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Latest revision as of 04:36, 27 April 2020

Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Dean goes for food and all sorts of Loki shenanigans happen
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Dean Winchester, Loki

Blackout has posed:
    The diner is crowded. Every table and counter stool taken. It's lunchtime and the diner is filled with mutants. But then again, this is mutant town and business is booming. Not all booths are filled to the maximum, most have two or three patrons sitting at them. One booth in the far left side of the diner is occupied by a normal looking man with dark hair and dark clothing. Black long sleeved mock turtleneck and black slacks. Quite professional appearing with his well kept black hair. Before him is a glass of water and a glass of iced tea. He's looking aroud the diner at all the people. Taking them in with a curious look on his face. It's Mutant Town, so he shouldn't be surprised about the environment or the patrons.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester shakes his head as he strides in, the badge in hand claiming to be from the health board. It's really a visitor's badge, but...shhh, the thumb covering it up goes a long way. he slips in wearing his usual attire and snags a table by the turtleneck wearing guy. Dean's so, so not a turrtleneck guy. Nope.

Jackets, Henleys, t-shirt, jeans, boots, shades, yeah, thtat's his style.

Given he's been on the road to Virginia again, he could use food. A cheeseburger with extra bacon and fries and a shake. yeah. That sounds perfect.

Blackout has posed:
    Looking at the man who approaches his general area, seeing that he's not an overt mutant or oddly threatening, Blackout (Marcus) says, "Hey, I'm Marcus. Care to join me? It's tight in here and I've got the space."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Sure!" Dean grins sliding into a seat opposite Marcus. "Hey, thanks" Dean grins. "Been on the road a lot and needed food. So what's up with you?" he asks, pocketing the badge, already knowing what he's wanting to order. Mmmm, cheeseburger, bacon, fries...mmmm

Blackout has posed:
    "Slept late, figured i'd have some breakfast, lunch, whatever is good right about now. But this place is super busy. So a little behind." Marcus will say just before drinking some of his tea. Then will ask, "You're with the health department? That mean this place is under investigation or something?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean laughs, "Oh no no. I'm not on the job. I was in Virginia inspecting a factory and had to drive back here to do my paperwork" Dean bluffs."Stopped for food" Dean shrugs. "Drove back from Virginia and was hungry. Inspecting factories and plants is my job so I drive a lot"

Blackout has posed:
    "That seems very cool. Aside from the whole Jungle by Upton Sinclair situations. I'm sure you run into some really bad conditions. Which makes me never want to eat processed food ever again." states Marcus just as the waitress walks up.

    The Waitress asks what she can get everybody and Marcus orders Steak and Eggs meal.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Oh there's no hesitation. Dean....Dean gets wha the wants. Cheeseburger, fries, bacon. More bacon. More cheese. Hunting is hungry work, as he sits back. "Yeah and I just ordered a cheeseburger. Go figure" Dean laughs.

Blackout has posed:
    The waitress departs with the order. Another waitress brings Dean a glass of water.

    Marcus smiles and nods as he offers, "One-hundred percent grade A beef from the midwest. Cheese from real cows. Bacon... well, you can never go wrong with bacon." Then he drinks from his own water glass. "Where are you from, originally? You don't seem to have any of the east coast accents."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean grins. "Kansas. Oddly enough. I know a thing or two about farms. I've heard all the trash talk, don't worry" Dean nods looking serious for a moment or two, then laughs. "Yourself?"

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus chuckles and relays a story, "Manhattan. Alphabet City, not even two miles from here. Funny thing about the Tri State area. There are 30 different accents depending on the hood you grew up in. In the A,B,C, we grew up on Sesame Street. So not many of us sound like we're from the east coast. Though, a lot of us have a nasal quality to our voices. I got rid of that years ago when I got an education."

Dean Winchester has posed:
That draws a smirk from Dean. "Pff. Education. My brother went off to Stanford. I never got the chance. My mom died, all hell broke loose. So now I make ends meet" Dean shrugs. "My brother's the smart one. I'm the one who punches things. Point, education's good though"

Blackout has posed:
    There's really not much Marcus can say with the deluge of information except avoid the dead mother topic. Marcus will then say, "Yeah..." then follow with, "I generally avoid punching things. Hurts my hand."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean looks amused. "Just gotta learn to punch things right, I'm tellin' ya" he grins. "C'mon, learn to punch things well" he shrugs and waits. Dean, patient? Yeah that's new. Oh,Dean is not a happy camper in the least waiting on food.

