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Latest revision as of 21:52, 12 October 2017

The Race Is On
Date of Scene: 12 October 2017
Location: Greenwich Village, NYC
Synopsis: People are running for the office of Mayor. Announcements are made. one expected... one not.
Thanks to: Norman Osborn
Cast of Characters: Green Goblin, 1501

Green Goblin has posed:
It's a cool autumn afternoon as Norman Osborn is in the middle of addressing a crowd of assembled media professionals - having been stood in front of a podium for the better part of 30 minutes by this point, laborously debating the slanderous questions of the media and stating his platform in campaign for Mayor of New York City:

Lower taxes for all income brackets, increased taxes on certain buildings and superteams operating in and around New York City (including, predictably, the headquarters of his media opponents, several business rivals - even known mutant businesses and institutes in the city. It's a divisive issue, but it seems to be resonating among a portion of the population who long for days of relative peace, and can easily be duped into viewing these 'heroes' as the cause for much of the chaos in their daily lives.

"Now, now, ladies and gentlemen - if you'll cease these defamatory statements about my past... all of which, I should note, have been refuted in a court of law... we can hopefully move on to some more IMPORTANT questions..."

He scans the audience, looking for the man... who is barely recognizable, and Norman can't help but smirk, as he points out to a tall, lanky individual in the crowd, "Yes, this man here. What was your question, sir?"

Charlie Border (1501) has posed:
He's looking good. The suits sharp his face and hair are made up to look as best they can, and the team you've done it worked miracles to that effect... so make-up is done. The stage is set. The warm up act is in full swing... nothing left to do but start the show. He waits for an opening... not his usual opening line but, different places, different faces...

And there's the setup... here comes the pitch... "Yes. My question is this. For all the good people of this fair city who've taken the time to show up and listen to the barrage of of I'll do this, promise that, talk about the other in ambiguous terms so I can commit to both sides... don't you feel like it's all been said and done before?"

He pauses, smiles, carefully, and gives a wave to the media until the attention focuses on him. "I do. That's why I, Charlie Border, will be beating you in the upcoming election." Another shorter pause, just enough to get the reaction started and cut it off before any focus on him is lost. "Voter turnout's dead, no one cares, the whole routine's done to death and why? Let me tell you. Public officials either feather their nests or are given the runabout so they can't do anything anymore. Everyone knows it and that patching the system is the same dead horse being flogged as the election itself. Once I'm in..." That grin grows, still contained, just, "I'll put the power back in the hands of the people!"

He turns, vaguely addressing the crowd around him in that way it feels like he's talking to everyone one to one. "You know what you want! You don't need to tell me! The infrastructure's there to let you all vote on what should be done and when. When elected I'll put the call out on the issues, as they come up to votes on the net and in local government offices. So you get to choose whether your bins get taken out more often, what trips away I should have to pay for myself and what are in the city's interests!"

"... everyone will get exactly what they wished for. I'll just be doing the Charlie horse work of getting those issues to you to decide on! Taking the politics out of politics and giving all you fine people exactly what you want! So a vote for me is a vote for you... and, let's face it, if I can run and do it..." He points to the other candidate... "and if they'll let him continue to do it in the same old... boring way... how hard can it be for you to do it? How hard could it be?! Vote... for me... and you'll find out."

Green Goblin has posed:
Norman puts on a vaguely shocked expression at the sudden outpouring from the man - obviously not a jouranlist and displaying no press credentials of any kind. Regardless, he doesn't prevent the man from saying his piece - instead calmly leaning forward with both hands on each side of the podium, cooly staring down from the stage at Charlie.

When the man finally ceases his speech, and amid the flurry of press questions hurled at the apparent newcomer to the race, Norman casually adjusts his olive green tie and checks his watch - as if to show how unperturbed he is by this new opponent in the race. With a breath, he sweeps one hand out to gesture at Charlie in the middle of the crowd, his voice cutting through the din and quieting the press as they hold their microphones and cameras aloft, "People of New York City... you see, this is what we've been reduced to. Cheap theatrics. SOCIAL MEDIA DEMOCRACY. Meanwhile our city - nevermind the country at large - has to deal with constant wanton destructions - a devastating lack of law and order in our streets, despite millions spent in repairs from these so-called 'superheros' ruinous displays of power."

He stands up straight again, his hand gestured at Charlie coming down on the podium with a *SLAM*, voice rising noticeably as he works off the other man's words without pause, "I CANNOT allow a city I grew up in, a city I LOVE, to fall into the hands of some dispassionate, insincere nobody like Mr. Border here! And neither can you, people of New York City. I have no doubt the lying media will throw their support behind this stuffed suit, perhaps he is even a strawman on their behalf?" He says this with a shrug, not wanting to state definitively for legal reasons.

