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Latest revision as of 08:11, 12 May 2020

Mentors and Munchables
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Food Court, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Svetlana Kuznetsov, Mockingbird

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana hasn't been back in the Triskelion long, but she's jumped right back into training with both feet. After working independently as a mercenary, the little Russian girl has returned with a new sense of confidence and perhaps even sharper skills. She's certainly made an impression on even the experienced agents, especially in hand-to-hand.

Dressed in her traditional black, Spetznaz-influenced combat clothes, Lana walks into the food court with a handful of other new agents. "No. See? Is nothing there like brass knuckles." she says to one, holding out both hands and turning them over slowly. "It is not my fault if you cannot take a punch." She's smiling when she says it, and it's a pretty fair bet that none of the new agents know her pedigree.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi Morse. Mockingbird. She's been tagged to mentor Lana. Well then. Mockingbird's taken to this task with curious interest and looks over the new agents, nodding to them. "Who can't take a punch? You need to work on that" Bobbi says and looks serious for a moment. She's not technically 'on duty' so she can goof off. "You want to learn how to take a punch. Tell Director Fury or Agent May to go sleep with a thorny, spiky bush. That's a joke" she adds....before there's a rapid turnover in SHIELD agents.

Spotting Lana, Bobbi nods. "Lana" she says and smiles. "You're the one throwing punches? Good job if so" she adds, studying the food for a moment or two, unsure what to make of the offering. It's food. Bobbi's hungry so she's not too picky. Instead she snags a tray and starts being fussy over what she wants. It's food. But Morse only wants certain foods.

"So" she says. "What've you been up to?"

That's both a question for the new agents, as well as aimed to her protoge.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana pauses, still smiling, with Bobbi's greeting. Although from the way her brows knit she might be one of the ones who doesn't get the joke. Certainly not the sarcasm. May need to work on that. Lana nods, not quite formally. "Agent Morse. Da... Yes, I was the one doing the punching." Stepping into line with the others, her food choices are heavy on the beef and starches and she takes enough food for two. A bottle of water and another of Gatorade finish off the tray.

"We were training hand combat, and I was demonstrating Systema techniques." Giving one of the new agents a coy smile, she adds. "And we have established that I do -not- hit like girl."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi nods. "In other words, you got an excus to punch people and not get in trouble. So" Bobbi nods. Her own tray is more or less similar, just enough food for herself, and water. Bobbi was tempted by coffee, up until it was decaf. Seriously. What?

Looking amused, Bobbi smiles. "Training's good. I was training earlier today working on my acrobatics and working that into fighting. I need to see if the two agents I was sparring with are okay. I know at least one was complaining about a bruised ego" she jokes. "I'm joking Lana. I'm joking. I didn't really hurt the agents" she adds and is debating what on dessert. Bobbi's got a lot of food on her plate, but she works out enough that it's not an issue, however.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana's grin broadens. "In my defense, I think that my fellow-agents were looking forward to beating up little girl." she chides, sparking a flurry of protests from the others as well as a soft laugh. Dessert? Oh, the pie DOES look good.

"Acrobatics and fighting? Together? I like the sound of that." Improvisation is still very, very new to Lana. "I do not try to hurt people in training, but I was never taught to hold back, either." she replies. Leaning in a bit closer to Bobbi, she adds in a lower voice. "Sometimes I try less hard than others. They are nice guys, but they are young. And not as tough as they think."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi laughs. "Oh they picked the right mentor" she nods looking amused. Oh the pie does look good. But. But...

The pie's not her thing currently. So Bobbi nods looking to Svetlana.

"Yes, acrobatiics. Yes. I work it into my fighting style. I fight hand to hand.I could show you at some point. Though" she admits, deciding betweeen two types of cake. Cake. Pie. Same thing to people who don't know what food is. Bobbi though, does and she's weighing up both slices of cake in her mind, the pros and cons.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana beams when Bobbi laughs, the smile making her look every bit her actual age. The two girls linger on their choices, letting the guys pass through the line ahead of them. "I have learned that women are still underestimated, even in this decade." An unusual comment for those who don't know that Lana was raised in the late '40s.