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus will smile, "Well, I mean, what if I just opt out on avoiding punching things?" while he offers an alternative to punching. He leans back in the booth then looks around and says, "But I'm also gonna guess that you like punching things so you put yourself into that sort of situation. Yeah?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean shrugs. "If I have to" he admits with a wry laugh. "Things need punching. I punch 'em. That's how thi s works, man. I hit things that need hitting. Like plants with fines, union bosses wh owon't shot up with their mouths, so....they get a fist to the jaw" Dean offers, looking unimpressed. "Not in the handbook but it works, right? It works" he points out. Naturally his real job is, well, it's not inspecting meat packing plants, it's far more dangerous...

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus grins, "You remind me of a girl I know. But her thing is more 'shoot it, blow it up, or kick it in the ding-ding'. All good. I admire the commitment to the punching."

Dean Winchester has posed:
"You like dangerous types huh?" Dean shrugs looking amuseedly over. "Ah, a woman who knows how to sort a problem, hmm? Good ideas" he nods. "Reminds me of a woman I know too. Smart girl, dangerous, and liable to kick my ass for saying she's a looker! Dean nods.

Blackout has posed:
    The food comes.

    After getting settled with the prep work and startign to eat, Marcus will query, "So your brother is at Stanford? What's he studying?"

Dean Winchester has posed:
"Was. Was at Stanford. Pre-law but he dropped out to be a road trip hippie" Dean admits. "Field researcher type, goes to those funky towns you hear about on the news. Podunk, Arkansas and finds out what's going on. Usually nothing too exciting mind" Dean lies. Oh he's a great con man. Great

Blackout has posed:
    "Sounds like a lot of fun. I do enjoy traveling. Seeing the world. But the tourist spots are too sensationalized. I'd much rather go to all the funky towns." Marcus admits once he finishes chewing and swallowing.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"It isn't. He's got a godawful Plymouth Cricket that needs to get a punt from a big rig to go over 50, downhill, with a tailwind" Dean shrugs. "It's a road trip going from one small town to another. Wnt to go up over the Rockies? Good luck" Dean nods chewing on his burger as he contemplates how awful Sam's car really is..yeesh, it's the anti-Baby in terms of speed or, well, most things!

Loki has posed:
An elderly woman slowly opens the diner door, her small frame supported only by a cane. Her limbs shake as she moves, exertion once taken for granted earlier in life now an every day trial. She is wearing small round glasses, a plain purple gown, and white tennis shoes. She finds a seat at the table and squints at the juke box.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean looks over to the old lady and shakes his head. "Can I help you?" Dean asks her. Dean's not shocked to see an old lady here. Though....in his line of work, it could be a trick or a trap...but...food! Food!

So Dean keeps eating, keeping an eye on her quietly.

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus has his back to the wall, he's able to see the diner from his vantage. In front of him, seated across the booth, is Dean. They seem to be discussing normal things as there's no stress or heightened emotions. When Marcus sees Dean ask the older lady if he cand help her and then immediately turn away from her and continue eating, an eyebrow is raised. Marcus is a bit confused by the sudden sideeye given by Dean of the woman. But he says nothing. Instead, he takes a drink of his tea.

Loki has posed:
The old woman shakes as she props her cane up against the wall beside her. When Dean addresses her she narrows her eyes, "Got a warrant? My husband was a colonel damnit! Leave me alone!" She takes a newspaper out of her purse and barely manages to open it, "Can I get a coffee over here? I tip like an ATM!" She waits patiently for service.

Blackout has posed:
    Marcus watches the exchange; rather, the old woman's side of the confrontation and decides not to get involved. Instead, he cuts the last bits of his steak and will put a bite into his mouth. If Dean looks his way, Marcus will slowly shake his head as a suggestion not to get involved.

Dean Winchester has posed:

"Alright, fine. You want coffee?" Dean asks. "I'm with the health board, so don't get snippy with me lady. I'll see that you get coffee"

Yeah the weakenst nastiest coffee this diner does, for being mean to people just enjoying food. Dean's watching the old lady carefully then looks back across the booth.

"You as confused s I am?" Dean asks with a shrug looking to both of them in turn.

Loki has posed:
The old woman mutters under her breath and keeps reading the paper. When no service comes she shakily stands back up with the help of her cane and approaches the counter slowly, "Need a coffee.. just plain black please. That officer over there was rude to me. He was interrogating me without proof of a crime." She points at Dean, "You shouldn't let policemen into this lovely place you know." She takes her coffee and slowly walks back to her table. Obviously the person taking orders is way too busy to care about the "senile" old woman.

