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Latest revision as of 08:25, 12 May 2020

Just Happened By
Date of Scene: 06 February 2020
Location: Salem Center, Westchester County
Synopsis: Carrie and Piotr chat a bit about art.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Carrie Kelley

Colossus has posed:
    Fountains are quiet in the Winter in Westchester. Empty of water for the most part there's still a faint sheen of ice glistens along the contours of the inner stonework and the patterns create a curious spider-web series of cracks that catch the light from the street lamps just so. It's a lovely pattern, interesting with the way nature forms interesting geometric patterns...
    And it is such a thing as this that will grab young Piotr Rasputin's attention.
    He had been walking past and stopped for a time, head tilted to the side as he had carried an armload of packages to the black SUV that the school lets him use.His footsteps faltered and he paused long enough to run a fingertip along the surface of the ice in this curious state of transition. For some reason it caused him to smile.
    Caused him to smile and head off to the vehicle to retrieve his sketchbook and a small pencil that he takes with him back there to that fountain in the town square. Back to where he sits on the edge of that fountain and begins the laborious process of trying to capture that image with his attempt at art.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It's not often one finds someone sketching a fountain in New York. At least not in Winter time perhaps. It's an odd enough a sight that it causes Carrie to pause as she'd been heading down the sidewalk on a mission of her own bearing a bag with a label from a clothing store not far off. While not her favorite thing to do, she often found a good selection at the stores here and it was a chance to get out of Gotham for a bit. It only takes a second of glancing Piotr's way for the overly tall Russian to be recognized as well.

Changing the course of her path to angle toward the fountain and it's current resident artist she greets him with a cheery, "Privyet, Piotr! I didn't expect to run into any familiar faces today." Of course only the greeting is in Russian--Let's not make her poor accent murder the language further.

Colossus has posed:
    There's that first furrow to his brow easily seen as he turns his head. He's seated there on the lip of the fountain, leaning close enough right there to get a curious angle on the spider-web cracks of the ice, and it's reflected in the small etching he's made so far. Then his blue eyes fall upon her and he hears the cheerful greeting and his eyebrows life.
    "Privyet... Carrie." A moment of recollection? Perhaps.
    He turns and sets the sketch pad aside with the pencil atop it, meeting her approach with a smile. "You are Anna-Marie's friend, yes?" He asks and then clearly recalls as he adds, "The brave one who faced her in the dreaded mud pit?" His lips twist, amused.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley cringes just a little with a good natured grin as apparently that was to be her method of recognition. "Not my most shining moment, but yes that was me. I'm Kitty's friend too," she adds with a little chuckle. "But it was fun, and for a good cause. The mud pit I mean. That was a great idea for her to use it as a fundraiser event. Very original and not as boring as some I've been to in the past." Thankfully.

A bit curious she glances at what he was staring at before looking to his sketchpad trying not to seem as if she's outright TRYING to look. Even if she is. "Sorry to interrupt your sketching. That's really good."

Colossus has posed:
    "Well," Piotr nods slowly, that dour looking Russian seeming to weight the matter heavily as if it were one of the great issues of our time. One could almost imagine him with a goatee and spectacles pondering life's indecipherables. And then he offers this insight. "I would argue it could have been both better and/or worse. It could have been oil wrestling. Or jello, da?"
    That said he shakes his head with a smile, then pulls his sketchpad over onto his lap and slips it to the other side so she can have a place to sit. "You are kind to say as much, but I was just struck with the..." He gestures at the fountain, two fingers uncurling as he perhaps searches for the right words, "The pattern. I thought I would try to capture it, then perhaps paint it when my mood suits."
    Then he shifts a little, "Please, have a seat. If you are to be staying. Join me, do."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You paint?" There's a hint of surprise to that particular knowledge though it does earn a smile. "A friend of mine does too. He says it's calming for him. Do you mostly do landscapes, or...?" Realizing she's perhaps getting ahead of herself she catches herself from prodding further with the questions. At least until he moves to make room for her to join him. A single nod is given along with a flashed smile.

"Thank you." Practically flopping down onto the edge of the fountain the bag she carries is dropped down onto the ground between her feet out of habit. You didn't just leave a bag open where someone might grab it in a city like this.

Once seated she looks at the fountain toward the patterns he mentioned with a thoughtful expression. "Nothing wrong with being struck with inspiration. I've had my moments in the theater when finishing up the stage layout at times."

Colossus has posed:
    "It can be almost anything, but at times I feel like it must be addressed in that moment. To do otherwise is to not offer due respect to your muse. Whatever it is." Piotr nods to himself as he relates this though once he says his piece he nods at her earlier question. "But yes, I do. And..."
    His eyes slip to the side, then back as a group of people walk past. He lowers his voice slightly, perhaps sub-consciously not entirely wanting to share these words with others too easily. "I do not have a preference or even a... specialty?"
    Piotr pushes a hand through his hair and looks thoughtful, then looks back to her. "It all depends on my mood."