex offers in reply, moving back to the window and replacing his hands behind his back. "It should go without saying; I will deny you ever received this from me, and if you tell anyone else besides those who need to know, you will only be making their lives more difficult." Lex glances back to her, over his shoulder, "I assume you're smart enough to realize why." There's no intimidation in that tone. No threat.

He's talking about ARGUS itself.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches a curious brow at Lex. "Hmm, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were...Afraid of ARGUS too, hmm?" her smile fades a bit now, wondering what on earth she's getting herself into, that even the great and clearly resourceful Lex Luthor might be wary of them to that extent.

"It's okay, I get it, your secret is safe with me. If anyone asks, I received information from an...Anonymous person, although that's gotta be a pretty big anonymous person." she shrugs, "Soooo, what do you want in exchange for this clearly very invaluable and dangerous information?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Anyone with something resembling intellect would be afraid of ARGUS, Ms. Lane. Fear is human, and keeps us sharp. Focused." Lex explains, as if to a child. Then, he looks back out the window again.

"I want you to remember this down the road. I want you to remember that I did you a massive favor." Lex brings up a hand, presses a button on the holographic keyboard, and turns off the 'computer' in the glass. "That's all."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods and sighs, "Yeah, I'm starting to get that. I dunno much about this ARGUS but clearly they have resources, and power, and if they're a branch of the government too...? I mean, WHY would they do this to one of earth's greatest heroes? Why not try and save him, why kidnap him and deliberately keep him away from the sunlight?"

Of course she has her hunches but it just seems really messed up.

"Of course, I understand." she smirks, "So somewhere further along the road, you will be expecting a favor of equal proportions in return for this. That's fair enough.." she takes the USB, slipping it carefully into her purse, making sure it's sealed up nice and tight. She cant let this invaluable information go missing. It could be the key to everything.

"Then I thank you for your generous help. I am greatly in your debt."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Mercy, escort Ms. Lane back out of the Tower, please." Lex orders. Hope, meanwhile, just continues to watch Lois, like a hawk.