"I was trained to be a soldier, part of the Soviet machine. Agent May showed me very early that my methods are predictable, and a skilled opponent can work around them." She pauses, then, as if this next part is difficult for her. "I have been trying to improvise, but I was not trained to do this."

Mockingbird has posed:
"Underestimated? You've not seen me really fight have you?" Bobbi asks looking amused. Oh she's in her tactical suit, because she got pulled off a mission after getting geared up for it, but the rigs and harnnesses are empty. She needs to change into something more casual, true. But. But, but...

Bobbi looks from her food to the cake to Svetlana again. "That's something we can both work on. I'm fantastic at improvising, so I can teach you my tricks if you'd like" she offers, finally, finaly settling on chocolate cake. Looking back to the tray again, Bobbi makes room on the tray for it, she looks back to Lana.

"You are now SHIELD, now you are part of another machine however" Bobbi says sounding gentle yet serious. "Tell me though, how are you settling in here?"

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
"Underestimated by men, I mean." Lana clarifies. Of course she knows better, herself. "And I would like that; learning from you, I mean. When I first came here I got to know Agent Barnes very well. He was was also part of a Russian experiment, and I met him during my training there."

The two women start towards a table while they continue to talk. "I also met Darcy." Just... Darcy. "We discussed underwear a lot, and I learned what is a 'thong'." She pauses, then adds. "All that it is, how did she say?, 'all about that ass'..."

Okay, so her indoctrination was dubious at best.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi actually snorts. "You met Darcy? God help bohth of you..." she giggles. "Seriously. You two talked about that? Yeah she's fun" Bobbi admits knowingly. Sitting, she goes to take asip of water and all but spits it out laughing. "That ass. Somebody's going to put that on her office door one of these days. I'm calling it now"

Bobbi wouldn't be that cruel....without a reason

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana is starting to poke at her food with a fork, spreading gravy and arranging things. She doesn't pause when Bobbi does the spit-take, offering a wry smile of her own. "I do not think that she would mind very much." she offers. "She is a lot of fun, yes. Darcy also told me many things about... people. Today." The hesitation is noticeable, and then Lana focuses on her food to take a bite.

Mockingbird has posed:
"That's the problem. She'd enjoy it too much." Bobbi offers between forkfuls of food. "Darcy is just a little crazy and a lot of fun" she adds falling quiet to focus on food. And good food, too.

"So" she asks after a drink. "How're you finding the Triskelion? I can give you a map if you need it" she nods and looks pleased at that. Maps of SHIELD hq. Sure, why nott...

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana shrugs at the question about the Triskelion. "It's... nice." she offers, keeping things neutral for the moment. "When I first came to SHIELD, no one trusted me. I was ex-HYDRA agent thawed from frozen place. A 50-year old time bomb waiting to explode. A double-agent. You understand, yes?" Taking a drink, she continues. "But now things are different. I feel different; accepted. Like I will be given a chance, instead of a cell."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi grins. "Oh the apartments here are good. It's honestly better than some in the city. See. I trust you because you check out. You're not somebody I'm worried about" Morse grins looking pleased, more forkfuls of food. "You fit right in. So" Bobbi offers with a smile.

"How'd you get caught up with the new agents?" she asks. "Somebody should have told me you'd arrived. They probably did and it got lost in paperwork. No worries" Bobbi says with a smirk.

Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana looks up and returns the grin, and for just a brief moment she looks like a typical teenager. "Thank you for your trust." she replies. "May I call you Bobbi? You will call me Lana." Another bite or two, then she replies. "I have received apartment key, but I have not moved in yet. Truthfully, I have very little to move; just some clothes." Beat. "And thongs."

"I think my paperwork must be lost, though. Either that or is it still on Director Fury's desk. Who knows? I am here and I have a key to the building."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi nods. "Of course, but I need to get going since I have things to do. So take your food to your apartment. If anyone stops you, tell them I gave you clearance" Bobbi nods. "And listen, any time you need anything my door is open. So" Bobbi says getting up with a smile. "Let's head out?"

With that she's walking. Slowly at first, but then....then it's a steady walk, easy enough for Lana to catch up.