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Latest revision as of 22:28, 6 April 2020

Sparkles and Shadows
Date of Scene: 04 April 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty and Jubilee lounge and chat about mischief.
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Shadowcat

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has her phone set up on top of one of the tables with the umbrellas. She's wearing a pair of neon pink booty shorts, a yellow tank top with a picture of what appears to be Rihanna screen-printed on it, and oversized sunglasses in purple on her face. She's just finished doing some sort of herky-jerky dance routine that involved a large amount of butt-shaking, some trilling with her tongue and an elaborate series of hand gestures. Finishing the routine, she sighs and turns off the camera.

"This Tik-Tok shiz is wack. Am I already too old for this? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."

Shadowcat has posed:
Not much shocks Kitty any more. This though? This gets her to pause in her strolling outside. Is that...Jubilee. And...and....what. Just...what's she doing? Is she alright? Oh it's that Tick Tock stuff. Color Kitty a little worried and secretly amused. Finally, finally stepping out of the school wearing Lockheed for a hat, with claws digging into scalp, Kitty looks over. to Jubilee with a 'wtf ws that' expression.

"I've so many questions right now" Kitty says by way of greeting. "So what's going on out here? Also hey, I brought you iced tea because we got some left over" she offers, holding out the drink. There's a small platter of iced cupcakes, too.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee giggles shamelessly and shrugs, "I dunno, I'm bored and it seems to be the thing to do these days. I can't resist tryin' new stuff," she says. She takes a long sip of the ice tea and smacks her pink-glossed lips in the aftermath, flopping down onto a chair.

"Still, I ain't fourteen anymore. Last thing I wanna do is seem like an old lady tryin' to horn in on what's cool. Probably only a few years before I turn into Cyclops or something," she says with a visible shudder.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Don't even" Kitty starts and looks thoughtful. "Don't tell me I need to sit down with you in my office" she says with a joking giggle. "Though if you do that I'll be halfway across the lake" she adds and d reaches for an iced cupcake. "So what's got you bored and chasing trends? More to the point, why that? Why not, I dunno, something like....let's see....why not something less liable to cause embarrasment?" Kitty asks looking impressed then serious.

"Not that I got any ideas, but I've been catching up on work and now get to relax, and you're a fantastic, iff odd, start to it"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee shrugs, "Embarassment never hurts very much. Just the sting of the moment and then it passes. I like doing little things for fun. It might not be important or world-changing, but the world shouldn't all be grand missions and dire circumstances. Goofing around is an essential part of remaining sane," she says.

"I absolutely encourage slacking off from work, whether it's finished or not," she says. "Question is, what do you think would be fun to do with your free time? I do stuff like this or go clubbing. Logan goes fishing. What do you do?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"But are we sane?" Kitty asks, looking deep in thought. "Nah I just do whatever takes my fancy. Mostly look after Lockheed and spoil him. Don't tell anyone" Kitty offers with a laugh reaching up to pet the dragony thing that's acting as a hat currently. Hands back on the table in front of her, Kitty ponders for a moment.

"Honestly? I just do whatever, It's like the other day, I got to finding this little costume shop in Flatbush, amazing work. I've got my eye on quite a few things there" Kitty nods, looking impressed. "Though really. Can you imagine me fishing?"

Oh sure, Tie Lockheed to a fishing pole, he'll get the fish. Kitty won't get any by the time he's done, that's the problem!

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins, "You're allowed to spoil Lockheed. He seems very spoilable. Who doesn't like being spoiled?" she says.

"Shopping's not bad. I'm more of a mallrat than a costume shopper, although I can hit a vintage place now and again. I like some of that disco era stuff, with the sparkles, although half of it's falling apart at this point," she sighs. "And yes, I can imagine you fishing. You'd look good in overalls."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I know, and he takes full advantage" Kitty nods with a straight face. "Dragon likes being spoiled, and using me for a perch apparently. I'm not just allowed. I'm encouraged and justified" Kitty giggles.

Hearing the word 'disco' she holds up a hand. "Hold it, Jubes, Hold it. You. Disco? Well that makes getting you gifts so much easier" she nods and looks pleased then leans back in her chair, watching Jubilee carefully.
"So you think I got the patience to sit here andd fish all day? Listen, just cause I got the patience te help our students all day, that does not translate into fishing" she says, and chuckles at the mall rat idea. "so what you're saying is you run off to Salem Center, hit the mall, and come back. And....what's more, not take any of us?" Kitty says. "least we could do is take our classes, or yours since I don't teach. I guide" she says with her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee grins, "Hey, you're welcome to tag along anytime. Just remember that a trip to the mall requires at least three big salted pretzels, a dozen fresh baked cookies, an orange chicken from the Panda Express and, like, a random other thing from the food court. Maybe some Sbarro pizza. One of those big floppy slices that reeks of garlic," she giggles. "So, like, bring your Tums and stuff."

"My class is mostly just kids that wanna do cool flips so they can kick bad guys in the face when they grow up. Which is good but not real high on discipline or behavior," she says. "I'm a terrible disciplinarian. Which is probably because I dropped out of high school. But I did get my GED and I'm totally qualified," she says.

Shadowcat has posed:
"No, you're wrong. It requires a bucket of ice cream" Kitty insists. Oh, she is going to fight this corner all day if she has to...cause they're both right. Ice cream is the perfect end to a trip to the mall however. See, see. Kitty's well versed in being a mall rat too.

"So I have to be the responsible one?" she asks with a mock glare. "Fine, I'll lend you the money to b e a mallrat. But you bring me along" she says with a look around the yard, lazing in her chair, feet splayed out in front of her,hands behind her head as she's enjoying this too much.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee snorts, "You don't want me to be the responsible one. That's how you end up seeing the Bratz movie in the theater four times. I don't expect anyone to be able to keep up with that level of dedication to the mallrat lifestyle," she says.

Jubilee has on hot pants and a tank top and giant sunglasses, sitting cross legged on top of a patio table as she talks to Kitty.

"But you're totally right about the ice cream."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Four times?" Kitty asks suspiciously. "But, look, if you say movies and don't take snaks in. You're doing it wrong. Just take the cereal off me before we go in, alright?" she adds. "That's if we don't end up tryig to sneak half the food court in. I know how you are" Kitty laughs shaking her head. "See. See, we're just different types of mall rat ain't we?" she adds with a grin.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee winks, "Sounds like it. We definitely gotta get up to some mischief. WE can't let these kids have all the fun," she says.