Blackout has posed:
    Another bite is taken, chewed and swallowed. Giving Marcus time to process that which is transpiring around him. People are people in Manhattan. She's no exception. There's a slight shrug as Marcus responds to Dean's remark, "Manhattan. And worse, Mutant Town. So yeah. Expect the unexpected." Marcus then pulls the napkin from his lap and places it under the edge of his plate. He retrieves his wallet and opens it.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean just looks lost. Well, snap. he's got (fake) badges in hiss car but...his current one? Health inspector. Still, he's chewing on his burger and figuring his next move. Great. Dean....what's he to do anyway?

Dean shakes his head, Dean chomps on the burger, and swallows. "So...what....Manhattan, Bushwick, it's a weird place" Dean admits.

Loki has posed:
The old woman takes a drink from her coffee and looks at Dean again, "Don'tcha got some mafia boss to arrest or somethin'? Over here stuffin' your face while people get mugged and shot. Picking on an old woman who just wants to drink coffee. 'How can I help you' he says.. what a chump. Like I'm not allowed to enter a public place."

Blackout has posed:
    Pulling a 100 dollar bill from his wallet, Marcus will put it down on the table between he and Dean. He says under his breath, "It was great meeting ya. I got lunch. And good luck." with a slight head tilt over toward the old woman. He slides out of the booth and stands putting his wallet back into his pocket. He doesn't look toward the old woman. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself.

Dean Winchester has posed:
"I. Am. Not. A. Cop" Dean says slowly, loudly. Mostly because he's saying this to get through to her. If anything, Dean's used to loud, shouty words to help out with people. Or maybe that's Dean's attitude?

Loki has posed:
The old woman scoffs, "Says the cop.. undercover my neck! You should get schooled better! And I'll be filing a complaint against you too young man. It'll be easy as throwing pie at a demon on a Sunday." She drinks her coffee again and starts to stand up, "The restrooms better be decent here or I'll be filing a complaint on this entire place."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean throws his hands in the air. "Okay look, lady. You got a weird turn of phrase. Pie at a demon. What. You think demons like pie?" he asks. Well...maybe Crowley does, or Azazel, or Castiel. Okay the last one's not a demon. But does Castiel even like pie? Dean's curious now.

Which is bad for everyone, when Dean gets curious....that's normall a time Sam reigns him in, or distractions happen. Still, Dean groans. "So do you need help getting to the restroom? Look, I work for the health board, okay? I can help you" Dean offers...

Loki has posed:
The old woman keeps walking towards the restroom, "Demons ain't even real.. ever heard of a paraphrase? They don't teach you well in cop school do they? Bunch of impala driving weirdos with fake IDs." She opens the door to the woman's restroom and goes inside, shutting the door behind her.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean sighs, sitting back down. "Come on, what's with that old lady?" Dean sighs. "Demons are real"

Oh, they are. Dean knows. Dean....absolutely /knows/ demons are real...though a part of him wonders if that old lady just needs help. No. No way he'll knock on the door. Jeez. So he goes to the counter and looks for a waitress.

"'Scuse mebut there's an old woman in the women's restroom, I think she needs some help" Dean offers. Then with that said. He returns to his burger again, idly wondering if he's got Castiel or an angel mad at him, or if Jo's playingg a trick on him...Dean so needs to get the whole gang together...and ffigure this out!

Loki has posed:
After a few minutes the old woman screams from inside the restroom. Something thumps to the floor.. and then loud, gutteral pig squeals can be heard from within, followed by banging, crashing, and more thumping. Silence. Then a giant pig-man, yes a pig-man (humanoid pig creature) BURSTS from the bathroom covered in blood and crashes out the exit, squealing, and howling down the street towards an alley.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean sighs, pays for his burger and just jogs to the exit. Taking out his phone he texts the usual gang snapping a photo of what the hell just exited the diner. Bushwick. Greeat.....

Great. Werepig thing just charged outta the restroom, ran outside...

That's the text he sends to all and sundry he works with. Bobby, Castiel, Sam, Jo, et al. Buffy, too.

Dean's looking a ridiculous sight running after the pig guy waving a burger at it, yelling between bites for it to get back here. Right now. Cause he said so. Or he'll deal with it. What, by buying it a burger? Get with the times, Dean...

Get with the times.

Loki has posed:
But the creature is nowhere in sight. If Dean decides to check the alley then there is no sign of it. The pig creature has vanished along with the old woman with Dean left to decide what happened back there.