"All I know is, I am unconcerned. I will simply redouble my efforts - OUR efforts - to return this city to it's past glories. It's time for the people to say ENOUGH. We want REAL order in the streets. REAL justice in the courtroom. A REAL man in charge of this great city of ours!"

Charlie Border (1501) has posed:
"Now, now..." Charlie... ? Yeah, that's it, speaks with honeyed tones, winking and smiling at the media, pointing to a badge with 'Vote for me' written on it in answer to any question, signing things, perhaps some things he wasn't being asked to, shaking babies and kissing hands... wait. Other way round. Maybe? It's been a while since people were happy to see him like this...

He then continues "Norman. We both know the world moves too fast to really keep it all locked up behind closed doors... Open up the closets, throw all the dark dusty contents of closets, skeletons and all out into the streets! I'm not qualified at being a single parent working X jobs and still not getting by... so let them make the call on that which effects them. The mayor's a public official, right people?!"

He raises a hand in the air, cueing a cheer of an approval... "My job is to be free to do as you tell me, Right!?!" A shorter pause, raising his voice, unplugged and un-mic'd to keep his reply going... "I'm free tho do what you say... RIGHT!" A statement, not missing a beat, he carries on...

"Well... vote. For. ME! and you'll get... everything you ask for... I promise you that!" He waits, letting the circus play out. Then he says, "A man. Far greater than I once said... the masks we wear are far more telling than what lies beneath. Or something like it. I probably screwed the quote up. But... point is... we're so entrenched in hiding, consolidating, procrastinating... and why?! It'll tell ya why! We're afraid, crippled by fear, to say I don't know! I did done fail! I made an ass, both cheeks of this! I don't know what I'm doing!"

He coughs and says, less animated more solemn and somber. "We put everything in to one person. Who hoared the power for themselves and whored themself out to get enough fleeting support when they needed it to keep that power. Alone... I can't do this. People on privliged perches WILL try to stop me flipping the whole system on it's head. Call me crazy. On truth, greater than I've ever been ever to tell up to now is this... I've only wanted to do that which makes you happy. I think this... is it." He stops and takes a deep breath then explodes into the finale... "So, let's give it a try! You can do this!! How hard can it be... VOTE FOR ME!"

Green Goblin has posed:
Norman's eyebrow visibly arches at the odd tangent of the new Mayoral Candidate, Mr. Border - as though he were in some way surprised by the bizarre outburst, as unorthodox as it is. Well, there's a certain charisma to the man's words, as the camera's turn to the newcomer and flashes start erupting in his direction. A few reporters nearby even begin to stick their microphones towards him and ask him questions - taking in by the openness of the man's performance.

Norman clears his throat, looking around at the rapidly deteriorating press conference - eyes locking with his new political opponent for just a second - green meeting green. A faint glimmer of amusement cross Norman's eyes, and then he leans forward and speaks into the microphone with a commanding voice, "As always, I welcome new ideas - and new blood into this old, tired game of politics. If this man Mr. Border is GENUINE in his concerns for the city, I look forward to meeting him in the coming Mayoral Debate. You will be hearing from me in the meantime, but it's clear you folks have a new story at the moment..." he says, ceding the stage all too quickly as he's ushered away from the podium by his security team... but not before he flashes an almost manic-looking grin back at Charlie Border.

<Not baaaad, not baaaaad at aaalllll, Normieeeee...>

Charlie Border (1501) has posed:
No way no one could see it. They'd have to be looking for it. An edge to that grin, for the shadow of a fraction of a moment, one of many that fit between each ratchet of the works that make time tick by... Even a tiny imperceptible movement, maybe a jostle of one of the many manically trying to get a piece of Charlie... no, kids, not that one, the hair on his head is real, no syrup required... but, yes, that nod and raised grin'd be missed by all save those other grren eyes catching his.

A mark of respect from one master of the craft to another. Knowingly or not Norman Osborne made him. Established, tradidtional, behind barriers to keep the people from him versus anothe joker in the crowd. Made one of the people by the people all right. Let loose and gaining traction. All thanks to his opponent. Other things, likely too...

To the frenzying press he actually puts a friendly arm round two reporters and directs them to a third camera, "So? Since it's you all that are running what do you think your chances are? Am I going to this debate?" The unified cry of "YEAH!" from his new supporters is heard loud and clear, he cocks his head a little and cries out, as loud as he can, "There ya go Norm! The people have spoken! I'll be there! See you soon!" After working the crowd for a while longer he eventually leaves arm in arm with a lady journalist to get an exclusive and talk details... obviously. Trust him. He's a politician. Amongst other things...