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Latest revision as of 08:10, 12 May 2020

Giles meets Mercy
Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Rupert Giles

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy Thompson. mechanic, daughter of Coyote, speakr to ghosts, and adept at getting lost is here. By 'here' she's just pulling up outside in her Vanagon that's doing a good slug impression. Climbing out Mercy stuffs more rags innto the engine and nudges the door open carefully. Normally, normally she doesn't pay much attention to ghosts, but one putting her on the trail of a magic box...that got her attention.

FSo she steps inside and looks around. "Um....hello? Is anyone here?" she calls.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Evidently there's someone here: a bespectacled man in a tweed jacket, who's sat at the counter, perusing a somewhat dusty, thick volume with a mug of some steaming beverage at his elbow.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy glances around the Magic Box and looks intrigued by a good half dozen things. Noting the jacket and the steaming mug, she coughs politely. "Excuse me, do you own this place? I'm looking for information" Mercy says looking a little sheepish. This is what she gets for dealing with ghosts...

Rupert Giles has posed:
"I... ah. Good..." He glances at a reassuringly solid looking watch on his wrist. "Ah... almost evening. Goodness." That's an English accent, and no mistake. Slightly sheepish. "We are actually closed. Or at least should be, had I not got distracted. How can I help you?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy raises an eyebrow at the accent and the time. Oh how is she going to explain this. Fine. Go for it. She can always hide in her garage though...

Mercy takes a breath. "For the past two days I've had a ghost visit me. It's been telling me to find a magic box. So to shut it up. I figured I'd listen to it. Now" Mercy nods. "This is the Magic Box, right? It's as good a place to start as any" Mercy offers and looks a little sheepish too. "Would you know anything about ghosts?" she asks cautiously.

Rupert Giles has posed:
Eyebrows shoot up briefly over the frame of his glasses, which he then removes and fishes out a handkerchief to polish. "A ghost, mm?" He breathes on the lens, frowns, and works at one with the cloth. "That... mm." A pause, then, "What makes you think it was a ghost?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I can see and deal with ghosts. I know it was a ghost because it was wanting to cross over. I helped with that but agreed to fulfill their final wishes" Mercy says and peers around while she thinks next on what to say. "Ghosts are not as bad as people think" Mercy says quickly, looking around the Magic Box. See, this place is magical.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"That," he returns the spectacles to his nose, somewhat decisively. "Rather depends on the, er, ghost, I find." The man stands, offers a hand. "I'm, ah, being somewhat ill-mannered, I fear. Um. Rupert Giles. Please to meet you, Miss...?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Mercedes" she says and shakes the hand. "But most call me Mercy" she nods looking around the shop. Okay she's found a good spot to start, really. "Okay, so you've had dealings with ghosts?" Mercy asks cautiously. See, she's not dealt with too many walkers and each are different, but....but....

Mercy's fairly sure this one's not a walker. If anything, she looks determined....mostly since she's set herself down this road.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"Among other things." Giles closes the book he was studying (she may get a brief glimpse of a worn title on the spine: 'Caldwell's Mythical Bestiary'), and hmms. "So. A ghost..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Indeed a ghost" Mercy nods keenly. Oh she's seen the title but not mentioned it. Instead she looks a little lost. "So why would" Mercy asks.""A ghost want me, a walker, to fulfill their wishes?" she asks. Oh she's not sure if Giles has any idea about walkers, so she opens her mouth to explain as a thought hits her. "I mean, why me? I know. I can see ghosts and communicate with them. But" Mercy points out. "Is it my heritage that draws ghosts to me?" she wonders. There's a few walkers back west she could call....but that's a last resort. Looking serious, Mercy is trying to explain this one. How does she even get caught up in all this anyway? Curse Coyote!

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles studies her for a moment. "Your heritage... mmm." He picks up the book, sets it back on a nearby shelf, muttering. "Somewhere here... Ah." She doesn't get a look at the title yet. "Anyone... interesting in your ancestry." He sets the book on the counter. "Ghosts... as you correctly surmise... seek to finish some task that will allow them to cross over from this mortal realm." The man has to be some kind of teacher, surely.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Coyote" Mercy answers quickly. "Yes, ghosts seek to finish what they started, be it telling loved ones their last words, repeating an action to finish it, or malevolently wreck places they never got a chance to in life" Mercy muses. "Though a ghost that was killed in a car wreck on the freeway and wanted my help to cross over provided I help them. That's normal for me. I usually don't deal with ghosts but they are so picky and persistant, at least this one was" Mercy says softly. "Kept appearing and wouldn't listen to me asking for it to go away. It wanted me specifically" she adds looking a little concerned by that. For a woman who was raised by werewolves and is the daughter of Coyote, she's just a little on edge with ghosts. Or one ghost.

Rupert Giles has posed:
He opens the book. 'Native American mythology'. "Ah... and it seems to want your help?" A faintly apologetic shrug. "It's likely that it will keep, um... persisting... until you can get it to tell you what it wants. Evidently it thinks you can help it."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Not quite mythology" Mercy says. She's proof. Mercy looks quietly amused. "So....yes, I know the ghost is persistent. I agreed to help the ghost. That got them to leave me be" she sayss and shakes her head. "I know a thing or two about mythology, however. I've a degree in history so...."

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles chuckles a touch. "Despite the author's bias, it is a reasonably useful text." He shrugs. "My education was somewhat more, ah, hands on. So." Briskly. "What does it want?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks a little amused. "Finding some magic trinket. Something about a magic box. Or the magic box or a box or somethhing. I was rebuilding a transmission at the time so I wasn't paying full attention. But something about a magic box, and go from there" she nods keenly.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"I... see." Giles considers. "Might I... perhaps recommend pinning it down... ah, literally or metaphorically as necessary, and getting it perhaps to be a little less, um... vague?" He picks up the cooling mug, takes a sip, makes a face. "And perhaps paying attention when you do?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Oh sure, you try talking to a ghost while you're up to your elbows in cars. You know how distracting it is when ghosts go right through your pile of stuff thet. And for your information,you can't literally pin down a ghost. Pins go right through them. But if you want to stab yourself be my guest" Mercy says, firing snark right back.

See. Mercy being raised by werewolves has a few perks. "I mean it's all oooh look at me, I'm a ghost, pins do nothing. Now if it's a werewolf and a silver pin, it's all ouch stop you're hurting me. In your case, is it pinning you down with Jane Austen novels and tales of Charlotte Bronte?" Mercy adds. Hey, she went to school, she took history classes

Rupert Giles has posed:
"Perhaps not being up to your elbows in cars then?" Giles counters. "Or at least putting the job on hold when it shows up." He makes a wry grimace. "Never could stand Austen. Or Bronte."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"That's how I keep a roof over my head" Mercy points out. "Okay, Dickens then. I'll pile books and Shakespeare plays on you and pin you down for info. You're not a ghost. you're too well dressed for one. So, I know what the ghost wants. it's mostly fill in the blanks. Which" she says, "Is where I'm stuck however"

Rupert Giles has posed:
Rupert Giles mms. "So what does it want? Apart from something to do with a magic box?" He shrugs. "If this is the one it has in mind, you're one step further down the road." He considers the mug again, decides against it. "If not... well. Also, why you?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head. "Well, it wants something to do with a magic box. See. Ghost came to me. Wanted me specifically. I left my half-brother a voicemail and he said follow your instincts. So here I am" she points out and grumbles.