A raven flaps its' wings on top of the diner and caws a bit.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean eyes the raven and decides, fine, you get the bird, bird.

So. Middle finger it is for the raven. Dean's already stark raving mad, why not raven mad too? Though to be fair he's in a flap alright...

Worse, nobody's picking up. Sheesh. C'mon Sammy, Castiel, Jo, the long list of Dean's exes in all fifty states it seems...even Alaska.

Loki has posed:
The raven caws at Dean and then pecks at the roof a bit before flying off! For the moment there is nothing strange going on...

But should Dean stay in the area he will soon see Sam walking with.. Jess? Yep they're right across the street heading into another restaurant.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean looks puzzled. Okay. Fine. Werepig, raven. And Sam shows up with a picture of Jess? Really? "Hey Sam, why the hell aren't you answering my texts?" Dean yells. Something's not right here. Dean's pretty sure that burger had acid on it, or, or,something? Anyhow. Sam's around. They can figure out what's going on, right?


Loki has posed:
Dean is not in fact losing his mind however, nor was the burger spiked. Sam did in fact just walk into another burger joint across the street with, what appears to be his dead girlfriend Jess. The door to the restaurant shuts behind them. Sam did not appear to hear Dean.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean follows, going for his M1911. Fine. Sam wants to...and what...Jess...how....what...

Dean looks to the door and pauses, takes a run up to it and aims to kick it in. Yep Dean's going offf the rails just a bit

Loki has posed:
Dean will see people staring at him when he enters. No sign of Sam or Jess anywhere. What he does see is his mother leaving the restroom. When she sees him, she just stares, eyes wide, mouth open a bit as if in shock, "Dean?" The customers are staring at her, then back at Dean, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean flees out the door at the sign of his mother and leans against Baby, panting, then shakes his head. "What....what's going on?" Dean asks sliding his gun back into its holster. Shaking he cattches his breath. "Okay, calm, Dean. Calm. You need a minute to catch yourself."

Loki has posed:
Mary Winchester leaves the restaurant slowly and starts to approach Dean, but she doesn't get close, "Dean.." She is genuinely shocked, "Dean I.. you shouldn't be here. Sam shouldn't be here.. for you both to die on the same day I.. I can't.." She collapses against the wall but steadies herself.

Dean Winchester has posed:
There goes the last bits of his logic. Dead. As in. Dead. Dead. Sam's dead. "What...is....is Castiel dead?" Dean asks. Trick question, angels are different, mostly. "I'm alive. I'm alive though" Dean says. "What am I gonna sprout angel wings and fly now or something?" je ads with a sigh. "Mom, what do you mean I'm dead?"

Loki has posed:
Mary looks at Dean with pained eyes. Her voice, that is what Dean will note next, is strange. She doesn't sound like she did in life. Her voice is soft and gentle. A lighter tone altogether, "Castiel? The angel? Oh Dean.." She keeps herself steady, "I don't know. Sam couldn't tell me much they.." She looks up at the sky in fear, abject terror, "The other angels.. they don't like that you're here. Sam rescued Jess from Hell.. he.." She crouches down, her voice quieting some, "He broke the natural order Dean. You have to get out of here. Sam is hiding with Jess.. I got them to safety."

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean shakes his head. "How then?" Dean asks simply. "How do I get out of here thenn?" he asks. Ohh if Castiel were here....this'd be easy. But...this is....Dean's still convinced something isn't right with this. But he can't put his finger on it...if he could just figure this out...son of a...

Dean has an idea. Oh snap.

"Then help me escape" he says. "You want me to get out of here. Help me escape"

Loki has posed:
Mary stands up slowly, "Dean.. someone has to stay and make sure that the angels don't find Sam and Jess." She looks up at the sky again, "I think they know where we are now. They know that I helped Sam. I'm going to be taken to Hell." She walks a bit closer, "Dean you have to listen to me. Whatever you are about to see.. whatever you are thinking of doing.. just don't interfere." She backs away quickly, "Not everyone stays the same when they die. People can become demons.. some become angels.."

That's when a figure blinks into existence in front of Mary. He's got short, dark hair, dressed in a nice suit. His back is turned to Dean so that he is facing Mary. You notice the thick stubble on the sides of his face...

You might even know who this is..

John Winchester turns around and grins at Dean, "I'm proud of you son. You led me right to her.. just like I taught you.." Black wings appear to extend from his sides and he grabs onto Mary. They both vanish in what appears to be flames and smoke. No trace is left.